HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-09-07, Page 1• VOLUME 4O, Z'JaICH THURSDAY MORN INP, SEPTEMBER 7,1939. eptember 25th and 26th t Chester L. Smith, lbs t,25, a year. U.S. 81,50 in AdivEnbilt 1,50 I11ART•ILAiRS.$2 MAT Ba ¢l[R.8*1114 dates of the Zurich Fall Fair .10•10-., ' COMFORTABL. GLASSES At REASONABLE PR.!CES C. E. Zurbzi g OPTOMETRIST at ITER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Ilsedt. Ewen; evryery Week Day Except Wednesday. "Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTY ANNE BEAUTY -SHOP —YOUR HAIR—Ther most ianpariant thing to complete your spring outfit is your hair. Treat it as such and come to us for your next PERIVIANENT WAVE. Introducing to you for the first time the newest in scienttflc hair treatment, it is aur pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair be faire, course, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type and you, are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you have always wanted. Why Accept a. Substitute for the Best. No advance in prices. Phone 159 Zurich for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. SEE : ND RIDE In the New 1940 THE CAR iiTlt THE FULL -FLOATING RI 1E,, And Zany Other Improvements . PHONE, TODA.Y FOR .A DEMONSTRATION! LIBERAL "MOE IN ALLOWANCE WAR FRITZ DODGE and DESOTO :SALES - ZURICH Leavtt's Theatr EXETER — ONT, This Theatre is "Air Conditioned" iiursday, Friday, Saturday 4» Double Feature j! "ST. LOUIS BLUES" With DOROTIHY LA IGUR "f • All Star Cast. THE JONES FAMILY In EVERYBODY'S BATHING • (Comedy) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Double Feature THE DEAD END KIDS In "HELL'S KITCHEN" . •, tiH • "BEAUTY FOR THE ASKING With Lucille Ball and Donald Woods. WAR HAS BEGUN With this week we regret. that we are called upon to announce that the hot bed. of Europe is aflame with war, after twenty years of peace of hostilities. As in 1914, about '`2 years ago, the German military mach- ine is again set in action and this time they are overrunning the smaa nation of Poland, while on the other war it was little Belgium that suffer- ed the most It is definitely known Miss Dorothy Swan, of Brucefield, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Erwin ,Schilbe of town. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Foster' and family ':of Detroit, were holiday vis- itors at the home of Mr and Mrs. L. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver of London Wtre holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. C. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch; Mr. and Mrs. Menno Oesch spent the week -end at the home of their bro- ther, Mr. John Oesch, Pigeon, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Addison and two sons of Clinton were holiday visitors at the home of the former's son, Dr. A. J. and Mrs. Addison of town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer are nicely settled in part of the house owned by the Bechler Estate in Zur- ich. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. ..'acob Gingerich attended a large Sunday School conference at Kitchener over the week -end. Also visiting at Baden. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin and daughter Marion and Mrs. Martin Sr and Miss Lorinda Cook of Stratford called at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber on Friday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald of the Bronson line accompanied by Mr. and that the greater masses of the Ger- Mrs. Carl McClinchey and family of man people do not wantwar, bi}t''Cromarty attended the big Sararas evidently the high powered. militapy' Re -union at New Hamburg on Mon- Natzi re'gime'have decided to go, -and day. F.. ? , 444, xHitle1,;as = Tr,�on M V�rs filen .W.alper <;a d oriirer arld ,Broadcast• stat''e'� " a� ` little son Patine,Mrs.` Clare 'Wafer "In this part of Europe there al 'and daughter Jean and son Elgin of was a' frequency of war; over here Windsor were holiday visitors with in the American continent everything Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe and fam- is peace one nation with another and sly. we distinctive dread war, but during the Tart World War- it was proven The death took place on Tuesday that the American countries can and of Mr. Elmer G. Krueger at nils home will fight, and fight to the finish if on the 14th con., Hay Township. rhe their world rights are denied. Last' funeral is being held on Thursday of Friday the big and powerful German army opened hostilities on Poland and invaded the same; France, Brit- ian and Poland were allied to help .each other in case of being attacked, so on Sunday morning at 5 o`clock, our time Great Britain declared that there was a condition of war between that nation and Germany and in a few hours later Fiance made the same de- Aeration. It takes a very short time to start a war, but generally a long time til it is over with, and this war inay run into many y.:ars. but it is our hope that it will soon be settled and peace shal again he enjoyed in Europe. While Canada has a yet not declared war on Germany, it be- ing a part of the British Common- wealth, we are told that when Great -Britian is at war, Canada as well as the other 't, its •h countries, are also at war. Recruiting here in Oitaiiohas already begun and meets 1 t with the . t , oang' plenty of recruits of manhood of the land. An 1 s , much a; we despise these circ!itions, we like many other peoples must bear our part of tin' burden . WE SELL THE BEST FOR, LESS SpeeiVakt liar Thursday, Friday and Saturday Chase and Sanborn .coffee, 1 -ib. tin ................36c Kllogg's corn flakes,, 2 pkgs. 15c Catsup 122 -oz.. bottles .... -...._ Cascade Salm'n.on, 1 -Ib. tin 15c c5 Tea. biscuits gid- per .pkg. ...M_ 1V1cCorrnic' 's sweet .biscui.t ,cookies lb. ... ...... .....15c 25c Shortening;, 2 lbs. ..._....