HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-08-03, Page 5Thiirdsaa , Aug 3,-e3,, 1939 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL • . JPLEY E. HOLMES IARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT-. ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODEttieee, Oneario. 4lpecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mllr, Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, anal Phone charges revered. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE • L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At IARTLEIB'S BLOCK, ' D.ASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARlA.N Or. W. B. 'COXON, VETERINARY SURGEON'''. Office in the Moline of the late Dr. J Routledge. Phone -96. . A. R. Campbell, V,S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of ' Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All eliaeases of domestic animals a ed by the most modern principles, meoirges reasonable. Day. night tells promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness '•fennels. Office on Idiain Street, Apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. LIEN SALL. Zurich l,.CENSED•. AUCTIONEER 10 H RII-1 and ,d dlesex 'g AM .IN A •. POSITION TO iVON duet any :,Auction;;. Sale,: reuar d ess —MB to size orF article *30 .;s01.4,:, I solicit your b siness, and if not Ail, a fed. es for Seridces itce ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-67. Put Yeur Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column: HAROLD OVER.HOLT'S NEW POOL ROOM ZURICH—ONT. flot Dogs, Hamburgers and Drinks in the "DEW—DROP—INN" Soft FOUND Left in my Barber Shop, a wind breaker with zipper, found about 2 months ago. °mice can have seine by proving property and paying for this adv.--"1!;f.ilt Oesch, Zurich. xw asrarr,s,mu, '... Seed Wheat For S 3 A limited quantity of pure Daw- son's Golden Chaff wheat seed. very choice seed, grown from Govt. appro- •ved seed. • Apply ,to CL.aw. leau phone 98x3,. Gu: ich. . NOTICE The following prices on Light Hon- ey will take effect on August 1 st,'29: In our Containers: 8-1b. pails 85c. 4 lb. pa&ls45c. In Customers containers: 9c. per lb. 50-1b. lots at 8c. lb. Eastern vicinity, near Fair Grounds. Phone 98. EDWARD HABERER, Zurich. LOST A wheelshield of a 1938 grey De- Sota Coach. Reward.— Sam,. Hey, $lake. FOR, QUICK SALE .A limited number of small pigs. Ap- ply to E. G. Krueger, Phone 85r1. HONEY FOR SALE We can supply our Customers with Toney in your containers at the following prices after August 1st: No. 1 Clover Honey, 9c. a Lb. 1 50 lbs. or over at 8c lb. Amber Honey in 50-1b. lots ee. a lb.. Telephone 122. .2 blocks south of Hotel. HAB wkleNl4; -Se SONS, , Zurich, PRODUCE Farms. Produce WANT , HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wme O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich —BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- d Meats, Bol'ognas, Sausages, £c#., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and . Skins Yunghlut & 5oii INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual ,. feather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST * RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- fAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND I•N ONTARIO Mount of insurance at Risk on Dec. 31.st, 3936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Batik and Bonds $273,613.47. Ittafes—,45 0 per�1 t 000for3Yeaxa EF: KLOPP.