HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-07-20, Page 5eis w ' Thursday, jelly 20th, x939. • ZURICH HERALD BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLME S BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY Y PPUBLIC, ETC: OFFICE ---Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, QODLR1CI•I, Ontario. 'Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work. Air.. Holmes may be consulted al 1Goderiell by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. 10.,141173111. DENTAL Dr. W • D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Everyy. Thursday, Friday, Saturday; At HARTLEI1'S BLOCK, DA SHWOOD • Every Monday, • is uesday • and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N Put Your Want, For Sale. Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column. HAROLD OVERHOLT'S NEW POOL ROOT I ZURICH—ONT. Hot Dogs, hamburgers and Soft Drinks in the "DEW—DROP—INN" FOR QUICK SALE A limited number of small pigs. Ap- ply to E, G. Krueger, Phone 85r1.. PV••�"�•'^�e.. W+pYl�n'3a:0..Y 'C.4.6�.FTCYvdM..+.•p V51Y11Y69MWIIryb��M/ HONEY FOR SALE We can supply ova- Customers with Honey in your containers at the following prices: No. 1 Clover Honey, 8e. a ib. 50 lbs. or over at 7c. a 1b; Amber Honey in 50 -ib. lois be. a ib. Telephone 122. 2 blocks smith of Hotel. HAi3.t'''RER -& SONS, Zurich. WANTED CASK' for Dead Animals arid Fox Tliges. Pho'ne 47x15, Reierre all cl'lurges::' each Williams, Dashwood D'...W B• COXON, BN. Sc R.B.3, -50,39 VETERINARY SURGEON Office* in the Home of the ..late • Dr. J. Routledge, Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, • air'aduate of Ontario V'eterinyrry College,University of y Toronto.. All' eitieases' of domestic 'animals treated d yy the most modern • principles, Charges reasonable. Day night eds promptly attended Also Bre- eder oScottish tecriers•,Inverness Eennels. Office on Main Steeet, 'parte TQWU , ,• Phone 116. HENSALL. •o . '.IICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I. AM 'IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 salieit your business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services • Rest - ARTHUR Il4EBER•-Dashwood 'Phone 13-5'T. PRODUCE' Farms Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES -FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien - Phone 1U1, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS - Z ichs' Popular MEAT.. MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect.,':'always ori 'hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool; Hides and . *Skins H. Yuugtalut & Sot) INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual ;either' Insurance Cc: .OF '1NOODSTOCK .,;THE LARGEST 'RESERVE BAL. .AGE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT» other farms that clot tic countryside. UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO 1 FOURTEEN •;APPLICATIONS VIMCSOISSIMP FOR SALE A" building - located on, the Zurich Public School grounds, size 8x18 ft. Also a tank mounted on a•. wagon, for immediate sale 'Apply "to. Zurich Fwlilic School Board, Gd'brge' Deiehe'rt, Secretary ,2.11•1101112D orar.4 Imported PercheronGStallion "DUSSVItOY "; •. • • (12930) (170258] •' • • Enrolment No. 2339. • Form III "Dussotay will be conveyed ' by Tra'ler this season. For Route and terms see: • IRA MOIR ' ' Exeter Phone 111r2 Purebred' Clydesdale Stallion "PRINCE COMMODORE" t28745] • " En> ohne it No. 3015. Form III Bay; face, fere and nigh hang legs white; horn me'27, ,1932. You will do *ell'to use this splendid Clydes- dale .horse .this season. ROBERT ADAMS, Dashwood. Phone 10;025, Zurich Central WANTED 'We pay Highest Cash' Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt42 NO`TI`CE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • Tariff. and Nen-Tariff Rates with well known: Canadian Companies, as well as Lroyds of, England. ' Inform- ation and rates gladly. quoted without onligation. -. " tf36 J. W. 1 ABERER+. - ZURICH Now -Tile E.:M ELECTRIC FENCER And One Wire Holds alf'Stock Try the Gem Fencer for 30 clays on your darn Stock. Stretch a, single stran of, barbed were across f',he lane or corner of the yard 'arid connect the Gem. •.and watch results. ::Why put up expensive heavy fencer When one wire, will; do'> the .job. Prices greatly 4:educed this year. For frill infdrmation and partieulars apply to the Agent: REIN.IIOLD MILLER, AGENT ''Das'hwood, Ont. tt34 ALIIH) - SUCCESSFUL FARMERS Strathroy Though blind since birth, the four Prittie brothers and sisters, Fran'k, '70; '• Sarnuel..(3;, and ]'Mary and Caroline, jest 'a little older, have managed a 100-acrty.farm and a large old-fashioned gabled house. Sit- uated in the 7th Concession of We; Williams Township, the Prittie farm appears in no way different from the .Amount of insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in ,Hank and Bonds , $273,61.8.47. 