HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-29, Page 4PERMIT CITY CONVENIENCES
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Without running . water
your family cannot have
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Duro Water Systems and Emco bathroom and kitchen
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withal! Trimmings, ready for installation, cost
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(Soil pipe, iron pipe and fittings exult)
Otherrcomplete Bathroom Equipment as low as • $76_234
AJ» aro Special Pumping System complete with
25 .gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor
:willihrcapacity of 250 gals. per hour, costs only ••••••$81•-00
'ten: also be supplied for
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Modernize your home NOW. Usniier
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Loan Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the
cost of doing so can be spread over a ,
period not exceeding three years. FaTliin-
formationn and !free booklets on request.
London flilttarilbeen . Tororito Sudbury
i iiipag Yaneouese
A f 'las. sown td• every Moteiistt. Why take s,Chances in iinteiiiart as
• Y.heeyeetta can buy GOOD OAS mit 1Kbopiss-One' Stop•Sennet
25 • Per Gallon
Tali* included
# 's wee! get Guaraateea lInitian 'Lubrication, using 7 Urals
f€Geee4e. ;x7r7t a invite you to •watch -us ?Ltiiriricate your Car atttii; see !
how Trained Attteniiaaits:G•raeae Cars
'e easeetheEKIIVG AN ALYSEE tt» ptrxnperly'Tune Up your motor.
CL;F;AtRi,•G,4,S .FOR YOUR LAMPS AND ;STOVES it.25e. (Gallon'
Carl g$h 3 c. Tire Repair .rite E
i zCleatz:,}nd•. }dy best'Rooms. Zurich.'s Finest' nd Most fijjisttsp ildfe 'I
Garage and Setrslire Ltttida. i
C. Fritz & Son Useriiaat in;C,oxn ction
" Mr. and Meg,. _Funk of beton are
aiployed for ;thee summer ;with t1Mr;•
3hn Solder.
Mr. and Mee. ,r•'!.. Parsons sent the
eak-end with friends at. Denfield: i
-rt Mr. John B.azalay of Stratford is
3epding a week's vacation wrtf.J .Mr)\
Akr Mrs. Win. •E aaldson.
rev. and Mrs. Petei s are holiday'
n st this week at their cottage . is
lcoka. But will be
ligme Sunday
r'l1fr, Peters to be inlinetege of the
tteavioe at 10 a.nn in the:PURA chat"rch
Mr. and Mrs. W. Day'k9sopn of Hills=
Teen and a friend fins !Stratford
wiled on friends in th riehi ty one
e eniing recently. •4,
A representative of the ;(.l°?> eirio
"'eelPerance Union spokesat theliake
-ielturcli on ► unday morning.
r and Mit. J� A. Armstrong,
miceott paihied by their sister, a1Vlrs. D.
Clinton, spent . a few days!
fed v'siting friepds et +ifntlette
work, to the spiritual atmosphere that
pervaded the little church of her
girlhood days, It is with deep re-
gret, therefore that we note the or.
lesion of her name, and we 'apologize
to Mrs. Eicher and her friends for
our :mistake,—Signed on behalf of
the Session,—Thos Robinson.
Decoration Day Services will be
held on the Goshen Line Evangelical
cemetery on Sunday July 2nd, The
Dashwood Memorial Band and other
speakers will be present,
-Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Callfas and
family of Sarnia were visitors here on
`Mrs. Fred Genttner is spending a
few weeks in Detroit. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel of Tor-
onto visited •'with his mother, Mrs.
Witzel last week,
Mrs. Gottschalk who leas been visit-
ing with her daughter in St. Thomas
has returned home..'
Mr's: 'Jane Guenther of Kitchener,
is spending a few weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Guenther.
Dashwood Band attended a straw-
berry spcial in Kipper' on Tuesday.
Mrs. F. Watson and son Jack is
visiting with her mother, • Mrs. Wm:
A very successful strawberry social.
was held on the lawn of the Evangeli-
cal church last Wednesday under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid and the
choir. During the supper, music was
furnished by the Band. Rev. H. E.
Roppel acted as chairman for the
program presented in the church aud-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mcisaac and
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hartman attend-
ed the wedding of their granddaught
er Mary Mcisaac in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter,
Dr. and Mrs. E. Broughton, Miss
Grace Kellerman and Czar, all - of
Toronto attended the funeral of their:
father, the late Jacob Kellerman on
Miss Ruth Humble and fr.•iend,Miss
Hannam of Sarnia are visiting with!
Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz.
On Saturday, June 14th Miss 1Vlary
M. Mcisaac and Mr. Howard J. Spear
of Detroit exchanged their vows of:
marriage at -St. _Ambrose Church, i
Grosse Point, Mich. For her wedding,
Miss Mcisaac choose a gown -of;
white,•net and hong snatching veil:She;
carried a bouquet of white roses and,
lily of the valley. Her .sister Zesetwas
MVfaid of Honor .and wore a gown` of
blue net and matching tiera, •and car-
ried pink roses. hi Inibliesnnaids .iVfiss.
Maxine Bischoff. :and Miss .1"Ja lis
Sto&All,' friends of the bridewore
pink net go .vzns" and raatehiz}g.tiera='s
:and :earrred'talrsman roses. Mr. Ed-
ward Miller :cousinof the groom was
best 'man•'litre Wfllie 1VEcilsaac•lhroth
er of the bride anvil 3VIr..'Lewiis Xoeh
Ter,' friend roc The groom were- ushers
Following the ceremony dinner was
'served at tlhe ibrides home -for ' the
immediate. •families. The reception
Was held in the 'evening at Lake Bre-
eze Inn, after -which the young cou-
ple,left for a :motor )trip through"
Canada and _'to new Yorkfor the
World's Fair. 'Upon 'thdir •retrn'the
couple will reside in Pontiac, Mich.
Attending ''the funeral. of the late
Tacobi Kellerman an Sunday from a
distance •were: Mr. ..ancr.;irs.. Blyth
Kellerman, Mrs Kate Kellerman of
Elkton. Mich Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Kellerman, :Mrs:r(Ttev..)IT. A. 1SIler-
"man of Kitchener; Mrs •. 'Taylor. of
Sarnia, Mrs. IL Fenn 'of ParitattldMr.
and Mrs. Wes. 1Kibliler, Madel and
Tack Kilbbler of Listowel ; Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Cowen and Miss Tilildren
Cowen of -Fergus; *f ••n.ra Mrs. A
Moritz 'of Guelph Charles Fritz, 'Mr.
•and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Dr. and Mrsr.
W. D. Bryce and V;as{t'r Bobby df
'Za rh Dr. and 1VIxs.-TT, H. Cowen
rs7td'Miss Marmon' Cowen of teeter. i
Moll„ :.Yttili :44,p ,i nsited than Sli,�ttz psi . , .. .HENSALL
.litira • xi4nttie .11413 "fide of �Wfnr r: I
Mr. Anil es. iF rce Johnston spent 13grzt Iron & Drysdalm are saving•i
the week:WA-with bfriends'•iii• •r i't� the -:frost of their inarsfancatze ;store;
1Mn; i'fai1' ...�:Iiderown of Godein;iih • ited'
spa y tthp 1 t .week ,at the ,homa cofF a• b�e MacilMartns z 90,
his 4,fhcr.,1,".5tt -odic °Mrs,"Ben{ 7�ceys.! ti o e`'r tn'oom With heart &t rit4
Mrs. Susie Oeseh•aorf Zurich,- spent' 4 heirs � u •• Redden of L<:Inatitota':: zs i
Sunilaa ea.* Aldir :wed Mrs. ed M B
�. Ate. (Cath Bidden.
, •
Nadine/toy,' . •
Mr. Enos aVriarnan'1rf Babylon litre' 11g. :ltd Mr47,..:eines Tapp and dam
zlf�ca Terre ill at• $he • home yof her mother,
had a. barn raisin last Thursday, to ghttc,r •retitrned•,to their home in Ott -1
replace the 'baja ,fl #,roved by fire
:c`va Valet,week..Mr. John Tapp .act.
Jompanied them, slid will visit -for a
last September,
Corice:tfimi a'ngl py,l gy ,Dr oaiti Mrs s
eer were h 1'd -
• y
In getting out the•Ifisaorri al sketch' `.ng :D�reiethe est week.
fpr the recent 70th.annivetsary .o'' Mrs. R Y •:Malclga•en who under -
the Goshen church, We find.:wrth deep
went °dn *,cranio iia lfiondon .Hospit,
ia§~ rat, ,that c e .!tour! :-. or itted, the' •:i1 reccittly ; mucli l4roved in he-
name of`.Mrs,- L, ldher ' 'Chicago alth and able to ret rn. ome.
