HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-07-27, Page 1V ir XXXX 1NtrAX N , '; r ZURCH THURSDAY VA. 'in,/ ti A 't - JULY • ;3 4, Ili Cheeter L. Smith, PabRietolli year, U.S. $1.50 in Advelerfa; 1.6A.It.a.6.A.ne,tr4MMZ Ofianarilio he 'Herald Oblish surnir er HAIRDRESSING "ETHEL'S HAIRDRESSING SLOT/ SPECSOE SPRING Let us quote you en, Speelals for Spring and Summe,r Permanents, that are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you perecerelite Hair- dressing Salon ;on rear of. etoce. For appointraentst call us by &one 10,2 Zurich. .Are You Suffeemg From Head -admit.: If so; Have your Eyes geseniseet Tyla the Latest Methods and Ele0Pninia, A. L COLFic,I� OPTIMIN ..d0DERIGH *Wk. Good GiaMtpt TSeeses3;ieete.Piices ••• ' • , .. • • ..w. -4 271+40/70r.gi,M;cri, " • • ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH. — ONT. 'A Changeless Christ for a Chang- •-• int 8h—Luther Leans. ehursday--;-Choir Practice. i'UNDAY SERVICEIge • a. m.—Gertnan gervtee.. 1.1.15 tt.m.--Sunday School. /71) pen.— •ftglisit service. EverYbody Welcome to 'ell Services. E. TUERIcHE)14, Pastor. , ' EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. HeclgendOrn„ , Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.m. Service 11. A,M. Sunday School. 7.30 _p.m. Service BOAT CAPSIZE'S .AT BAYFIELD . _Five Clinton yontlitliaCa narrow escape -from drowning at Bayfield in the lake on Sunday when the small eteemie-Wleich they were sailng cap- sized. Th five; Cecilellohnes, Ed- ward and George Elliott; Ross Finch and R. Gibbs, were about a half mile to off shore when swells, e e heve been caused by •a boat piloted There is memory fond and true, COMFORTABLE. GLASSES b E st 11 ft T1 t k f Moth y urgeoneupset e sine cra tele is a o en o e ection, Leavitt's Theatre • EXETER ONT, • This Theatre "Air Conditioned' ,Thursday, Friday., Saturday' SPECIAL FEATURE . • iMith EDWARD G. ROBINSON' "CONCES•SIONS. QF A N421, SPY And All Star Caste:, ::fee Monday, Tuesday, Wednesciak, SPECIAL FEATURE "UNION PACIFIC" Starring, BARBARA STANWY*, and .TOEL McCREA Produced bY Cecil B. e". ogrimiiiimanimucloweimmiiicicommeimaiimormourias. 444 1111110•M•11181.1•1•NOMM•11,10.11•1.••• r. Dan Statileis of. London was in n.: -Saturday. 'alter Bobby Bryce has returned ,..? , ore after a pleasant visit in Flesh - hen: 1r, and Mrs. Erwin Fisher of Wiener are holidaying at the home • Abe former's parents here. Thursday of last week there was a hart sitting of the Tenth Division bUit in the town hall, Zurich, when wile T,M. Lewis of Goderieh pee- ded. • . and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and fam- ye,Whe spent the past three weeks' ation in Iialibilierinteenty, have IN MEMORL&M:, ...., fit'iirned home, and lVfr. 'Dag'g'1'. has Bennett—In loving menu:ley-tit, ,:7M.41...:Oendtrheaisl. work in the local'Itehailc • .:?.t dear mother , who passed awOre, Though on earth you are no MOP eeewiditors at the home of ' 'Nies. C. Still in memory you are with 'i•Oil':i i:Ti 4 'ctiAe the past week. Dear IVIother you are 'not forg4fik• ,i., On,.. and daughter of Pigeon, Mich., As you' always.were before. .'.' ...; e ; There is a sad but sweet reinel'il•_.. • , , :.,.;.., .ar,,,it, offering, and are having their ..4:1:-.*.;,y-i-'..i:hti0 he paints which the deal- .'eee, felgaces; freshened up ny a new e:.le-otice that a goodly number of ...;,,. *dents are taking advantage of the i,Mv. 1Valtee Jeffrey a.,,hnadftef39.,..nivilliyichohfe eitOit; Mr. and Mrs. James Ander- .if. Aoctkiyg around our fair village of paint. C8th 1930. • ' - both nati,"765 9f litiron cortnt _....c:.,bi eA, i,erifclee He will be relieving at. Ter- .)! ch- hae received notice.of .his leaving ..-1:. .; . ihejocal Bank ofMontrealin Zur- '; 41.. f;ar.:.E4a. lia,ufgel7ies-7,, p.e. 4.. f.na,rilt;a::::,t,,twile1:::. who has .