HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-08-24, Page 4$, . -'11A44111110101t COUNTY of HURON7 TREASURER'S SALE of LAND for TAXES IV virtue of a warrant issued under the hand of the Warden of the C.,enaty. of Huron and having the seal of the said Corporation attached there 40, bearing date the Fourteenth day of July, 1939, and to me directed, sconurkanding me to levy on the lands hereunder enumerated, for the arrears 44 taxes respectitavely' due thereon, together with costs, Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Assessment Act, I Alan proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or so much thereof as say be sufficient for the payment of the taxes thereon, unless the same be ,sooner paid. The Sale will commence at the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, November 7, 1939, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. The adjourned sale, if necessary, vnu be held at the same hour and place, one /week later. A, H. ERSKINE, Treasurer, County of Huron. Coderich, July 19, 1939. Published in the Ontario Gazette August 5, 1939. HAY TOWNSHIP. Owner Description Yrs. in Arrears Taxes Comm. Advtg. Total Samuel 'Willis Nee Lot 8 & Sle Lot 9, Con. 8 1936-7-8 107.95 2.70 2.00 112.65 Edward Thiel Lots 130, 1, 2, Volland's •Sy. Zurich 1936-7-8 47.87 1.20 2.00 51.07 Valerie Cantin North of Campbell W. of Vallee St. Lots 8 to 34 inclusive S. of Bisonette Ave., W. of Vallee St. Lots 1 to 47 Tnelusiye North of Bisonette, W. of Vallee, Lots 23 to 48 inclusive S. of Dansereau, W. of Vallee, Lots 13 to 52 inclusive The S. Part of Nantel Terrace W. of Vallee and S. of Campbell, Lots 1 to 5 inclusive S. of Campbell Ave, W. of Vallee, •Lots 2 to 12 inclusive E. of St. Joseph St., Lots 1 to 6 inclusive W. of St. Joseph St., Lots 1, 2, 3 E. of Georgianna St., Lots 4, 5, 6 N. of Gendron St., Lots 10 to 15 inclusive E. of Vallee and N. of Campbell, Lots 1, 2, 3,5 and7 to 11 inclusive, e.3 to 28 inclusive and S 29. W. of Napoleon St., Lot 13 to 28 inclusive and See 29. W. of 40 feet reserve between Campbell & Dansereau lots 12 to 17 inclusive and 19 to 22 inclusive. E. of 40 feet reserve between Campbell & 'Densereau 34, 38 inclusive. E. of 40 feet reserve between Bisonette & Campbell 23, 24,28 E. of Vallee & S. of Campbell, Lots 1 to 5 inclusive. S. of Campbell and E. of Vallee, Lots 9 to 17 inclusive W. of Vallee. N. of Campbell, Lots 8 to 12 inclusive. S. of Campbell, W. of Vallee, Lots 14 to 33 inclusive. Pt. Block A. on Georgianna St., 4 acres. IPt. Lot 10, L.R.E., called Lot 18, W. of 40 Ft. Reserve between Campbell and Dansereau 1936-7-8 155.55 3.90 7.50 166.95 Zean N. Cantin Lots 18 to 21 inclusive, N. of Bisonette, W. of Vallee, St. Joseph. Lots 5 to 18 inclusive and 55, 56, 57, E. of Napoleon St. Lots 9 to 22 inclusive and 55, 56, 57, W. of Reindeau St. Letts 1 to 32 inclusive S. of Lachapelle Ave an -1 E. of Vallee: Lots i1 to 32 inclusive N. of Lachapelle & E. of Vallee, lots 11 to 32 inclusive N. of Dansereau E. of Vallee. Lots 6 to 36 inclusive S. of Daneereat E. of Vallee. Lots 6 to 18 inclusive N. of Bisonette E. of Vallee. Lots 1 to 13 inclusive S. of Bisonette E. of Vallee.. Lots 14 to 18 inclusive S. of Bisonette E. of Vallee. Lots 13 to 26 inelusive and 55, 56, 57, E. of Riendeau. Lots 17 to 30inclusive & 55, 56, 57, W. of McLean Dansereau. Aeots 21, to 34., inclusive and 55, '5'6, 57 E. of McLean N.Tot ' Dansereau. . Mots 25 to 38 inclusive and 55, 50, 57, W. of Guay St. eLots 29 to 42 inclusive and 55,!5:6, 5?, W. of Masse Ne -of Dansereau. Lots 3 to 7 inclusive W. of Vallee N. of Campbell. • Lots 30 to 41 inclusive and the Ni2 29 W. of Napoleon St. 1936-7-3 102.50 2.56 5.50 11056 Napoleon teatiten Lot 3 N. of Campbell, E. of 'Vallee Lot 4, E. of Vallee, N. of Campbell. :Let 6, E. of Vallee, N. of Cannibell. Lot 5, N. of Campbell, E. of Vallee. • ots 1 to 8 