its the list of th w f •' ent Out Mr. and.Iltrs.. • . Hudson of
from oilr eon re Tr`Marys.Y
g g�pn in hristisate 3t. was. e visi eu* th his par -
service. We realize that 1�lts..I+ipb , •gats;i•,1Vlr:1• and -Mrs. ho , lldudaanr•
er's,life 'izap } Q •one"df'considerater'Jt ,D ,,antcl; Sz s:• Spellh .aedehrAfamily
tier stian sk?ww,cced and r. ~ sacra` if Kitche r ,were . c
• * » icet ,visibtt5rs in
far the �ekvancement of alae, iau'so `td'ni'ss: •
of Christ; She and he sanspent V4 rn Bonthron
r hub d
• r was'a recent visite,.
many years in Missionary work it with his mother, Mrs, 1 obt. Bose --
India, and their two boys a;a't�"�-rib,. non antrtither relatives
acnes in - India, ono of •wm
it: 4t rr eently returned bonne iii•" fur -
Little Gerald Bell, son of Mr'. end
1Mis .Glen Bell,. who underwent
low. We count it a high honor to ,peratien ' in Lonclnn •Hoseif l i -''
claim fib's, Eicher as one of the girls having some ;e1(in grafted en his hand
who welt out from our cottgregation, which was seriously injured when the.
caught hold o.f, a rope through a
Ili 1; e llr ,.wrrt
and no doubt she attributes (in part lad i
:~. , o. S� 0 . n S lztli., lati 1i�L1. UC,s ;
t legst,l her earl to the C!lissi9na�,..,- Xil til l
lakit summer, is much improved, and
able to return home.
t. An ,emergent meeting will he held
on a ,Sunday evening by the local
Huron Lodge, No. 224, A,F.&A.M.
for the purpose of attending divine
service, at the Evangelical Church at
Zurich and an invitation is extended
otthe brethern of the district to join
at that service,
A quiet wedding was solemnized on
Saturday last in the church of St.
John the Evangelist, London, when
Rev. C. W. Foreman united in marri-
age Helen I3awden, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. F. W. Bawden, Exeter, to
John Farquhar, son ef Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Farquhar, Hensel'. After a
short honeymoon trip the bride and
groom take up residence in Hensall.
62nd AneiversarY
Mtr. and Mrs. George -C. Petty, wide-
ly known ;Hensel! residents celebrated
the 62nd anniversary of their wedd-
ing on Thursday of this week. The
day being quietly spent. Mr. and Mrs'
Petty who :.are both in their 85th yr.,
are enjoying excellen hea_ch, were
married in ,Hensel" by the Rev. Tyler
on June 29, 1877. They had a family
of seven,fou'r of whom survive. They
are: Mrs. Lorne Scott, Toronto; Mrs.
Abbot, Detroit; ,Mrs, Kennedy, .Win-
nipeg, and Mrs, G. Smith, St. Marys.
One son, Hanson, and a daughter,
Gertrude, paid the supreme sacrifice
in the Great War, while a daughter,
Millicent died as a result of illness
contracted' at the war. Mrs. Petty be-
fore her marriage was a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Dinsdale, of
Hay Twp; Mr. Petty was a son of the
late Mr, and Mrs. John Petty, pion-
eer residents of Hay.
Wed for 55 Years
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Houston who
have spent all their lives in Bayfield
andsurrounding district celebrated
their 55th • wedding anniversary on
;rune 20th. '
High School Building Opened
The new addition to the Exeter
High school building was formerly
opened Friday last, Dr. G. F. Rogers
of the Dept. of Education, officiated.
Hundreds . of people attended and in-
spected the new building and its epu-
ipwent. The building cost $26,200
and with equipment the total cost is
slightly in excess of $30,000.
• :bled at Varna
• Varna community was greatly sho-
cked to know of the sudden death of
a'rhuch respected citizen in the per -
Son of George McClinchey, who pass-
ed 'away "Saturday last. His :death
Caine as 'a''great shock to his family.
Much sympathy is extended to his
new 'bereaved widow and family. The
funeral' weal held last Monday and was
largely atte ded:- ,
r, Ira .a pi et'ty4vedding•. ceremony
the' United ,Church Manse, Bayfield,
on June 74th, Eva Adella, daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Earl- Switzer, G:oder-
icah Twp., and William. C. Addison; sof
ton:desboro, were united in marriage
by Rev. R. M. -Gale. • , •
TWlarks 93rd Birthday
Mrs. Wm. Bedford, Exeter - oldest
woman, celebrated her 93rd• birthday
anniversary on June 21st. She is still
active and for one of her age enjoys
her health. 'She has among 'other de-
scendants three great -great` -grandchil-
dren, the line of her family for the
'Eve generations being unbroken.
