HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-29, Page 2Their Majesties Wave A Royal Fare "well Leaving Sussex, NT.B., Their Majesties are picured here on the rear.. platform of the royal train as they waved farewell Have You Heard a Kind Lady: "What are you say- ing for, little man? What's your :Dame? Where do you live?" Small Boy: "That's what's the :matter. I don't know my name or were I live. We moved yester- day; and mother was married again today." You've Noticed That when a motorist stops, looks and listens, there is something wrong with his en - }gine., Two motorists were heading to- ward Toronto. They were zipping aleng the highway at some eighty or ninety miles an hour when a policeman appeared from nowhere and forced them over to the curb. "What's the platter, officer?"'they asked."Were we driving too fast?" "No," he�"ahs ed sarcastically, Ql:• " You were Hying too low." A young acrobat of Quebec" Once twisted his legs round Tris neck. Like a fool he forgot How to loosen the knot— And now he's a positive wreck! Jones came back from his fort- night's holiday proud of his bulg- ing muscles. -. "Look at these arms," he said. They were certainly in good condition. His colleagues put it down to rowing, but Jones wither- ed then with scorn. "Rowing be hanged," he snort- ed. "I got them pulling fish un." Civilization h that state of affairs in which money is col- lected from women who snake op their faces and tint their nails, in order to send mission- aries abroad to teach die sav- ages not to do the same. Worry Is Ended. For Wolman Steeplejack Mrs. Charles Miner, of Agin- court, Ont., decided the best way to stop worrying about her hus- band when he was painting steep- les was to get up there beside )aim. Which is one of the reasons why the petite, blonde matron was high op on the steeple of Knox United O"hureh last month dabbing away with a paint brush. "I like it better than washing ,dishes," said Mrs. Miner before starting her 'Work. "I'd sooner work up there than do lots of jobs on . the ground." CUT WOOD FOR PROFIT Leith a Wade Portable Drag Saw. Easy to operate. Reasonably priced. You can make money, wherever there are logs to be tut. Write for free descriptive bulletin, The A. R Williams Machinery Co. Limited 64 Front Ft. W. Tor e'initto, Greater Auto Speeds Seen Engineer Predicts 200 M.P.H. on ,Rails and 150 on Roads ' Soon Possible A. Ludlow Ciayden, Philadelphia engineer, told the World• Automo- bile Engineering Congress at San Francisco he expected to "live to the time when speeds of 200 miles. an hour on rails and 150 miles on automobile highways will be com- monplace,". He asserted automobile makers could build cars now that would travel at that 'speed but said pro- duction necessarily must await de- velopment of suitable highways. Suitable Highways Needed As probable changes in auto- mobiles the next decade, Clayden listed higher cylindc compression ;which would call for an increase in the anti -knock quality of gaso- line; the building of motors into the rear instead .of the front of the car; automatic speed changing and a relative decrease in the amount of lubricating oil used. Motors In. the Rear William S. Canning, another Philadephia engineer envisioned ev- entual construction; of 150 -mile -an - hear highways cutting through big cities on elevated structures, accel- erating and decelerating lanes for cars to enter or leave the high speed channels in suburban or in- ter -city centres, and eventually open roadways screened on both sides by evergreen hedges to pre- vent the attention of. drivers being diverted to the scenery. "One hundred and fifty miles an hour on a properly constructed highway can easily be Safer than is 60 miles an hou: on many roads where that speed is legal today," The United States' cotton crop is four times as big as its second agricultural crop—wheat. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. --What rule applies to a bride displaying her wedding gifts? 2. --When one has illness in the family and a friend says, "1 am sorry," what response should be made ? 3. -Should one serve hot dish- es at a )summer luncheon. 4.—Isn't it true, that there is less gossip among country people than in the city? S.—What does the French word tante moan? 6.—What fovea should one use to acknowledge a garden party invitation? Answers 1,—Sometimes the gifts are shown only to relatives and close friends, a few days before the wedding. Others, however, let all the guests at the reception view the gifts, a special room being set aside for displaying them. ' 2.— "Thank you," is sufficient. S.= 'Yes, at least one dish should be hot. 4.