HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-10-26, Page 8'.GE 'EIGHT Fall an GCA inter S We placed our orders early in Summer for Fall Delivery, and were obliged to take goods in earlier than usual to procure lowest prices. It is needless to tell you that prices are advancing, so it is greatly to your advantage to get your supplies early. Prices now are about the same as last year and will not be advanced while stock lasts. See us about Win- ter Underwer, Blankets, Sweater Coats, Sox, Hos- iery. Ladies' Silk Hose will be one of first items to advance. So why not get a supply now! GROCERY SPECIALS Chipso, pkg 20c. Flakes 2 for 15c. Soap 12 bars 25c. Pork and Beans 10c. Peas 3 for 25c Soap flakes 5Ibs. 30c Prunes lb. 10c Salada tea, half -lb. 33c jelly Powder, 5 pkgs. with dish 25c Rice, Very Choice No. 1, 3 lbs 25c Caustic Soda, for your fall soap making 5 lbs55c J. G SCHO 1,3z SO PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Zi1ICH HERALD `''41 IIlIIINIIINIInIIIIIIIIeI 1('1171.111 I li IIIIIjIIIIINIll1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII m1111 NII IIIIIIIIINIIIfl 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU IliHij IIIII{Iil III111111 Ijllllllllll ��' 11111011 & Erie Debeutares CANADA TRUST ARANTEED . �CERTIFiCATE.S Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 3% 'Yo per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 31470 per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich ZU I1W rocery Store Oatmeal, 6 lbs.Ti ..:, .' I. 25c CaustiicSoda, +'5'lbs. 55c Salt 1 Y2 ib: pkg,, 3 for ,.,10c Cocoa per Ib. 15c Shortening, 2 obs. for , 25c Brunswick Sardines, per can • ....5c Cookies (currant creams) per lb. •• 19c Wheat puffs, 16 -oz. pkg. i 9c Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful China- ware. Merano Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 f I1I1,m1l1l NIIIUIIIIIIIII 111111 @NI IIIIIIINIIII Nlllllllllllllllll(I(NNiN{INIAIIIIeININ11N111iIII1NNtflllllll N! 1NIpN(INIIIII I)lll llfflN II(III I$;: ;iThMS Of LOCAL itiTEMT Mrs. James Allan of Hensail was a Sunday visitor with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and son Milton and Ray Oesch motored bo London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner and family and .Mrs. Mabel Snider spent Saturday with relatives at London. A rather lengthy sitting of the Summer Dresses, we are offer - Tenth Division Court was held in the Ing the same at Big Bargains. local town hall, on Wednesday. Your call will be appreciated. Mrs. Harry Bedard is at present spending some time at the home of Note—Our Store is in our Residence. her daughter, Mrs. Sam. Oesch, Gosh MRS. PEARL MOUSSEAU en Zurich's Ladies' Fear SUMMER SALE • On Now! In order to clear all line north. ' Phone 47 Zurich Mrsr. Wm. F. Finkbeiner and dau- I ghter Miss Hazel of Stratford were ate•• Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Hoffman. . Mr, and Mrs. Karl Heilman and 1 HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON .Son Robert of Cheboygan, Mich., j SPECIALS FOR SPRING were week -end visitors with ?vtrrs. Heilman's sister, Mrs. Filbert Deno- Let us quote you on Specials for mine of St. Joseph. 1 Spring and Summer Permanents, Mr. and Mrs. David Schnell of that are pleasing and satisfactory, Aberdeen, Sask., who have been vis-' and will give you personality Hair- iting at 'Mildmay, Toronto, Guelph, 1 dressing. Salon on rear of store. For Kitchener and, other places have,; re- ! appointments call us by phone 1922 HAIRDRESSING turned to Zurich to visit l efere ieav- Zu> Mr. Ed. Brenner, Mr.. and Mrs a ,._. Lloyd Cook of Kitchener; 'Mr. and Mr. and MTs.` Gaxait'Walpe of Mrs. Floyd Cook of Guelph; Mr.. andDetroit, attended the funoral e.e the Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue fo;?iner's mother here last Wednesday_ Water Highway. Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. Saturday of this .week will be a Miss Vera Decker, Helen Finkbein joint auction sale of household effects er, Mrs. Walker, Edna Martene,Ruth at the property of Mrs. T s. Rout - Brown of Exeter attended the mis- ledge, and many articles are being cellaneous shower held in honor of offered for sale at this time. Miss Beatrice Geseho, bride elect, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel The auction sale of .the effects of last Thursday evening. the late Mrs. Louise Klapp in Zurich Engagement Announced on Saturday brought out a goodly Mr. and Mrs. Em. Smith of Kippen number of people. The dwelling pro - announce the engagement of their perty which was also offered did not daughter June Magdalena_ to Frank find a new owner as yet, although McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. John several good prospects are being McCowan of Brucefield. interested. . Moved to Exeter SEEKS 1942 PLOWING MATCH. Mr. and Mrs. John Applebeck, of Bayfield, have rented the store and A. Huron County delegation of 16 apartment of E. C. Harvey of Exe- horded by Warden R. E. Turner and ter, and formerly occupied by S. J.V.District Agricultural Representative, Cann of that place, and are opening up a grocery and home baking bus= iness. They have a family of three ;fg;� �raD +� �g �������d�' � ` ce boys and have moved on Monday last ai week. a e ing for their home-in.the +West HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR WINTER Hardware Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Ideating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 1 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS z a Phimbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- ;' resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! • We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder- Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let 0 us fill your bin while prices are lowest. �UFiICH ONT. 1 DO I stliould by all means attend. it. COtekd QUALITY 6.0 PRICE SERVICE SILENT BILL BIDDLE }IERE FRIDAY EVENING DON'T MISS IT! The people, especially the younger generation. of Zurich and community are most urgently requested to be at the Zurich Town Hall on Friday evening commencing at eight o'clock and hear the outstanding lecture with illustrated pictures the lecture on "Does Crime Pay?" This lecture comes to us by one who known, "Sil- ent" Bill Biddle, Canadian -born and a former convict, who served 18 yrs of a life sentence behind the grim walls of Sing Sing prison. Mr. Bid- dle thoroughly learned the lesson that 'Crime Does Not Pay," andWsince his release `ficin prison in1924 has given his life' to the saving of young boys from the path of crime. From his own experiences both in and out + + 4 + 4 4F+ 4 Thursday October atify. 