__.... i 5c Palm 'Olive. soap,. 3 cakes ------.--- . 17 c Matches,. 3 btsares ....-1010-�.._._.._. .-10... ...... .......25c Salmon golden iiet Cohoe, 1 -Ib. tin . ...... 27 25c Hemphill's rarlieal.: erries., • 5 lbs. 25c Kleenex, 2 'pkgs_ :,....:.:.._.. 1010 Caanpbell's rmato •soup:, 2 tins 19c Cubs cereal,: 2'pkgs _,10 10,. 25c25c Zinc rings, per 'dozen, c Cocoa. �tin :............ 25 •'C'Q'VVaI7tSi k ............. «.« C Peanut Batter or nut crush, 2 lbs. ..... 25c P and G. N.aptisa soap.6 bars ,.......10.10.............. Ladies' House Dresses, new shipment .�6 0 Ladies silk full :far.;bioned hose, pair ...........---.69c' .......,, --•._. p 140 Talking i w :re • 0 TOWN HALL' ;f; URICI On TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12th. National Film Service presents DICK TALMADGE, in "FIGHTING PILOT Added attractions; Cowboy and In- dians, Songs of th Prairie, Village specialist. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ROYAL VISIT 'The Complete New Edition of the Visit of King George and Queen Elizabeth To Canada and the United States The same as shown to thousands at the Canadian National Exhibition, No 4,dvance in priioes. I veryotwe should see it! MQ p.m. A(tv.lts Ma, Children 140 ternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. In- terment will follow in the Bronson line cemetery. More particulars next week. Mrs. Clara Decker of town, and daughter Vera of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer and family of Detroit, and Misses Norma and Flor- ence Steinbach, enjoyed a pleasant motor trip to Niagara Falls and other p'Iaces of interest over the week -end. With the opening of school n Tues- day we nate the following from thi: vicinity attending High School at Exeter: Ruth Brown, Doris Meyers, Archie MacKinnon, Elroy Desjardine, Alpha Meyers, Greta Haberer, fre ie Turkheim, Fred Floss. Elwood True - miler, Margaret T?ev. ituth ,Tlln.toll, EIIa Bohn, Mildred Haberer Wins Fine Clock The guessing; contest of the Mantle Clock ofleied by L. E'.chilbe & Son, came to a close Saturday night and the lucky winner of the clock was Miss Mabel Swartzcntruber• of the Bronson line, who had guessed the number hours the clock would run without winding as 330 hrs. 45 -min. The actual time the clock did run was 33 'lits. 33 min. Mr, T. Mittle- holtz was the next closest with 330 hrs. 15 min. There were agout 1011 guesses made. optical Repair Service AM IN A POSITION TO DUPLIC- ATE YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY AND AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THE LARGER CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN U.y.co For positive identification o the World's Finest Anti/rack&. ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta. Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets, The Roe Farms Milling Cato Feeds, W. R. DAVIDSO' Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hence .•••..•••••••••••.••••O•.•••••••.•••••••+••••4• •t •• • • • • • • •, • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • ARE 'GOING TO BE. More Comfortable This Summer IN Light Weight Worsteds ORDER YOUR SUMMER SUIT NOW! Come and See Our Large Display 0 ti G EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTOiiS adi004$404••••••••041b000.0660011,00c,004.004. aeV ,c,c e:;., AMESMEREVEREMMEEMOMMESIMatialtra DASHWOOD. MAN PASSES Following a stroke last Thursday', Andrew Musser, of Dashwood, who was one of the severely injured' in a motor crash last winter near Birr on No. 4 highway, died suddenly at his home in that village in his 74th year. Mr. IvEusser for many years followed the occupation of threshing and during.. these years gave' of his service to a, great many fanners in the western portion of both Hay and Stephen Townships, Always a very of a cheerful and genial disposition, 1 he had indeed many fri'onds who re- gret :to learn of his departure.. Sur-:- lvitg are: his wife who was formerly Miss Fanny Schroeder of the Zurich district; a son, Wittliam of Detroit; a daughter, Mrs, Arthur Ham;@r, of hear Dashwood, four brothers, Peter of Winnipeg , Abram of Regina; An- rus, of Cranbraok, 13.C. ,Y^hip of Tmparial, haste., and a siAqi Mrs. Richari 1)eMas of Exam SPRING 000.15 YOU NOW fiEQUIRE Have You Selected Your Garden Seeds? We have a good Assortment of Flower and Veg. etable Seeds in 5c and 10c Packages,.. Also Root Seeds and Sorghum. • WE HANDLE SCARFE`S PAINTS Men's, Boys' -Misses and Children's Running Shoes, Men's Work Shoes.. House Dresses, Aprons, Prints and .T3roadcloths, Men's and Boys' Overalls and Smocks. I. (ARNESS REPAIRS, ETC., ETC. Al Fresh groceries Always on Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE' 11 -97 BLAKE