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Zurich Herald, 1939-07-20, Page 4
POUR. ESIABLismcn • ZURICH H HERA FOR SAL .guca�w- er''' c,}.�u$T'Ty.56e'..,�!v�•ra4 A FON1SH FOE RY SURFACE .1O1hNSTON and KALBr`LEISCI-I. - Zurich Ppt1 'M.p 11p . •`"., h 7r;',''P A:2'�:@+'7«' uguaartivaganeZDa3Z.I.ratEN7s,.11111UORSOM DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS Removed Promptly Horses, Cattle, Hogs, .Etc; Courteous Service -.Phone 235. Exeter, • Ont. .(Collect) DARLING and ` CO. Of. CANADA LTD. ars SCHOOL REPORT DASHWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL Fifth Class—Promoted tri Graue X —Donald. . Kenneth - —Kraft; Theodore Luft,' Albeit Rader,. Grace iiestemeyer, Sylvia Schendel, Hilbert .Schroeder (Martha French) Ray Weido, Dorothy Wein. ado Promited to •Grad:' XI—Jaek Ga-. iser, Walter Ness. Gordon KOlc•r, Teacher. I-IILLSOREE:N` Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson -a-ere 'recently visited by Mr. and Mrs. -.George Robinson of Los Angeles. CCalifornia and by the former's par- ents, M.r. and Mrs. Ed. Robinson ,of I13itchell, also :Helen Robinson and Miss Muriel Robinson Mitchell. Mr. Louis Faxrest visited •over the E, L. Mickle. , - Mrs. Stewart McQueth;-tttee under- went an ojeration recently°rn London Ho lsital, is recovered suftrcieittly to be-Tatuiight,to hex: home. • Mr, and Mrs. N •E • Co.ok are holi- daying at their cottage, •at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Fred Corbett; who has' been ill for several month's, •suffered a heart attack recently and was confin- ed to his soon? :a few •days, but is a- gain improving: t 31r. Chas McDonell, .who•hes been. ill for -a few weeks is irirproved. • His ' daughters, Mrs. Laughton • and • Mrs. Taman, are home fora 'feet weeks. Miss 3Iinele Reid has returned from t motor trip to the New Yore World'•s Fair. also enjoyed a boat trip to the Thousand Ielands. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Willett, pf Zurichr Miss Martha Carlisle and fri- end, Mr: Flemming of London, 'were visitors wth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. • N. E. Cook has pure -hued thes'gro- •by-Mrs.Al. Rrci rnan. He intends to week -end withe friends in'Brantford. per Main* ty on .t. recently occupied Mrs. A. 'Hopkins` and friends -of- /Chicago a,: e 'visiting `at -the• :came •of eke some Catena?ye naproveinen:ts. - Was High Gun Fred Kerr of Crediton, was high gun on the first day at the: Dorninioe of Canada Trap Shoot at Hamilton recently.: He broke: • 97 targets out 01 100. IIe participated in a shoot at the Sunningdale Golf Club. Mr. Kerr, who is getting up in..years, still has a good eye and steady aim To Enlargen Harbor- • Gordon Ross; . ICincardine, has beef' awarded the contract for a.. dock'e:r;•. tension job at Sau:geen River herbal.; Southampton; and will •commence the work when he completes :• construct- ion of the south • pier extension a'.