Zurich Herald, 1939-07-06, Page 8r• ' wi THE STORE WITH THE STOCK tin Following our usual Custom we are again h w Icciriig a two weeks Sale, ;inn alg S.t,, June 24, ending on Sat. July 8th. We offer quality goods only, from our regular stock No cheap truck bought for s,.,le purposes. Cc:rae and share in the many l;arga:ns we offer° t We can list only a few. See large Posters for more particulars. Voiles, fine dotted Swiss yd. 39c Broadcloths, •all colors yd. i 7c Broadcloths, white • i 4c Unbleached sheeting, 72 -in. 35c Extra quality factory cotton, at i Oc Best Wabasso Sheets 80x90, each 1.29 Ladies' Satin Slips, each Fac Ladies Silk pantees 29c, 39c, and 49c Men's fine shirts, at 98c Men's Ties at 25c Men's Sport Trousers, at 1.75 All Curtain Goods Greatly Reduced GROCERY SPECIALS .Sandwich cookies, 2 -lbs, 29c. Lemons, doz. 29c Cheese lb. 15c. Peas No. 1, 3 tins 25c Prunes, lb. 10c. Jello 4 for 19c Sodas 2 lbs. 20c. Macroni, lb. Sc Large Catsup 18c. Grape fruit juice 50-o2 tin 25c PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 53 Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES "It• • F9'o` per annum, half earlY • for 1 and 2 Years Y 3M % per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 33i% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information - From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative Zurich Zurich 1 - `4;*asszr'mecosNBBAia+so HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE r If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this FROST FENCE . . . . for long life, Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process, Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive price*. —J I"!P .� 4 ' : d . R'��l i' . II `401Mrertonne iss.i year, be sure and consult 7! Us. Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! , TIGHT `' lack tint BONDED an etelurive FROST femme &M1 SAWS Y'AU MQN�YS; PAINTS! We carry a full line " of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax I Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes 1 is in all sizes Furniture, Springs and Beds, Felt and Marshall Mattresses 0 e e is • • • 0 0 t� Kid 1 u bang, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- 6 ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf ,Hard- 1 ware always in stock. o s Goderich—Not one arrest was made,, !Palm Mich., was the best man. Her - 0 3 no -charge laid in Huron County as bort Miller and Rhinhold Kursinsky 11 ZURICH,HERALD 1111111M 1._11 11 011111 111111111111111M 111111! 11111111W 01111 011111111 1111 11111111 .1111 II I 1011111011111 1 I )m :s Tay, July lith, -- -_- , p1111 111111111101111 01101 ' 1111111 1HHIHI(HH! (HIHi!1— { M 1�1U i 11 C,. Peerless Peerless wheat puffs, 16 -oz. Plug. Fly spray, 16 -oz can 190 Laundry soap (unwrapped) 10 bars %5c' Ginger snaps per lb, 1i0c; New potatoes, 7 lbs, « .... 25c. Pure Dutch Cocoa, per lb Heavy Zink rings, per .i Sc. Heavy Grapejuice per bottle i 5cSave our Cash Coupons for sgxrie: bearntif'ul China - 25c ware. k ,1 erm esch. EGGS WANTED. , Phone 165, 1101111111111111 111M11111111 1111119 111111011111111111111111011 ITEMS OF LOCALdill; Mrs. Bertha Bloch is spending;' 'a few weeks in. Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith andMae were at London. Thursday. Euritc 98 es' Wei Rev. and 1VIrs. LH. Kalbiieistth and ('family of Elmira spent t few days SPRING DRESSES, wi to relatives .n Z u> i cn. We art.- new showing a nice xarrgei eat Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oeach have re- New Spicing Dresses, and invite yzxu cently taken a position in the Ca- to cone. in. and Iook them ower. unty Home, Clinton. Mrs. Fred Schiele of Sebringville l Attractive Priced : f oris ) .49) tcz, � 60 is at present visiting her sister, Mrs• Note --6 Store is in our Rksidertc_. J. England.' MRS„PEARL MOTJSSE.AH„ Zurich The fine • rains last"week-end and on Tuesday evening surely do put a. Phmne; 4- T rieln big kick fix growth. .,.... 