Zurich Herald, 1939-08-24, Page 1"VOLUME Nrof.47 ZURICH.. THURSDAY Mail INC. AUGUST 24, 1 939 Lt the Herald publis HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING. SALON SPECIALS FOR SPR.ING Let us quote• iota. on Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us by phone 102 Zurich. Are You Suffering Headaches? if so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods -and Equipment at . A.LCOLE,ItO. OPTOMETRIST Be OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT.. Good Glasses at Reasonable Weea From • Ft. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. 'A Changeless Christ for a ng World." crriday, 8h Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. iUNDAT SERVICE144 '0 a. m.—German Serrice. 11./5 aan.—Bunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang- • EMMANI.XL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hecicendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. ILO aert. Theme -"Follow Thou Me. 11 A,M. Sunday ScheoL T.30 p.m. Theme -"What Happened ,When Jesus Looked" join "The After Vacation March to Church." LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L. Hastings and Mr. Ed. Wurm of Markham, visited with COMF ARM GLASSES Mrs. Amelia Fuss on 'Sunday. -•^Te At . mi.,. C. Eilber Mrs. Allan Gibson, REASONABLE PRICES Mr. and Mrs. C. 'L. Smith motored to Seafoith op. Friday, calling on friends (Q 1 Irbirtgg Mester L. Smith, Piddle/a* ;1.26 a year, U.S. ;1.60 be ltdvamolit 1.bo AftiolAitsts2 MAX 011.1M1010.11 our summer Visits and Visitors CARD OF THAISik*: :Mrs. R. N. Douglas and;fainkly ot Blake wish to thank relative, *lends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in their recent ebeyetvem- ent; for the beautiful floral,telbutes and those who so kindly ),,i4i.,%4 'their ears. • e Mr. and Mrs. Gideon lisialWwere Tuesday visitors in London Rev. and Mrs. E. M. MeSteie,4 St. George; Mr. and Mrs. Levi•Hrigarnan of Merriton, were Monday-andgues- Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eichelberger and family of Indiana, are visiting relati- ves here. Mr. Harry. McAdams of the Bron- son line and young men took a motor trip to the son line accompanied by three other day visitors at the home ; :,,..„:. Canada West. Mrs. INV. 1. Siebert.. ' Mr.and Mrs. Walter Eckel motored ' Miss Flossie Brown of Lelid,en is toCladona over the week -end. Their at present spending her vezetions at son Jackie, who has been there for the home of her mother! M.,,r.!;:,.,:yhas. sonic weeks returning home. Weber. M. and Mrs Wm F. Braun and Mr. and*Mrs. Frank BOssiierry family of Forest.were.Sunday visit - of Kitchener; Mr. and MrS.„:,§tartz mors at the home of Mr. Wm. Lamont. of Conestoga. were Mondageggl.4 t's at .,. rs. Braun remaining over for the the home of Mr. and sil,,i;.5:.,: ,.EWm. week with her father. Wagner. '':••:•:' Mr. and Mrs. Ephrarn Cassel; Mrs. Mrs. John Brenner Pickedeg• rine ,rel - Moses Gardner; Mr. Joseph Zimmer- beaf-steak tomato from her,:.%garden man of New Hamburg, were Wed - that weighed a little over 24747'itbiinds This shows the prolific p*Oction and other friends. nesday callers on IVIr. Daniel Smith our gardens are giving us if:Op:Orly cared for. Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm and '''''• daughter Marjorie of Milvercon, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hab:eie: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross of Seaforth, and Mrs. Ferd. Haberer, ''IVIit, Aohn were Sunday visitors at the nome of Turkheim and Mr. and Mrs..,:E!!14b- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. erer returned from a pleasant 'dm: trip up Michigan crossing- t: a:Ck- Barristers F. Donnelly of Goderich, inaw strait, and over to SO • te: and James Morley of Exeter, and Marie, and other points of in Civil Enginers, R. !Patterson of God - Mr. . and Mrs. J. J.