• Kincardine. • Blyth Store Robbed' l The general store' of Miss 011ie Me- Gfll,,'Blyth, was visited by petty tillev- es the other night. The extent• of the loss ,is. not exactly,kngwn as the go ods were ransacked .and a number of articles, taken, n g ii eltidiri • " Nweatars. hosiery, shoes,' and .silver. Rifle Found bride, was groomsman. The wedding: music was played by Mrs, Frank Dev- ereaux and an Ave Mania was sung by '11fiss Joan Scalisi, sousing of the ,ridegroo'm. Two New Industries For Smyth Two new industries are likely for I31yth, A Cooperative creamory is being considered by t farmers' comm- ittee, and an organisation campaign is now under way. .A turnip waxing 1IU-iness is also proptcd. Farmers will .be asked to :pow turnips this t•uson and it isexpected the plant will be opened in the fell. Clinton's Old Mill Vanishes Dismantling of the ,'olin Schoen - hale flour mill and rerngval of - the main partition of the building, a five, storey brick masks the disappearance from the business centre of Clinton of the town's oldest industry. The mill was erected about 100 years ago by •Sam. and '.Lhos. Ranee, the feria er being the father of Col. i -L T. Rance, division court clerk. The in- dustry served a large portion of Huron County as flour hill, lumber mill and in a small .way as a whiskey still. The odder ,residents tell about e 'erg of whiskey which stood m the mill office with,clrin'.cing. cup on hoot= where mill customers might he's, thcinselves.:In; addition to. -the mann fadture of hour, lumber and whiskey ill pioneer. days th(;•enill ,steam power plant fur wished the power for a fire protection system, a pond at the rear of the mill` supplying water for the boiler -and far .the, -water mains Jaid along the main, street for fire .pl:'ote• ction for the business blocks.. As in most every manufacturing plant it early times accidents frequently• oc- cured at the mill. On one oceasion the late Norman Fair;bad .;a •narrow escape. from. -death when his • clothing became; eau 'ht in.•a coupling o -f a.re- volving shall .and. kept ,,,winding, up until he ewes held tight against ..the sharft before the power •was .shut off. Ti'o, years age Thos. Coates of Ex- eter lost a•rifle. .He wasn't surd whe- ther, it had ,been .stolen •o .whether someone had.l?orrowed it. An tee rxe it time he had made niunerous• inlnui res. Recently a young lad found i` in a hollow log on the bank a the river aria retuened it to him. It vat somewhat .rusty when found. 'Played for the King ' Geo. Fryfogle, of Newi York, form- erly of Wingham and son of_ Mrs Wm. Fryfogle, of that .town liadthe honor of having his band play •-for the king .and Queenwhile on tleel recent visit. to °:IsII$tt Y ogle City. li wife, Ars. ,'F,ryfogle'•was also en eon Dred guest. Mr. Fryfokle - anew; Ohl: Ala'rr, Crinhsaire and. sister "3aiirre. n and - friend of halide have also,:_ been playing et -the' A number froin this vicinity at- -Miss Ruth "i'ha Syracuse. Ne'b., -was a ti=iiiter at 'the; Neva: York'WorYd's Fair'. ' !tended the Cochrane Picnic held' .'in ,tome of her:aunt, firs• `Iisnn l Woe `Shipped 18 'Horses Bayfield son 'Wednesday, and :all •re-,• Win Cudmore, the well known 'port having a ,,good time: Flaying is •almost- completed eanii'tite majority of the farmers are harvest- kman. Hezrsa?l Wins 13-2Seaforth 'horse- buyer,,sliipped from • Hensall defeated Blste by the: Seaforth .station last. week,,. 13 heavy e_• horses for the Scotland market. Qn': of these, a grey, 'tipped the scales a' an even ton, while ,a . bay weigher' 11)00. pounds. The shipment was made through a Toronto firm. Krueger=Falirner A pretty -wedding was solemnized at 'Crediton when Miss Erma Mae Fahrner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Henry Fahrner was united in marri- age to Ross Krueger, third' son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry.Krueger of Wat- erloo. 