‘-,-..4,-,,q,F;‘,......v0ii, Irii• , ..., At The youths clung to -the upturned And a heartache still for you. REASONABLE ratcEsnlPPflfl boat until they were rescued by. Mr. Ever rernembered--Rich.,'' Ke . - e The tletlat was later towed Carrie and Elizabeth. -„ • . ashore.' Week Day Except • 111.14VqrS ‘4iir . . vedtlieir :olden -wedding ,anniyere ssevtOityttiict*titr m :;;`•,`;'" Royal 'Knight s Bible chee emeinIty took' place in Kitchener on .rieli ' in.; the Evringeli6,1 ' P4rsolio;k:O.in, The Zurich on July 18, 11389 by Rev. Theo*Cless, 65 • in number motored on Tuesday of 'Mgt week When Mr. and Hauch,fatherof Rev. J. P. Bauch ofreVeclnesdaY evening to the cottage of 1 reateeecLey.. Mts. Frank Bossenberry of that eitY ;Kitchener, a former -pastor of Cen Mi. and Mrs -Harry G. Hess in the terinial Evangelical Churce, StratforkPinery and enjoyed a social evening, -,The bride of fifty years ag6 waS Miss which included a weiner roast and `1Lotrise Wagner, daughter of Mr. and other refreshments. BETTY- ANNE E A,UTY SHOP Mrs. don.rad Wagner, I.; r. and Mrs. Clayton Bossenbeery resicled —YOUR HAIR—Tfle srdast imp& t thin to complete your spring .\Nr:agners' Corner, two and a halt • and daughter Lilian; Mr. and Mrs. outfit is your hair. Tueat it as suck and come to us for your next PIER,111.ANENT WAVE. Introducing to you far the fuse time the newest in scientific hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair be fine, course, vrhite, etc., we now have a special lotion for each type trod. you. are therefore assured of a wa.ve in the t manner you have alwajrs wanted. Best No advance in prices. . northes of Zurich. Mr. •Bossen-,, Charles Bossonberry and family; Mr. berry was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm' and Mrs. Claude Bossenberry; Mr. Bossenberry of near Zurich. Aftk 1 Bert Bossenberry and Miss Audry berry resided in Zurich until Aprife. user'''lWillie of Kitchener and Detroit. were -Visitors at the home of Mr. and 1\Irs. their marriage Mr. and Mrs. B 31 years ago, when they moved to '..e. C. Wagner. 1,:litcle.ner. They have retained their 7 '• At a recent meeting of the Zurich Phone 159 Zurich foe Appointmnts. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. and in it found their chief hobby al- -,,hool Trustee Board, the application Why Accept a Substatu e o. intereqt in music through the years ',-. though 1Vfts. BossenheiTy has a 'Sec- ; of Miss M. Balkwell of London, was 4,4.~:44,~04"""'"P'lleupe‘e.e.m.me ond s )ecinl interest. Throughout her Accepted as to for Room No. 1. This is the fix.st schopl that Miss Balk- ----- ------------ life she hae been interestod in SIM-, ..„.......*....................................._._*..........n jay years has been the teac.her of a Sun- dae- School class at Zion Evangelical et Bible scheol, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs Bossenberry had a family of ten chil- dren of whom all but Frenklyn, who i dm l ADMIRAL 15 JEWEL POMO': 'WATCHES $9.95 Precision Built, Excellent Timekeepers These sell regularly for 14.50 Come in -and see them. A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN PHONE YOUR 0 For positive identification at the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE • COAL Also Rb'sedale Alberta„ Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets® The Roe Farms Milling C;(4 Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foe .Eggs on a graded basis.. Pone 10 - Hensall ,„41.444.4-4,44404...4.4445,04.4.4).....604,"00.4.4 • quiz WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Speci to Thursday, Friday and Saturday Tomatoes„ Maple Leaf, large 2% size, per tin....7 P and G.. white Naptha soap, 6. bars ..... 23 Garden Patel:. calm, 2 tins 17 Royal. York orange pekoe tea, half -ib. -...--.33 Royal York coffee,, 1 -lb. tin ...... .... .........„. .. .. 3; Maple Leaf SaImon, half's 20c. 1 -ib tin Toilet paper„ 4 rolls Household washing soda, per pkg. Tomato juice 26 -oz, 2 tins . .-._..1 16 -oz bottle vanilla. each 2 Quart. jar balx.ing powder . ... 