HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-10-26, Page 4V E RY SURF=ACE MIENSIMIlvaimianiuttiwzmiaini JOHNSTON and KALBFLEISCH - Zurich E IM CITY CONVENIENCES Ify your home is in the ..country or in a town or village not served by a Community Water Supply ;System, a Duro Pump will supply running- water under pressure to all parts of your .home, barns, dairy -build- ings; etc. Without running water your family cannot have ;bathroom facilities and other conveniences so nec- essary to their comfort, health and daily work. Duro Water Systems and Emeo bathrrami and kitchen equipment are made in designs :and: quality! to;•meet the seeds of every type of home. -Emco Products Arelleaso.nably Priced iihe four pieces in the batbrti©m iiil'tlstrated Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet andireavatory— with, all Trimmings, ready for insteiltatioancost only ....$ l 32.00 (Soil pipe, iron pipe anti'iittiags•ezte!) ether complete Bathroom Equ gm nt,:as let ;;as .........$76.84 ADuro Special Pumping Systerei:comPletetswith 25:gale Galvanized Tank, 25 or ;1 e eeere :c. tiaotor ;wvicti;eapacity of 250 gals. per hieuranbetsocaely,.,,,.:eee J uro.$pecia' $80.00 Modeeth ze,yo3lrehoine J110W.'tinder the Government 1F3onie _Improvement Loan Art, •er ,Duro i Finance Plan, the cost of doing so,can:•be spread overta period nett,exceelling three•yeo.rs. Fuulliin- formationAnd) freeileogklets„on. requeat. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH EMPIRE BRASS 11+RF't-.- CO., LTD. Can «llo;:be.supplied for London 1- enillton loonies Sudbury Winnipeg 'Vancouver Gasoline c.Engine- operation 239 H 1 L L:S tom. Ii 1 :•E N of farm seek and implements, etc., Mr. and Mae. cCee,prge„Sh e tit and on Tuesday November 7th. Mr. and Sirs. Jas Ca91c sqf Stratford visited Mrs. Robeason have net definitely de- recentiy with M.r._,and 1VIrs. •Wit Dav- idson. "ted where they will locate, but limon, they wM ?est :a .grit loss to the Mr, and Mr txeo. Forrestyt Por -Goshen line cyranmunity. These fri- 'e La Prairie, Mapitoba, is, vend- ends regret 'nesse` ztiuch ;beat Mr. and dng some time visitilrg relatives and Mrs. Robinson •w will leave shortly. friends in this dist>•iet Mr. A. Robinson nef Mitchell is HEN ALE 'siting for a few *lye with. Mr„a,nd !Mrs. Chas. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl ekeve and M:r. send Mrs: Wm. Davidson -were Sunday asitors with friends in 'S-tratford. Mervyn Brower returned home after spending several days in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Parimer returned home after spending a few months with her . ° sister in North Dakota. nettle tak- STANLEY TOWIletHIP ' eSaux de cock the home of Mrs. Annie Mr. and Mrsr. Gus V.oth ;and little dxttlghter of Detroit visited with .Mrs Rdbt Bonthron and Mrs, i,,. Simpson. s�etiurGh are being contin>:,ed this week Miss Helen Moir who spent a few may. C. 3. Moorehouse of London( horns inLondon, has returieca to her and Rev, A. Moorehouse of Asesest (ho Me ,hee re. are assisting the Pastor, Rec. J. E. Mrs, John Murdoch, S. Richmond Weters. I*'. Len Saunders and son Gordon Detrnit t'isited with Mr. and Alm aliruce McClincheY. Mrs. J. A. Carrie is at present in i'+C;linton hospital, having undergone - 'n operation Tuesday last. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr; and Mrs. Earl Barber and fern Ivliss Isabel Robinson 'whosise attend- ing Toronto Bible Colkege, ;,went the week -end at her home tare. The special services ;in Goshen st. was 11ei!ghly honored last week by being vfa%ted by Mrs. Mnochell F. Hepburn ,of .St. lifhomas, accompaniied by Mrsr. Jaek 'MacNeill. Mrs. Schaffer of Marlette, Mich., was a visitor l ith 1VIr. and Mrs; Geo ds oil. Don. Walker avid Roy Broek' are in 9eteforrth erne two wut:1's private dt ty fly of St. VI<irys were' recent r'isitors' a 'fined with friends r Hayfield, fined to her home owern to illness.1 witth fr. y , 'Jilase ate Mrs. Ted. Taman of 'Ing;;ower has Mr; Themes Rollinson who utas re- t been spending so etre ing e.. few drse:s at the tly Gold his ferrel. to Ml•, her patents. x"�'r'se3 is s farm on to Mr, on ll en (b Mh e Annie F. Consitt is cavi eg 1 il.hioori. 