HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-08-31, Page 1• - VOLUME 40„ ZURICH/ THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1939. Chester L. Smith, Puldieble $1.25 a year, U,S, $1.50 in Admit* re its; &elle:Aileen MAY BS 0.ttS11441, lot the Herald publish all your summer Visits and Visitors HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS, FOR SPRING Let us quote you on. Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give yea personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments tall us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Luthe.rfn Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World." friday, 8h—Luther League. eltursday—Choir Practice. 4UNDAY SERVICES! 3 a. m.—German Service. 15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL 7.30 p.m.---E'nglish 'service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERICHEIMe Pastor. EMMA.N1UEL :A..re You Suffering From EVANGELICAL CHURCH - Headaches? 2f so ; •Have your Eyes Etta*ed with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. = COLE, R. Q. OPTOMETRIST & OPTIMISM GODERIOR ON. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices me COMFORTABLE GLASSES At • REASONABLE PRIMES C. E. Zlirtikrigg ' OPTOMETRIST at EXETER the Newest. Aeprovad lifitelmd tdf "U""11',: Pay EX0.10' C. B. Hockendorn„ Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.m. Theme: The Carpenter of Nazareth. 11. A,M. Sanda.y SehooL 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Were you to Church Last Sunday? 13iaw aboout next Sunday? GOOD HOGS shipment of 19 hogs by David Cantelon, Clinton, has netted the ;producer, W. Forbes of Goderich township exactly $314.62. The hogs were less than six months old when shipped and Mr. Centel= says "it was eeae of the best loads I have had in:a long time." It takes good feed- ing :to get hogs to market insid the six months limit. At the present pric- es being paid for gtm.n..... a farmer IN MEMORIAM Jarrott—In loving memory of 143' departed mother, who passed away ten years ago, September 4th, 1939. You don's knowathe sorrow to be left alone,— • Till God sends a message into yonr home; • . . T'is hard when He calls for one Or the other, But the hardest of all when He calla for your Mother. Sadly - Sadly missed by a Daughter. et . , HILLSGREEN •Mr. arid Mrs. Russell •Consitt and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Ralph Stephenson have left on ...!ta motor trip to the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and fri- ends spent the week -end in Niagara Falls and Buffalo. . • Mrs. A. Hopkins of Chicago, viSite ed at the home of her brother, 30'. Allan Cochrane and. sister, Miss, Edna Misses Doris and Florella Seiler:of Monkton are visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson.. Mr. Harold Reichert who has beter confined to the house for some trine is able to be at work again. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson.visiti ed with friends in Stratford int Sun. day. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township 4U. Stephen met in the Town Hall, Grad iton, on Tuesday evening, Aug 3 at 8 p.m. All membera were preserytO The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted on motio. • The Clerk read a letter he had re;% ceived from The Ontario Hospital, Woodstock, notifying the Council that David 0. 'Waghorra wasp admitted .11MININIEN••••••••10 Mr. Albert Heideman of Kitchen- er is visiting at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Hagan of Sea - forth were visitors in town this week Mrs. I. Dedels and family of Kit- chener are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Datars, este Mr. and Mrs. Rheineman J. Kalb- fleisch of Detroit, were visitors with the former's parentts here this week. • Mrs. C. Eilber, Mrs. Mary Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Faust and son Harold of Mitchell were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner and infant son of