inclusive, N. of Deimeereau, E. of Vallee. ,Chenevert Terrace Lot 6 to 10 inclusive, W. of Vsillee, S. of Campbell. Lots 11 to. 30 inclusive, W. of 'Vallee, S. of Cannikill: • Lots 6 to 13 inclusive, E. of 'Vallee, S. of Campbell. Lots 9 to 16 inclusive, N. of Eisenette, W. of Vallee. .Pt. See Lot 9 L.R.E. 1936-7-8 11878 :47 4.0 .23:25 Helen of Youngstown Ohio, spent a St.JosePh HERALD STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake of Bayfield, were recent visitors to St. Thomas where they visited with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Habson.' Mrs. Harold Penhale was a recent visitor with her parents near London Miss Irene Scotehmer has returned to her home on the Bronson line af- ter a month's visit with her sister, Mrs, Junes Black near Seaforth. ' Dr, Robert Shale, of Regina, a for- mer teacher in,S.S. No. 4, south, re- cently renewed old acquaintances in the vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. G. Freckleton of Pte Elgin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Turner. e Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Haugh of Bru- cefield and daughter Miss Hazel, and Dr. and Mrs. Carman Haugh of Ter - onto were visitors on the Blue Water Highway. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Earl Neeb and two daughters of Pontiac, Mich., return- ed to their home on Sunday after spending their vacation here and in Rochester, N. Y. State. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNiven and son iionald of Dorchester and Mrs. F. Day of Crumlin were Sunday vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs. me. Oes- treigher. Mr. and Mrs. John Hauser of Rod- ey spent the week -end with her par- ents, 1VIr.. and Mrs. George Weigand. Mrs. Vernon Schatz is spending ,a week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender in Toronto. Misses Helen and Ann Morgan and Miss Margaret Allison of Tnames Rd are spending a week with Miss Eunice Oestreicher. Rev. D. Bright, representative of the bible Society occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church last Sunday owing to the absence of Rev. H., E. Roppel. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mcisaac and children returned to their home i n Detroit after spending a few weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Baker enter- tained a number of boys on Tuesday evening in honor of their son Jackie's eleventh birthday. We •regret to say that Jackie has been col -limed to ill health but is improving nicely et present. The evening was spent in games and contests after which a dainty lunch was served. Mrs. J. C. Reid is visiting for some time in Thedford. Btin—On Sunday Aligtist'20th,to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. of Thed- ford, a son (John Beide) ' (Intended for last wee..) , • Miss Eunice Oestreicher . Visited' with friendeeen,,Leeidpolaat,,weele....,.,• XiiSter Rose- Stadelbauer of Lon don spending his holidays at his, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Max. Teliappe -of Cle- veland, Ohio, spent a fewdays last week at the home' of Mr. and IVIrs..T Kuntz. 11r. and Mrs. Arthur -14eSpel of Laneing, eiVfich., spent qaet 'Thursday at !the 'hom6 of her parents, Mr.. and. Mits. J. 'Kuntz. Minnie and 'Lenore, who .spent a feve weeks at the home ofMr. and Mrs. C. ,Pfile returned home with them. • Mr. and Mrs. Lennard CSihroelter and daughter Anna Marie and Mrs Lempkeeof Windsor, returnea TO their home un Sunday after spending two weeks vacation with blends here and in :Walkerton. Rev. •and Mrs. C., A. 'Lang and! HILLSCREEN Quite a •Irettriaber in the community erne sick %%gbh -the stomach flu which leaves them- very weak. Mrs. ResseDiek of Smithsville is •spending some time at theehome of ierbrother,'Mr. Allan Cochrane and .sister, Miss Edna. Mr. and Mts. Wm. Davidson visited few days -with the iraft .eitters beet: • .