'iniatt(illtmi. in her tdwelllri."• 'i'nc ease teas i!'(el()riPI[eu" ui the. y+x Taken Mrs. E.. Rennie was taken seriously ill on Friday last and rushed to Clin- ton hospital for an emergency oper- ation and her friends are pleased• to learn she :is 'ilsipraliin'g. Fractures Knee • Mr. George Sutherland, while' car- rying his typewriter to Mr. George Hess's jewellry shop forrepairs the other morning, had the misfortune to fall, fracturing liis knee very badly. He was taken to the home where he. received -medical attention. 'Law Office Opened Mr. TC, I•a.n MeLean, of Seaforth, has moved. into the apartment over T. C. ,i oynt's dry goads store and has opened a law office. Mr. Mc- Lean is a san of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLean sof Seaforth. DASHWOOD. Mrs. Jack Rasclike and children of Detroit are visiting with her mother Mrs. Manner. Mrs. P. Humble •of Sarnia spent a few days with 'her :sister, Miss Cath- erine Tlitikbeiner'lest week. Mrs. Harry Cook of Toronto is sp- ending :a week with her parents, Mr. and MTS. D. Tiernan. Rev. Iii. A.. Ielteeman of Waterloo and N.omma:n of :Kitchener visited their father Mr. George Kellerman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Kuntz and dau- ghter .Dorothy .of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. A-ain idksll ;and daughter of London were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. ;Man Kuntz. Mr. Howard iE1ump'left last week for Kitchener :where 'he is engaged with the 'Willis Tipping Orchestra. • seentel ne—_E�o croft The 3lame ..of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Hoperoft, , •Dash- wood Was 'the =setting for the .wedding of their only daughter, 'Ruth Mary 'Frances •aanil George 'Graham, son of .Mr. anal Mrs, W n . drier. :Ct corp f at' nigh ineeSh..Satureay last. The cere- mony was nee rmed :under an ever= green arch adorned •with; pink and white dahlias ley :Rev.:Hunt of Trivitt Memorial «ihurrch, Exeter, in the pres- ence of the nellafives if :the bride and groom. The bride was given in mar- riage by hex father, while Miss Leona Fisher phiy,e l the ;iveiiding.music. The bride looked .charming in a floor length dress sof Queen's 'Blue faille. Her trailing ;ve;•I1 was held;in place by a cluster of rsnurnge blossoms. She carried abouquet of br"iarcnrre roses. The bridesmaid, 1VI'iss Marion Arthur, sister of the graven, was uowned in a floor length dress of blossom pink taffeta with queen's blue trim. She carried a bouquet of Talisman roses Tre groom was snppprtefil by the bride's brother Fred Iiopero.ft. The bride's mother wore a dress of black embrodered panplin with white trim The groom's mother wore a navy sheer dress with white trim There were relatives present from St.Marys 'Kitchener, London, Niagara "Falls. a•I;tl Port Colborne. About 50 guests sat; down .to a luscious chicken dirmer The table was beautifully decorated with pink and .white' streamers and dal:deaf centred with the wedding cake. The dinner was served by a few of the bride's girl friends. Later the happy couple left- en a honey- moon trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls and Baffale, the bride travelling in black. Upon their return they will. reside in Bxeter. -�•e----;ter-- AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale • of farm stock and Implements at Lot 9, Con. 11, ;Stanley Township, 43fi miles north of Zurich, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, At 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of: HORSES ---.Good Clyde 3 -yr. -old Silly broken; Genral Purpose marc 10 yrs. old; Aged work horse. • ,; CATTLE—Grey cow 3 yrs.bld due March 14th; Red. cow 6 yrs. ld eine. re May 12th Red cow 5 yes. rota title April 23rd; Bleak cow due M4 eh 16;_ May 14th; Sp otttirl= i cow dee, May 29th; White co duct Spotted cow dee May 21<l; Red cow. miik,n•• ' Rn.' scow 4 errs. old milking; 7 calves' 5 donen white Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS — Massey -+lair;-; hinder 7 -ft; Deer'ine mower 6 -ft; TV. f H. drill 18 hoer M. -H. hay rake; M t H. bean puller; M. -TI. spe n• .n,,,'• ` rttltivator; 8 -crave steel land roller:�; Niit near rg pan-, 1 ._. Fang .Plgw's walking ,ieseei.ond harrows; wagon with box to d elieleings; wagon box with stock r le; hay rack; bob sleighs, cutter, buggy, fanning mill,set team hem_ ess almost new, set plow harness, gal- vanized water tank; big rope and gullies, set sling ropes, ladders, grind stone, stone boat, whifflertrees, forks, shovels, Renfrew cream separator nearly new; washing machine and wringer, kitchen table, small table, stands, kitchen °hales, bedstead, spr- ings, mattress, milk . pails, sealers, lams, Sask. robe, quilts and numerous articles. GRAIN --900 bushels oats and bar- ley; 1 acre corn on stook. TERMS—CASH George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Thomas Robinson, ;Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Joint Auction Sale of Household Effects of Mrs.:Joseph houtledge and the Adam Birk Estate, at ZurieJ1 on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th- *" At 12.30 o'clpck, sharp:. In case of rain Sale. well beheld. in Evangelical Church shed. Mrs. Routiedge's Articles: Llectric washing xnach:ne, bed with springs and mattress, email table, coal heater, rocking chair, 2 couches, library table, parlor table, 2 fern stands, 3 large leather rockers, leath- er arm chair, Hydro table lamp; el- ectric Philco radio, pictures and fra- mes, sewing machine, glass cilpboaro large range stove, high chair, lydre stove, book shelf, paper rack, Con- goleum rug; 3 -burner coal oil stove with small and large oven, dropleal table, 10 kitchen chairs, pots, pails pans, brooms and shovels, mirrors, III sheep shears, sideboard, extension table; curtains; rocker, teakettle, tubs rake, saw, ..axes, ladder, lanterns, lamps, quantity of sealers, crocks, 6 -gal. crock, l-% bed with springs and mattress, 2 wooden beds with springs and mattress, dresser, stand, toilet set, mats and carpets, numer- I, Otis dishes, knives and forks, lawn cooker, Etc., Etc. Birk Estate's Articles: Couch, coal oil stove, Kitchen table D rocking chair, 5 kitchen chairs; small ae table, pots, pails, pans, dining room e chairs, Dining room table, parlor couch, 2 parlor tables, jar stand, full set of dishes, spoons, silver knives and forks, other dishes, cradle, wash- ing machine and ringer piano nearly new, sealers, Chesterfield, 2 beds with springs and mattress, dresser and stand, 2 other small tables, ,and churn, 2 Congoleum rugs, parlor rug 12x15 ft; 2 Large Ieather rockers 3 other rocking chairs, large coal heater, coal oil heater, base burner heater; trunk, Iarge rocker, small bedroom table, toilet set, 3 -gal. crock Alladin lamp, galv. tub, 2 small tubs, cellar teble, vinegar .barrel and num- erous ether articles. - TERMS—CASH '1'lutr.,.cliiCyr ,Oetober 26th, :'1139 on, Mrs.. asswriee Laisdcoape water; ! cover 1L Fuss; crass . stiteli framed, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Howrie; Fruit, Miss Livingston; Darning on worn water color, Mss, Metcalf, iMss Li.v ; sox Mrs. McDWillis; Work done by ingston; Elowera, original Mrs. Meta' lady 70 yrs and over, I1. Fuss; Bed- calf, .Fj. A. Fuss; leen and ink drawel spread, wine erne., 1Vixs. MQI)Willis, ing, Mee Livingston, R. A. Fuss„ E. Foster; bedspread, wht, emb. Q. Drawing, crayon, Mrs. 1Vletealf, Missal Battler, R. Lamont; Cotton patched Livingston,; Water colar on silk Mrs quilt, ISL Fuss, 3. Johnston; do fancy Metcalf, Miss Livingston; 'Hand pain.