Guelph are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. The various officials of Mutual Fire Insuiance Co. regular meeting at Grand Saturday. the Hay held their Bend int IVEss Shirley Krueger is learning: the manipulation of the Centrag switch' board, under the management: of Mr. E. G. Hess. Mr. arid Mrs. Theodore Haberer, spent a pleasant week -end in Detroit. Their daughter, Florence, who has been visiting in that city, returning with them: Mr. John McLeod, of Toronto, a f s tpeltite.nraielIeo'ione,o '"""'''''''.4`*.e.e441 Ni$i or -wl I The re "iteves-',here ,- rs' -- .1 - - son otho rateErr. McLeod and Mrs. Optical Repair • Service AM IN A POSITION TO DUPLIC- ATE YOUR SISOICEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY AND ACCURATELY AND AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THE LARGE*. CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU "TI -M MOST • MODERN IN SPECTACLE'S; A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICRVI PHONE YOUR 0 *bine coat For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracits ak for "1',. BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta. r Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquet& The Roe Farms Milling Caro Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fou .Eggs on a sraded basis. Pone 10.w Hensall • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••., . ° • • to. the Institute on the 2nd of Aug " • er" .e.c4ererl ,4 .1cri.D.RAPI1 a.. —Sun ,7•c. ete. h grandfather'ihi town being Mr. Peter Koehler. •. led feeditt t'' a week from that date.. " A. letter from the Trustees of U.S. .*BETTY - ANNE:BEAUTY S!-101), —YOUR HAIER—The mostimportant-thing to complete your spring outfit is your hair. Treat:it as such.and come to us for your next rEaratowria- WAVE. Introducing to you far the first :time the newest in scientnic hair treatment, it is our pleasureetotpresent "Prescription Permanent*" Whether your hair be fine, course, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type and you are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you have always Awarded. Why Accept a Substitute for'the Best. No advance in price. Phone /59 Zurich Air Appointments. MRS. ED. GASOIIO, Prop. a WE SELL THE ESIT FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maxwell:flour= caffet;„ Ter lb_ .. .......... .............35c Kellogg's kr.oret flakes, 2-Pkg. 1 5c Catsup now_ Zbtls. -. - 25c Cream saindwich sweet:coolies per lb 1 5c Fleinz baked beans-med.' , 2 tins 25c Cascade:salmon., 11-116. Itia i 5c Tea Bisk, tried_ ine,iper pkg i 9c Artie Laundry white14aptha, 7 bars 25c .Crisw,, 3 lb, tin for Lux toilet soap. 3 4Aces .... _ 17c Hillcrest shortening„ 2 lbs. •..,23c Peas, 17 -oz. • 2 tins ...-..... 19c 27c ..5c • Brooms, 5 string,, good weight Classic cleanser,, pe: tin — Matches, booms - .... . 25c Toilet paper,„ 4 roils —. .. .. -25.c MEI NER pboite t40 S No. 16 Stephen andyr was read in which they ask the Courneirtio pass a .by-law for the issue of $2,200 in ,Debentures for a .terr,n of. 5. years at 4 p.c. per annum whicir is_required for the installation of a steam heat- ing system in the school.. MietiUre that • this by-law be given first reading. . Wilson,. agent for. the A. E. Wilson Co. interviewed the Council with the idea of the Municipality taking out road insurance.. Two mot- ions were made one to take out in- surance and the other motion, that no insurance be taken out and poo be laid aside annually for any emer- gency. The former carried: Road accounts to the amount of 3994.611 and the following items were passed: Exeter Times -Advocate 113.- 10; Bank of Com. ' cashing- cheques L80; A. Patterson rebate dbg tax $2 W. Kleinstiver, valuating sheep 1.75, T. A. Ryan sheep killed and' injured $8; lfunic. World supplies .69; Ont. Hospital, Woodstock $30'; QueereAlq, andea Sanitorium $27; Ti-eas. Hay Tee relief re Jackson 2.41; Restemey- er tz Mffler, relief 320; C: .ZWicker relief act $8; Comm. Stat & Print- ing Co. stationery '7.55; A. Field, cut .