HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-07-06, Page 2ie Ir R•n "White Rajah" Holds Family Reunion In London :For the first time in many months, the colorful family of Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, white, rajah cif Sarawak, has a get-together and the camera duly records the event for posterity. LEFT to' RIGHT are Mrs. Bob Gae,; AWY, better known in the U.S. as Princess Baba, daughter Mrs. Harry Roy, another daughter; the whit 3anself; Lady Vyner Brooke, his wife, and Lady Inchcape, daughter. They were reunited, at the annual of the Sarawak association in London recently. 4") Have YouHear GR A lady went into a butcher's and asked for a pound of filet of beef. The butcher cut it off. "There Ion are, ma'am, just 14 ounces." But the lady said, "No, I want a pound exactly. It's for an im- portant dish at an important lun- e3lleon." The butcher cut of a bigger thunk. "Eighteen ounces. That all right, ma'am?" "No," said the lady—and she was a rich and valued customer— "No, I want you to cut me off a pound, no more and no less." "Oh," groaned the butcher, as he took up his knife again, "you and your pound of flesh! Why, you're a regular Shylock Holmes,"' _a_ "Professor! Professor!" "Well, what is it?" "There is a burgs. the • roar _0_ "Ah me," sighed the gossipy fe- male boarder, 'one half of the -world does not know how the oth- er half lives." uOh, well, don't worry about ill," growled the old bachelor at the foot of the table. "It isn't your fault if it doesn't know." —0— He; "Why did you send that poor fellow back for your cold cream? He'd never Siad it." She: "1 only wanted to get ithe chap off my hands." —0— ']Che barber was dark and swar- thy, his eyes black and sparkling. It was evident that he was de- ecended from Latin stock. "What do you think of the Ital- lan situation?" he inquired of the customer. "What is your opinion of Mussolini?" "The' same as yours," replied the man in the chair." "But how do you know my opin- ion?" inquired the startled barber. "I don't," admitted' the man, "but you have the razor." —0 -- "Are you a good carpen- ter?" wires 1, i Then how do you make as Venetian blind?" "Stick your finger in 'lugs Reye." Modern Etiquette BV ROBERTA LEE 1.—When a girl has been intro- duced to a young man, and is leav- ing him, may she say that she is glad to have tenet him? 2.—When playing tennis, should the receiver run after the first ball served, if it is wide, or await the second ball? 3. -Does a bridegroom usually give his bride a wedding gift? 4.—What should a hostess do if one of her guests brings up a subject,allot she believes should ^s-`'FZ+t t4k� � sftta39.di s✓ 4 i '51 " reason .t { 5.—ihhen a, *crbxnbn stops at a restaurant table .where a girl is dining with some` friends, is it necessary for her to introduce this woman to her companions? 6. --Isn't it poor taste for adults to wear shorts on a city street? Answers 1.—No. It is the man's place to say "I hope I shall see you again," or some such expression, to which she may reply, "Thank you." 2.—He should remain standing, and await the second ball, 3. --Yes; it is customary for him to give her a gift of jewel- ry. C.—Adroitly change the sub- ject as quickly as possible, with- out doing so too ab'rup'tly. 5.— NO, it is not necessary.. 6,—Yes, it is decidedly poor taste. One of the chief items which Nazi Germany markets by the car.: load to the other barter states is aspirin tablets. These Three Stole The Show At Big Palace Wedding With her escorts attired rn court uniform, even to the swords, this little lady, steins to have stolen the show at the wedding of ifiss Pamela ,Sey- m1u' to Lieut. 