• : visited s.the community earth efiniends' Mis. Jim Smith and ;Shirelly of: Mr,..and_Mrs. Lorne Manson of Windsor are visiting with her father Lonesne, 21r. and Mrs. Gersion Mane Mr. 'Jonas Hartleib and 'Laval:la. son .nf _D.undas visited with .Mrs. _Mane son and Kies ille.ensJeffrey left to rr.eaume her poeitionaat St. Joseph's llelorepttaie London, .after spending a few' eleyei with her,pateuts, Mr. and Mre Loon) HENS ALL:, Dr. Steer's office, Hensel", who was summed to the accident. There was considerable damage to the truck. The father of the boy is reported to have been shaken up but otherwise was uninjured in the crash. Late Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Samuel Thompson died early last Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Moodie, of Brucefield, in her 95th year, The for- mer Elizabeth Moir, she was the elde est daughter of the late George Moir of Hay Twp. Surviving are a d'aught- er, 'ears, J. Moodie and a son George E, Thompson, of 'Hensall; two bro- thers, Dr, Alex Moir and Robert of Hensall; a sister, Mrs Colin 1VIeGill, of Man, The funeral was held on Frday from the home of her son with inteement in Hensel" Union Cemetery COUNTY NEWS While cranking the delivery car of, his father, Kenneth' Powell of •Sea - forth, had his arin broken ata the wrist, C. C. Pilgrim, Twp. Clerk of Stan- ley, slipped on his doorstep, a few clays ago, and fractured his thigh - e. . Great improvements have *been made in the Clinton postoffice. New lock • boxes have been installed and the public office space has been great- ly increased. Fractures Hip Stephen Powell, one of Exeter's oldest residents, fell while in the gar- den; fracturing his ]eft hip. He is in his 89th year and is confined to bed at the home of his son, J. Willis Powell with whom. he has made his home for many years.. Attacked by Transient Harold Knight, nine year old Sea - forth lad, reports that he eats attack- ed by an unidentified, transient who inflieted a half-inch knife wound in the lad's right arm. The boy was play ing with other lads in a cornfield near his home in the vicinity of the C.N. R. tracks. The man escaped by clim- bing aboard a passing freight train. A Watch Stolen While camping- at the Lions Park, Seaforth, a Toronto tourist had a lady's. gold wrist watch stolen from a table in front of his tent. A young boy abOut 13, was seen near the table:a few minutes before the watch was discovered as missing. Witnesses said the. boy ran to the highway and secured a ride on a passing car. VILLAGE STAYS DRY, A local option centre for 30 years, Ripley, up in Bruce County, has de- cided to remain dry when a move to permit the opening of beverage ro- oms failed at the polls, although sup- ported by a majority of the voters. NERAL NEWS Auto Accident Ov4the week -end ()evil Weber, of Exetesuffered Jacaeetione from bro- :kek4e*elereii. the pee he Wadedfile Mg on, a narrow road turned over into the ditch, The accident took place west of Exeter on a road that is some aeries used as a short cut in going to Gland Bend. Miss L. Armstrong, of _London, .who was with Mr. Welter in tile car, suffered laceration of the wrist. At Goderich a party of five . • Young men of that town, bound for a dance hall in a harrowed car, came to grief at the .C.N.R, crossing on. N. 8 'Highway at the town limits. The dri- v4e, M. Gibson is in the hospital with extensive head and face wounds; A. Poyell, J. Barton and A. Doak were injured about the head ond face,while D. McDonald escaped injury. Gibson lost control of the car 500 feet from the railway :crossing and crashed into the heavy ...d.teel standard, set in con- crete sapeporting the wig -wag. The ;car bounced back onto the highway and crashed into another car, driven by G. Lodelart near Goderich, stav- ing in its side and injuring Mrs. J. !Locklutit, mother of the, driver. • • LICENSING TAXIES AteGnelerich a municipal by-law ... , 77.