HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-29, Page 3Belmont Township Youth Uses Novel Method of Transportation Gorden Varty of Belmont township, Ont., trained. this yearling steer w milk io the chef toesefactoryame- d many e cart. He a;hsembled the Harness, himself and uses the young steer to odd :obs around the felin. Sunday Sckool Lesson 1i LESSON I SOLOMON: A RULER WHO BEGAN WELL 1 Khtga 3•:5-35 Golden Text.—Give thy servant therefore an understanding heart that. I may discern between good and evil. I Kings 3:9. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.—Solomon was born in 1041 B.C., and, assuming that 'he was about eighteen years . of age when this dream came to him, the date for the episode recorded. in our lesson would be about 1022 B.C. Place.—The city of Gibeon was located five miles northwest of Jerusalem, where today the mod= ern village .bears the name El Jib: The career of Solomon' is re- corded. in I Kings 1:33 to 1.1:43, and in 1 Chron. 23:1 to 2 Chrome.. 9:31. Solomon was the son of Da- ' yid. and Bath-sheba. 5, In Gibeen Jehovah appeared' to Solomon_ in a dream by night;. and God said, Ask what I shall;„;' give. Gibeon and Mount • Zion .. were then the two great Centres of `the national worship. God fre- ,,gtently .I;evealed his will to then through dreams. 6. And Solomon said, Thou hest showed unto thy servant David my father great loving -kindness, ac- cording as he walked before thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great loving -kindness, that, thou hast .given him a son to it on'his throne, as it is this day. • 7. And now, 0 Jehovah my, God, thou bast made thy servant king instead of David my father: and 1 am but a 'little child; I know not how to go out or come in. S. And thy` servant is in the midst,, of thy, people which thou hast chosen, a , great people, that cannot be numbered not counted for multitude. • . • 13. And 1 have also given thee that which thou hast not asked,. both riches and honor, so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee, all thy days. 14. And if thou wilt walk in my ways, • to keep my statutesad �my commandments, as thy n Da- vid did walk, then I will lengthen thy days. Some things God gives unconditionally; others are be- stowed with definite conditions at- tached to them. 15. • And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream: And he came to Jerusalem, and stood be- fore the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and offered up burnt -of- ferings, and offered peace -offer- ings, and made a feast to all his servants. His Later Years While the future career of So- lomon is not assigned to us in this lesson, we ought not to close this study of .his life .without a brief reference to the sad history which followed this remarkable experi- ence., It was doubtless not one cause, but many. He was too • • •prosperous.• He had no' wars to trouble him, His course. was un- usually `smooth. Ike had innumer-. able flatterers; and Hien ready • to • worship him; and few men can en.; dure all this without losing their best and most gracious qualities. 9. Give thy servant therefore an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between • good and evil; for who is able to judge this thy great people? The phrase "understanding heart," can be literally translated, '"a hearing heart." How many, many things Solomon could. have • asked for in this most significant hour --- for riches, for honor, for glory, for viGtery in war, for' .pleasure. And yet you can see for yourselves . that wisdom is really -the best•gift. A wise lean people want to know for himself; it is the man they (care for and not his ,belongings. • So that you see wisdom. is, really the highest .and. best ,gift, after all, •, 10 And the speech pleased the Lord,,�tthat Solomon had asked this thing. 11. And -God said unto: him, Becausg„tbou has asked this thing, and Haat not ;asked .for thyself long li , neither .hast asked' riches for thyself; :}.or hast asked the life • of a thine enemeies, but bast , asked fete thyself understanding to disce.er •justice; 12, behold, 1 have done according to thy word:. lo, _., have given thee a wise and an ten e'' heart; so that thele. hath been none l:l<e "thee befat e ' thee, neither after ,thee Skull any:' arise' like tlni o tliee..:The ' extra We find 'that he follows the in- iquitous Egyptian system of em- ,,ploying forced labor forall his great works, and that he beautifies his -.capital by the sweat and toil Of unpaid men. These are. no t the doings • of a wise and considerate king. They are the works of a man who forgets his responsibili- ties in the enjoyment of his pleas- ures. • The glory of Solomon brought the common people tears and groans. We see Solomon. in his later years with his pbpularity gone, and alas! his morals and re- ligion. ' And so it came to, pass that the. :Han who had