- quilting E. Stephenson, Mrs. Stickel; ted china Mrs. Metcalf, Ura. Howrie quilt, patched cloth, M. Eder, H, Fuss ,Stenciling on fatbric IViiss Livingston, Comforter, homemade, 0. Battler, Mrs.' Metcalf; Fruit on oil Miss Liv- M. Rader; Comforter goose down 3. ingaton, Mrs. Howie; Flowers in oil W. Johnston, E. Foster; Crochet; Af-- Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howriee Pen- ghan ItIlee Livingston, R, Scotchmere cel sketch from nature Mists Living- Hearth rug, hooked yarns 0. Battler stop: R. Lamont; Hearth rug, wool rags, LADIES' WORK Miss Livingston, H. Desjardine; Rag Living Room Accessoi:ies•- Tame mat irs•tid'ed F. eegan, M. Rader; t cc o epeece, Pa i,ai'aont, Mrs. Stickle • Labor saving device H. Fuss, hand Table runner Mrs. Metcalf, :iss Liv soap !`: lea Glymont, Mrs. Stickle; ingston; Cushion, emb. 0. Battler, table decoration Mrs. Metcalf. Mrs. Stickle; Cushion, other E. Ste- ' SCHOOL C..HILDRENS' DEPT. phenson, Mrs. Stickle; Dining room Grain,, roots and Vegetable—Be- necessaries: sones: Table cloth and servlet- .ems, round T. Ran, D. Thorns, D. Mid - ;es, Miss Livingston, I3. Esus;. Tea ,dieton,.. d D au, D. e; ins, Carrots, N - sloth, cut work, A. Warner, Mrs. Sti- Grasmere, , A. Leitch, M. Mcrrots, t,• :telex Tea eca cloth,. emb_ oc Lamont, Tow D. IVIc 'wen; Onions, R. Lindsay, A.. -ewrie; Tea cloth, ° crochet zee's. :Tow Rau, D. ,T1 oms, B. ,Stephenson; rot - is; Tray cloth, enib. H. Fuss, Mrs. Al2 ver, PC. Lindsay, D. Middleton, E.. a awrie;. Centrepiece, dining . table ,steeps C..SEeep;; . iiss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; Luaratte Domestic Science— Maple cream,. on: set Miss Livingston, Mrs. Stickel; Parker, M. Talbot, M. Atkinson,. eiuifet ffet Mise 'Livingston, Mrs -Rime M. Maxwell; Graham .Muffins, M. Max: :loth,. .11,`utfet steric 11.A. Fuss. Lace :well, D.. Olark, M. Atkinson, M. Mc-.. :loth„ A. Wmiss Li, Mis. t{owrre. Bride :Clymont:; Date loaf,, M. Reid, M. Mc -- ;'e sot, Miss L vu•Igston, Mrs. How: Clymont, L. Webster, M. Atkinson;,. 'ie Buffet set emb. H. Fuss, Mrs.. Apron, M. Maxwell, D. Thorns. tickle; ITeiustitehed sheets, 1VEssLiv Cnnstruetion— Baseball and bat, ;ngston„ TF Fuss; Pillow castes initial M McClyinont, E. Applebeck, V. Ch- is e Livingston, H. Fuse; PiLow cas- cater, J. Applebeck; Egg cup plastic- emb. Mrs. Stickle, Miss Livingston 'j ine T. Penhale, G. Cassel, M. Rau,B ?Mow eases; lace IT. Fuss, E. Steplz- Talbot; Bream board, G. Westlake,W. •:nson;' Cnrtahrs, lace trimmed, Miss Turner, W. Turner, 3 McClymont; Livingston, H. 'fuss; Towels, emb., Swap carving, D Reid M. Peck, D iiss Livingston, Mrs. wt-ickle; Towels 1"eoiiale, D it'IeLead'; 1� 6 work book, crochet, Mass Livingston; Dressing R. YoYrk, L. Webster, A. Makins, M table 'set, emb. Miss Livingston Mrs Stickel; 7-10 work book D. asciiwen Stickle; Fancy bed lamp shade Miss , li, Strargeon, Bi Castle, H. Sturgeon, Livingston; Emlb. tea towels Miss Liv ingston, Mrs. Art—Drawing perspective, E Steep i4TeDoWvllis; Child's dxs D. McEwen, J. Maxwell, B. Castle; old garmt. E: Foster, Miss Livingston Drawing, still life, E: Steep, C. Gre- Child's play dress, Miss Livingston,P er, Tntbat, W. Castle; Drawing Lamont; Baby's bootees, knit Miss' flowers, water col. M. Maxwell, D. ivingston, lairs: Howrie; do crochet, IClark; D. McEwen, E. Steep; Draw - Miss Livingston; Smock dress for ing fruits, water color, D. McEwen, child R. Lamont- Baby's rompers HSf�rgeon, Bi Raliwell, E. Steep. Miss Liviirgstarr; Apron, work, G. J. Essay—on visit an King and Queen stars, H Fuss; Dress house work, 1-6, L. Webster, D. Penhaile I3_ . A. Fuss, R. Lamont; Ladies' and -I York, A. Leecc; 7-10. E. Ducl'arme, rwear A A. r' . d Mrs. 