1Vliss Clara Weber of London, spent the week -end at the home oa' ii sr parents, 1Vtr. and Mrs Louis Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Braceville .and Miss Helen of Toronto were guests at tkc : home of Mrs. John England last wk. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Myer and Mrs. 'Flossie Brown of London were week- ' end visitors at the home of Mrs. Char iWeber. Mi-. and Mrs. R. J. Kalbfieisch, ac- ! companied .by Mrs. Al. Kalbfieisch of Detroit spent the week -end With fri- end's and relatives in the vicinity. Another year has passed in the life of the Zurch Herald and with July 1st it has ,completed its 39th year. We thank our many patrons for making this possible. Mss. Schneiker an,d;.,son Clare of :Milverton .visited the ,.. orsner's sister. Mre. John Brenner over the week- end. Clare attending the Merner- Burn wedding. Mr. Harold Stade was a recent caller to Arthur where he wr.s in- vited to join the hockey team for the coming season, but as we understand Harold did not sign up. , A June ',wedding took place at Exe, Mr. Chelsea Thiele, son of Mr, and ter when : Harlon Elouise, youngest Mrs. Fred Thiele, a scholar of London daughter: of Mr. John W. and the South Collegiate, received word that late Mrs:, Waiper of Exeter, was inar- he has received first class honours in rigid to Lloyd Willert McBride, onlyr•' all his subjects, being in the Third son of .lir, and Mrs. S•arnuel McBride Form. Congratulations Chelsea! of Zurich. „ The.. ceremony was per The relatives and friends of Miss formed by the Rev. Arthur Page at Vivtoria Deichert (bride elect) pres- the p ae,sonage' of James Street United exited her with a,; miscellaneous show- Ch`a..Y:da, :Exeter. The young duple er; whch was held at the home of -',u.e 't'ttr4tencIed. The bride was love- t her parents, Mr,, and Mrs. Peter Del- Ir ni a White chevanier crepe gown ... Ichert, iSr. •..."..• Freiithi suede lace _.boiery fachet Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull of p'r"it}a, throe. g1iartey'`len- th veil ealight the Blue Water south; accompanied with lily a:the-valley: She earned but by Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and ai' oia ogno et. ;Johnana :Hill rases a ith ,rhhozi ;ties. Following . the dere- auoiiy a4vedding ;'dinner was served fea_n •a -table decorated with bink and white stresaners and centred with the Mr. and Mrs Theo. fader and da- bride's bale. Mr. and Mrs. McBride ughter Margaret, .?,r..i ed g idc'+ and lcft on �i extended tour to Nrvv York ,Mrs. Catherine Rader of Ila ry o ,d, and St. Petersburg, Florida. For tray- and Mrs, Susan Haberor of town, tilling th'e bride donned a white fian- motored to Pigeon, Mich and other nel tailor-made suit, with picture hat. places, vsiting friends and relatives+ and mai,;c'hirug rtccessorte . On their returns they fill :reside in Windsor, r ',-,HYMENEAL. Eichler =Deiehett A very pretty but girl:et wedding was solemnized at Trinity Lutheran parsonage, New Hamburg, on Thurs- d ay afternoon, June 29th, when Miss Victoria Deichert, darter •of Mr. and Mrs. -Peter Deichert, Sr., of Zur- ich, became the bride a Mr. Wilfred Eichler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eichler, of New Hamburg. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. IH-. Mosig, Roth bride, and groom vele Unattended. The bride was attired in a .dress,?; of Lassile bule sheer with whitecessories tend carried a cors-; age of Rroses The young couple left on a short. wedding trip by motor -car. On their return they will take ::. • up residence in New Hamburg, w;lrezre they have the, best wishes of a la circle of Zuleteh friends. MuLaride—Walper daughter of Kippen, were recently on a motor trip to Tabermory and dist- rict. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride, of Manley twp, accompanied by Mr; R. MnDouga1l, who is visiting tronl'.the West and Miss Minnie Reid, of Hen- son, were recent visitors to New York City, taking in the World's Fain Re. and Mrs. E. Burn; Eldon and Miller and the late Otto Miller, be- _ Rev. Burn, s Mr. and Mrs. Bert came the bride of Earle William ilen- ry, son of (Mrs. Kursinsky antthe Zuluf and son of Milverton; Mr. and Mite Henry Kursinsky, a£ ,i inrlen Mrs. Albert Burn of New York city, Mieh« Rev, T 1 t., 'performed tho Miss Myrtle Weber and -friend of ..nreaxi'waiy, `while Rev" E. !MiI;t x, bra- Toronto, attended the Merner-Tiuz-n they of the bride, from Cler}eland, Ohio, gave an addlr. ess, To the .strains of Lohe4igrin's wedding, march, play- ed by Mrs. 