'Dates• --$4.,50 per $1,000 for 3 Years Er F. KLOPP-• URICH. Agent, also Dealer in Light n' ;mg Reda: and all kinds of Fire Insurance The saturation point has not yet heart reached an Huron Comity olcl age pension list, for there still are more names being added than are be - )nig stricken off by reason of death or otherwise. Fourteen applications w,, - re hearer. Six were deferred.. ii were for nerease There also wurc two applec ations for reinstatement by for- nere recipients of mother's' allowances heard .by :Eur•on. County old age pen- sions and tile th allowan les board. fi neA r Miss Mary Mae Fisher of Dashwood; White i' Right visited with her sister, Mies Thelma ri Fisher this week,. r or LLay, Mrs, John Mitchell and Miss Log.. F at the home of Mrs. C. Either.or Night! Born—At Hay Township, on July 1$th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith :l Soli, "Mrs. David Manic and aaughtee, Doris, Mrs. :Herb Schneer of 'Kites - ener were visiting with their aunt Miss Lorindi t c11oeh' last week. Dr. and Mrs, J: A. Addison return-' �c! o,i let sday from a weeks Boli- :lases at Stores Bay, Bruce Penineela.. Mrs. R, Patterson and Mra:. Hor- ton of Hensall, and Miss Wad. of Sas- atchewan, called at the home of Mrs C. Eilber last week. Mr. and Mrs, John Brenner a nd son Clarence and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Middleholtz and baby motored to Walkerton on Sunday where they had a pleasant time with friends firs.earinan of Caledoni 1'+ a, who visited at the ,home of Mr and Mrs Walter Eckel has returned hone, she was ' accompanied • by Iter.:ep.lew, little r ackie •Eel el. • • Those who occupied C O. Smith's mintier cottage, south et St. Joseph the pa_t week were: 'M r, and Mae. 13. Scott; •1!Ir. and Ivrrs. L. Schouse of "London. This week's beetipants are: lr. and Mrs. James Walsh and fern :iy of. London• ,Mr. and.eirs. G. Hunt end daughter Jean of Toronto... Last week -end proved a big 'a nd !'avo7 able surprise to traffic otfcals es there fere few'inot3 - tnnits, ;rparentiy tie cool weather • "cooled an of Bensall were Saturday guests "Whether for Dress or Sport, ,you must -wear white Shoes. We have:, a smart • selection in all sine at all prices. For Ladies, Gents, and Children. COME AND SEE TIII!JM In Men's Work Shoes we carry de- pendable lines in a good range of sizes. All at lowest cash prices. Your Patronage is Appreciated E. J. DATARS 1 I eliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing. FOR QUICK SALE A Massey -Harris No,5 6 -ft. cut binder, overhauled last fall, r. 1 con- dition, apply to: Mervyn Ste ick, Zurich; or Thos. Scott, Cromarty. HONZY FOR SALE. Bring your Containers. and have your orders , filled at the following prices; Clover Honey, per lb. 50 lbs. or over,, per lb. .... 7c Amber H.oney in 50 -Ib. lots, at per 16. ....,•6c Telephone 9e. Ea tern vicinity near Fair Grounds " EDWARD HABERER Zurich elf" a :-1e of these hot-b1oo,ded driv-• -r , . -. _,,, • , •• ,� :s who 'this'; they can, t3ave1, the :ntiee ineeerse in a,few hpurs, ,Sane Mr. Geerpe Cos of Grand Bend Fe and .-..P driving ie. the, only.. way to was a i e•;nt visitor with his friend. Reliminate accidents. Mr.Harty Bassow, Bronson line. •t '+i's Tillie Allan of Hensall called ' ' GIVE U'S THE ITEMS on friends here on Monday. • Vacation. season .is here and it • • Miss Alice Beaver and., friend of brings' a 'steady - stream •of visitors to Goderich, visited ; fwith, her, parents, the community,<while scores of loeaal , Mr' and Mrs., Fwd. Beaver. on Sunday. residents are holidaying, ' at other "• Miss Vera. peclter pf Exeter was PAGE g - points from time to title. Every' one of these visits is a" mews 'steel .of in- terest to at least some of our readers and ryve are 'an'xiou's to `receive these iteiris: 'Send diem iii- bring' then in. nhone thein in,' Or if _you live iri the -ountry let` voiir district correspon- lent "know. 1ttsy `we count on your help and . co-operation?` ' ONTARIO WINTER WHEAT. According to s, bulletin dust releas- ed.by the Ontario ,,IMillers .Association there is little hope for the, Ontario farmer for marketing the fine fields of ,wheat that :are being cut at the present :time. .The '.:artele' says in part:—Another. .crop: of Ontario Win- ter.wlreat,is being harvested_ Where is it going to be sold? Former export :markets for Ontario Wheat Flour have been lost .in• -the last few years. These markets ate the British West Indies and the United Kingdom." One of the,.abstacles in regarding these lost .markets is the high export frei- ;ht rate charged by'•Ganaciian .Rail- roads on'Ontario Wheat Flour. Ont. exporters must pay 21c ewt. for the same transportation service that Wes- tern' Canadian and United States shippers get for 