HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-11-16, Page 6King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Pay Visit to South Africa 1 -louse A same familiar Lo hundreds of thousands of Canadians is that of Her Majesty, the Queen, seen here with the, King as they paid a visit to South Africa House in London. On the same round of visits they also stopped at New Zealand House and Canada House. Both the King and Queen have been active in taking a personal interest in the empire's war measures since the outbreak of hostilities. What Science Is Dom * HELPS TRANSPLANT ORGANS It has now been found that the drug heparin by keeping blood fluid and preventing clots, has made possible an operation in- volving the cutting away of a section of artery, and substituting M the gap a section of vein—an operation which previously had been dangerous because of blood clots. Moreover, the effectiveness of the substance now establishes "the tremendous possibility" of trans- planting organs from one part of an animal's body to another for physiological study: —0 - IMPROVES ADDISON'S DISEASE Striking evidence that a new synthetic hormone causes remark- able improvement in persons hav- ing Addison's Disease, a disorder of the adrenal gland, usually fa- tal, atal, is reported. Hope of finding an effective treatment for the adrenal insuffici- ency was aroused when research workers isolated crystalline sub- stances from the adrenal gland and then, about two years ago, made the synthetic product. It has the chemical name "esters of des- oxycorticosterone." No Need To RUB AND SCRUB USE a solution* of Gillett's Pure Flake Lye to take the grease off pots and pans. Use it to keep clogged drains running freely. It cuts through heavy dirt of any kind . . , just Washes it away! • '+Never dissolve be in hot water. 7'he action of the lye itself heats the water. FREE BOOKLET — The Gillett's Lye Booklet talcs how this powerful cleanser clears clogged drains .. keeps out- houses clean and odorless by destroying the contents of the closet ... how it performs dozens of tasks. Send for t free copy to Standard Sanaa Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty Street,, Toronto, Ont. Canadian National Railway Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 10 -day period ending October 31, 1939, were $6,852,075 as compared with $6,- 522,880 for the corresponding period of 1938, an increase of $329,195 or 5.05%. General Gamelin, the supreme n ilitary commander of the French forces, is only' five feet four in- ches in height. In his forty-five years of military service, he has done duty on four continents. Rave You Heard ■ Hitler died, and went below. Satan answered his knock, told him to wait a minute, went away, and returned with a box of mat- ches and a bundle of firewood. He gave both to Hitler, with the remark: "Listen, Adolf, there's a limit to what even we can stand. Take these and start a Hell of your own." —o— Teacher: "What makes you so late this morning?" Pu- pil: "You see, sir, there ars seven in our family." Teach- er: "Well?" Pupil: "And the alarm was set for eight?' —0— A recruit wearing size 14 shoes enlisted in the army. Qne day the officer missed hien. Officer: "Has anyone seen that recruit?" Voice from Rear: "Yes, sir, he has gone to the cross-roads to turn around." —0— Then there was the atlas publisher who pulled a boner in his map of Europe and waited for it to come true. —0— A theatre in a small American town had a burglar alarm fitted in the box office. You just had to press a pedal on the floor, and a bell rang at police headquarters. Two days after it was install- ed, a gangster poked his gun through the box office window, and demanded the cash, The girl pressed her foot on the pedal, stalled a bit, then began to hand over the money. ;.At this point the 'phone rang. The gangster grabbed the receiv- er. "What 'is, it?" he asked. "This is the police station, darn you," said an angry voice. "Say, do you know you've got your foot, on the pedal ,and we can't hear ourselves talk because of that blooming alarm bell"!"' —0— "Come, come, my man, you have been looking around for a long time without buying. What do you want?" "Guess .1 want another floor -walker," said the man addressed. "I'm the owner." 1 Modern Etiquette ' BY ROBERTA LEE 1. -When a young man meets a girl who lives in another city, and would like to further the ac- quaintance' by correspondence, may he ask her to write to hiin? 2.