HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-11-02, Page 4?PAGE FOUR 47mozhvem .22 important improvements, added to fundarnental Ford fratures,, ,represent the : most .advan'ced engineering in the loin price field HAT do the Forel cars for 1940 offer to;matc'h their brilliant new beauty? New comfort, .convenience, quiet, ;safety—and the roomiest, richest 'interiors ever designed :for a Ford car. They have a host of 'interesting new features. 'There:is:a finger-tip Gearshift conveniently Located =on ..the steering post. An improved transmission is unusually :easy •to .shift. New Controlled Ventilation. Improved shock absorbers. :Improved spring suspension and a 'new ride -stabilizer. A combination of new features makes the new cars quieter i in operation. They have big., powerful hydr-atilicbrakes:They 'have new Sealed -Beam Headlamps that are safer; stronger ;and stay bright longer. 'They:have the fanrous:85-hp.'.Ford W-8 engine—which %lends 43 -cylinder 'smoothness -with •economy. ' You've never seen cars .withtso much Ipermance,'styte norataimilimarileninkelleloor„prices �.t fo, acquainted. You'll ex 9, iihe ,experience!! HILLS -GREEN 115. 011111011641.1.4.1•15.12...16.211,1= '1'Iiuicsday, November 2nd, 1929. 22 9G ©RTS IT FORD IMPROVE NTS FOR COMFORT—More room inside. New Controlled Ven- tilation. New torsion bar ride -stabilizer. Improved spring suspension. Self-sealing shock absorbers. Two-way adjustable driver's seat. New -type resilient front seat backs.. New "Floating -Edge" seat cushions. FOR CONVENIENCE—New Finger -Tip Gearshift.. Engine :more accessible. Two -spoke steering wheel. Light switch on -instrument panel.. FOR STYLE—New exterior. beauty. New interior luxury.. New instrument panel. FOR SILENCE—Improved soundproofing. "Easy Shift"' '.transmission.. Curved disc wheels. = FOR SAFETY— Sealed -Beam Headlamps. Dual windshield .wipers at base of windshield. Larger battery and generator.. -4Headlight Beam Indicator in,Ve*'s'direct vision.. PLUS THE FUNDAMENTAL FORD FEATURES life passed, girt. to, Goal.:' The ;Eanerd service will be held from trier resi- dence on Thursday at 2 pen. with interment. in. Exeter cementer. nen,' H. E. Koppel will conduct the service We commend th"e mourning,. ones to Hint who said "Suffer the Children to eome unto me and forbid then;; not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" and hope. and pray that finally there may be a grand reunion in that home beyond this life The youngpeople of neon Luth- eran church held their first October meeting with mission study. "For- ward in Argentine" which war con- ducted by the pastor Rev. Theo. L. • Lift. Hr also gave a short talk on "Things are ,I-Iappening in Brazil." On October loth the regular month- ly dues were taken up followed by anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Dick re - topic study on `Living with Others"' ccxved a number of beautiful gifts. Your friends" which was very in • terersting. The following week the subject vans bible study on the book of Psalms. The last meeting of the month was spent on something en- tirely differen. The subject beim an essay written by Dr. Tlieo. Grab- ner of St. Louis ort the "Borderland of Ria'ht and Wrong," which proved very interesting. Messrs. Filbert' Denomme and N.A. Minley .and M,rs. Russell Erratt led in — Cantin motored to London on Tues- prayer. Mrs. Peters gave the repot day last. .of the _morning session of the meet - Quite a number .of young :people ing of the centre section of the HUT - ad this 'locality =adored to ,Mount .on ,Pxesbyterial held in Clinton. She, Carmel on Monday evening :attedn- pointed out all the new ideas given ing the church bazaar. ,All ..report a and stressed :the importance of a good time and the refreshments ‘were :missinn band. Later inthe meeting sill „that ;could be expected. :it was moved :and .carried that a Mission Band be formed in the Gos- 'hen Auxiliary. 