HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-11-16, Page 4AG'N FOUR
1,4 1,22 lyfeata
strong and trustworthy, through 122
years of Canada's history, the Bank of
Montreal has cosltiibuted much to this
country's financial security.
To the individual depositor the Bank has
meant complete safeteefor personal savings.
To the farmer it has been a strong,
useful ally and a reliable counsel on. con-
ditions. To industry it.has been a source
• of financial power Sendai help in avoiding
• unwarranted speculation. For Government
—national, provincial and local—a depend.
:able financial collaborator.
:A11 Canadians, whatever their station in
lIife, working for a greater and still greater
Canada, know they can place full confi-
(dence in an institution which has never
;changed in character, yet has constantly
modernized its services. In 1817 we pier
:neared along sound, helpful lines. The
year 1939 finds us still pioneering along
steund, helpful sines.
Zuri h Branch: E. M. D ::GG, Manager
MODERN, aXPERIENCED BANKING •SERVICE.._..,ihe outcome of 122 years' successful operation'
:ash Disposal Sale
(Cash •offers l i} be received ,Merril reeold for the lands Hided
below. Some of there are work 1antle, ,ethers are pasture llani1e,
while ;still others }mere varying amo mate cif 'i eel timber.
If your offer beseecepted, you wiillt,betnotified at once teemed
to fhe Canada Compapy the price so coffer, within a week <aSter
acceptance. The dead ,eof the land sal ' 1 e efsorwarded to the lime
chaser by registered ;rttsg7,1 as soon as the cw J', is received. "Mares
will he paid to. 31st lioernber, 1939.
These lands Will'•be,„,wld at reasouablneMiees for cash. hoser•-
ested ;persons must lodk t't`hem over for Ythemse)ltes. All offers must
be made on the ,Cancra trampany's regulexr fggetn of offer, which
gives :tittle conditions. 'Witte for this form).
Con. Lot Acres Con. Lot Acnes
6 E ii 6 7,5 8 l ; ;, 22)
6 B% 8 715 8 W% 23) 103
6 WU_ 8) 8 E?a 21)
9) 125 8T”. e22”
7 7 100 8 E% 23) 150
7 11 100 8 ,,hF,j',24)
7 .12 100 8 ''•^gssp 150
7 13 100 13 E.pt Si -7r)
7 N% .17) E. 2-3, *7?',f 1.)
7 Rem. Sid ,5% 18 74 •13• E.2-3, §116 ;8.) • 105
8 13 100 ' vrth Boundary
8 EM ,1!5 • 50 1€i
i - E./, E .1113'kl 25
R :__
371 ;Bay Street, TorplOO, Ontario
3rci: November, 1,989:
Mr'- Louis Forrest and sister: Miss
1VIary Forrest are visiting With fri-
*nds hi Marlette, Mich:
11Ir'%�ltussel Consitt and Mr. Ralph
'Turn ve
ar,, e purchased a new �'atrdn�
Mr..aind Mrs. Chas Robinson vis-
:iced over the week -end with' f,ilen44,
an London.
Mr. and Mrsr. Wm Davidson were.
visited quer the week -end bq s AVMrt
land Mrs.»Geo. Davidson and Mr. and
Airs. Dtvkd Davidson
and 'baby Dax
ton of Stratford and Miss Georgena
Seiler of:'Monkton.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Perce Johnston and
'Mrs, Elmore .f,itephen on spent Sun- :
lIay with Mr.. and libel. )+": asi r i Ie-
Farla.n and family „el Ailsa Craig.
Bruce McClinchey, I)Tnmre Steph-
nsion and Jack Scotchtnele are on a
llt er`Il
antro tr'
g r 'o the Ii�Ii . P
neat 5 r•tli;s wt,41 C, 1 . ,..:Il
e en-
Mr, 'E'. il• ;Lowden .of niton doll-
ed on :f ends in this eliceill t.y* ,on
Tuesdsy. •
Mr. Wen. ,Palmer and ciatighteie
Mise. Rosie Hamilton vigudteni 'tile
'W. Reid mod , oily of Verne' ge `We-
Nisi:ate e . ai ,c;,-1ee (+seer
Mr. and Mrs rev' t k the
.,.a.^x��t- S elc of
�4fih• CSf,lit;.y y�spotl�.•�•��h' .days in To>. -1
;• lVxr,. ante' 11 o t. �11i in Sanson of
Pet n .- visited g at home of
Mrs. J, A. Manson and (angry.
