HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-07-20, Page 8rAGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Good gnality "ractoan-:,, ra,:t".taaa, yd. olf.g- ,a1 Uachai'.. Sheeting, 72 -in. we yd.. .,..35c Sheets 80•93, each -1.29 ' I. &IA%) :7 i)SL. at r 98c ' Men's Spot Trousers, at pr. 1.65 Men's Work Pants; light weight, pr. 98c xtra Special. ' 5 only, 94 Piece Dinner Sets, to sell at each $9.9$ This is a Special Order. • We will not be able to procure any more at this low price. • GROCERY SPECIALS Cookies per Ila.at '15c Peas and Corn, canned, 3 tins 25c Quaker COrn Flakes, 2 for. Castile Soap,, 1.2 bars for . Pork and Beans, large tins, 2 for . . Rose Baking Powder, 1-1b. tin No. 1 Ditch Cocoa,.1b. •. , . 20c Chateau Cheese; Half's at - • I5c Jart. Rubbers, 12 cut, bok4 5c Huskies; W. flakes, 2 pkgs. 4. •J iP e ' .15c 25c 79c• 15C • e • We take orders for Montmorency Red and Black Cherries. Prices will be lower than last season. PRCDUCE WANTED PHONE 59 110 HOE 0,0 Op ,11 11111 • ZURICI4' liERALD • (fp o mono InifilIIMA] --Film jiu o 1(111013o OA 014 IA • crt. C r y Cubs, (new cereal) ; pkgs..... •'• •• CF•ape fruit juice, 18 -Oz. . jels-rite (jolly maker) per ,b(Ittle . , • Grape nut flakes per boX. - ' - • Shino3a ( .11.,oer wax). 1 -lb. ca0' Rice per lb. , Lavender soap (with necklace) 5 bars. .......,....25c Sodas, (salted) 2 lbs. ' . - .......20c Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful. China - .25c i 3c C 10 g c , . ware, , , . .• MeiMP 'Oe'§C ' ' .. . ZUrich., • . , EGGS WANTED , .. Phone' 155:.': • • 1 ••• • • • •a• aal 1111111111111110111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111141,1111111111011111111111101111011, 111111111011011110111111011111011 ITEMS OF LOCAL diTEREST - LOCAL MARKETS • . A number of citizens attended the big circus at London on Saturday. Bu •Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seaver, Miss Bu Pewee Gaaman and Miss Eleen. 'Beaver Bu ; visited re,atives at Goderich recently g,E Mr. Harry Sutton ' • cif Orangeville; Lev visited with hie'friend., Miss Beatrice Wh Thiel: of Zurich 'Geer' the weekeend. Oa. P Mrs. Walter Eckel is confined to a Clinton Hospital where TiSe 'became Bu • (Clorree+eri even- Wednesday) ttere dairy' . ...... 24 tter,"' creamery . . . . . i . 25 tter,'Secendl . 23c ge e , . . . re, 15, 11 e,Hens, lb. ' 10-12 eat, bushel' 50 ts; bushel' 27 rley, bush. . . . e . 45 ckwheat, bush. .. ee ure cwt. 1.15 2.50 nand shorts, ton e :20.00 atoes, new, bag 1.85 e Hoge, pwt. ..... 9.1P ThtvgdItY#rt the 1933 - ,-----I, *4'111****044,1144440. 0+. 44 +444 gietlee .i..0. +++4.* +++,104.+4 N++44404q04. 4. 46 • 4-, all d 4., 4, olow r 4.* 0 e T . _ N,,, 9ote maL, •e. Mother of a babe, boy. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk, of IGuelph, were visitors at the home of Mrs. MarthaRoutledge. ! Mr. Archie Rotitedge from Edmon- ton was a visitor with his mother,Mrs Martha Routledge the past week Mr. -and Mrs. 0. Schatz of Detroit and Mrs. Vernon Schatz of Dashwood called at the home of Mrs: Lydia Pfile last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eidt of Well and were Sunday guests at the home • of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr: i F. F. Stade." 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber of Cred iton were Monday evening visitors • ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward •'Fritz.• Little Ruth Kruage' of the 14th, 1,0one has returned home after speed. • ing a week with he.k,saunt, M. Alf begs, at Varna. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fercl Miller and two children and Mamie Bassow all o the 14th con., visited last Sunday at el Mr. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams, Bron- son line. .4*,:•1••*-1.•••,,,,t'...0...' 1.4•11.i,•• Huron & Erie Debentures CANA A_ TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES . Any Amount.. for.. $100.ob.. and •over. Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 31-1% per annum for 3 and 4 'Years. • • 3c per annum for 5 to 10 Years.. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative .N.PO4.4`ear..z. Zurich Zurich MlifealSEEISS, 1 tiagGIONNWSSEMell GtIVSID,i:06011M4)60 tAttt SSC. .tAltatISAWNECANZSCOS44414) HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this -:=1 year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE . . . for long life. come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've evea had- Heavily galvanised by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive pricer. r11107 "Adele.t, NNW= 114401tius rg was mom Jewell 111.111,100111108 en.eiv 41e., , TIGHT t LOOt ZINC BONDED• art cachisire FROST teaks, ad SAVES YOU MONSYI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Pain ts, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith-, ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ••• orcr. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE , „ hand, rwould 1,116 decision is fav- learn all %about the .democracy. • a a • • • iO Flo Bra Pet Liv Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gascho and family of Harriston were Sunday, visitors with relatives, also attending a Gascho Emily re -union at Grand Bend in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell of Varna, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Alan Esler of Alberta were visitors with Mr. liVm. Lamont one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Esler remain- ing with Mr. Lamont a few days. Zurich's • Ladies' Wear NEW SPRING DRESSES We are now showing a nice range of New' Spring Dresses, and invite you to cell* in and look th'em over. At*etive Prieed from $1A9 to $7.50 - • Note -Our Store is in our Residence. MRS. ' PliaRL IVIOUSSEALT, Zeirich Phone 47 • Zurich Unusual cool weather for the mid- dle of July visited these parts over the week -end, some formers to the east in the lower swamp grounds ad- vise of frost the other morning as it was quite noticeable on the grass, but little or no damages are reported. Relatives and neighbors of :err. and Mrs. Adron Denomme called and, presented them with a shower on Saturday evening. Many useful gifts were received. Mrs. Denomme replied with many thanks and served very delicious refeeelenents, A hearing will be held at the Zur- ich Town Hall on Thursday, July 27, before Judge T. M. Costello', to con- sider the appeals of The Canada Co- mpany and Mr. Owen Geiger against the decision of the Court of Revision of the Township of Iiay on tie 1939 assessment roll of the township. Engagement Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters of Varna, announce the engagement ofe their only daughter, Catherine Ruth Peters, B.A., to Howard 'John Hunter B.S.A., only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter, of Exeter, the wedding to take place the latter paet of July. Faramers are very busy cutting hauling in and some thresh ng their wheat crop which is pro .ing verysat isfactory as to yield and quality. It would greatly help us all if wheat N 11°111 re 1'35 • • • • YOUR SEASON'S NEEDS 4 This Season'. Calle for Good New Fences on thrFaroi; • ,. 1,• Let tJs Supply You with the best of Woven Wire; We also have: Bath Wires, Brace Wiree;, Staples, Etc.• See us about.Ne.w Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughing! SPECIAL. PAINT SALE, From. 65c: a Quart up. • 4. $ " FURNITURE 4- Always - keep a Good StOek of NeW and, the very Latest 9: . • in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prises,. quality Con- * .1 • -. ! .f side-red..ii.et 4.3.''show. you our Beds Springs, MettreSS„, 4 'Dining [too* Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers,Etc. - .... . • Mr. 