commenced with. such hgble resolves; shaping his future' with the religious colors of an almost inspired dream, finished in the misery of a foolish dream. finished in the misery of a foolish and godless evening time, • Eider Down Used In New Industry Conservation of the supply of eider ducks along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is .being accomplished not only by law-en- forcement measures and bird sanc- tuaries, but also through the estab- lishments of a new industry ---the production of eiderdown. Made pos- sible by the co-operation of the Federal Department of Mines and Resources, the Provincial Govern- ment of Quebec, and a number of private agencies and individuals, the production of eiderdown on a commercial basis now adds to the income of a people whose sources of revenue are somewhat limited, and also gives local residents a strong, practical reason for desir- ing as large a population of nest- ing eider ducks as possible. Since the inception of the super- vised industry in 1933 the quan- tity of cleaned eiderdown marketed annually has increased by more than five -told. 1944 Olympics May Come To Dominion P. J. Mulqueen of Toronto, chairman of the Canadian Olym- pic Committee, said last week he felt "very hopeful if not exactly., confident" that the International Olympic Committee 'will select Canada as the locale for the 1944 winter games. • • Accompanied • by William Nor - they of Montreal; Mulqueen sail- ed aboard the liner .Duchess ontrf. • Athol' for Ldolt to' attend an in- ternational 'committeeittee ' meeting' early this month. - ortlmar ay wisdom, which the Lord bestowed. on .Solomon in aliawer' to the prayer of his dream at Gib. - eon, manifested itself in Many ways, His masterful wisdom was seen in, every department' of hes Me as a man of thought' arid pc tion, Asa ratan of thought his pre- eminent wisdom appeared in his speech and writings, and as a man of action in the peaee and pros- perity and splendor which he brought to hie little kingdom. "Without freedom there can he no enduring' peace anti without peace no ,enduring freedom."— King George Vl. GARDENING WALKS In the smaller garden where visitors and children soon wear grass thin along the edges of Row, er beds or between the house and the awing or arbor, regular paths are' needed, With, a little care they will add beauty to the rest of the garden, too. Most pleas- ing materials of all for this pure pose are flagstones. These are broad, fiat, thin slabs •of any soft stone, usually found in abundance around certain river 'beds. The stones are sunk flush with the ground and at leash an inch and a half of grass is left. between edges. Sometimes after the sod is cut out the exact shape and depth of each stone, a little sand is added to the bottom of the hole, for drainage and to make walk firmer, Built in this way the lawn mower will run right over the pathway. Other permanent walk materials are sand, cinder or brick. TRANSPLANTING Secret of successful transplant- ing is plenty of water. Of next importance will be shade and sti-: mulant. ' Moving a plant is some- thing like an operation for a Ince man being, and the larger the specimen the more necessary the attention, With shrubbery and trees often main roots are cut and the shock is severe. Half a pail • of water after setting 'out is not too much for such big things, and the watering should be repeated two or three times a week, if a quick start is wanted. TNis CURIOUS issued over the .signature ot 0. J. Silferthorne. Referring to the British films, 1t says In part, "Tile criticisms ex- pressed in previous reports by your board, of British films w'hiell failed to measure up to requirements, do not apply during the year under re - dew. 7.'he record•runs and increas- ed' attendances at many of those films abundantly demonstrated that the public appreciated Bz'itislt productions. Some of the best Pic- tures ot the year were British dir- ected," British Films Finding Favor Among Movie Audiences In This Province, Ontario Board of Censors Report Expressing the 'hope that British film producers will, during'the next year, consider the production of more pictures for distribution in Canada, the annual report of the Board of Censors of Motion Pic- tures and Theatre Inspection Branch in Ontario, indicates that British films met with favor among provincial aduienees.The report is Hy Yvilliam>t WORLD Ferguson STONE IFP C IMMORTALt?EP J3Y NATHANIEL 11-1AWT'H0RN IS THE NATURAL: STONE FOReAATION IN FRANCONIA NOTCH, NEW HAMPSHIRE. M� KNOWN AS yyTtI-4E. OLD MAr1 of mE mOt)t`JTANl... COM 1937 BY Nc-A 5EAVICE. INC. THE COMMON PLANT ' KNOWN PS R_ATTL,E- SNAKE PLANTAIN t5 AN l\a'% 6 2 ABOUT the year 1900, the Old Man of the Mountain• was found to be slipping, and ha danger of rolling down the mountainside. But in 1916, chains were anchored to the great boulder that forms his forehead. dol donated to place hinthe tand the 6000 acresas saved in oway, rwhen i.