TTrh:e :tfenesal of the lata Jdr}in Erb
of the. ` Benson liner'' bulh;,,,.ww held I
on iVlonday:
Mr. and Dirs. Lloyd •IVIa13xide of
Wiridsor visiteel with his parents, Mx
and Mrs. Soret, ,McBride I
firs, Fool I.1ey AeiSitedlier.sister an41
danghtev in Michigan,
't -''se W. M. S. is being held this
Wednesday, afternoon in the Blake
Church, Airs. MitOu gt?' s seitgup pry,
lt:tring the program,
St. Joseiph and Beaver Town?
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus Stansberry
and two boys of Detroit spent thI
week -end with the latter's parents.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beavertown
left on Friday last to spend the
winter in Windsor.
Mr. Edward Laporte of', St. Clair
Mich., and Miss Sarah Denomne of
Port Huron, spent a. few ..days ; in
St. Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon -Jeffrey Jr. of
Blake were Beaver Town visitors on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Pierre Masse and daughter
Charlotte of Detroit were .guests to
Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte of Pointe
Aux Bouleau.
'Mr. Leon Jeffrey Sr., of Beaver
Town is on the sick list and is con-
fined to his bed. Mr. Eddie Bris-
son of the same burg . is also a pat-
ient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, while MYlr. N. M. Cantin of St.
,;Taseph is also confined to hrs home.
'Me hope speedy recovery to our old smith; three sons, Garnet of Egmon-
•itme citizens. dville; Edgar and Beverley at home.
Nap. Oantin <Tn spent the week- Two • brothers, John of the Goshen
11 with his parents. Line and 'George, who resides with
Miss Jean Bedard who has spent
tG1re 'last three months in Tilbury has
,returned to her home on tee Blue
~;'W etfrr north.
Mr. and •1VIrt. Denis Charrette of
.,the ) li3Jue Water south and Master
lieu' -Pierre Ducharme left on Sunday
4100ttio spend a week, in Detroit.
env. m. .Jennison a of the . Blue
Walker eolith is 'having. his buildings
Having been appointed .a.dminise.
tratoa' of the estate .of the late Peter"
iV[eisaae, it is desired that all eer-
sons owing the estate will settle at
gnee. Books are in my possession.
T. Harry Hoffman,
Dashwood,, Ont:.
From Lot 14, Con. 6, Hay Towne
ship, 4 cattle _missing, all 2 -yr. -aids:.
Finder kindly notify Jaynes Green,
Exeter, Ont.
A limited number of small pigs for
quick :sale, Apply to Chas. Rau,
north of Drysdale.
" .... -„-...1111_„,,
Re: PETER McISAAC late of the
Village of Dashwood in the =ic'nnan-
ty of Huron, Undertaker, oeceased.
claims against the estate of the said
deceased are required to send full
particulars' of such claims . duly veri-
fied to the undersigned on or beforre
the 20th day of November, 1939 after
which date the Administrator will
proceed to distribute the assets bf the
said estate,having regard ,only to
the claims of which notice has been
received. --
pated this 31st- day of, October;
T. Harry Hoffman, Administrator,
Dashwood, Ontario,.
Denomme con. 12, Stephen Twp. A
chimney fire was held responsiblefox
the outbreak; first noticed by Mr.
Denonime and his son Z eroanes w;lio)
were plowing in a near by fie'l'd:. The.
Dashwood firemen answered the call
while help was also sent by Crediton:
Work of the firemen together with
the rain, helped save the main build-
On* Monday evening, November. 6;
a meeting was held in the Goshen Un-
ited church fon the purpose of reor-
ganizing the Young People's Union of
Varna circuit. After the opening de-
votional exercises Rev. Mr. Peters
took charge of the election of offic=
ers, which -resulted as follows: Hon-
orary President, Rev. J. R. Peters;
President, Mr. Elgin McKinley; Vice
president, Noreen Robinson; Secy.:;
Dorothy Peck; Treas., Douglas Rob-
inson; Christian Fellowship, convenor
Mrs. Eruce McClinchey; Miss. conv-
enor, Mrs.. Ehnore Stephenson, Cit-
izenship convenor, Harvey Keys; Lit-
,erary-convenor Mary Huether; Social
.. thorn ttee, • Mrs. 'Allen Armstrong,
Julene Stephenson, Perce Zohnstorr;
Recreation com., Norene Robinspn,
Dorothy --Armstrong, Mrs. Elmore
McBride, Harvey Hayter, Clare Mc-
Bride; Organists, Margaret Lamont,
Mrs. George:: Anderson; Rev. Mr.