'Bryan Durant of the royal navy, ,at Hampton Court PJ.laee. London, England.. COUTING The establishment of Boy Scout Troops in the elementary schools of Ontario, and a recognition of them "as an integral pert of the educational development of our boys" is suggested in a resolution at the recent convention of Or - ban School Trustees in Ottawa. ,^o— The construction of a stout bi- cycle :out of the parts of three old wheels, and the cycling of 620 miles in 6 days, was the example of ingenuity and stamina given by Scout Bill Moncur, of Thorp - dale, Gippeland, Australia. His purpose was to attend the big Scout Jamboree at Sydney. The hardy Scout cyclist carried full Scout_hiking kit, including blan- kegs and Scout staves and most of his grub. On the' return journey 'lle wits delayed two days by buds fi�•es, required 8 days to : coV'er. 11.,e 600 miles back horns,; Zip Canadian I,tidiaii"bo:ys+ Ideouts. Two new: young "braves" have;a:. tered in Ontario. TI,1 1st .Spanish Troop, ..comllos''. lads Of the Indian Resid'entia, c ool' at Spanish, op sl iii;. *0 of Georgran I3 r 'udi#iaga Troup of ®ys everalIndian day' schools of the. Tyendinaga Reservation on> the bay of ,Quints.' The two lead-"'`` ers of the Tyeiidinrzga Troop are young MohawTt Indians, -..o— Thal—lading a1 the first 5'0,0;6: trees:.naf a pew "King's Fares;' near Hoil r,.. Ont., was one Viii -' imn r{ .,.y Scout events of e King's official birth ees were planted un e dirt tion of ;Ari"hilr"Her Etrclias:aon of the Ontario xy Baa i cl as ':°part of the mime tri T'enth;, Annual;;' _.Fos"crux ' a ,G, .. ��'' .., tis '," ome 45,000 trees also.we cvirr.s .,.; ed fs1,- the now well established roy."&out Forest at Angus, bring- lig the total stand of .trees in this project to some 750,000. The work was -done. by 147 selected Scouts 'coining from.all parts of the •pro-,'; Vince. There is keen competrtls,h to attend the camps, notwithstand- ing that each young • forester must cover his own expenses, in- cluding the Week -end camp fee. " k DOES taste good in pipe Via: HANDY SEAL-'Ihh3HTPOUCH -i 5c 1%.LB, "LOKC.TOP" i'IN 60c also packed in Pocket Tins sionately fond of horses they spend all their out-of-school time. banging about a livery stable, Sometimes they earn a dime for helping clean up the place. They salvaged a rusty mower and a pair of old shears from a rubbish heap and, according to the N,W.A. worker, they spend 'many hours going from door to door trying to earn enough money o buy a trip to the country. "Please don't send us to a town.. We want to go to a farm where we can- help , gather the eggs and look after the horses," they insisted, All the .Workers at the Country" Home office could, ;0o was to take their naives and address and promise them first chance if an invitation arrived from a kindly farmer's wife within a radius of 150 miles from Toronto. Tama and Joe are only two on the long ilst of youngsters who are all longing for the chance to see green fields, cows, flowers and the scores of,.:` sights never witnessed in:the ",crowded downtown areas. Letters of invitation should state Clearly how many children are invited, the -ages,-and sex desired and e,,o npiete travelling 'directions; 4` porta- tion is paid by the N.W d the children are medically e'xa'mined 'before leaving town..Ftlnquiries sb:oixd;se i ghbour- ?looWdlW•beorkersent' Atos$bciatthei 22 We]- 1eki�y; street, Toronto. What Science is Doing TO EXPI-ORE OCEAN Scientists seeking ro•• rear:: ho seas and continents' 'are forme' will start exploring 4,500,000 squat' miles of the Pacific Ocean in Sed tember. The expedition, formed -by;7x National Geographic Society rirti" ii the University of Virginia will ex piers the area that lies between the Hawaiiian Islands and Australia and New Zealand. NEW DRUG SMOTHERS GERM It has now been discovered the new drug, sulfanilamide, ;smothers