--ZURICH Agen.t,, also Dealer in L:.ightn- Ing :ods and all kinds pi Fire Insurance b. WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fo- Hrses Phone 47r15, Reverse al' charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood R.R.3, -50,39 .e e snisealSIMINIMINZTai Imported Percheron Stallion "DUSSOTOY" (12930) [170258] Enrolment No. 2339. Form III "Dussotay" will •be conveyed by Trailer this season. For Route and terms see: IRA MOIR Exeter Phone 171r2 Purebred Clydesdale Stallion "PRINCE COMMODORE" [26745] Enrolment No. 3015. Form III Bay; face, fore and nigh Bing legs white; born June 27, 1932. You will do well to use this splendid Clydes- dale horse this season. ROBERT ADAMS, Dashwood. Phone 10025, Zurich Central WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us, a trial! MEYIRS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 e NOTICE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Tariff and' Non -Tariff Rates with well known Canadian Companies, as well as Lloyds of England. Inform- ation and rates gladly quoted without oaligation. tf36 3. W. HABEBER ZURICH Now Thea GEM ELECTRIC FENCER And One Wire Holds all Stock Trey the Gem Fencer for 30 Brays on your own Stock. Stretch a single strapof barbed wire aoross the lane or corner of the yard and .connect the ('nand watch results. u ts. Rtlly taut up expensive heavy fencer when )ne wire will do the job. Prices ;.,really reduced this year. For full .information •indar�Eio is Mars apply to the Agent: R.EINHOL,D 11,11LLER, AGENT Daeleweod, Ont. tt34 , LUCAL Ns1 Mrs. Bertha Block returned borne after a pleasant visit in Detroit. Miss anir1ey Hoagland of Detroit, is spending two weeies with her friend Gretta Haberer. Dr. W. B. Coxon attended the Veterinary Convention at Guelph a few days last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Guenther and son 1 -sou; her. anti ears. Schwartz of Buffalo, spent the past week at the Thorne of Mr. and Mrs. k"er:l I•Iaberes. airs. Walter Jeffrey and family of Detroit, ;;pent a few days with hoe rnother•-in-law, Mrs. C. Ayotte of the. village. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell' of Fair Glove, lviich„ arc visiting with relatives here, calling at the home of 17vIr. Will.am Lamont. fair. and Mrs. 1). R. ' Cochrane and daughter Nancy of Martin's Ferry, Oita), are visiting with friends here a week, Rev. and . Mrs. C. J Killinger and sons, accompanied by Mrs. Schanz and Mrs. Scott of 'London, called oil Come and purchase your-Aut- k r. and 'Mrs, :Sol, Baechler and Loa dens:Alve Requirements 'froiil ily on Thursday afternoon: Zurich's oldest Establishc -1 The party of the Evangelical church Garage and Service Station. who attended .I the camp at ari l • tl.e We can supply all your needs. past week, and consisting of Rev. C. ert Automobile repairing, B. Heckendorn Allan Gascho • Doris - ZURICH HERALD White is Right! For Dw,y, PAGE FIV For l` Izh�! Whether for Dress or Sport, you nazi wear white Shame. W e have a sins. selection in all sizes at all prices. for Ladies, 'Gents, and Children.. - COME AND SEE THEM! in Men's Work Shoes we carry de- pendable lines in a good range of sizes. All at lowest cash prices, -Your Patronage is Appreciated E..fl. DATARS _Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- wo ing. ;urioh Gara Meyers, Fielva , Trizerenex, Ruby with the latest testing instrurn- :i;uech, .Shirley Krueger, Ruth Toile- ents, Acytelene Welding ,Tires stop, and Kathleen Hay, returned. on. Batteries, Oils, Greases and tuaxslay much re:'r..shcd from the splendid week's outing. 'Repairs. MOVED TO EXETER Constable John :Ferguso:. and Mrs. Irerguson of Goderich, moved thein ' ou a ioid efie is to Exeter last Wed - lea' ' . ,•e°, Mr. Ferguson i ; to 1^c stationed in future in connection with his Uuti„s as .county constable. HOLIDAY WEEK As has been our custom the past few years we will again obsa ve oun annual holiday next week, and there will be ii.o edition on August 10th; as we purpose enjoying the cool bre- aes of Lake Huron, along with the beauties of nature at this most pleas- ant leasant times of the year. So don't look for your edition next week, holidays is the order. Road Improvement 7 -'he firet signs of real identification, ;:hat Zurich is on a Provincial High- way are evident the past: week or so; R -A Gasoline in three Grades Gve Us a Call! i 0 U rt F A 1. .Phone: Day 103. Night, 45 MAY BE DELAY t; now appears that the test of cattle in:Huron Co. for T.B. restri ted . area purpose may be made in 1939. A. letter received by