'Victor Dinnin who is attend- ing S,uramer School a,t Hamilton, ems visiting ,friends here over the wtek- •Mrs. Lennis O'Brien is at London •this 'Week, staying with their,- little on Douglas, who underwent an op eration. Mr.. and Mrs. A. A. Webee of Seb- ringville, Miss Myrtle Weber of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with friend e here. The young men of town have or- ganized into a soft ball league and ome interestng and exciting games are being played on the local diam- ond these pleasant ovenings. Iwould sell at a dollar a 'bushel in - 9 stead of fifty cents, what a boon it we dedicate ourselves ariew to build. would be to the farmer, and what ing up a 'strong nation de.v'oted to the • all he could buy with those extra 50 ideals, that the Fathers of Confeder- II/ cents. ation had •when they dropped, their • . suGHTLY USED; FURNITURE t . #A, For pile most conservative purchaser, we • have a 41k Large Assortment of Slightly Used ' Furniture that will S, : . give you: big value for the Money, such as Davenports, St Couches, Dressers, Rockers, (Mex. Chaiis,, Etc. Be t', sure and look these over. . et, John.stoa& Kalbflei soh Hardware ',&., Furniture. Phalli 63 lc .• • 44+,4.4.+444+++4 ++4.4.++4 eemimentwasonmetimmemeemow 11 Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Merner and family were Sunday visitors to Mil -1 eerton, also taking in a family re- reion of 'Mrs. Merner's relatives at Germen Mr. Lorne McBride of Windsor, was a week -end visitor with relatives around here. • While his wife,Mrs. _McBride was visiting with linton frieads the •post week. NORMAL NOT TO CLOSE Steatford Normal School will not be closed, it was announced by W. Angus' Dickson, Mele.P. for Varth.im- rciediately upon his return to his home near 'Atwood, Be interviewed Prem- ier Hepburn and Hon. Dr. L. Somp •sore minister of le'ducation at Tor- onto. *"+" WALK. AT BROSSELei More than 8,000 mem -ers' of 46° district lodges from' Perth, Huron, and South 'hues ecrarties jammed in- to the village of Bruesels for one of the c6unty's greatest 12th of July' celebrations ever known in the dis- trict. Rev. Gallagher, rector of tree Anglican church, Wingemen, and de- puty grand chapliOi for Ontario west representing the Grand Lodge, de- clared in his remarks: "We celebrate eoday when there is a better national feeling than for many years. Today MAS8EY-TIARRISNEWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on 11,1,41. Im- plements... Mower and Bin2::12- Knives ground while you wait with carbaru•ndum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at • $4.49 6.85 lah year battery- guarantee 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East-Encl. Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich NiCeS. CarS and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. 4! . GAS • OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS 4, • political and provincial differences to TO DEVELOP LIGNITE:. DEP0SITS draft the constitution of the new do Plans for the developMent of Nor- minion. We are to fight against WaT- thern Ontar'o's 150,000,000 ,tons of ling parties, unons and ideoleete, be. lignite deposits under a twofold Soh- cauSe the present crises in the World erne for the 'Production of electrical are caused by „deliberate' training ot power and of fnel inoved forward 'to people in the bad habits of tear, hate, • • rain , greed and war. 6 a point at which the Government will intlenerice probably decide to einbarr.: on the catiori ibase4. Upon science ing that Crown officials and other con- CoirtmuniStn. It doesn't really matter • sultants had advised that the Provin- what kind ot-algebia and to?,tin our (1) ce might well go ahead, saiki: chuhlren are .taught, but they must, • say tAitsoottaitiuseemeasollovioletloGia****443440•4040400 orabie to the develoinnent.%.:,,,, :if means' 14 t1ler4." . •• . • evirmiiameerImoompwremmeme '111 -you can add a distinctive conch to -11- your table and variety to your menu with these novel easy -to -make checker- board sandwiches. And it's just one of. 103 wonderful ways of serving our bread. Used as an ingredient lo your cooking, bread makes many delicious, money- saving dishes, And there's nothing like wholesome bread and butter for you and • your children. Bread itself is not fatten- • ing. It builds body tissues, supplies energy, atril gives you proteins and car- bohydrates. Every day, eat at least six slices of our delicious bread, "i WAYS TO SERVE -BREAD" .-. Big ialifstrated recipe book worth 25 wHtba• sent to you FREE.Jaost 'leave your name with vs.