disease germs in the human body. Sulfanilamide, made from a red,. dye and first used as a medicine in 1935, has been this -century's chief medical sensation. Successively It has become the best medicine for blood -poisoning, pneumonia,, menin- gitis, erysipelas and a dozen other diseases. art a „Ira A RAY THAT SPLITS ATOMS An extremely high-power atom smashing ray which may bring science closer to the mastery of boundless energy was put into use last -week at the university of.Call- .' fornia. The machine produces a 19,000,- 000-volt 9,000,000-volt Deuteron beam, the most: powerful ever made by man. One of the recent advances in `. this field has been the disintegra- tion of a form of uranium, the heav- iest, stable element, with a result- ant terrific release of atomic Pow- er. By using relatively low voltage rays, sometimes not more than 400,- 000, 00,000, experimenters have been able' to cause uranium atoms to explode with energies as high as 200,000,-' 00 volts, News More Vitali Than Ever Before People Living in World aff To- day Turn to Newspaper For Interpretation, Advice, Enter- tainment The constant "hunger for news" is part of North Ali]ierica's history, 'r, G. Vacber, National represent." ative: of the Canadian Daily News , papers' Association Bureau of Ad -0 vertising, told a group of advertis- ing mei! at Montreal recently, Mr. Vacher said that today news ;1 is more vital than ever before and affects everyone in the nation but people turn to their newspapers for more than the bare news of the day. They turn to it for interpre- tation, for pictures, for advice, en- tertainment and instruction, Siam Prohibits Cosmetics' Use That schoolgirl complexion Must' be natural or not at all in ` Siam, where the Minilstry of Public In. struction is launching a campaign against the "indulgence by girl stu- dents in artificial aids to beauty." Regulations are being drafted which according to aBangkok vera nacu]ar newspaper, will ensure that "wasteful and dangerous beauty methods of ereating artificial beau- ty be thoroughly suppressed," Among the prohibitions are: Students' hair must not be per- manently waved. Lipstick and ro"ltge are 'banned, The use of false eyebrows "and other artificial aids to beauty" May load to punisbinent, Invite A Child From, The City To Holiday With Yqu On The. Faint-- Youngsters Froiin The Slum Districts Are Dy ing to, Get A Taste of The Country "On our honor we'll be good if you'll send us to a farms" This was the solemn declaration made by two young brothers around the ten year mark, as they stood in the office of the Country Home Depart- inent of the Reighborhood Workers Association, pleading to be sent to the country for a vacation. The lads live on a narrowdown- town street.• Because they are pas - How Gari b p BY ANNE ASH Q.—How can I la meat of brush wool?' A, ---Make a suds, and warm water. garment in the suds, water frequently. Rin,;. ly, ' adding °a' . few. „ser the „last rinsing - Spa to dry, turning the one side i ' pounds " •When weight'? A.—Olii+e - oil is excellent fax this purpose; and to make it more palatable try adding a pinch of salt to a wine -glass of the oil. Q.—How can I ' make a -flaky piecrust? A.