$400,010 ofsurrounding moun was - tains under the protection' of the state of New Hampshire. NEXT: What did the people of France thiuk responsible roe the rare flavor of wines nroiinced in 1858? PAPER WASPS BUILD THEIR NESTS OF WOOD PULP PAPEf7, WHICH THEY Mf'`KE. ev SHAVING THIN FILMS OF WOOD FROM WOOD SURFACES./ THIS MATERIAL 15 MADE INTO A PIASTER BY MIXING IT WITH A GUMMY SECRETION IN THE INSECT'S MOUTH. REG.'LAR FELLERS! --A Cash Customer :.s MR oOMLAuF, THE BAKEft,•I"IUORM THE RICHEST MAN . IN TOWN Hg's. wd1TH 5ooCh • ,111,POP SAYS MR,. FfAEE7EV, THE $AI4KER, IS WOITH pa THAT MA%<ES tICNU!. Ti-fAri • TH1S. RICHES MAN '114 TOWN I5 A FELL' ik NAMED, waiTN A:C4501.:, PIFTI TI 1S+'+htof, aria Opens Nature School Ontario's first nature school where students may study wild life, will k►e held for several weeks beginning ati.ly 1 on Franklin I land, ("04 1041 •Bay, according ta► Profeeseteet,C . Dymond, of fba► Royal. Onfari0 Museum oi' Zook- gy. It will be conducted by 'ro feasor A, G. Coventry and Wada 'Watson, of t'r^le University of To• '`onto, RADIO A N D By MADGIE TELEVISION PROSPECTS !Some radio stations in Canada are talking experiments in televi- sio and a likelihood of, broadcasts in near future. This may be , taken with the proverbial salt. In the first place it is doubtful if any private station in this country can afford to make more than a few minor ef- forts. In the second place the CSC has clamped down on any pros- pects of television in Canada, being developed either privately or com- mercially or either. Nevertheless NBC is said to be prospecting along Broadway for tel- evision theatres. Columbia is talk- ing of television Broadway produc- tions next season. And the theatres themselves are preparing to do bat- tle with television as an approach- ing menace. AROUND THE DIAL NOTES AND NEWS.. Hon. Vincent Massey will speak, and Sar- ah Fischer, soprano, and Sylvia Cates, pianist, will be heard in a special broadcast from London over CBC at 8:05 p.m. on July 1st. They are honoring Dominion Day Columbia Workship begins its festival series on Thursday,' July 6, ARCHER at 10:00 p.m. "Half Pint Flask" fey DuBose Hayward, author of "Port gy" will be the first play . wale, el Piastro, concert -master of the New York Philharmonic will be the soloist on the first of the series o2. 13 broadcasts of the Toronto Prom, enade Concerts. The series begin on July 6 at 9:00 pan., with Regina aid Stewart conducting. TO BE HEARD . , . July' 1, 2:80 pent„ CBL -CBC Canada Day at N.•r, W's Fair . , , 8:05 p.m. BBC-CBII Hon. Vincent Massey , . , 9:00 p.m, CBC -CBL Toronto Symphony Band , July 2, 12 noon NBC Radio City Music Hall... 3:00 P.m, CB* CPR,B Columbia Symphony ..... 8«00 p.m. NBC -CBL Chase and San born Hour , . .9:00 p.m. CBS-CFlR.la Columbia Dance Hour . , . 10:01 p,m. NBC The Circle , - July 3, at 8:30 p.m. NBC Magic Key ... July 4, 8:00 p.m. NBC -CBC Melody Ree dezvous , . 8:30 p.m. NBC -CBL Information Please ... July 5 7:30 p.m. CBS People's Platform . 8:00 p.m. GBS Phil Baker (new spot) ... July 6, 8:00 P.m. N' O Rudy Vallee , .. 9:00 p.m. CBC-OBIGL Toronto Promenade. IOPERA C TENOR 1 HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Pictured operatic expert. 12 Regions, 13 Drove. 14 Layman. 16 "Unsightly. 17 To unite by fusion. 18 Modern' cursive script. 19 Female hare, 20 Cloak. 36 Enemies. 37 Half an erne 15 He isa ---.. by birth, 17 Term. 18 Fern sox 20 Light waw, 21 Reverend - 21 Lines. 02 Neuter pronoun. 23 Christmas; carol. 24 Note in se 25 Data. 26 Half a Map. 27 Executes, 28 Greek lett4s. 30 Painlor's :knife. VERTIC14L 31 One vvho a 1 Grain fungus guesses. 38 Diseases. disease. - 34 Charity 2 To remove. allowance. 231Viatgrass. 39 Credit, 3 Highly ay„ 36 To throw. 24 Nothing less 40 Most filled 4 Like, 371vteasure of , T than. with dust, 5 F'earfuiden 3eterror. wank. 25 Lava. 43 rTo become old 6 Sudrlt• 38 Vtrginie 26 To wade through,7 Queer. willow. ri 45 Foreigner 8 Masculine 39 Mohammedan 27 Distributive 46 God of lova• pronoun'. judge. sum. 49 Perfume, g Filed with 40 Stream 2931 To de art, ,50 He is -•---- of slew, obstruction. 2 Japaneseat, : a noted opera '10 Rowing tools. 41 Iniquity. 33 Mny colored company. 11 Insect's egg. 42 Transposed. 51 He Was a ---12 He started to 44 Unit 'of ene'rgi gem, 51 of fame after an 47 Bone. 34 Owed. that same before 48 Musical note,. 35 Weeny o• Caruso. 49 Giant king. face, of cloth. company. ' UHADDettt .YOU (KN,f'+'OU lTa • SMARTOWi Ii+�iY s� OlDNES51iOW YA' 3ANK-BOOK 31 x iolrltl- NEED TO SEE. HIS, ,` SANS -BOOK! 14E'S 5 It" PITCHER • 13RAGgIN' Ai3OOT IL,ALL CyYCy E� R -- By GENE BYRNES W10,11 $20,090 REwi9.,41, Y n, amen nn0 .I._.+..,• ° _•_•e. ,e,.,"",. _...... HIKE SCU6ilts1 Iki.IAS LARRY THE t4.NrPa ALAS FIS4-lEYE AW ,,,a„+, .•-+, ..$ ,,,.w , ,.M -sue o 4,.OL, .:..* ».. •