Peters then• Pronounced the benedict-
ion which brought the meeting to a
Late James McClinchey
There passed away at his home at
Hensall, James McClinchey in his 72
year following an illness of about
two weeks. The deceased was born on
the Goshen Line, Stanley, where he
farmed all his life until movrng to
Hensall,three years ago. He was un-
ited in marriage 32 years ago to his
widow who survives with two dau-
ghters, (Irene) Mrs. M. Jinks, Hen -
sail, and (Lolus) Mrs. Tinney, Sex
eld ei. dro •
-. - 1111..-•!��••-- --� ,
°•Miva?vItY 1,1401rl•e.;of Fclrt' Frn;spent
the wite.leeenti worth his parenta.
Mies ropper ,:spent. the wec;pnd
with' bliiv edIle tai Mt. Pleasant
Miss Zeta Fa. syid is -,visiting with
her sister fru 1T.ngRe' 11 at' presente
Mrs, leoleesel swho',spent a few :tae -
him and .a sister, Mrs. Ed. Johnston,
Hallett and ten grandchildren. The
funeral • was held from the late resi-
dence was conducted by Rev. It. A.
Rook of the United Church. Mrs.
Hedden, : Miss Bella :Smale, Miss G.
Iammie and. Rev. ''Brook 'sang two
hymns, "Take My Life and Let it Be'
Slid 'SSa fe in the Arms of • Jesus."The
floral'..tribates were ver beautiful
lnttenmoot was made iris ithe' Bayfield
Cemetery. The :friends: Mid relatives'
from as distance, attending' the funer-':
al were Mrs. F. Grayson and Sons
liarey. and) Fred; Mrs., Pete Zettel and
London also • a large number .from
•Oil, .h, HOW* ,Hayfield awl Zurich.
M?ra. T. Palmer who has been con-
eks• with r spt4iil,ll$ St,. Thoirlas,Gere, fined to lb.er io+,pe for' 'the' Pest week
tuned an y: tvit@h
limed ret,Ogle, is,• ptlirgVi t .r;. •
Mr. Hoppa of E?*tigatt `silent the 'ilkobt.Higgins ofk,Eset .f, is
week -end ,wittily 111x ; ibeer;.:Rev. ='Ii. if',i ,Witt tfirikeni[S iheres'iecently.
Roppel. • t.,�'' ., , �.:. v•, 11450,41.-11,:iOIIneteatl LOA -
;!M{ ss Kathleen ' e,tr chi' eanterta�ined ,t'C,tlalgt;;,vgrrR l,�lisit r"s .,v }�i a . 'fro
;i mit 'ber of here 'i '�` : u> a 'an � i gai s .aPikinson:
1111 � �.. sd y . �_ 1111
eek g• 3.6.400Ruth' ' tzlioi+vi 'of
award Klutgpp �telit_r spent :akar a +Wosx3tvpvArs. Alex. Bi'i-
end with. lk4� Per �i"a cirnan1 Sill riv•_ti.•y.!" Vii: ltetben Goetzip ria;lags. veek` lralle anieryent anQperat
its'c�vd�'ich. ,�tr«inn forapj��lIts
afort7i hose`
"irtiell'.>;Zrm. will be irt,Veifhwood: 'v- pita). , .•
angelical ;church ,on ' emeday erre 1V1'ses•4.V olet'•Witlis and friend of
Nov., i at e p.m. •This` ig ilia only ori- MariE tte, Mich., ,were visitors with
por'.UF ►iity to ,see such a•• prog1t'e•rr of 1VMr. artid'',Mrs: Alfred Tayiote
unn'suael interest given irilernet1 n.;1,iC- Mrs. Rvth•.Paisley of Toronto was
tures and colored pictures. Be da nota ,visitor -gt th her mother, Mrs. E
miss' this rare oftreat, Reteic who ,was ill.