2 McCormick 24.b., butter sodas - ._.2 lif Sop flakes, With tumbler free, ..... . ..... Huskies, whole: -wheat cereal, per .pkg. 0 . Sugar crispn fl corakes, 2 pkgs. .... Derby cherse, spreads ,and slices, pkg ...... . . .... I Broken soda biscuits, 3 lbs. ... . Areoxon fly colIs: '4 coils . .. . . 1 Choice Blue Rose rice, 2 lbs. . . Ankle Socks, per pair ..-..... . Fullfashionea Hose, per pair 70' 9c 5c 5c ) 1YS Plhone 140 • tO,Stigiiaii1.30/5dir0.144. Oc 5c Oc 5c 5c. 5c Oc 9c )9c was drowned in the Breslau a . years ago, are still living. Their fam- ily circle also include nine grendchil dram Their children ave: Mrs. I. Snyder. Charles and Glen Bossenbere ry of Kitchener; -Clayton and Claude Bossenbeery of Detroit; Bert of a Detroit -Buffalo boat. staff; Emerson at Listowel; Mrs. J. L. vauttewail of Toronto, and Mrs. 3. Kieswetter of Wiarton. Lakeview Casino Grand Bend well is te,a-hing, and she has taken a ;course in Horne Economics Which she will also teach when the school is so equipped. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Schade, Blue Water Highway, south of St. Joseph were: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. f;.ennedy and daughter Joan, and the Misses Keercher of Kitchener; Mr. George Woolverton of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs Alvin Sippel and Miss Vera Yhoast of Milverton; the Misses Melvina and Gertrude Schade of London. Whatewe said recently about the dust prevention doing its work on 'our back streets, we must now re- tract, as inehe part, of tht village we live in the dust is as bad asbefore this liquid was applied, and to uor way of seeing things it was all ab- soluty waste of money, and we still have the intollerable dust conditions as before this liquid was sprayed thereon And wt' &lily hear the re - Mark,: "the stuff is no good." V.T.' M. S. MEET • DANCING NIGHTLY TO WILLIS TIPPING, and his Cascade Rythm Orchestral Featores.• Free admission before 9 pen., Tues., Thurs., Fri. First two dances free every night. • Amateur Night Every Monday CASH PRIZES—lt, and 2nd of each Monday meet on August 28th foe tmother Cdutui Cr sh Prize. SUNDAY CONCERT JULY 30h 8.0 pen. WILLIS TIPPING and his Orchestra Free Picnic Hall on the Beach. Bathhouse open until 10 p.m.--whre you will tiled tee smaetoet and hxtet: styles in Men's and Wornen's Beach, NveliI,Pioodligbted Beach S A VI;ITY OYS ARE GOING TO BE ore Ci oriforta Light ORDER YOUR SUMMER SUIT NOW1 Come and See Our Large Display This Summer le Weight \Worsteds A very pleasant evenieg was spent by the members ;4 the W. M. S. of St: Peters Lutheran church last Thursday, ,Tuly 20th, when they met for their monthle meeting at Turn - bull's Grove. After a delightful sup per was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. H. Keueer, Mrs. Ea. Gesell° and Mies I. Yungblut, the devotional and busines; meeting was held. Miss Martha Heideman lead the devotional 6ne1'eses and eetre ed the tapic "Harvest Home in India" A spreial free will offeriee which a- mounted to over $1.5.nn tholl taken. It was also deed -1 that this! society order a, shipmo,l bdirt Lace and that Mrs. 11 Moussear. in Cheep of its dimosal. Tbe meetine, closed with the lerren "The Sen neirig le the West" :hist o the see -erly sinking boyouci Huron, Cf$ 1; ,.• II Z.61 f VLI EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS .t7,1 ii*******0.40....4.000440.0600**64,44.0•4><0.4,46.04mt.,040-604$: Allimeissomerrallossillmswigignissosb 7zzonsiteziognirotnital SPRING YOU NOW REQUIRE Have You Selected Your Garden Seeds? We have a good Assortment of Flower and Veg- etable Seeds in 5c and 10c Packages,.. Also Root Seeds and Sorghum. WE HANDLE SCARFES PAINTS Men's, Boys' Misses and Children's Running Shoes, Men's Work Shoes. House Dresses, Aprons, Prints and Broadcloths, Men's and Boys' Overalls and Smocks. 1,1ARNESS REPAIRS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R. NL-)C7ig lleTk-i! A GENERAL. MERCHANT 1-1 0 N E. '11 - 97 -,f5Avmsingizr.icearsums....-1.0,7,25ar.rorierisurozwatzzdv=mmormrcra=mr/ •