4439 rdware and Finkle! STORE COLEMAN - STOVES Why be uncomfortable m an overheated kitchen in Summer time when you can keep cool. We cangreatly help you as We have a good stock of Coleman Stoves and Ranges on hand for this very hot weather that .° will greatly help keeping cool in the kitchen:.... ..And be- sides these Stoves are operated at so small ,a cost: that a person can hardly afford to be without one FURNITURE .Y. A Few Good Always keep a 4 asidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. Studio Couches, regular $50.00 for each at $38.00. Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonable Prices, quality Con- 40 + Johnston ec Kalbfleis�h Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t i -4:44 -44,+4.4.+4.4444r++++44.444444444.4+4 -4.4+++++++++++++44 p 4+4.44,+E4.4.+.4444r++i++F++i+4F+6++E+F4444+£+3 4.4+4-4.4+ ++tr+g++8+l++t++b+N++44 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS Removed Promptly Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. Courteous: Service Phone 235 Exeter, Ont. (Collect) DARLING and CO. Of CANADA, LTD. Tas. Shearer, attended the Internet -1 ional Plowing Match. at Brockville re- cently and made a bid for this out- standing event for Huron m 1942. .They have good reason to believe that the match will come to Huron. LUCAN FINALLY LOSES It was a big job to defeat those Irish Nine of Lucian who won the championship in the Huron -Perth baseball League after playing off :with several other group winning teams finally Galt came through in the third game winning 7-3. The first two games were won by each team defeating the other 1-0, and those Irish lads from the village of Lucan sure were tough. FARMERS TAKE TO HYDRO Most . of the fanners living along the 14th and 15th concessions oi' Hay Township are. getting wired up for Hydro power, which is expected will be turned on next Monday.:;This will be a great revealation to these fortunate people to press the button and have light, or power when ` and of prison •3Vf'r. •Biddle gilt§ a graphic where they- want' '°it. :The farmer has picture of the inevitable` result ..oi telt that he was neglected in not be - crime, but he does not stop there+He i Ing able to enjoy these conveniences, is a worker for the reformation of ►blit that day is past and a new day boys, and he does not approve of a is now dawning and practically du prison system that throws young lads l city conveniences can be now enjoyec' for their first offence in contact with ( on the farm at very reasonable cost hardened criminals wrom whom they Farmers who have excess to Hydre can learn nothing but crane. He and are not using it are missing' a believes that a proper reform system most wonderful privilege according tr can teach boys and young men a bet- our way of seeing things. We notice ter way, and has proved it in several that Mr. iClayton Smith just south of instance& don't miss this splendid St Joseph, where the Hydro lines ar• lecture on Friday night, no admission not likely to come through for some is charged, only a silver collection tnlie, has recently had his building.- taken. W. have been informed by wired and enstalled a battery system^ reliable party who has attended this which is being charged by a wind verry same lecture recently, that it power driven generator. This also. is very outstanding, and the ,public; affords many conveniences which in - elude good lighting, and light powe3 motors can be I!un, and the cost over a period df 'years iso ,not too great for" the 'average Omer. early so as to receive the entire pro- gram Other numbers besides the lee - tare .win also entertain you. 3++++++1+++++++++++++++++.4.44+++++++++++++++++++++++++.1.4. . • ' TRY. ECKEL'S ' • t :I' 66T in 4. b�4..,re d ' also + + CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND I i. SWEET GOODS. + t All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality I I ALL CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM I 4 Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening E4.ekel's Bakery Zurich 4. Telephone 100 * +a+ +++++++++++++4.4.+++++++++++ 4+4-€44+4+44+.1-444+44+4+44+++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.44+++++++++++++++++++4 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors + '5.+ + + + LET US QUOTE YOU! •. 4. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL 01. t TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU �+ WAIT. IHeadquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials lit, IF. C. t PHONE 6n . i r++++++++++++4+++4+4'4++s++++++++++++++++++e++++++++++++44 /A L r,YL ISC : I ZURICH i MASSEY—HARRISNEWS GENUINEM.H. PARTS work best on M.H. Im- plements— Mower and Binder Knives ground while youwait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed 'Batteries at :.: $4,49 I% year battery guarantee 2,year battery guarantee 17 -plate ... 7.95 ........ 5.85 b.85 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at . Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zuhch prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel, Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS fes. 67 East and West 'End SERVICE STATIONS ■