'The leaders have not` as yet been appointed. Mrs. Percy Johnston and Mrs. El- -,Voison—Demsttrane more Stephenson then rendered a :4..pxetty wedding was sulenrlizetl 'lovely duet "Marvelous Grace." After•. at St. Peter's R. G. church .at .Drys this, Mrs. cidhn . Armstrong gave a daag, -when Miss Florence, daughter of _fa :gad iinspbring :report on the of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Damn= was ternoon session. •vote of thanks and, united in marriage to 1VIr. :Andrew appreciation for the splendid reports BLAKE son col _lir. and Mrs. Louis Voison of given was moved. The offering was Kitchener :St. Mary's church. The accepted and a favorable treasurer's Mrs. Jas. CGarnie ,wl a ;yyas in Clin- core o y ;tiyas performed by Rev. Fr. ;xtelara't given i the treas. Mrs. Bruce ion Hospital -for a .few, tlays, has re- O. 'Martin. The bride was gowned i , Mc.Linchey. Hytrin .669 "All people turned to her daughters' home on the' a beautiful gown of white satin with' that on earth do Dwell" was sung of- lue Water Highway and 'is feeling a s«=eepiog train, a hip veil of white; ter which MVlrs, Elgin McKinley very rtiueh better now. , tulle wan ll:Ltild with matching bows of ! ably introduced the study book on Mrsr. Robert McBride...returned re- white satin, ,she carried a shower of India. The meeting closed with the ccently from a pleasant visit with her better time inoses. Miss Grace Dene- i benediction. daughter and fancily in Alberta. risme, sister (of the bride, acted as Thanitoffering Meeting Mr. and Mrs. _:avid. Schnell sof Ab- bride's maid avid wore a sky blue On Sunday October 29th, the Gos- erdeen, Sask were visiting friends in dress with gold ,accessories and carni- hen and Varna auxiliries 'her,.; a joint this community. ed American 'Beauty roses. The tlrankoffering ineeting in the church :Mrs. R. N. Dougl as is feeling -1, Iter groom was attended by his. brother,, at Varna. They' had as their guest again since her recent illness. Mr. Anthony7.4sin; The wedding speaker miss Sybil Curtis el Japan, Mrs. Clark who _;;pent a few chits March was played by Mrs. Armand who gave a most interesting and in at her home, .retu.rlljng to Durh .m Denomme, aunt of the bride The spiring address on the missionary again. bride marched in Att the arm of her work in that land. Some have been :ttilaisg .tn the ape.- father. 'Gladys Overholt, flower girl ria] meeting at the shen church' carried a basket of white flowers, conducted by Rev. Mr. r;k'.(osorehouse of\ dressed in white silk wreath and D A ,5 H w o O D 'orest. -veil. . ''Master Vence 'Denon.me, ring A number tools iinc -the 4501 suppers 'bearer, carried the 'ring on a silver an Zurich and Baueeftelli (en Thurs- tray. The Mass was sung by Mr. away evening last.,anl Mrs. John Denon ee, Mr. and _-Mrs. Armond Denomme and Mrs. St. Joseph and Beaver Town' Adeltph Berard uncles end aunts of Mrand .Mxs..Ed. Robinson of Mit- -rhelJ have returned to their home .after spending .some time at the 'home of their: sort, Mr. and Mrs. Chas .Robinson. The co /tinned wet weather has zeld up the finishing of he fall 'work considerably. There will :ice .310 services in this church next Sunday, as the congre- gation will worship with the Kippen congregation and have the pleasure -of hearing Mrs. 