—When a hostess asks, a guest to take another -helping of some dish, isn't it all right to say, "I couldn't possibly eat another bite"? 3.—Isn't it poor taste to speak frequently of the cost of various things, clothes, food, etc.? 4.—When a woman invites an- other woman for luncheon in n public place, who should give the order? 5.—Isn't it nice for a person engaged in any kind of sport or game to praise his opponent when the latter makes an' exceptional,.,':- ;. good play? 6.—Is a woman's second wed- ding as elaborate as her first? Answers 1.—Yes, if he is conceited enough to think she will embrace such a wonderful opportunity. Otherwise, he can tell her that he would like to write to her, and if he possesses the least intuition he, can tell whether or not she seems pleased with the idea. 2.—No. Merely say, "No, thank you." Such expressions as "I am already too full," or "I feel as though I would never want to eat again," are not good form. 3.—Yes; itis very poor taste -to do so. 4.— The guest should give her order to her hostess and the latter gives both orders to the waiter.. - This same rule applies when a girl is dining with a man. 5.—Yes.A good sportsinan twill be quick to>' do so, and it is'. a sure way to be- come popular. • 6:. -=No. The spe- cific arrangements vary^.according to the age of the bride find the at- , titude of 'family and friends to- ward the second marriage., How Can I ? BY ANNE ASHI EY Q.—How can I mix a good skin tonic? A, --Mix 3 pint alcohol, 2 oz, spirits of camphor, 2 oz. spirits of ammonia, 5 oz. sea salt. Add enough boiling water to make 1 quart. Put into a bottle and shake until the salt is dissolved. Always shake well before using. Rub with this tonic after the bath. It great- ly aids in banishing fatigue. Q.—How can I clear water that has a milky appearance? A.—It can be quickly cleared by dissolving a small piece of rock alum in a pint of boiling water and using this much to a tub of water. Q.—How can I prevent the in- side of the silver-plated lids of my mustard and horseradish pots from turning green? A. --:Coat them with a thin lay- er of paraffin. Q. -How can I prepare a. soup that isn't too greasy? A.—If a large lettuce leaf is put into the soup, it will insure a greaseless soup. • Put in the leaf when about ready to be taken from the stove, and remove it be- fore you serve. You will find that nearly all the excess grease will collect on the lettuce leaf. Q.—How can I make putty? A.—Mix linseed oil with sifted whiting to the proper consistency. • Relieve cratchnn�vo Mn rt Tor quick relief from itching of edema, pimples, stns lote, foot, codes scabies, ruhes and ethor externally onward skin troubles use warid-famous, cooling, ante septio, liquid D. D. C. Presoription, Greeselesi, µ etainieu. ootbco irritation end quickly stone intones itching. 3 , trial bottle proven it, or money beak.kik your de:eget today for MP. D. PRESCRIPTION. Huge Bull Elk: Sent Back Home Students of Cohingw'ood 'Colle- giate are talking about a great new line plunger who wasn't eli- gible for their football team. The - high school boys turned out re- cently to assist Provincial Con- stable . A., BoWe in the' capture of a huge bull elk, roamingin the district. The students formed a horseshoe barrier; but several times the elk lowered his antlers and plunged through. Finally,. the youths held the line and the., elk was captured. Later, when he was being tied and loaded abdard 'atruck• 'for shipment back to the Bruce pen- insula game preserve, 100, miles northvg st, he attacked Rowe, tossed ani''from the truck with • his sailers,, The constable 'receiv- ed only ,slight injuries. "WORTH COMING DAWN FOR!`•. Talk about a grand, cool smoke! You can't beat fragrant Dixie Plug —and you cut each pipeful fresh when you want. it. IrtAr Prior to the Nazi regime there were several Boy Scout organiza- tions in Germany. With the ad - 'vent of Hitler all were suppressed, and the only youth movement per- mitted was the Hitler Jugend, the .junior branch of the Nazi party, and entirely political and militar- istic in character. 