'The marriage took place uncle' a decorated -arch on the lawn of the 'bride's 'home: The wedding mare'• was played •by Mrs. F. W: Morlocl' and'Lawrence•Wein sang "Because." The ceremony -was performed • by "Rev A. 11. 'Pletah 'Miss Beatrice 'Fahrner Meter -of the bride, was maid of hon- or. 'The bridesmaid was Ruth Krue• ger, sister of the groom. Fractured Skull Miss'Lucille Gilbert, teBose home IF 'in Palmerston,'but who has been ern• ployetl'in Centralia. suffered a fi'ac- tured skull and a badly damaged'ri`ght, foot when she fell from ,a horse she, was reining the other day. In snr7 way she slipped o'ti' the horse and in cluing so apparently the animal stets ned on 'her foot. She was takers to London 'hospital, ling the wheat'wliith 71s -reported tole scare •ofd =2 ' in :•ae Huron -Perth .bas a ,good crop. mite e,ea,,ue same here �v ednesday., A number from 'here ce eUrated .Tudor do the remind for the locals July 12th in Brussels and 'Prestun. � fanned 10 batters anal. allowed but`. Mr..and.•1VIrs. 'Harold Finlayo four hits. Stade :of the 'thinners lift e ia r• with sme'-on. the fourth 'Blake visited frieirddss 'in this ali=teict'.• -•home Sineds v ; i mn.g. ' John Tapp -Injured .s,1 John Taw-, lid; -suffered 'head and • • body injuries Wednesday •night When St. Juseiih and -Beaver 'Y'orun he was knockr'f from his bicycle by a motor car driven 'by-1FTiss -Shirley 1 Silver, of Clinton. 'Following medic- : el attention he was removed to -the Mrs. Machel Denormee of Prointe 1 Seaforth Hospital: Mr. 'Tapp 'is :an Aux Bouleaux left to spend a ;few, employee of. the C:%i:R, -siighway week* in Vindsor. 'Tefifiii Constable -Redden 'invettiigatt- llr. and Mrs. Os= aeucharme, JIr. ,•e+d of Drysdale were':Sunday visitors. Death of James 'Collins The funeral of the 'late war veteran James Collins, wio •ilieii ait'Westniin-. star I tspital, Lonfkaen, -was'heldefrom the 1.31,,ited Church, Bru'ce'iield '•anti was coa;ducted by Ore Clinton'bran•eh sof 'the Canadian Legion, -With 'the Telinten 'Band in attendance. 'Bugler 'Fred Beer of Hensafl.. sounded 'the 'fra-st'Post and Reveille. Mr. -Sam 'Ran - r rn orgastist and choir director, sang ".There 'is No Death 'I rerro".. .. 'M-ev. 1 ? igl �t;'.the pastor, prerxehed ;•Che :fun- who spent i -week-end , -ttlith their plat-see'elee .' The pallhexirers -were" 6 parents here hreve returned 'home.' .cerrrrrrtrtles, •and.'.bui'ial •fives ;txralit 'cit Mr. L, Sarirae motored to 'London one day last we•ths on a ,busieee e trip. Mrs. Joseph Bullard who 3tkt lrieen ill of late with eaarmna, is nosy much improved. Mr. Zephie Cha:rrette is spentratg a ew days with velar's+es in this.esei h- •loorhood. Mr. Millie/el Jennit.nn is getti'irl;' with Mr. and Mrs. F.:Dnd1iarme of the Blue Wer south. Miss Doris effrey "76Beavertowu, left on ,Sunday last t Wit..; oseph'h Hospital, London where roe has sec- erred employment. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mae: -n and dau- g'hters of Detroit are spelailing two weeks holidays in St. Jir tab' in the Jeffrey Coltte e. Mr. Philip .Bedard of Tilbury, and Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey el Windsor Bai>Yctt's r at-teetery. COU TY. NEWS The' school in ,ASO No. - 4; Mullet? , its threshingoutfit together, as ,a1 -`at i- is being closed ' ,the end of the 'pre 'r eady some. ere waiter g.' Tile eeeeee sent t ien•brcaus1 of scarcity of pu-' g p y :WARLD'S CHAIt!iPl Dir& -er +being Stood for eutltiing the wheat ails. R the sample 'is aalo goo, least the ay.: Floyd Thompse+r+r,, ,son of Mr and h 1 th b The foeily opportunity that $©,t oe gra r. and the fi. B. Thornpsodr,, E.lawattoslt, ':overs orf Ontario -will have this- year g , price, vtttlja they co- h his right vtzist'lai sen wh o crap- tl to see 'frilly Direct 1.55,Walrus salts not.possibly make iR sty worse. t Chan ,,oni Harness 1l,oise ,lid his eq - me ,;,what .ylrst next? ; king ilus car. 17ae(l koail •aid saved of xno use t le 1 NeV, W. A• Young, Pses. yterian store ilrrfs: Allen who .hed about' 10 =tally f 4us driver, Vit. Flc,nuri!i' ' ministe,r at Heusalt blas •l tieeeived a years' service e ith the P.U.C. head "' anada'•s Greatest Reinsinan, Will be. �"' call• at Pei'ous. r Its ;il eisfon has never ittsell':a sa3','.vons aceitlynt befgre- at Stratford races on ESaturday, Jule' H N S A L I, "� not bF err <aainopnced. 22iic1, -when this pair of Champs Whir Rev. 31 q% Penrose, who 'ltas compl *�calisi- phiilips al�vcrar before the grandstands etre? "* St, d'aiseee Catholic church, Sea- will race an exhibition mile against etas his sli,_eis.ry on the ;i liniville 141r .; niid Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor- forth, was Ole scene 'of 'a fash, onable time . This is the first time in the onto wow recent visitors with relati- , charge is eeverannuating laud .,has y Do- ves -herr,. 1 moved into I7xeter into the retdi+Vetioe wedding on ,3ilne 26t'i,7 when ,arm- history of harness racing in the Oa (Bessie), :only dart ytter of Mr. ,'inr,ien that a world's elra'usp,1,as ev- t'he annual ,Sunday School pi roc „he recently puervased on eVni to st 'red Mrs. Thos. Phillips, Seafgv'th, or 1+ii ed•• over a Canadian trs*c .. `Chrrrt ' :of 'Carm.l Church tell gib= held • atl 'ir. Penrose <rvecl the Vern ?ft i'• bccam:e the bride of Doell;aie flsesll:°f. ire tee other stake races on the pro- "Cixrn+btrll's rr rnv(, on We drtesday, ; 'liltfrom 192 i to I11 0, ranlrnir .end they will be ra 'tad tyre. July 26tl, Resigns from Staff. le oedstock, '1'he in,arristgf, owtmolly tidancla.rd tinte, Mr. l•lATON Sheppard oi'' forl;n:,.,' ,yli;a4 (1.1 et( who for sevei.il ate, Pe-1'itnI•1 1 by Rev. T. 1'.:llu.r+ry ---. vsted with his ee ant; Mr. and Mrs r' V. 1 n 1 .7i ;rai,'> h•t;, epee ,, n,rm�rr..y or tt.-- tr,. ,e.. incl is uptial, ln�,ti mark, lyes stifle- be I"I�aS ,e;?TO?� Vt'�1C.�. Gi ER N lieving' Magstrate ` J. A. Makins for the •first three weeks of July.The booming sentences of .the man from Premier Hepburn's Thome town last Thursday carried into every• nook and corner of. the liig'h-ceilinged aud- itorium, much to the delight of polir'e court habitues, who usually leave court knowing little more about pro- ceedings ro- c c crclings than when they entered, so soft and gentle is the voice of Mag- istrate .Makins.