-Swee ,•ley atul Eunice of Detroit, accqmpe zees. A. Fuss took a trilli* -•• •• / Week -end guests at the home of , Vr ..ormiviETRisr at, E•XETER • Mr. and Mrs. drohn. Brenner wereareal and Quebecstopnin : mi. way Bay to do some good 1).'" . • e -eve e. ..; . , , , Dr. and Mrs'. Wall'and family; , , ..7,17eet .„ Newest. AparoVikatolluid 'ot =d, SITi.',L10-yd. and ..09vd, pn wh. Then returning home by vir '.r'c.**'''''0444.1140416.110fototiMotpeot,. hAt),..,:"Tc51!rtTf7WS5tr.","."•?•„•'; ClEsiiir*.iverY133"fra.A:loycl Hendrick and °family of Summer Bible School lthe• Blue Water Highway:. Week Day .Except Wednesday- • .4 Fr t411BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP —.YOUR HAIR—The most important thing to ,cornplete your spring outfit is your hair- Treat it as such and come to us for your next • PERMANENT WAVE. Introducing to you. for the first time the newest in scientrflc hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair he fine, course, white, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type and, you are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you Jaave always wanted. Why Accept a Substitete for the Best. No advance in prices. Phone 159 Zurich. for Appointertents. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials far Thursday, Friday and Saturday Rills°, large pkg.. per pkg. .22c Corned beef, per tin . , 1 1 c Pork and beans, 21 -oz, 2 tins ....... . . 17c Brunswick, Sardines„ 5 tins 25c Ivory flakes,. large pkg. . ....24c Quaker Puffed wheat, 2 pkgs. 19c Sahnon fancy Cohoe„ 1 -s per tin • 27c Cowns, 16 -oz tin, per tin • .... .25c Sani Flusli6, per .fin • ... •....... .. .......- 22 c Tuna Flake fish per Air" i • *0 nTo. 15c Tomatoes large 2 -tin at 1 0 c Areoxon fly coils, 5 for . ••• 10c Rubber jar rings, per dozen Zinc rings. per damn ...... ........25c Tomato juice 25 -oz.. 2 tins ... .. ..... .... .. . . ...-,...,...19c Bee Hive corn syrup 5-s, per tin ....... ..........—...39c Hillcrest shortening, 2 lbs. ' 25c Mid weight Brooms, each ...25c Heavy brooms, each White Wine vinegi.ar, ner gal. 69c 40c Cider Vinegar, per al .. We also have Heinz Vinegar per gat 1ERNER Erich and Mr. Archibald of London attended the Court of Revision in the town hall on Tuesday. on- COI"- Last Thursday and Friday the foil- ing owing were visitors at the home df all- Mr: and Mrs. W. L. Siebert of town:, Mr. and Mrs. •Roy Brown of Monroe, Mich; Mrs. (Rev.) J. Burn The %Summer Bible :School held from of Selkirk and Mrs. FieFa Brown of August 21st to Sept. Jet is well un- of Kitchener. dee way, and a, good attendance is being manifest. The morning study hour is from 9 to 12 o'clock for ages 4 years and over. A public:pro- gram will he given on Friday evening September lst. The public are in- vited. ZURICH FOAL'CLUB MEET in Zurich. Mrs. Johnsen has the dis- tinction of being the oldest person in Zurich. She has been a:. resident of -the village over sixty years and has seen the village grow from infancy to its present condition.. Mrs. John- son, We are pleased tosay, enjoys, good health. She has four daughtersz Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kitchener, Misses Matilda, Aliceand Susie at home.. During the day she received congratu- lations, greetings and many beautiful boquets of flowers from friends far and near. Among others a lovely baguet from the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Ditherer church of which she Is. a faithful member.: The Herald joins the many friends of this grand °Id' lady in wishing her many more years of continued good health and happiness. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Zuric71, Marks. 