'Edgar Restemeyer, the bride entered the church, accompa.n- si. it for a few years, has resigned: fed by her Brother, .Albert Miller. The and has accepted a position as tea- bride wore a gown of white broad - cher at a Bridgeport school :for thecaded sheer, with a silk veil and cor• corning term. The trustees ase adv- onet. She carried a bouguet of pink ertising for a new teacher and the one they wig] engage must be able to teach the new course of home econ- omics, which will he a new study for the children, ICursinskcy.-- Miller pry i,y ivedding'took place in Zion Luthet� cliu,rcla, 'Dashwood, when Friedaudsirie, daughter of` Mrs.. wedding on Saturday. Miss Herta •Gowan, whose home is in Milverton, and who has been on the Zurich ptibl.ic school teaching roses and baby breath.. Miss Hilde- gard I-diller, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore: a floorlength gown of pi.n'.t lace with white hat and acces- sories. Rer :ior'ers were pink sweet peas and roses with fern. Clifford Quiet in Huron f Kursinsky, bother of the groom, of ST DE51^2 ,4{ x ID * a ZURICH QUALITY -. PRICE= SERVICE I :p `" O T. result of the week end celerra.tion, were the ushers. Four neices of the rovincial, county and municipal poi- bride sang sweetly "0 Perfect Love”. ce said Monday morning. Sovrral fist A reooption was held at the bride's ghts were straightened out without home., later ].tuft for Niagara Falls. rosecution, one man, requiring a dot- The bride wore navy and white AC., rs atttcnti-'n. There were two cessorzes'. On their return they will innr auto accidents: ; ren.de hi Minden. City. n"gtNe,!vki ta YOUR SEASON'S NEEDS This Season Cads for Good New Fences on the Faun. Let Us Supply. You with the best of Woven Wire. We also have Barb• Wires, Brace Wires, Staples, Etc. S'e • us about New Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughii gt ▪ SPECIAL PAINT SALE; From 65c. a Quart 4 FURNITURE • Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest fr, ' in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices quality Cali e sidered, Let us; show you our Beds, Springs, Aflattre ss, , 'Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc, a. SLI HTLV USED FURNITURE t For the most conservative purchaser, we have a t • • 4 Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture thatwilt give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, a iCouches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Etn Be sure and look these over. Johnston & Kaibiejsch ; ax xeFurniture. hone 63 *ti. r MASSEY-IIARRIS NEWS GENUINE '.1!.-H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Ia. plerrents... Mower and Binezr Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49- 1 %. year battery guarantee 485 2 ;pear battery guarantee 17 -plate ~ 7',.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires atiiize 5.85 V sit the East End Service Station for City Sery at Zurich :P: ,, ,M;,ard.,trucks properly, gieased with'iatest hydralic iprnent, GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS :1.0V ERE'S a money -saving recipe that makes meat go farther and gives yoti a delicious meal. And it's only one of 103 ways bread can improve your meals and save you money. Use bread often. As a cooking in, gredient, as toast, or as wholesome, de- licious bread and butter, be sure everyone in your family gets six slices a day. Helps build body tissues and gives you energy, Remember, bread itself' is raoz fattening. In fact it is a protection needed when reducing. Try our delicious, wholesome bread. "10'3 WAYS TO SE iVE BREAD" -- Frig illustrated recipe book worth 2s will he seat to you Fltk;E, Just leave your ataene with us. ECKEL'S BAKERY Zurich