J. C. Shearer, agrcultural •rep•esentati-:r Clinton from W, H. Golding, 1'.l, 1'.. reporting on a conference he reee!1t- ly had with .Hon. Gardiner e o•t!ci seeiu to indicate that the n ork cannot be taken up this year. ON VAGRANCY CHARGE Comity police took into cueto- '- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bentley and Wa'l- ingham, all of To: onto, a; es workmen are engaged in putting ace Cunningham, p the regulation signs, and No. 84 the result i ''--sof an alleged drunken the name of the highway from Hen glawl in the tDick. House, Sent :rte. :all to St. Toseph and throug Zurigla. ,' ine>; a'4, Tian wale .cut,:about the head Warning signs are placer arowland was treated at Seaforth-Hospital. Bridges and guard rails' placed at these places. Intersection` sighs also Stop signs are erected, so that all :oads crossing or leading across the '?o." 84 Highway will be required to -orne to a stop before entering or rossing this hirhwsy. '11', past few days an application of caleum chlor- ide hloride has been: applied which will make it much safer for driving as the dust menace is eliminated. We are in in •position to state when a movement will 'be made to have the road hard - surfaced which is really what the publis-would like to see. ENJOYING HOLIDA- S Dr. B. >:1. Cowen, Mrs. Cowen Marion and Charles Ieft Sunday for Lions (Head where Dr. ;Cowen has had a new sailing boat 'built in which he and his family will spend the next `.wo weeks sailing on Georgian Bay before bringing the 'boat to Grand -:l. The boat is between 25 and 30 feet in length and is equipped with cabin with sleeping accomoda- ion for four and liring :inert re. In addition to the sails an auxiliary en- gine has been intsalled for propelling the boat. Dr. Cowen has also taken ^long a small row -boa': which he Nuilt during the past winter to he -sed for going ashore in shallow eater where the larger bo.nt may not land or for cases of emergency. Their -youngest son Peter is visiting with Zurich friends. A sail -boat is a new neerrieence fee Dr. Cowen and his family and they no doubt will get a great deal of enjoyme-tt from the trip. -Exeter Tirir?a-r dvocate. The appeals of the Court or Re- vision of the Hay Township Assess- ment were argued out on Thursday afternoon before Judge T. M. Costel- lo, the County Judge. The appeals being made by the Canada Company, itating their lands were asse:sed more than they are worth; and Mr. Owen Seigel', who argued that he did not receive sufficient exemption on his --oodiands. The Judge reduced Mr Geiger's assessment by $60, and in the case of the Canada Company no reduction was made. This latter case started early in the afternoon • and lasted well on till after eaght o'clock. The main witness for the Canada Co. wee Mr. Jones who has a a de c..p::t' fence on valuations, soils, etc., ane he gave very convincing arguments Messrs. Conrad Schilbe and Wni. J. Dowson, were over some of these lands and thought they compared quite favorably with the adjoining farms which yielded good crops while the Co. lands were in pasture and also bore good grass. This ibis later evi- dence apparently won the ease for the T l S1' i f 1T T I t at the l f The trice faced J. W. Craigie, 7. R. of Goderich, charged with the none incl offence of vagrancy, and were remanded to fail until August 3rd for trial.'Later in the day Cunning- ham geined his liberty on prodnctin- of :8 500 'cash bail. The trio are said to. be employees of a photograph en- largement firm. PILING UP GOLD New York — A huge potential "war chest" of gold has accumulated in the''>!:7nited States and Canada for the account of England and other countries, ;mostly since the crisis laet summer. leading to the Munrch pact. From`informed banking sources it we" learned .'approximately $250,000.000 was added in June to the fast -mo tint- ing foreign-owned store, making . record total of about $1,125,000,000 held in the United States under "ear mark." FIVE HURON FARMS SELECTED Five Huron County farms have '.teen