— beensing Agee -atom • of taxicabs, over _Mrs. Wm. trawford'of MancouVere which theee,.lea.s been much 'contention was a 'Visitor at .the „hom.e of and dis.cussion, became effective on Jeffaieye Mr. tuna 211iisse Gee.. Glenn„ • • . taxis doing ,a thriving • .6 Eriday. Theete are rnore than a dozen %Sunday with the latter's-, parents , Mr_ rei _Mee. Paul .pucheinnee4,1*n i leers ., Bertha, Bell - 'has `ee.tennied, ,ot .business.tvee •aiear Listowell. ... horne 'after spendingesevexall weekaati days a week driving toe.rists off pas-. Mr. Walter -Funk is on the ;kick list1Londone. being wed ewith their Deems April the .2Presbyterian:camP 0:t Kintail. .1 senger steamez$ to end ftoin the liar - Ave hope for ragpeedy recover, . e Rese,,,..W. ;Renrose of •Exater was int .001.4%.0.0ejaw 1 ...17iir: land „Mrs; John Bonllhiani coil bor, only four licenses have .heen. is - Charge of ttliersaervice at Blake eihniz'hi hom. . .• arevisiting with ,Fefe.iiive,, sued, all to year-round operators•The '; ? fee is. e25 tfoe the first' and fp.5 for B LAKE - '.. . 1'1 lnoNfitti lint° their, new home.on Akair i fixer:I at 25c. per paseenger up to . .fkttingly. A. ceuesettette "The•eDettiet Misses GI." '°3'11 flinla'"*elhilile'l; The inany friends of Mee. leVaie on Suede" morning and spoke very.; .Mte:and Mrs..Jarries Pattentanihave! each successive ear. Trip charges are ful Garden of Jemyer"' was sung. byr,. at. mid are getting nicely settiled. Elva ------------ sen' 1114 Pougall, Sr., who underkent midnight and 50 cents a passenger xiey anti] .6 a.m. A very large number of filenSari elatives attensded the funeral of !the Death of Mrs. Boyce . Seaforth, are ,pleaeed to; E. Stelek eetoompaieted at tie organ eratioaerecently Scett IVIemotria late IVIr. R. N. Deeli,g,las held in Rev. Mr. Dezieett \Will be in chareeed Slake Church the service eve he Coming Sunda:v. on Thursday last. Rev erlikei.i Mr. Peters conducted the service antiWelcome ttot bo our Blake, • e ?Mr. and Mrs.Potoe ere ,ndered a very' church service e eka ;Sienelay last ;were.: Maiduet accorripanie4-by Miss Mar.. Allan Esler eel All/pita, Mrs. Alex ees„ •igaret Lamont at the organ. The flor,. leteConnell of Varna, Messrs. 'Win ributes were many ,aed very bea- Leanont and Wm, DAW.401 of Zurich, eatifui. Friends were llre.,,sent frorn and -Miss Isobel Manson of Detroit. eurillia, London, Hyde Pare, Dundee,' I arke and eteet't'iles wh' of Exeter, Hensel', Seaforth and Ztir-' fizoin;Lonilee, visited Mee•and Mr,. • e„,, Are, p t.,„, leh. Interment was held ,to eBayfield! Fint*fieh et'Ducham. ; remetery; The pallbearers were: Mes- jerTurner and son *f London ars. SarneGingerich, S. Hey, W. Clark were t visitors with heir iearenti R. Johnston, W. MoChochey, and C. file mid Mi. R. N. Douglas *Aid Mis: techier. , The sympathy is exteneledquiON'er- So Mrs. Douglas, Miss Gladys •cond • Alls's Athe4a Finlay has returner' Mrs. Margaret Primer wee) mowed after visiting \with her aunts M Lem - ids departure. I don. Mrs. Edighotfer and daughter, Mre Miss Alice Finlya of London,, was 'Tule of Fullerton visited the former's a visitor with her brother Mr. Wm • hr ;:the improviyeee 11tr. AO Mrs. B. A. Campr..eil and' slaughter -.Dorothy of Toronto were reeent visieers with 'Weiss Ethel Mter- delek anti -216.,,rs. V. eneggarth. Newell anel vicinity elms long been, netted as a .gvat onion centre, ano' large eguiriber,s are now vngaged " ir onions, which kre bnThrlg ' very Vonnaie, London. A.private funeral good yield. w ,s. hellel front, the. residence, Eve - •Mr. Bob Passmore, divieety Stud- ent"' has been taking the e rvicee the United chueeh, during the ab- Sence'nf ',the pietor, 'Brook! Mrs. Mark Dryedele underwent ae operation in St. Joseph's Hospital London, awl lier friends wish het r: speedy reeovery, Mrs. Mary Rome widow of Ed- ward Boyce, died in Egmendville, goiI 8,7 years. She ',lived in •Stanley Township for "many years. ;Surviving nate A brother, Wm. ;Walker, Sack; and a eister, Mrs. A. Foe, ;Swift Cue - melee ea daughter, Mrs. Richard Ii.olAen, Arthur; three eons, Edward Breetaifteld; Robert, Seforth, and daughter, Mrs. Ross ,Tohnstot and 'oinley. A blowout of a front rite en a ,other friends during the past we,ck. 