'Gauld, returned 31T.'issioaaaay ' rpin {D: R Y S DML lE Mr. and Mrs. A. E. OestreicIcer and Eunice; Mr. Sam Oestreicher, Mr. Geo. Kellerman and . Mrs.. Lo -viva Kellerman attended the funeral .of the br de , After the ceremony„ the date M:r�eJohn feGu i tyo ass°, , Miss Joan NIasse who hes 'b weddi i arty motored to the bride's , et j em• home arlhene' a tasty dinner 'was tory- fy Mary Kellermran, well known anthis toyed in. St. Joseph s klospftal, Lon -ed in a;dieingroom decorated in vicinity. Mr. George:,If?ellccrman , ;is ikon, has returned torlien Home' ti the blue and 'white' and:. silver honks.. Af spending a week with relatives them". " week - Blue Highway south.ter dinner, the 'bridal couple ieftt• £or 1Vbr. ankh, NIr;s., lfariy Guenther and Donomic Jeffrey of Beaver . Kitchener to the groom's home where family of Windsor spent the town motored to London on Tuesday they will res#ale. Their many friends end with his parents. last.Mrs. Fassold spentlast and *less. \wish them' amuck hop- her daughter in Ingersoll, week with Mr. Maurice !passe, local •utter, r l busy trucking firewood from 'Lhed- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of St. Tho- ',a. lord to supply the local demand. Alio visited here on Friday, Tier "Those in need of wood should gel in STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mother Mrs. Gottschalk returned wit'; 'touch with him. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chareette of W. M. S. MEET Billie ,Tess who spent the sunnnt•r Detroit spent a fen days with their i Thr regular in;t'ting of -1,„,e Goshen in the West has returned honn„ relatives. W. M, 8, was held in the Blit: rch on ',flit- 'roll i3ros, will be in l a ;1!„....1 4. 3:'11.. Eddie flri ion NAIL', line been in Oetobcr 26th with a record atond- angelie0.1 chunky on Nov. 21sta^i.,,i i .t. Joseph Hospital, i o,iclon for, flt.,, The meeting oninnci iviththe date, and the Christmas festive] 'onle time is slowly ftnpro do and it' hymn 26 "0 Lord of Heaven ran'1 l will be Pece ember 22nd. I 'will he som • time before - he : able 1 Earth and Sea" and thc' x sling r.r €lnly Son Passe- ' ,y vrt•orn to h1q honir. ' Thutlrn "3tl, fli'tc r w' c ,h Mrs, Tran 'Sr- f . .;Fho synete'rliv of the community 1 • Mrs. Ted Taman of Listowell speut a few days at the home of her par -- ants, Mr. ,and :Mrs. Chas. McDonnell, who have both been ill. Bride and Groote Honored Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Sheppard,who were recently xnarried, were honored by the presentation of a handsome gift at the home of the bfele's par- ents, Mr. and Wire. Jas. Smillie, by the Wohelo . Class of the United eh- urch of which the bride was a mem- ber. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dick of town celebrated their 30th wedding anniv- rsary at their home Friday evening last, when about forty relatives and rriends from Goderich, Ben miller .•ind surrounding district gathered to congratulate them and celebrate their felt for Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker in the loss of their only son, John. Frederick (Jackie) who passed away, on Tuesday, •Oct. 31st in nis 12th year. Jackie has been confined to his bed for about 9 months and has been very patient and contented sufferer, and d all that medical skill and loving care could do was done for him but without avail his sweet It ic:• -them where she will spend the winter HENSALL Miss Emma Johnston Tial returned from a pleasant visit at Tiilisoaburg and DelhL COUNTY NEWS Qr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Penhale of Exeter recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding. They fanned in Stephen Twp. for many years before moving to Exeter. :.•YcotehmerParsons 1The marriage of Lenore B. Par- sons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Parsons of .Brantford, bo Harold Scot- cicmer, son of Robt. Scotchmee andi etathel Mrs. Scotchmer of Bayfield„ was solemnized at he home of the, bride's parents. The bride is a graclu-- ate manse of Galt Gen. Hospital and: the groom .a graduate of the Ontario, Agi•.icultural College, Guelph. They T. C. Toynt was in Toronta ere Lias- will reside on Lessard avenue, Tor- - iness last week. onto. Mrs. Barbara Fergusarsr of TTisrra- burg visited with friends here. She AUCTION SALE spent two years here managing the drug store for Mr. Hemphill arni:.al- Cleaaixtg Auction Sale of farms 111, Stanley Township, 4 2A miles north; Miss Elizabeth Slavin hes returned ; of Zurich, on home from a visit to Landau-. 