92dn Birthday. On Tuesday, August 22nd, Mrs. Thomas Johnson of the village cele- brated her 92nd birthday at her home A meeting of the Zurich Young Farmer's Heavy Draft Foal ClufrWas. held at the home of Arthur Wel)* Dashwood. Lorne Rader, presidenrOf the club, conducted the meeting. The ipealcer included William Decker; president of Zurich Agricultural •Soe -:ety, who gave :1 resume of a re6nt tour of inspection made by hirrit(fil and the agricultural representative to the farm homes of Oil members. -He said they were much pleased with the quality and condition or the feels inspected and considered that credit was due the young men for the care Felice of their colts. Stewart de Ewen, Stanley Township, breeder of horses, gave an instructive talk on itting for and showing of horses for best results. J. C. Shearer, agrieul-. tural representative, addressed •the; boys, outlining the plan for exhiI4... ing the foals at the Zurich Fidi Fair: Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Last Two Weeks DANCING NIGHTLY TO WILLIS TIPPING, and his Cascade Rythm Orchestra Free admission before 9 pan.,, Tees., Thurs., Fri. 'First, two danco free every, night. . • AT LAST! FINAL AMATELIA CONTEST! MONDAY, AUGUST' 28th. First and Second Prize; Winners of each AmateuT• Contest of the entire season will meet for Grand Cash Prize, THE 24 PIECE PORT ELGIN BRAS$ BAND will be our Guests out SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th, • .<•41.` OBITUARY Late Robert N. Douglas Robert N. Douglas.., general merclie art of Blake, passed on to the better World at his home last Tuesday in his 71st year, after; an illness extend- ing over several months, whiche he bore with great, netience. He was 'born near Blake liming the thintSon of the late Mr. ansi Mrs. Allan Doug- las, and except, fOr a few yearssspent in Wester Canada, had lived all his life in the community. He engaged in farming for al tk'w- years ,befaye going into business • as a general merchant. With his sterrng honest and upright qualities, and his obliging Laid friend- ly dispositi'en Mr. Dougla$ had made many wleree and intimate frienks which wit' greatly miss 'eine ane iis these • qua:Mies that willt linger olein• the trwrtary of his many friends. The Allege of Blake shall never be lust quite the same without it N. Dopigias. Surviving, are: his widow, who, was formerly Miss Mary E; Dick - of near Hensall; two daughters, Miss: Gladys, a graduaee nurse, at homee, and Mrs. Donald Turner, 4xf London: also two brothers, Jose -ph A., and Adam T. Dceiglas, of, Hyde Park. The funeral was conducted by Rev% Mr. Peters, of Varns from the LTn- ited Church, Blake, of which the departed was an active member, on Tlim..sdav aff moon. Interment fell- oWeAlin Hayfield cemetery. The Afternoon on Beech, Eve, in OUSillO 'bereft family have the sympathy 04 large &OP. of 'Prink. CO'Net,i Optical Repair Service AM IN. A POSITION TO DUPLIC- ATE YOUR BROKEN SPECTACLE LENSES PROMPTLY AND 'ACCURATELY AND AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN THE LARGER CENTRES LET US SHOW YOU THE MOST MODERN IN SPECTACLES A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN • • F. ••• F.Z.k PHONE YOUR 0 For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthraciti:lx ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Co'47 Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fork .Eggs on a graded basis - Pone 10 - Hensall. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4. • ek' • • • • " *it • .---tM • - 21. • • • • • • 0. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ARE GOING TO BE More Comfortable This Summer IN Light Weight Worsteds ORDER YOUR SUMMER SUIT NOW Come and See Our Large. Display it: no,,,,, ..i, . .,,,, „,_,,,,, foi..,_ ;,‘'':) et OL EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4:,... 1'a.,. .0. • • 44••••••;440•64.40410.04.40.6444•004).....)46*.4.,44.40•04)41441,40.04; t :' • 411.1.01/10••••• • SPRIP& GOODS YOU NOW REQUIRE Have You Selected Your Garden Seeds? We have a good Assortment of Flower and Veg. etable Seeds, in 5c and 10c Packages,.. Also Root Seeds and Sorghum. WE • HANDLE SCARFE'S PAINTS Men's, Boys' Misses and Children's Running Shoes, Men's Work Shoes. House Dresses, Aprons, Prints and Broadcloths, Men's and Boys' Overalls and Smocks. • 1..IARNESS REPAIRS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R. N. DOUGLAS 1 GENERAL MERCHANT I PHONE 11 - 97 E3LAACE