Stuart Wolfe fhgo has been erii l0 11M•legi'rlorer-ce Welsch was 'Tie g:.esl
ed iri the Dnshwrooel Planingfor riand.:ylfss Verna Morgan, of
mill of h. r 1111, t
tevt.rail years left en Monday to take London. bride -elect of this month
tt snosition in F rt '%9n. where his incl wheel there re tended a p:-rty at
brc'ir Murray also lies a iiositian, the llig'hlralict . *orf ^luh in bonder of
•. 1111• t.
, -,
1. r s �`
r( o etl.• 7 -
fl. S' a largetooter,
jik n till"'
-nneed afloat $560 damilni to the 1V s Herman ti; -'lined loft S'i nday
rftj}. pgrtio:i of thu fsrv;s Cr'l ?wit fat` :k~izoi1A, e"Ihe re ' '• v,a sp-
11 you haven't
you are missing something
• Your favourite dealer can get you a, variety -:of
Dried or Pidd, Pick,Canadien1ish,the fiavourofrwhich
is as tasty and as perfect as .though vola had: caught
them yourself and promptly popped therm iitito•the
Pap -
They can
ap-They.;can be served in •various appetizing, ways....
Dried Fish such as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and
Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel-
andAlewives can be brought to your table as, new
dishes ... that the family will like.
&ia a Canadian Fish moreoften.. Make'AnyTDay A
FishiDay' . Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled
Nishfor you no matter how far yoii'iive from open
water with every bit of its goodness retained
for yew And, by the way _ 11.. .find it pleasingly
1 »i
Department of Fishct5j.
Please send me efeeeireee 52 Booklet '100
TemptingFish Fcteeee ee 101:14elightful
and:economical F,sh
Address: CW -i9
end part of the winter mons en the! AUCTION 'SALE
interests of her health_ She wilt be
accompanied by Mrs. L. Simpson,wlio
Chas been visiting members of her
ifareily in Detroit.
Jas: A. Paterson, Orville TwittcheT1
:John, Shepherd and Geo. T. Wren
;enjoyed a fishing expedition, to• hien-
ford' recently.
Miss Florence Welsh. will' be the
soloist at the Wiggins -Morgan wed-
ding which• will' take- place on
urday, Nov. 18-th, at the Meeropoire
an Church; Londbn: She wfil sing
"Because." Included among- the Fong
Iist of guests= are' M. and Mrs.. Elle
Unfortunate Accident:
Fred Beer met with an unfortunate
accident in his garage. His car was
in gear when lie cranked it, with tihe
result that it jumped forward and
crushed him against the wall, frac-
turing one leg• and ire fining the
other. Mr: Beer wast al war veteran,
and was taken to Westminster Hos-
ospital, London.
Dinah. Hospital
Daniel 14tsNaugiiton, who has been
in Scott Memorial Hospital for the
Of Dwelling and :Household Effects at
Zurich, on
At 1.00 o'cock, p.m.
Property consists of 11/ story
frame house with kitchen attached,
3 -wire Hydro, soft and hard water,
there are some bathroom axeures itn
house. Fruit trees, 2 lots, large double
story garage,, small barn for hens
and gaga. Terms -10%' on 'day of
sale, balance in 30 days if not pre-
viously sold. Will be offered subject
to a reserved bid.
Other Articles—Cooking Utensils,
quantity of dishes, kitchen extension
table, 6 kitchen chairs, electric stove
with annex, small tables, electric iron
electric toaster, electric wasfrmg ma-
chine almost new, paper racks, 11- coal
scuttle, 3 pieces of Linoleum, dining
room extension table, 10 dining room
.chairs, 'buffett, studio couch, 2 rock-
ing chairs, occasional chair, cheater
coal or wood, '2 porcelean topwhite
tables, clock, hall rack, antique par-
lor suit,, parlor table, Singer sewing,
aaatine drophead; parlor rug, iron
bed with springs and mattress, 2
wooden beds with' springs, 3 dressers,
4 stands, 2 antique chests, meth proof'
clot esi cabneet, small atands, 2 toilet • .;
past two months; died` there Wednes sets, lamps,' boiler, 2 tubs, elotlies«`
day" last He Was in his 88th year. baskets,'ncroc1 see -Eget • . crock,,.. cellar_ •
'Clic funeral' was• held -from the Thome Cables, apple and Salt barrels, leer
of his' son, peter McNaughaon, fl nen..,ussuvetliOadieetarraw, hoes, rtakeal„ i
srtl, , on Saturday at I p.m.