'coseph Routledge, Proprietress. Mr.' L:•onard Birk; Executor of Adam Sea; o s111 Miss Liv- G. Heard, M. 112cC'vmvnt. D. Tlioms. ingston, H. Fuse; Smock Miss Living- collections—WOocls named, A. E. ston; Collar and' cuff set R. Fuss; seeseae sa N Ran; resect,, L. Talbot Handkerchiefs Mrs. McDWiIlis, H. j d•. Middleton, E. Craig; Weed seeds, Fuss;Bed jacket. Mrs. Stickle; Pull -I M. Treys, :. t':reer, E; Stickle, •A. St- over, wool, IV.irs: Frowrie; Apron fan-' urgeon; Sere ower, J. Pease, A. St cy, E. Stephensorr;• Ladies' hand bag urgarr, P>'. Thoms. R. Lamont, M.rs. Howrie; Ladies dress Sports--Preeeelsoot ciiil'di•en, 11 from old garmt. alis; Livinzston, R. r Lamont; Dying old garnet Mrs McD Willis. Mrs.:Frowrie; Snort shit for man Mi's Livingston. H. Fess; Pyj- amas, H. Fuss, Mies Livingston; Pull- over speater R. Fuss' Mitts Miss 'Liv - in Li L c Mi13c'clicton, T. Middleton; D. Ca.rrp=bell 'goys race udder 8, L. The. Terme,' G. Casse, T. Pen -hale; Girl's race ,8 and:.. under, M. Graham, R. Weetlake, 8..:- • Marc; 12 yrs. and une-r; Cr. Guem t; - son.AW gston; H. Fuss; Socks 11n heavy Miss u3r.der:Pear12, . Stinson Car B:Girls Cassel;race J: vingston and 2nd; Socks, fine. Miss Mitedlrton; Bore. under 1i6; B. Ratite ivingston; Work showing patch hem well, :L; Sweitzer. D. Middleton'; ed H. Fuss, Miss Livir•eeton ; net Broad' : v;znp, R RathweIl; M: ISweeze rochet, Miss .Livingston: R. Lamont; D.'14I'Iiicl ' n; Girl under 16' B` Castle, knittiattin , g Fuss, A. Warner; Fancy T M•i`dAr ton, T. Craig, Corrie boy; g -in cotton, llrrs. ]Tolgre,,Ijiss..LeeDuch e. C. Greer...;" -Cleave •vn gestreo;;, Brawn 'thread' work,. Tw'i s, - ' vingston, Ms. Metcalf; Hemstitchc- Tabot, a�oRaueeeti girl; L. Dpc2larxrie, 1W Tahoe, T. Rau. g 3 styles Miss Livingston, 'Mrs. Spechth - Rbbinson's food' shei ,rpr owrie; Lace cloth, A. Whrner, Mrs best horse on a rot nos, F Supper; owrie; Cut work E3'iss Livingston, E. Webster; Scotchtnere's Fear iwarn, A. Warner; Tapestry, Miee Livingst for best 'showing of horses; F: gteeee- on, H. Fuss; Cross stitch Miss Living er, IL Turner; 1r. W. Merner: TuriTh ston, Mrs. Howrie: Irish crochet Miss for best General Purpose mare ae4 Livineston, Mrs. Howrie; Shown's' foal, W. Decker. R. Mansoir: Beet sight bias, H. Fuss; Card table xx ..'•i'-rr ..1r3.k-v��'.t','•-L Arthi! 'Welber, .Auctioneer: Li Milford Merrier, Clerk. �in — H BAYFIELD FALL FAIR FINE ARTS (Concluded from last week) Landscape, oil Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie ; Still life, oil Miss Livingst- str ti colt an halter, W. Decker, 1t Mkt sone Not once nor twice but six times yearly the s ; .� 'rt Z „" a for AfcColtProntenae gasoline—the famous MARATHON 4«$LUE”—arse'. changed to g'iveiyourmo;tc)r its accustomed power under differenik climatic' co/Widens. 1tEti' *DIAN motor lubricants, too, must conform to requiremetits that are totally different Winter then, those of Summer driving. PLAY SAFE,•_. -.gam ,PIAN product* assure you of trouble-free performance the year "round. Drive In et the,, sign of twill • kno INDIAN! where Products end,'ServIce err ' the best..0 • Drive into our station TOMORROW and let us put your' ca: int : shape for trouble-free, repair -free service darting. Anti -freeze eere in the radiator--Winte me Winter months:, RED INDIAN or REDS • :4 N IAN AVIATION in the cran:cease-Wintergearlub*ic�antsin ar; ,ro • boax,,and dif erentiai--battery ci�ieckeel' - ge . ' f )--teres checlKed-,c;hans., repaired; cleaned and made .readyfor us' ' tilled with Winter-gradeMARATHON, ' u'�-�l�assis' telt ``-�'�tet�-f �aa1C g •BLUB"fora > cksta.' en d,,, steadypoyeet.00matterhowlowthethermometer 9. Nt t goes.DOITNOViPt •• HOWARD KLOPP _- ZURICII Ward. i'rii'z Used Car Lot itr Connection