selected for soil fertility test? hy the:Dept, of Chemistry, O.A.C.. Guelph, and the Huron agricultural office. Three are in Tuckersmith and two in Stephen township. Of the former. Alden Crich will dem- onstrate with mixed grain crops Bert Garrett with turnip; and Nor man Pepper with Enban oats . and in Stephen, George Link will experi- mert with :field beams and Themes Lampo•'t with field corn. Half -- acre p'.ots will be selected. A t'" the scil has been analyze l in the wring suitable fertilizers will be supplied and the demons�t'•ations arc designed to determine the differ. ence in growth and yield as between the p:operly fertilized and the un- fertilized soils. TWO TYPES OF PESTS Garden insect enemies are divide:i into two groups—t rose that cat hol es in the foliage and those that suck out the juices. For the first -named poison is usually applied, while the suckers are . attacked with a burning spray. Which penetrates.. Often 'when both are present, ,a combination of poison . and something that burn , such as lime, ;sulphur and arsenate, 4 gives ,the best result's. The damage from the biting insects is usually quite apparent, but the presence of the other kind. is only shown at fit' -'t by a wilting o,r withering of the fol- iage. When fungus attacks the plant:, the foliage usually turns yellow 01 brown, or w'itite spots like mildew is it cover the leaves, Fungus 18 most ee'n warm, mon in Murky :weather, Cut v oims, which; eat throuigh newly wet a j.. 11N11►11111 I81 1111111181III 1 N NM fill ,,;tr.' 1111118 1lNN1NI1111 TITIAN .8111111111; iIl' Zurich Dru, QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies .. ,Sttioxnery SPECIAL --Limited Time Only 6 Gillette .Razor,.l3lades for `arc Cyanogas, for exterminating ground- hogs .50-85c Ant Traps, for wary ants 30c SHEETOFAX -Apply to exposed pts to keep flies ,and rnosquios away, pe• tubi 25c Tanofax, for burns, scalds, and b•;rcl sur arai. , per tube Suxirex. sun tan oil, prevents sunburn 25c Bathing • caps, choice of colours, good quality, .25c areal 35c Frresh• Stock-Affa and Kodak 1939 Models 'Shur Shot ' Cameras. Printing and Developing INTRODUCTORY OFFER Redeem your Sunset Soap Dye Coupon, and receive F r ec a cake of Dye, or packet of powdered Dye. Excellent Assortment: Diamond Dyes, Portman Oyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, ant 'Entex for Tinting and Dying. Dr.J.A Addi�n,Proprietoi' Il1111818ll11l11INf1111111111i11M11181111tf 91111181NI1111 i 88181 +fi T 1l7iIli ''.i:!r ,i Ir. !.Ali;.. 11, TAU �I, ii Ili). ALi t; Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob lain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for ll the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! Tie Zurich Creamery 1 High quality bowl --closer skim- ming—more kim•mina—more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechenisrn. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. file make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreo I owsuiSDoteoesposombNtfAfkneoeste'�ei.A .:t.is gsAiRIgegee**** igtestes***tiO*OR Y CHCKS F nm PUThA FED ROCKS I 0 1 owns lip, o lei lies or ay To n- rote li iii r al e .vase o • tele stem,arc' 9 hip was Mr. J. �Dotielly and for t17: ele trapi�11 l] ' spreading sweetened f !Gail. :Co. Mr. .L, 'C. Tlanccy, liatl• l,o,sr,tiecl bean about the lyl r;its. of Goderich. It was merely a' tesa "Whore there are only a few plants to rase in reducing; a acv nient valuate ,rotect they May be provided with; o ,1:,' -collars. 01******* ti at did not go very far. PURINA SEAL Of QUALIT The Purina people ars running a big Chick Grow- ing Contest this year, giving liberal Cash Prizes, limited to chicks from Purina -fed flocks. See our circular with full particulars. McKINLEY'S CHICKS We are again Distributors for the well-known and Popular McKinley's Chicks for this Season, and will be pleased d to fill your r B CIis. k Orieis . Early Orders receive First Aiicivil.-..n slrw0 ;a, 1 it & 61000046099100000440tt#k3tbtJ 6' w • 4 4 4