HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-10-26, Page 1'VOLUME 40, Ns, 16, ZUM ICH. THURSDAY MO'i1 Let the ads. in the Herald :OCTOBER 26-, t 9 39. Chester L. Smith, Publiereene $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adv* 1.50 LN ARREARS, MB.Y OR mallett, our guide for your Fall buying COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRIG C. E. Z urbrigg 1 .o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Tlie'." Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used: Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Lastest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. ^ Good Glasses at. Reasonable Priees 'BETTY' ANNE BEAUTY SHOP —YOUR HAIR—The most important thing to complete your spring outfit is your hair- Treat it as such and come to us far your next PERMANENT WAVE. Introducing to you for the first time the newest .in scientific hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair he fine, course, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each. type and you are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you have always wanted - Why Accept a Substitute for the Best. No advance in. prices. Phone 159 Zurich. for Appointments. MRS. ED. GAS•CHO, Prop. See and Ride in the New 1940 DODGE 1940 DODGE CUSTOM -4-DOOR SEDAN THE CAR WITH THE FULL -FLOATING RIDE, And Many :Other Improvements PHONE TO BAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION! LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE WARD FRITZ DODGE and DESOTO SALES - ZURICH AllatilMMINEMMNIIMPIMW WE SELL 1111dE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Crowd. Brawl Syi & p, :2-s- each Pumpkin„ Aylmer Tie yer' tin Mince Meat, 2 lbs.. .. Hillcrest Shortening 2 lbs. Aerowax, no Tubbing, liquid Quaker corny. flakes, 3. pkgs. Salmon, fancy„ Ted Cohoe, ha s. Many Floviners' Toilet Soap, 4 cakes ...... -19 c Sultana Raisins.. 2 lbs. ." .'. .25c25c Currants, recleaned„ 2 lbs , .. �-.»- roll3. _,25c Snow Cap toilet paper, ..__�'.. ....� 7 7c Lily chicken Fladdie per tin ......w .,10cCardinal Molases. I% per 'tnr�.......-- ... . Com Syrup 5.s., per tin a.,..._... 39c _i5c - _10c ,.a - 25c ... .... 25c ... 29c .,:25c 17c; 1 -lb tin 29c All Heavy,' Underwear. Sweater Coats, Hosiery, etc for the -hole .family. Also Flannelette Blankets, wool BIankets, Yarns ti'of.:. 1l'l.ds. v,' 1 RN.ER 4O Leavitt's TheatrE EXETER — ONT, Tkiirsday, Friday, Saturday �'lanly Angels Have Wings A Thrilling ' Mr Picture with CARY GRANT and JEAN ,ARTI; U1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Indianopolis Speed Way, f Starring PAT O'BRIEN and ANN SHERM AN Added Featurette: MARCH OF TIME "BTTLE FLEETS OF ENGLAND" Walt Disney's Tecnicolor Cartoon. BEWARE OF 'CHARITY RACKETS Citizens everywhere are warned to be wary of subscribers for war time charities. In the near future the pub- lic can expect an avalanche of charity drives supposedly to aid in welfare work created by the. war and resid- ents should exercise care in making donations as many solicitors' will be working for no one but themselves;/. Presentation A very happy time was spent last Thursday evening, Oct. 19th, when iiIrs. Earl Thiel entertained a numb- er of relatives and friends in honor of her friend Miss Beatrice Gascho, bride elect, The home was beauti- fully decorated in pink and white. Miss Vera Decker of Exeter read the address when little Carole Thiel and Marilyn Haberer so cheerfully pulled the loaded little wagon containing a miscellaneous shower and presented it to Beatrice. Miss +Gascho thanked the guests very ably for their kindness shown to her, with those lovely and useful gifts. The other part of the evening was spent in contests, social chats and community singing. A deli- cious buffet luncheon was served, Mrs. Joseph ;Brandon of Bellgrave, Was a iSund• "t • t tae ome o 1 r:• and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Mrs. Leonard Birk of Guelph is epending a few weeks with her mother 'Mrs. Martha Routledge. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Whitesides of Cobo- conk, is visiting with her brothers and sister at the Williams home this week • 'Mrs. Lennis Callfas and daughter Marion and friends of Kitchener, were week -end visitors at the home :of Mr. Alfred Melick. Mr. and Mrs. Samuei Gottschalk of Dashwood were Monday visitors in town, calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner. Following is•the address: October 19, 1939. Dear Beatrice: We, your friends and neigh - Dors could not let this happy event jass by without extending to you our nest wishes and our most cordial con- gratulations upon the occasion of your marriage. We have been happy to have been able to count you among our friends and hope that God will grant you many years of happy life. As a small token of our appreciation and of the high regard in which we hold you, we ask you to accept these gifts. May they prove of use to you in your home and may you when us- ing them remember us with the kind,- hest ind=Best of feelings. Signed ---Your Neighbors and Friends Town Hall ZURICH FRIDAY, OCT. 247th. Doors Oped at 5.00 p.m• Third Coast -to -Coyest Tour SILENT BILL BIDDLE IN PERSON DOES CRIME PAW?'' Showing a Most 'Complete Set o PRISON PICTURES Ad 1 1 Attraction: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sahli; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Underwood of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gabel on Sunday. ;The parishoners of St. Boniface parish wish to greatly thank those who patronized the Food Sale on. 