—. Godei ich Signal - Star. SUMMER SCHOOL The summer School under the aus IMPROVING ROADS. : Huron County highway commission mac'hine'ry has been at work, on the Mill Road between • Se itoitih ';ai d Brucefield. A power 'shovel. has Made a deep cut in the • h,r,4t hill west of Lgmondville ,,;and material used to widen the 'grade and improve `the rd. No detour' ria been necessary. Paving on the road between Irudefield. and Bayfield will be completed this year, and it is expected. the road from Eg Iinondville to Brucefield will be done next • • k : eee POPULAR IN GR,' BRI,TIAN The..�development.of ;Canada's ex- ,pdr'ts of honey to the British mar- ket has' been - spectacular. Frena: a trade so .siinall in volume before the Urea's War .that is was not Shawn separately in the - British. trade re- turns, honey •exports from Canada to the United Kingdom have .gravure, by reaps. and bounds until Canada, is note the largest individual supplier --of -coney to the British .market 'which draws its honey supplies from all parts of the world. WELL,, IN OPERATION • Exeter"s new :auxiliary well, aug- menting the present water supply, is new being used to meet the demand for water during the hot weather and of the canningfectory now in oper- ation. A new well about.33 reet sleep was sunk on the roedwoy near W. F. .Abbott's and the well is now provid- ing 66 gallons of water ,per minute for' about 12 Fours in the way. This atogether with the previous supply is now ample to meet the needs. without .touching the reserve Supply. • Lineman Electrocuted .,Sylvester' `Allen, hydro' lint Ina for; the Seafoath Public Utilities Come tiilasion met a tragic end the bthei i evening wheel' 2200 vita' froth the towels .primary line' passed through his belly ,whiletworking on,a. pole at the _egg outskies of that gown. He was epgsged in ,the work t tchanging a street light to the rimae. line witeee it lis believed lis shouicaer c me int ie ee r the acre wire ; e im oitkate}y •/stumped to his say ,v belt e.p•,paren y e iconsciour.. All kimee of SEEK LOST TREASLA:Y Searching parties are once .more: re- ..on,tering the Maitland River betwe- en Wingaam and Auburn • with the ,rurpose in mind of finding the sup- posedly buried treasure of -'an early ;ether of the Canada Company. Last ,'ear :a' Michigan youth spent several .weeks at the same task. At that time he was reported to have a map ' of the early • settlement and some ' old doctlhi:ents purporting to set•forth the sxa,cli ,location where' Robert. Harail- tori ,supposedly buried a fortune in ti -chest. In spite of the face that he sad Tittle suttees, he' is also reported es bring on his way back to take up i -ie starch once mare. Local residetstr; zre ,sl optical 'of the story that 'there may be buried treasure along the iVlar?'lfasid. "',an of 1Vir, and ;Mrs. D. .f3cali, f :of John ;".,.i",1 phaarrl• r (Thee .r„',n. I il'_'ir :as tendered 'ic , r:t^l'8of n.,.+Ii, ctr.in ),'"'he 71 r,o,tust^ had . o.. tt:' rn'o- tl°'. 'Phos, we 1:'t, tare±:+ .i' 0)X'n(e(: ; •;• 7,r i'•'ir'••'-iorr She r er e. i•'r Exeter the, prom, Mi`+Seq Atngeetine and here i •-,,, t1E*-1 of the !eve court roam o'l'the Wel •h;'Iryr. end Mre. `''•oil, V[retsh end ';,•„,,, pt aid he. Macri, many Scal i,;i, sf5'ars of' 1-h,' b •te((>lrrentn. • i'''o•'t•t porion holtry t ri.,:,s for tate. , Wayne were on a ple! anent trip At fricends. Ruiner.. has it thatshi i�5 lea- weremaid. rr tnor and bridesmaid. snrinrotts vain^ of i farrt;sl:r#its Fa"; S. i1 ,w try 'lext.at Park, visiting Mr..lnd Mrs. yew the teaching prnfo sfron, Mr. 