Message From Their Majesties
•'TVFr. and Mrs. John Vodden, ofClin-
ton Who recently celebrated the 60th
anniversary of their wedding, receiv-
ed a telegram of congratulations from
our Xing and Queen. Before moving
'to iCIinton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Vodden far-
med In Hullett Twp.
Bi'eaks Collarbone
When she slipped an IV/ from Ij
het bicycle on No. 8 Highway near
the entrance to the ' Se'aforth Lion's
Pool .Toan McMaster, daughter of
Dr. E. A.. McMaster, suffered a fract-
need collarbone and slight concussion.
She'was taken to the Hospital.
13 Prizes to Clinton and District
- .Wednesday' last week was a gain
day in Clinton on the occasion of the
F'ouirth• Annuar Lions Club Frolic and
as a consequence there are 36 happy
people- as a result of the draw .for
prizes...First a .new -Plymouth. •.eda-
was won by Mel?:'J. McGuire. CItht'bn ;
seoond, !a hati4some chair, A. 1),,,,1Mc-
Cairtney, ,C1'intr'iri;:.Cedar chest,''y(aor
don Wright, Brucefield; Floor lamp
Sill Counter. Ctinton ; pair of blan-
kets, Ardold Hugi'1l, Seafnrrr : motor
rug, Miss L. Bowden, Oshawa,
r,..•112a 291:11...
shotguns to get the marauders, as
they have carried many chickens
way from, the range houses, But Mr.
Fox has been too smart, for the 'con.-
stables have yet to hear of one being,
shot. The deer too, are unusually
numerous this year .along the shore
line aid in the Maitland and Bayfield.
River valleys, Constable Ferguson
says that one can scarcely goo into the
bush without seeing, one or mare
fawns. He saw four in one group, a
very .pretty sight, The suggestion. is..
again being made that: Huron county
shoul have an open deer -hunting, sea,
son fpr as few days.—Goderich Signai-
Friends and relatives of 1V.r. John
Schwa= of St. Davide; Niagara dis-
trict, formerly of Goderich Twp. we-
re shocked to hear .of his death by.
accident on June 9th. Born in Col-
borne Twp., the son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. M.eba;el ,Shwanz, and with
Goderich his home town, he became
well known in that town' ;For a num-
ber of years he farmed ni' .:«e Huron
road and about. iia years ago he sold
the farm and moved to Toronto, wh-
ere he resided for. several years lies•
fore taking up fruit farming in the
Niagara district. The deceased, who
was 68' years of age, was married to
the dormer Catherine BIake who pre-
deceased 'him two years. He leaves to
mourn fu's, passing• two, sons, ones sis-
ter Mrs. Chris. Hoist of Crediton and
three brothers. Deceased was an
uncle to Mrs. Harry G. Hess of'Ziar-
A pretty wwedding was sok/nulled]
at the Wesfey-Willis United Cliurcds
Parsonage, Clinton, when Vera Effe-
I•ne, daughter of Mrs. tan -les Steep,
Clinton, and the late James Steep,
became :the bride of Lloydon rvan
Walper; Zurich, only son of "Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Walper; .Z'urich. Rev- A
Lune toilietated. The 1nride was lovely
ion. gown 'of powder blue Point d'Bsm -
,grit net over blue satin with pink ac-
tess'n cies. She tarried a bouquet of
Oink. Talisman mases and orange blos-
soms and wore a'wr'eath of orange
blossoms in herr hair. They were. un-..
atttsutded. Tun:nediately .after the cer-
emony a wedding breakfast was ser.
ved at the bride's home, area Mr.
and Mts. Walper left by motor on a
trap to 'Me. United ;States. The .bride
&mine T .a, pretty navy sheer dress.
with navy :teat and white accessor-
ies. On their return} Mr. and Mrs.
Waiper will reside in Clinton.
Annual Picnic
The annual :picnic if S. 31 no: • fr
Hay Township . was held on .lune .20.