'October 21st. The quilt was won by 1Vlrs. T. Mittleholtz.' Mr's.; Clara Decher, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Thiel,: Mr. and Mrs. Earl heel; and daughter Carole. motored to oit pn _Situxdas**�'�wi �oy}ed. a:'few-daye with relatives' "and fi :ends. ;OVER 2200 LBS OF FOWL We, are advised that over. 2200 lbs. of fowl, mostly goose, are ready for the oven and will 'be sizzling when this issue reaches its readers. 2211 geese have been dressed besides some, chic- kens for the big fowl supper at St - Peter's Lutheran church, Zurich.. There will; be no need of anyone go- ing; away hungry, plenty has been provided for one and all. We hee sully urge everyone to come and help, eat up all these goodies these ladies have prepared. Brim, your friends with. you, asa most pleasant and. social evening. is; in store for all who attend. SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY A mast; successful anniversary/ was; celebrated in the local Evangelical church, on Sunday. Both morning; and. evening the church was well. filled. an all enjoyed the word of Gad as it � as, preached by Rev. H. A. Ke11- ermar, of Waterloo. His subject. for the:; inoining• service was "Standing on Holy Ground" while in the evening he chose "Follow Thou Me.:'." The: Ladies,' Quartette of Calvary Church Kitchener rendered well received mu/thefts :aat both services, while:in:thel morning the local mens' chorus sang and in the evening the church choir. Tl le it was an inspirational day in: the house of God. Optical Repair Service AM IN A POSITION TO DUPLIC- ATE YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE , LENSES. PROMPTLY AND AND AT PRICES ACCURATELY MUCH 1 PHONE YOUR 0 For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale A's'ub.a LESS Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. GIen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Cake Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foe .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall THAN THE LARGER CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES. A G. ,HESS JEWELER ANDOTIC/AN J. l:". S"i'LJT—Canada's ' Otitstatittl"l leg 'Magician! SILVER COLLECTION OBITUARY Late Mrs. Wm. Uttley Catherine- Dabus, relict of the late, W,,iiIiam Uttley of Zurich passed' to her creator on Saturday morning,; Qc .Auer'21st, 1939, after a few diys> illness with heart weakness. Dece ^. ed wee well known in the community having lived all her lite in Hay Towne ship and Zurich. She was of a nice quiet disposition, ever striving after` peace and good friendship, a very good mother to her family, and' also very much concerned about tiles wel- fare of her chuiclb, where she hi' her quiet way ahvays; did what she could for .the good of -mankind. Her hus- band predeceased seven years ago, and shehad remehed the age of 'being in her 76th year. A daughter Floro also predeceased, and those surviving are': five sons and five daughters: Joseph Uttte>y of St. Marys, Milfred of Toronto-, Frank Herb and Ralph of Zurich; Mrs. Mary Burke and Mrs. Lucy , Ross of Toronto ; Mrs. Minnie wife of !Clarence Wild; Erma, wife of Joseph Wild of Stephen Town- ship, and Miss Alma at home; Two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Weber of Zurich, Mrs. J. Gibson of G'oderich; two bro- thers, William Dabus of Hensall and John Dabus of A•ober Corner, Sask. Also 73 grandchildren and one sweat grand child. The funeral was, held on Monday morning to St. Rori:face_ church for service and celnetery for intervent: '.tar rather L, W, Power ofiicie0118. •••i• + ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t0.........444, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • w • er • Neter Suitings OR Fall Overcoatings These are the finest range of Suitings and Over- coatings levercoatings we have ever shown, and prices the lowest Two of the largest and Best Firms in Canada. W. R. Johnston, and House of Hobberlim. Over 600 -Patterns to choose from. Made to styte you want. OUR SUITS FOR $22.00 Made to Measure, are the best Bargains we have ever had. LOOK OVER OUR RANGE • r j Wrir 110 sEMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS f V44.0•••i••••••••••••••••*•••••••644.4.4,04•46••Oa.ba4) ", man & 0 .• 4" • 4 • 4 4 ,e 1 b MINIMMas,t AIM BUY NOW! And Make Big Savings -With the Upward Trend of Prices, We advise the Public to Buy Now! We have a full stock of Goods usually found.. in a Country Store:.. Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and -Shoes, and Harness Repairs, Etc. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand Tiff DOUGLAS s PH ONE 11 - 97 RE E3LA KiE