'pony Ph=tllipa; broth rif` ilio T: Ttr 'to.w* i y4, '1'Ir+xn.h's who.. is rtl, :tleYmrs..mol>u!ryoo.arwau Tlusrsday, July . O h, 19 3 ) peers nrf 'ffuron and Perth Presbyter- • rays Ike thdted Church was in pro - Areas Last week at troe'carep grounds on the lake shore three. renes north of (oderich_ neve was a good attend- ance with au enrolment of 8;3. The c aasrs were occupied with studies of rWigious and social questions, wor- sltip periods and recreational activib ides, with a camp fare in the evening. •(pen night was held Friday, when trisitors were invited to envy, the program. Zaturday was stunt night. and the school .concluded with Sunday cet•vices, IP SERVICE T Ni:.>`rS A Gas known to every Motorist.. Why take Chances in inferior Gas when you can buy GOOD GAS at Klopp's One Stop Service•at J er Gallon ��x c E . e.d 'ENGINEERED i1..UBRICATION • .11.t Klopp's you' get Guaranteed Indians L eihr:.ca'tion, using..7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch las Lubrieaie your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars EXPERT REPAIRING V1re 'use' the,'ICING AN A.L' STR to pr iperly Cline 'Up', your Motor. CLEAR :GAS FOR YO'C3R .EAMP.S AND STOVES i t 25e. " Gallon ' Car Wash 39c. Fire ' repair .25c . BATTERIES, . ACCESSORS,' GOODYEAR TIRES• •Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zukie.T s• Finrst` and Most Up-to-date Garage ,and . Seru"rce Station, HOWARD IOL 1 L.PP,' U _ SSEE • C. Fritz d� Sen.Used Car Lot in Connection" • e r sr� ,• IhIIUIIIIIII@UlN!INIIIIlIIII�IIiINtIlu1110lIIUIIIIIIIIIiIIIiIIUillil91111�f1➢lln�li�lIIICUU.,,,+k�i'1�u'r:Ids' I1J!!•,i�i3llllrilit�lu1i41ll11I�11111iI1111llllllllllllfllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111IJRliIYI .• THESE PRICES subject o change. -without Notice _ Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy ,a.nd 10.00. Recovering Buggy'Togs -..,. 'l6,OQ' and 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12000 Buggy Shat Cross • Bar: Buggy Reach 3.00 - 1.00 1,25' ;. 25c,. Buggy -Spokes "each •... .. ' HEsS;: '- Repafr: ,� :HESS IIIIIfliIIiil(;:l{li!{IlllViwlul!IIINpIDLIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIliiI11N !f <�t � � �� lllNllhillN�,illi,llil4lJzfi'1i{�vtr�,IlUilplifflllmlllNIIIUIIIIiBI�l6��IiIIIIiIIRffIiIiIINiH1i�111B ' �9 (( + • aU FL D Nny MATERIALS If. ou ' .'arid of n. Braling ,� . �' �,w � >� '� .yor I$epairiiag' this Year' -a- t we will be pleased to supply 'you with the finest of Building Materials. Le urs quote you. " ' • - ' : SUM' ER SCREENS • CoMbination Doors--screee;ls for the summer' and glass * ,interchangeable for winter. 'i make Screens to"prop- • , , erly. fit your windows, Etc. E Let us•.have.youtr.;order' • I-leadquiarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials aa. s ah ii • e • :t►:/ • • PHONE 6n O D ZURICI-t W+ +++++++++++a'++•*++•z •x- �a ,•+a4.r+ a:+•+++++++a-++++ .•'�",. • New LOWER Prices Prices on ALL,1939 llurige Six and DeLuxe models hay* been RE- DUCED! You'll praise the graceful) - nevezpot kady lines, the ease and comfort i,l the new, Related Ride.... tte:rovred ;performance of ;the famous l,ifi. odge economy engine, • This big,. longer -wheelbase Dodge also has Wnaerrc .,c•oil, springs. improved airplane -type.. shock •ahs ,ars . paten;eti sFlreafir14 a hydraulic brakes. a. See and drive one -oft these rsntark. :able 1139 Dodge cars TODAY! WARD' ',i TZ 'ta t r Zur;ch •