1 One of the teachers ilia: Rouyn school recently urged all the boys, of her -classes to become Boy scouts or Wolf Cubs, stating that a good majority' of her top-rank- ing pupils were members either of the Rouyn Wolf Cub Pack or Boy Scout Troop. Saving Timber SCOUTING Patriotic Duty Five hundred boys -trained un- der him in Scouting was the num- ber credited to Scoutmaster C. F. Kempton, of the 1st Moose Jaw, Sask., Boy Scout Troop, at a fare well banquet prior to his depart- ure from the city. His accom- plishments included the building and paying for all material of a fine. large troop headquarters by the boys and leaders and members of Group Committee and Ladies' Auxiliary, and the operation at Christmas for many years • of a &out Toy Repair Shop that car- ried Christmas happiness to many prairie kiddies. Demonstrations of bandaging for fractures, the carrying of un- conscious persons and other first aid work were given by Boy Scouts of the lst St. Mary's Troop before the. local Women's `Insti- tute. Premier King ?leads For Safe- guarding Forests of Dolnin- ion., Safeguarding of forest resources becomes in time of war "a form of patriotism which no nation or peo- ple can afford to neglect," Prime Minister King has said. in a state- ment made through the Canadian Porestry Association. One of Most Valuable Resources , "The forestry wealth of Canada ranks among the cost, valuable of all our natural resources,' Mr. Mac- kenzie King said. "The effective conservation of this forest wealth has long been a matter of pu'Jiic policy. Now, more' than ever be- fore, it should equally be a matter of public pride:' All CanContribute. "Clearly, it is our duty to see that our forest slopes are not rash- ly denuded, or carelessly desrtoyed by fire, and that depleted areas are replanted. "The safeguarding of .forest re- sources, adequate -+ the country's needs, is the service towards • which all can contribute." Sero'ea portable fireplace that reo-ulrea no inetaation.of dean, healthful ah at. Several rcoal aoiill and Law - lino models, SEE YOUR DEALER or write to W ree details 1 THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO. LTD. Dept. W0409, TORONTO, ONT. (9409) classified Advertisments___ AV5L'(TS WANTED MEN AND . WOMEN! NEW INVEN- tion sells like wild fire: Start business- of your own in spare time. Send stamp to Economy Distributing Company, Leaming- ton Ontario: HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Sell Special Christmas Club offers to. popular Canadian and Ameri- can Magazines as local represen- tative. Pleasant, interesting, pro- fitable. Write today. Canadian 'Periodicals, 295 Grace St., Toron- to, Ont. • ARTICLES FOR SALE �� ....._. • ' makes shaving so very, very easy. Just plug it in and run the shaver over your face. That's all — no soap, water, brush or blades. we suggest you try it. Over a million were sold last year, Original price $10. Guaranteed one year. Post - Paid. Agents wanted. Bell Sales Co.,Cute 1 0 hous, P 131dg., "Montreal, Quebec.... - FARM POO SALE 21 and Tag's, 90c. 36 CARDS, Safety Razor and style tit' pencil, 75e. Postpaid. Moneyback Guaranteed, Reed Sales Reg''d. Box P.O. 313, Montreal, .Quebec. ARE YUU IN .MISERY? WHLTE' OINTMENT — A NEW quick relief from irritating Piles, Highly recommended. -Money back ,.•1f not satisfactory. 75 cents a jar. White Manufacturing Company, Box 169, Toronto, Ontario. ituOleS ART, ,UNUSUAL BOOKS; SEND A dime for catalogue (refund first order). Roddy's, 355A Yonge, St., Toronto. ' CLOTHING A21D. FVRNI'1'URn', WE G'U,ARANTEliI 100 PER GENT. fit and satisfaction in latest style clothing (slightly used). 'Gentle -, men's. suits , or overcoats, regular: • to $60.00.' •speelal $6.00 to $12.00. .Ladies' Winter Coats, $4.00 to $7. Postpaid. State measurements, colours, style. Send money -order. • Also write for bargain price lists of reconditioned used furniture. Ruskin & Company, Teterboro, Ontario. y. El) U(:A'('IONAI 'STUDENTS NOW ihNxt)LL1'Nta PCS , Courses in Matriculation Short Story, Journalism, Advertising,' Shorthand and Speech Culture.,: Make use or your spare time. Write today. Canadian Correspon- ,denceoCollle�ge (est blished 1902), 2 to ELECTRIC' SHAVER. *JAYS , • THIS IS THE NEW EL,EC7;RIC Ver You• ve read about, •'that issue No. 46-- '39 �. -- — NiNETY. ACRES PRODUCTIVE clay loam adjoining village, good building's, spring watered, two thousand cash, balance 4 per oent. William Pearco, lu"xete�r, volt SA1.14 SL,ICl ig D4 AC II �NES, York and nerrigeratere, Wilier 1 elvinutur ice machines, store e eafes., i:ountere rand Latin - dry equipment. her. 1,euelt, A. & P 'oodiiti tores,arl 5 t'aughtee Ave,, tLaiu,Y Ai'I'LE 'i'LUU.L+'S HARDY APPLE TREES 50 CTS. each, Canada's Lowest Priced Nur- sery, growing leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornamentals, Write immediately requesting sensation- al offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia- gara-on-the-Laker ia- gara-on-tha-Lake1 Ontario. MACHI111ERY , WADE PORTABLE 'DRAG SAWS— Delta Woodworking tools — elec- tric motors. Belting and shop sup- plles• of every description. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd., G4' Front St. W., Toronto. MACI3INERY FOR SALE 17 FALL BEARING DOUBLE HEAD grain grinder, 1927 White 24 H.P. Steam tractionengine — C. A. Holgate, Cannifton, Ontario. a1aHJ1C AL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE—WRITE fop free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly ' successful hyblood treatment. Pedigreed Products, Saskatoon, . Sask. Oir 1+'aiIt TO LN V EN'i'UitS AN Oit'Fillkt TO EVERY INVENTOR List of •inventions and full infor- mation sent free, The Ramsay Co. -• Registered, Patent Attorneys, 27? • Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL QUIT TI113ACUU. SNUFF, EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed, Advice tree. Bartlett"s, 13es 1, Winnipeg. STOP 1-iHEUMATLSM. THOMAS' Rheumatism Remedy permanent- ly removes rheumatic poisons. Medically endorsedits quick ac- tion is positive. Generous half- month's treatment 22.00, prepaid. Satisfactory or money back. Lit- erature, Testimonials; free. Thorn. Rheumatism Remedy, 21 Yale St., N., London, Ontario. ltAIIIDTS•• 1001t SALE • • RABBITS, ANGORAS, " CHINCHIL las, Flemish, New Zealands, Sliver Vox; bred, , from Canada's finest. Won 73, prizes= at Ottawa. State your requirements. Guy D. Mar-. tin, 391 Slater .St Ottawa. Ont• RADIO SUI'i!Lx,>REPAIRS • !BOOSTER volt BATTEPItS AND: Electric Radio. Impeor'e reception 200 per cent., Increase power, 1,000 per cent., helps eliminate in- terfering stations. Reduce batter- ies' consumption. Satisfaction guaranteed. $i.00 postpaid; Swell- ney Radio •Booster, Highgate Saskatchewan, • SEWING MACHINES •MI IUP1'LIES PARTS AND REPAIRS, ANY make, write for prices oe new or reconditioned machines, $0 years' experience — A. Gilbert, 348 Yonge Street, ,Toronto. SKATING' OUTFITS SKATING OUTFITS SLIGIITL'Y used, $1.75, $2.25, ,$2.65, New high quality, $2.39, $3.25,:$4.25, Plus 315n Destago. Peerless, 191 DundasorontW.,' STOSLAUD TROUBLE 13 -C -M STOMACH CORRECTIVE • gives prompt relief and comfort to sufferers from Acid Indigestion, Heartburn, -Gastritis, Sour Stom- ach, etc, A trial will convince you. Twelve ounce package $2,50 post- paid direct from"the manufactur- er, H. J. WoodleyrP.O. Box 904, Vancouver, B.C. WATCH REPAIRS WATUiik15 CLEANED OR MAIN - spring, 75 cents, other work II necessary at reasonable prices, Kling's Jewellers', 401 Yonge St., Toronto. USED TINES FOR SALE GOOD USE L) TIRES, .ALL SIZS•. . Lowest prices. inquiries invited Brockton Tire, 1611 Dundas West, Toronto. LYONS Trade -In' Store 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO NOVEMBER SPECIALS 18 nono 8 piece solid teat dining ronin suite, buffet,' table 9 piece solid oak dining.' and 6 leather seat chairs. • 45C .00 suite; .perfect condition, buffet, extension table, china cabin- et and 6 loather upholstered'chdirs. w, 69 00 Beautiful 9 piece dining suite, in _two-tone walnut. finish, buffet, table, chine. cabinet • and 6 Leather seat chairs, (cpst new' • approzeim3dely $195.), l ' S'mast 3 piece brown -mohair 1�� 5O chesterfield suite, thorough- ly clean, reversible Marsall :sprang cushions, 7.5o Brown. repp chesterfield anti chair to match. Figured reversible Marshall spring cushions,, reconditioned.' ' 2350 Lovely blue velo,tir chestor- • fielil sinter/3. Pieces; , conn- pletely reconditioned. Ae O Beautiful large brown silk iQ-:xno air chesterfield suite,* (cost new 42'25.); le' perfyect cohdt tion. Reversible Matelot:Il' spring, 'c • cushions, full webb construction. 8.04 Large walnut finish dresser wit! SinimBns''walnut'fi91i's1) ';., bed, complete with sagless sparing and new mattress. 39.00 Modern bedroom smite , au ;. two-tone ' Walnut finish,.: Venetian mirl'prs, full size bed, chiffonier and d'•r'esser.. ' ,, , Oom let's ixiodern; bedrobtia` 49 00' Suite dsses' Suite,. with Veite tiara m(rror,.chiffonier,,fuli size bed, sagl'ess Spring and"noid rhtittrese. Completely. 55ref,inishe(t .Oo Large 'bedroom 5di e, iiwi It maple.,overlay .dresppe chit- { gni er, hitfonier, vanity,' full size li'vi'd;'sagresi miring and neW'mitttrees, cerenlete-, ly refinished. Large assortment. ''reconditioned•,.,; stoves, kitchen cabinets, breakfast suites, dressers, beds, bookcase; rugs, at ridiculously low prices. All merchandise completely recondition- ed, guaranteed thoroughly clean, end sold with our money back guar- antee of satisfaction. -LYONS , FURNITURE CO, Trade' In Department 478 YONGE 8T. TORONTO