'Miss babel .."Vaiiscen, It. N., of Dee Labatt Brewery truck seet *heavy Term Cantle is visiting with friewle troii is holidaying. at 'lee home on. vehicle crashing into the ditch en No Ain this community. the G .11 4 highway just south of Kippen and broughf jnjury of and undetermined • Mee. Usborno. and eon Alvin and In'8 Mills end Mr:4. Caldwell visited Dr. and ;Mrs. R. Hoeg and tianghter nature to Bob Matthews, 21 -yr. old I the cylfivier he 'eihd in to eree PAO114nV evening with telatives. G•reta, of ekieforth, were visitere at son of W. Iii,,.attows, Londort the dri-1and hraVi ie hand in tter , t "'""""" toreloAoro, hcmin '56%, John Dovq1a.ts, 4$4,144444411.+$4,1***.h**.k4lale ^ttterA,...=4,. -or of Lilo trtivR ,who remtived to mught And CTIVROCL $aturday afternoon with 1#ayfield ,Cernetery. h4n't.gies"Pail of Hand When Us 'hand canght in the cy-. tinder of •a•ithreshing separator and was teiribly lecerated, Roland 'Will iams, 40, of -Exeter, was brought to St Joseph's 'Hospital, London. P was' fund necessary to amputate a- bout two-thirds of his right hand e' the hespital, Mr. Williame, who op orates a threshing outfit, was wove- ing at the ;farm of Louie John e neeil Exeter, Vehert ,sotte straw rimmed ir ' PHONF • 11111110111101111r leinneeifaye August 24th, 1939 IA Ulla a 166 Votes favored bever- age rooms, with 149 negative votes registereti' However, the "wets" failed ,by 23 votes to receive the three-fifths majority required to change the ,status of the town from a local option area. 0101011~10MMIZMWEgMall= DEAD AND DISABLED .A.N1MALS Removed Promptly Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Etc. Courteous Service Phone 235 Exeter, Ont. (Collect) DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. Enjoy a. Mr.419011115161211918911P31:499=111111E11ENNY ay or Two Here! Attend Western Ontario's bright. busy, up- to-date exhibition. the 4gathering place of big crowds and all that is best in agricul- ture, industry, home rand other exhibits. PRIZE MST - $32,000. W, D.JAC5LSO Secretary 139 u Sh leassaeltseditlie,dailpproleetn,..--because FISH gaffers a welcome and wholesome. change at mealtimes,, something the whole family will like. Ther6 are! tYerc 60/ different. kinds of 'Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish from whicht you: can, choose, eater fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pie:Medi. Alitofftlierrr can, be-sesvedl in an infinite variety of recipes,. And....,onmaff the goodlthings.abontFISBE is that it is nourishing, and So easy: to prepare, Serve.ltialiAo. your faroily.effern • DEPALtMEN1! OP EISItEiRSES., 0111AFillrAL. FOP v211.00 foo FR 414r —... —. — Department of Fislteries 1 .-- i Ottawa, I . 'Please tend ane your 52 -page Booklet, 1 . 0 00 Tempting Fish Recipes". liTarree,.. 1 3 ti..1.11TASE.PRINT lalTTIIRS PLAINLY) I Address - 3 OW.16 ! L =we ono aimPio AIM MM. .•0•1 -01., Mill mak fri. 011001.. 41,P. /4444,11.4.404•104041.1444++++++++4 .•44.-14+.1.solt4.4.4.+++++444-14 BUILDING MATERIALS 4 If you Intend doing any Build-mgor Repa iringthis year E we will be phased. tia) supT4 you with the fine 4. Buikrurg Matinals. Let us quote you. 4.• , ft' 4. • SUMMER St. S . **. • , 4. + t int.erchangeable for winter. Win make screens to prop- t erly 'fit your winclionox..%, Etc.. Etc. Let us have your order + Combination Doom -screens for the summer and !glass Headoutrters for ionns-Menville Buildmg Matertals .02 0 69 4-# PAP LBPL .e Ad. -11 4.001.10 :0101.1 - ZURICH 44.-i•i•4***•10+1.4.4.N