Following is the result of the contests
Running Races: Girls 12 and over
Mary Hoffman, Della Gingerich.; boys,
10 and over, Victor Gingerich, Edg-
ar Wiseman; Girls 9 to 11, 1Vtarjor e •
Merner, Dorothy Gingerich; Grade 3
and 4, Doreen :Hoffman, Cleveland
Girtgericli; Grad 2,, Billie Merner,
Helen IGTingerfeh.
Jr. Potato carrying- race, Marjorie
Mennen, Edgar Hoffman; Sr. Potato
race, Clevdaind _Gingerich, Arnold '
Merrier, Jr; Throwing ball, Leo Hof- ^_
man, 'Grace .Rwegier; Picture matching •
tented, iMary ] offman, Cleve Ging-
r:li; Paper !bag contest, Della Ging- •
erich. Vieter Gingerich; Peanut on
knife 'race, Della Gingerrich, Doreen
Hoffman; Blind horse race, Billie
yCerner, Cleve. Gingerich; Coat race.
Arnold Merrier o Tr; Cleve. Gingerich.
Idimnnug races: Girls over 14 The-
resa Hoffman, Boys 14-18 Vincent
Smith; Boys •veer 18, Neil Gingerich
Marred Women, Mrs. Osoar Greb;
:married men, Oscar Greb; Clothes pin
Mrs. Wm_ Hey; Trustees, Arnold
'Kerner; Hit the pail, Vera Wild:
Guessing contest, Oscar 'Greb; Peanut
race,' Olive Witmer, Lorne Gingerich.
N111111111R1N1111IIi1IIN111111111111111111N1111M11Np1111III!111111IIIIIIfnIIIl11NIiIfKMIINtN ifiA2lHlUA•Ni ,;{EEMEiNl#11 III11118INIIIIIIlIflI111I10111111111111111IS
F. THESE PRICES subject to chan,ge without Notice
Painting Wagon= .- $7.00 and 10.00
Painting Buggy ,,.... b.00 and 10.00
Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and . 18.00
Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set
Buggy Shaft.
_= Cross Bar
Baggy Reach
Buggy Spokes each
SS;, Itho
Repair Man
ii1181114f1N1lNNilaau10111 tlNNli1MIII lNN
eaisa+ +**4-1••1!••i(•d••&9•K4••h+•d•d++44.as 1-4+++++++d• falielettlht+
4 If you intend. doin , anyBtaa
Iz Repairing this Year k
t we will be pleased., to: supply you with the rmest: of f
• Building, Materials.. Let us quote you.
••. •SCREENS}•
i 4inatiiont Dbprs,-.screens for the summer and glass_ ,z
.F interchangeable fur -winter. Will xna'ke screens to- prop- }.
may- fiityourewindOws, Etc. Etc. Let -us have your order,
, :t- Headquarters. for Johns-Mamille Building Materiars i:'
:+ lit
CC'tiueiss of Lincan voted on June
14't15,.,tt<eepea' ifethropenipg
of :bev
era rooter ei iuving this i�iIlage'
from the irnks of the "d'y centres"
in wleie ' ,1t.: hiiis hteii esti& fth niaii
years, :The plebiscite -carried. by,,22n
to 127 votes, anli-'ajorit?'tif'•102. Tine
vote was 20 3n evicess o£ ;tine three
fifths` :nnajbrity 'rkequfreu'tt 5 li;en- ovt•
the village from the local ojirtioln
There is an unusually large crop hf
fox puppies this year, according tr,
County Constables Ferguson and Jen-
nings, who have talked to many fenn-
el -4 thong the shore of Lake Huron
between Goder'ieh'and Amberley, ars,,
south to .Grand Bend. The farmers
have•bears 1 rhig awtilto INt nz hes with t
• C
+ maameeniesimerme
New LOWER Prices 1..
issues so ALL 1930 Dodge Sin stubDeLaxe
aaod,L bats been R$_..
DUCEDI You'll prai*R the gzacefu ;;.
sweep o; body .lines V._Ville ease and
Sc alfsn ,01The nenl►f Rdilated glidC s
nesproveti ,I er a nnaitee,c f the .fatnouk
w:.��eiF•atgsne..Tlts big,.3g wheelbise'
D'odgq also : haat
new Amnia steel tcoii'spring*
improved airplane type:.ih'oolr,
absorbers - . patented Floating
**ower - - . hydraulic brakes; - R
Sec and erne one of these remark-
able 11139 Dodge' cars TODAY!!
WARD. FRITZ -~ Distautor * Zurich
a;��l s