Plan.li.teslt' Crow Campaign
A.meetitrg of the executive, direc-
tors and Conveners Of the HerrsaIT
,Red Cross was. bel'd in the Town Half
Ors Tuesday with Rev.; Brook ,pre.-
kfing. •Reports from the verious com-
mittees were presented) On motion.
the members of the 1Tene-alT society
commit; themselves': tn. a share in the
aiaising of three null ore dollars: far
]fid Gibs piisposeee...
forks, ,gardens scurried, oat box,k,ste
[adder, „ather 'ladders, iron kettle an ' "
sta sd, ntfty1.of 'Wood, 3=tons /rife
chestnut , coal, vinegar barrel an. •
numerous other articles. t. , f
case of rain Sale . will: be held':i'
he'Lutl rsur church shed.
Ar7thur°,Weber; £uctione r
S. Johnston, Cierk.
Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs. H. Mousseau,
•E thee. ,Catherine : Walper,•,Estate.
WS the niew Traveloguegiven : by tri
H[JRON OL . ZOYS'. T'RE [NA is comprehensive thumbnail. sket
Iron : aIIrT (7:-�.r1.Tf5 of
s ttkke valla
' .f . 'G ars :
.�: s' k
•...;� � .: 1111 , . a •.
1, `; 11'- k a.�t•..
f o �lliei ileeaL t
g'm �'a E$_ ICl>vcl'i- shml'7ar Rens-of :thele home town...
liHier. tQ r t4, X ;tn rraiihnna, Later - the evening r.K: � �. .dancln ,.,baa;.
anihiet and' dance.-Fnertd?ines5i:'an enjoyedi tpxth 1 , '
r >r.1=furan Old •boys ayttl.
high degree marked' the assembly of Girls assembling, her. Mr., i4Ibert,
the : t7idi ,�VO
n'.a► men 'id•1'fiise *2r for; Schnell, a :*hrrsnh'e eld 'boy;':,vas i ft:
rtb -eve :'ng was tori `,fir t 1'orr resp #s manager, and put it ave in b` _
to'ite pler fes of Ail:011,1A',
: war r a g
•' eltatrting ;off w t3+riihe banquet the • After the. grandmarch 11 Ted by' M'r, 1111
guests' selected frank a, menu listing land Mr,,,. Ttpss, the eompany fell uri-
der. township banners, Tt, ckerstnith
whining the prize for numbers. Prize.
asp hest .Square dancers,,. went to Mrs.:Fled !laves. ;Moose jaw, and. M� .
Latttn. Delightful vocal solos were:
even by Mies Lorna, asken and Sant
in part goodves such is Sweet Mixed
Pickles, rrCant't r Kids"' from Huron,
Chicken Pie. "A'rxeal`•.G+ •inld B'end'er";;
Baked Stuffed Pd'tatoeS, '"'Shads. fivm
Flay„”; Goldie, "B owe' in truce-
field." `Phan came ". th`e p,.:Neteatn
Cnly those who were . 3;r• ''sent e:oard Swayze, :Harold Vtroifenden playing.
till o`: the en;o-rtactlt of:ti, set arc of` xcro'n. a. ' -i .
p tr. Itrala:+ntsa Tom 1"lcll s
yfI , old-time.
a.. .y: '� J w. 1111
the evenings entertainment. t" Filers er,'re ' e < a;
Mrs. eleew an. Mr' c Arcara ` I e ] s the friar*
. Lattat , w tY't', hoedown ;sneclalrsts: There-
of Vie ',toast to Huron
uniyr .3 s
of old
ld lu
:Shava stirbe� 'holiday 0v� 5��n ��e � tt who Li1xl yheaod01 tounbe
aieid la e/RedstJ arc. gnmua t ilt:Zee