13c. Does this look fair to the Ontario Wheat Farmer? a week -end visitor, with her mother, Mrs. ,Clara Decker, of town. Mrs. •Elizabeth Heckendorre of Kit- chener, mother, of .Rev. C. B. Heck- endorn is visiting at the Evangelical Parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs..Morley Witmer ani family of Detroit are spending the eolidays. with_Mrs: Witmerle mother, Mrs. Clara Decker. • Master Earl Steinbach of e ondoe. is spending his holidays with his gran- dparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry •Iiow- Mr.. John Grieves, Mr. and Mrs. W. McAdams. Mrs. -.Ida McAdams 'a11 0 London were Sunday vis%tors' at the home of Mr. and` 'Mrs• 'Theo. •NfcAd- anis, • Bronson 'line. • ' Mr. and Mrs. ' Arthur 'Meininger and soil Bob; Mrs. Thomas 'Genus and son Arthur all of Detroit ' were recantvisitors at the home 'dr .Mr. • and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh. KILLED BY LIGHTNMriQ Cronlarty—Russell• Scott, 48, of Hibbert Twp., widely known in Wes- tern Metered as an eichabitor of prize winnir_g Clydesdale hoists, was' killed instantly as en electiical 'stone. swept over the ' district" last Wednesday ev- ening. Mr. Scott met'deatli as lie was Application• has• been made. to the driving' a 'wagon'load of hay to the Board of Transport • Comneese n at barn. His 10 -yr. old 'son, Doneld,who Ottawa. but nothing is done about it. was riding on the load with bay; esc- What the Ontario Farmers want to i aped'injury: They•were 80 rods frena know is does the Federal Govern- the barn when the bolt struck him, raent see anything wrong in such a I shortly after 6 o'clock. His body was situation? If the Board of Transport' hurled from the wagon while, the bot `ommissoniiers can't act and' 'the klled one of the team 'and set 'fire ;Railways won't act, the Federal :Gov- to the hay. The son, uninjured, jum-. eminent must. The right and inter- ped from the • load .and ran to tee ests of Ontario Farmers demand im- home where he secured help. Alight, mediate action. Your Federal Memb- rain evas falling at the time but the dt et; of Parliament is' iii bound to lightning and thunder did not saefii ' roteet yoiir interests, an•i +o see that severe, according to his brother, Tho: ••ou o, fair treatment. His ditty is Scott, who was in the barn waiting •leer in this•case. Get him to act:'" for the load to arrive. Scores! It has proven its Superiority by Public Acceptance. If''i Ton have not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH OCT- ANE, Better Mileage . DIXIE, GAS clo so Today! Be UP .DATE $ . Do not he deceived;:. DIXIE., , is Outstanding in Quality and Price. Make , us Prove it! Priced at r PerGalion: 3C. •Tax- Included ZURII-I'S LEADING GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Her r-'60'drtm11;. - VOL ousseau, op 11 1111 1111111 1111 III 111111111 1111 II11111II11111U• 111111111111111111111111111111'81111111IIIIII11lfl11111111111111111111111111111 ',11I,111 Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stt taonery LA 7S' SHEET MUSIC .SPECIAL—Sale f Scribble s L iliIITED TME Of!LY Regular. Five Cent . Value, Ron:ug'i Paper for .. Pencil or Plain. SEVEN for only ,,.25c 1. i TJC`t. ..eS ,Hellebore, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf, 40; Arsonate of Lead; ., Paris Green, Oxford Health Salts 39 Sportswear Sim Glasses , Children's size at IS.L Adults 'size 'at ?5c New •Quick Drying Curling Lotion at 1 5 c ,Excellent ' Assortment: Dismisnd Dyes;* Putrnana Dyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, and Tinter for Tinting and Dying. • r.3.11 116dibon,FroprietoY 11111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111 11111111111 1111111 11111111111111111111 8111 11111111'i`. "11111fa 1118111011 ui 7111111111,, 1 ZTFRItN C Deliver your. Cream to th Zurich•.Creamery and: •:oh - train correct weight,;' test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb. butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the' plant. - We also .buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents' for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery 1 High qualify bowl—closer skim- - ming—more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. ... Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven'Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal '.evetlaesseseeteteeeveat416As ..r tevtl emeee4ieeensos etagee 9 PURINA SEAL QLJALU The Purina •people are running a big Chick Grow - Contest this s.year, giving liberal Cash Prizes,, limited to -chicks from Purina -fed flocks. See our circular with full particulars. . • . ; McI1 1LEY'S CHICKS We are again Distributors for the well-known and Popular McKinley's Chicks for this Season, nnd will be v !cased t' fill your Baby Chir:lk ()Triers. Early Orders receive First Atten, ion L;Schilbe 1 1 4 •