• weeds $3; W. B. Willert do $5; Edw. Willert, weed inspector 31.75. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday Sept. Er, at 1 o'clecle Herbert K. Eilber, Twp. Clerk. Ilmalia....,..111•MNAM071.1700011171MONIN Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Only this week to dance to WILLIS TIPPING, and his Cascade Rythm Orchestra • Mr. and 'Mist'. 611Arles Thiel, bridal couple, who spent their honeyareon in • Detroit and vibihility returned home on Monday evening •and are getting t nicely settled ire their home leased • from Miss Helen, Sivenan, on Louise t. • • Good News greets. the people of Zurich and a large. surrounding as we learn of St: Phter's Lutheran church having decide' d on ro hold a monster fowl supper some time in October this fall. This is always a big event andretefires a large pat- ronage of well' satiMed customers. We congratulate • Mr. Frederick Hess, youngest son. of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess, whosis attending, High School at Exeter. Fred passed in all his exams, having obtained six First Class honors and' two seconds. He has now passed' air His Middle School and tee subjects in -the Upper School and another year of learning Fred will be out of the .Eligh Schools. HYMENEAL Williamson—Jeffrey A. happy reatro.monial event was celebrated .at., Se,,..1.1.eter's R. C. Church. Drysdale, on. Satarday, August 26th, when Rev. Father 0. A. Martin un- - ited in Hoix, W.eddiock Muriel Jaffrey,: :4111111OWNINIII d aughter: of." P/Ixl. and Mrs. George. Jeffrey toe Reenald J. Williame, body of Stanley, Teewaiship. We join thei4e many feign:de in extending congratue • a ep. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4,1 • • 4 = ARE', (11OING/i TO BE 4,4**4641,44 1 • More Coitil�rtable This Summer T!" IN' • Light Weight Worsteds ORDER YOUR' SUMMER SUIT NOW! Come and: See Our Large Display W. 11. I-Ioffman & Bon iEMBALMIR5 AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • 41- • .44,40.44004e *444,•••••••••••*040044.414,44•4/***********Oo. t s...0.111•••••111.1.1......••••• Thiel—Fisher Mel meetin.ge of Thelma Iniestleeetle daughter- et Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, Fisheee (ef'Deeshwood to Charlee.ligere see. of and Mrs. George. I. ZA.r.iiela was solemnized on; Asigosit azt. three o'clock at Se. Day, Lutheran parsonage by eleg, Reeve Le Come to say ".Good Bye" Labor Nit ,then. The bride wee& a &Ilk Ibeeeee.deel ,lace dress of QueeoN, Wives .Me it. a Gala Ending—The Left 'with aevy accessories. tShe earthefit s Dace ;bmqstiat of Briarcliffee ewes aZta: Was . ;attended by her sistee' Loewe, who DANCING NIGHTLY THIS 'EEK wie.e".!.a Malta fuschite beer Ote$ 'with matching accessories. and eerried a bouquet of talismen rosea. Stuart 'Thiel, brother ot the grqlom acted as beet man. Afteer- the ceremony a rec- eption was held at the bricle'some to the immediate relatives. Later the happy coup.le; left bp auto for. a short honeymoon to Detroit and other points. Coe their return they will re- side ire Zurich wbers the lieralkl fits theis. many friende in exteneitleg eon- grotulation9 end best wfashee te thia li'vee admission before 9 Tues., Thurs., Fri. First two clauses free. every night. MIDNIGHT DANCE SUNDAY 12.05 a.m. $EPT. ard, STRATFORD BOY'S' BAND Core06't Afternoon 3 p.m, 'Evening a.ao p.m. !SUNDAY, S'EPTEMIWIR 3rd. • pc.921.1.1.€1,r yelang conple. 1 GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11-97 SPRING GOODS YOU NOW REQUIRE Have You Selected Your Garden Seeds? We have a good Assortment of Flower and Veg- etable, Seeds in 5c and 10c Packages,- Also Root Seeds. and Sorghum. • WE HANDLE SCARFE'S PAINTS Men's, Boys' Misses and Children's Running • Shoes, Men's Work Sho'es. Howse Dresses, Aprons, Prints and .Broadoloths„ Men's and Boys' Overalls and Smocks. IJARNESS REPAIRS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Groceries Always on Hanel R. N. DOUGLAS SLAKE