—Pie crust, in which a half teaspoonful of baking powder is added to every cup of flour, will be unusually light and flaky, a gar- flakes• ze the • the ugh - es to ut flat. when ,rewf; tly '''ander- Provide For Pets When O1. Holiday Abandoning a "cat or dog or any other pet is a criminal offence punishable with a fine of $500 and possible imprisonment, J. M. Wil- son, Toronto Humane Society of l- tial, said last week. Wilson con- demned "unfeeling citizens who abandon their pets when they go away for the summer," a�.. oronto Humane Soeioty tamed; -Convictions againstsuch persons, Mr. Wilson said, adding, "and if we find the owner we make it our business to see he pays the penalty." Modern Ideas For Cupboards If You're Linen Proud, Try Out A Few a>= These Suggestions For anybody who has inherited a real linen pride there are some re- volutionary ideas for linen cup- boards that will make it all much worth being proud of! Most of the usual oldlinen cup- boards have plain rows of slatted shelves, with no division or distinc- tion for the different pieces of lin- en. It was only the patience and the care of the old-fashioned house- wives that kept the linen cupboard from complete disorder. We no longer have so much time to spare, so the slatted shelves have parti- tions. And there are little name discs .on the front of each partition to show what is to be kept in them. Painted Completely White Instead of having to struggle with drawer papers on the shelves we ,, have the entire inside of the cupboard, shelves and all, painted ;with white enamel paint. Then there need ,be no aggravating papro. pet's that; get crumpled qi,fale down when the bottom 'sheet is pulled, out. And the shelves can be kept clean with a sponge and wawa soapy water. STOPobi1 HBatRa For quick relief from itiMing of insect bitoa, beat rash, athletes foot, eczema and other externally caused akin troubles use world-famous, cooling, anti- septic, liquid D. D. D. Prcaoription, Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense UAW. 3bo trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D.0.0. PRESCRIPTION. JABt ,gzri:i s ,TITT.Y SALE OF HIGH QUAT.TTY Chicks trona blootltested breeders, 1Vhite Leghorns 64.e; 90%:Puliets 13e; x3arred Rocks $0,95; 90% Pullets $9,95: Ne iY Hampshire ;Meds $7.95: 90% Pullets ' $10.45- Cockerels Leghorns 3c; Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds .03rie. Large Bgg Quality add le per chick. Bigger Profit Quality add. 2c, \VJII ship C.O.D. Prompt deliv- ery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph CSUCB S; SUPPLIED C.O,D. ANY- whera en :one day's notice. Phone, wire'` or write your order. Grade A I3arred.Rocks, White 'hocks, New Hampshire Reds, hybrids $8.951' SCSI, Pullets $12,75; Cockerels $8.00 Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns 58.45; Pullets: $16.75` Cockerels :53:00. Extra Profit Grade the kind that weigh two pounds . per hundred more Heavy Breeds 510.55: Pullets $15.90;. Cockerels 55.50, Leghorns $10.4$: Pullets $39,90, Pour week oxd pul- Tety and elder. Three week old pans. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, 5ergtts, Ontar re, LOOK s. .4-1T THESE PRTC:ES:. ROE; Dovetnntent 11.pptoverl' Chicks" firom blood -tested breeders, Stand• arts, Quality T ogborns 6.95; T3ar- rod Rocks $7.45: New Ititnpshire Reds, White Rocks, hybrids '$8.25; 00% Pullets, Legitorns $13.00; Barred Rocks $10.45: Reds, White Rocks, Hyhride 810.95; Cockerels, i,eghorns $3.00; :Heavy Breeds. at -434e. Rig El >r• Quality add. one ont, Extra. Select, add two cents. i'ronaptckHdelivery.atchery. LttnUeriyirden d, Etectrie ChiBaden, Ontario. TnAItY t'ine.1 4 BEY BRAY COCIIERTSr. CHICKS, Tile kind of chicks that matte the ideal broilers fortourist trade: plump, well -finished roasters for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Bray ITatchery, 130 John Street North, 'Hamilton, Ontario. LIMITED NUMBER OF BRAT Started Pullet Chicks available. .Lay plans now for next winter's egg supply. Order at once. Bray Tftetehery, 180 John Street North, Tln.mklton, Ontario. DEVELOPING i EST TttS'ULTS---ROT.L.S T)EVL77.