'reIrsr. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th; Ed. Stewart, Cameron and 1VIr. and i At 1 &clock sharp; consisting of: Mrs. Wilmer Stewart of Lanaoxr, ac- ZIORSES—Good Clyde 3-vr.-old comparted Miss Slavin: home and }filly broken; Genial Purpose mare 10 visited relatives here. ? yrs. old; Aged work horse. 'Miss Edith Forest is; having her f IneeJ?TT.F —Grey cow 3 yrs. old dire• dwellin shingled on the exterior -wit +:March 1 h;x; Red cow 6 yrs. old due ashphalt shingles, the work being} � r4Ma.y 12th.' Red cow 5 yrs. o:U due p b ' A?arii 23rd; Black cow- due March 18, done by Wilson Carlile_. • ,Spotted cow duo May 14th; Spotted Mr.' and Mrs. J. W. Bsithron and i corn due May 29th; White con due - Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren were May 2nd; Red cow. milking; Red' recent visitors at the home or Rev.? cow 4 yrs. old milking; • 7 calves; and Mrs. Young; in Fergus. 5 &ern --""r^ Leghorn hens. Miss Kay Drysdale of London is- IMPIFFEIEi',TT•S —• Massey -Harris: binder 7-'t; Deering mower 6-".t; 111.- 'H. drfl 18 hoe; M. -IL hay rake; M. - bean puller; M. -H. spring tooth ,cultivator; 3 -drum steel land roller; 'National gang plow; walking plow;- daurond harrows; wa ^ nn w: th box d isbelvings ; wagon '�'ix with stock eely. rack; -hay rack;• ;bib f rein' cutter buggy, fanning mill. set team barn - visitor is pt of London - tuns 2 almost ne`iv, set F_ow harness, gal - visitor withh his parents here, vanized water tank; big rope and Little Freddie Robinsonwho' has gullies, set sling ropes, ladders, grind at Seaforth Hospital far several stone, stone 'boat, wilriffletrees, forks, so assisted Mr. Middleton. a stock and Implements at Lot 9, Con. visiting at the home of Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Mr. Ray Patterson of Torone°, vis- ited at his home here ever. the week- eixd- Miss Edna eauncleemeek who, ender went an operation for appendicitis:. n Seaforih 'Hgspiial; "is grogresstitg iic- mrznths following an operatisuz,, is shovels, Renfrew cream separator iiirproved and home again. nearly new; washing machine and Jack Taylor had his hand injured nearly kitchen table, small table, when it caught in the gear of a poi- stands, , t hen chairs, bedstead, spr- isher he was operating at Cook Ings, mattress, milk Tails, sealers, Dr. A. R. Moir and Mrs. Moir Bros. mill recentlly. l clams, tSack. robe, quilts and numerous iicles. spent a few days in Toronto, Mrs.GRAIN-900 bushelso Moir continuing on her way to Win.11eyRA ats and by - 1 acre tarn on o. nipeg where she will' spend a iewi TERMS—.CASH months visiting' relatives at varioustorge Ii. Elliott, Auctioneer. points. Thomas Robinson, Proprietor. • Not once nor twice but six- times yei 1' the specifications for.McColl-Frontenac' gasoline -the famous MARATHON "BLUE". --are ,changed to give your motor its accustomed powerunder differentcI' atictaiaditions. RED INDIAN motor lubricants, too, must conform to requirements that are totally different in Winter than those of Stntuner driving. PLAY WE ---RED INDIAN products 'assure you of trouhlp,frep, performance the year 'round. 4, ,Drive In at the rlgn bf the :RED INDIlII ' -'where Products ' and Service ars the best. b:6 -a Drive into our station TOMORROW and let ars put Your Car in:: shape €or trouble-free„repair-free: service during the Winter morlth Anti freeze in the radiator—Winter-grade RED INDIAN or RED, INDIAN AVIATION inthe crankr e—Winter gear lubricants in gear• box and differential—battery checked > 1fxee)—tires checked—chains; repaired, cleaned and made ready for use --chassis lubricated—tank Elect with Winter -grade MARATIION'"Byj” for a quick start and steadypowerno matter how1owirhethermometer goes. DO ITNOWI HOWARD KL s1t PP — ZURICH Waal i' lir Used„ Cm- Lo ice. " ar nection