- epod with hlgloss deckled edged prints ---25c, Reprints 3c, 7#eatttiful onlargement free, Prompt service. BxCel 'Mot os 1sea T.anadowile Ave,. Toronto.. ,l;slsCliA1`GPl Ofn' 11,,11 I5O05 S usED C`OLtIttrSPONDENCn Olt I241ne Study Courses bought and sold; Canada's T',,art;est dealer; big prices, paid tor ald itookcr, Send tan cents stempa or rola Poor list. Rconom y T.)i:,strlbutlttg Company, X:aar,rnln ten, Oniarin. Classifiedrie... Advertising.. FILMS DEVELOPED ONE MONTE ONLY. INTRODUC- tory offer,. 8x.10 enlargement, with. every order. Roll developed and eight prints. Reprints 10 prints. Send order, advertisement and thirty cents. Mail order depart- ment, Graphic flim Servilce, 247h Dundas St„ London, Ont. Estab- lished 1020. FOR SALE CREPE-TEX BATHING SUITS $2, Caps 35c, postpaid. Red, White, and Canary. Send for catalogue, capes, rubtfer sundries. Ray Bald- win, Merlin, Ontario. (FREIE SUIT) "AMAZING OFFER —.FREE SUIT Would you tike a genuine 535 Re- tail Value blade to Measure suit absolutely free for only a little of your spare tinge? Write today for full details, The Hudson Com - pony, Labelle Bldg., Montreal." LEARN B AR lI ERING START ANYTIME WITH AN UP. to -date Systenn. Government lie - eased. Free information. Modern Barber *hoot, 142 Queen Street East, Toronto. It ACnimennv aC suer. surruns NEW AND REBTJILT MACH1NT:RY of every description ---boilers and engines --electric motors---meoh. anie's tools -betting. Canada's largest machinery house. Write or call The A. R. Williains Machinery Company, Limited, •64 Front St., West, Toronto. 81111tDICAt:, HAY FEVER Perthshire Medicat- ed Snuff. Pleasant, Convenient, Relieves all cases. 50c and $1,00 sizes. Sole Agents G. B. Products, Importers, Box 515, Toronto. • MUSHROOMS $50 1VLONTHLY UPWARDS, GROW - Ing mushrooms for us from petit. ares spawn. Free spawn and ni- trogen, Information free. Service and instructions guaranteed to -produce, Georgian Bay Produce Co., Box 515, Sorontb, lssnne No, 27 '39 1'i:tt tlaRiAn, MARRY --HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. Many with means. Farm. ers' daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars tDc. Con. • Adential. Box 129 Calgary. L berta. QUIT TOI3AUCU• SNUFF, EASJLY, inexpensively. Stonhe remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Ras I. 1,Vlrnipeg. WHY suvron i FROM ACID INDI- gestion, heartburn, Gas. Take Arms Antacid Tablets" for quick relief. 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00.— Arms Products, 2150 Oxford Ave.. Montreal, Que. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTION - ate romantic sweetheart, with money, write: Mary T,,ee, 445-0, Rolla, Missouri. PIANOS CD EAP iF rot) ARE 1NTBRESTBD IN A good renewed piano at a bargain price write tor descriptive lista with prices, forwarded free on re- quest. PJeintaman and Co.. 155 Yonge Street. Toronto. L'I.AN'FS :Eon SAibro DANISH BALLIHEAo, GLORY CAB- bage Plants 1,000 $2.50; 10,000 $20.00; Snowball Cauliflower, 1,006 $3.25; 10,000 $27.50. Prepaid, Peter L,ugtigheid, :Blenheim, Ontario. Dnuslu.it'F; ING ANTI -SPOIL PRESERVING TAB= lets. Veep fruits, pickles, etc., without air tight jars. Economical and reliable. Used for eight years. Package 25c postpaid, protects 12 quarts. C;ood col btisS.ion for agents. IC. E. Sexton, I1entvtile, N.S. STA NI Vs N'EWFOUNDLANi) 5'i'AMI',3, 4U L) - ferent 60c, catalogtte value 82,50; Trico lists !twillshed.-='Ld. Scatn- meli, ilottyoocl, Newfoundland. USED 't'tftt'ti .5 itbrritEAOS Pott, SALE USED 'rums AND RETREADS POO any car or truck, 95c and to. Every tire guaranteed, 011 S9d gallon and up. Batteries, etc, Deal- ers wanted. Write for fres bar., gain price fists. Orders tushed, Buy with confidence, from Can- ada's largest retroaders. Merrick Tire Company, Box WL; 111-112 Xing best. J-lotniltnn, Ontirio. WANTED AMAZING 1'21OT'l't'1 NO SPILLING! Operate SILVER DING vendors, *3.25 up. Free lnetruottot'ts .Attta� Matto 2425G„ I"'tatterton, rlhlc.tne,