—No. According to the old proverb, "Go into the country to hear what news is in town," it would seem that there is more gossip in the county. 5.—It is a cookery term meaning, fried lightly and quickly in a. little hot fat, while being frequently turn- ed. Pronounce . se-ta, o as in so, a as in take, accent last syllable. 6. -Use the same form as the in agitation. This rule .applies to any invitation. Keeping Pasture Herbage Edible Close Grazing to Prevent Coarse Growth Is Essen- tial In order to Keep pasture herb- age in as palatable and nutritious a condition as possible, close graz- ing to prevent coarse growth is es- sential. Under eastern climatic con- ditions the rate of growth of pas- ture herby• , is not uniform throughout the growing season. Foie lowing arapid rate of growth from early Spring to about the middle of June, there is usually .- decided decline and relatively slow growth through midsummer, with a slight`'recovery in the early Fall. The method of securing optimum utilis- ation of herbage under these cqn dations dependthe number of`. stock carried. Where there is in- sufficient stock to graze the Spring growth of herbage uniformly, mow- ing the pasture is advisable torpre- vent a coarse stand of mature plants. Mowing wheL the grasses are just heading out will promote an aftermath of tender, nutritious herbage. Live stock will consume. the mown grass if it os left lying on the field, although they do not relish this coarse material before it is cut. Clifford Chambers Max, claimed to be the biggest buil in Britain, weighs 11A tons, and is owned by Iilrs. Graham Rees-Mogg, of Strat- ford -on -Avon. The Only Tire Made with the New Safety.Look Cord Body and Gear -Grip Tread Never before, in Firestone's experience has a tire met with suet, instant approval- Car owners everywhere recognize it as a new find of tire with a combination of safety Featuresnever before offered. Look at these advantages: Safety -Look Cord Body The echo Safety -Lock cords ere locked together by a new and advanced method of Gwyn -Dipping. it adds 35% strength—and greater strength means greater safety. Gear -Grip Tread The aensatfonal new Gear -Grip tread rnrith thousands aF, sharp -1 edged angles grips the road with' a sure-footed hold to protect your against skidding anti for quick -sure stops. Now is the time to get this safety pratectien for your car—see the nearest Firestone Dealer today. PROVED ,01riff 5PIEEWA Y Fon. SAFETY. ON THE NIONWAY Ontario Farmers Changing Oats They're Switching to the Rust-, ResistantNaxrieties Oat growing in Western and Cen til Ontario was reported to be pas- enig through a transition period with farmers switching to rust re- eistant varieties, according to a re- port presented to the Canadian Seed Growers' Association conven- tion in Victoria, last week. Overproduction of registered seed wheat in Alberta last year had brought hardships to seed growers of that province but reports from Other branches including Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, indicated more satisfactory conditions although wet weather spoiled seed crops in Eastern Can- ada. Erban and Vanguard The Ontario report said there was a "tremendous" demand for erban and vanguard oats varieties this year. What Science is Doing WAR ON VIRUS DISEASES Scientific investigators from all parts of America are preparing to virus diseases which plague manki- launch a united attack•on the kind. Meeting in Harvard's School of Public Health last week, they pooled all the available informa- tion on smallpox, yellow fever and infantile paralysis, and the closely allied "rickettsial" diseases. The virus diseases—distinguish- ed iseases-distinguished' from those caused by bacteria are those for which there is no known cure. The only hope is to be able to perfect vaccines with which to make human beings and animals immune from them. CURE EPILEPSY BY SURGERY Dr. Wilder G. Penfield of Mont- real Neurological Institute last week told of curing epilepsy, com- monly known as "fits by surgery. He described his method as first questioning the patient to discover which section of the brain was sus- pect. Tate particular brain convolution .wh' h is the origil of the seizures t out. ' HELP FOR CROSSED EVES For' years, doctors have treated victims of strabismus (cross-eyes or wall-eyes) by strengthening the imbalanced muscles responsible for their condition, A new exercising device for the cross-eyed is now on the market — the stereo orth- optic,' which gives the affected eyes a non -fatiguing workout by the use of stereoscopic images and a com- plicated rigging of lights, mirrors and lenses. SCOUTING Rover Scouts will this summer supervise the playgrounds section of the new Central Park et St, Thomas. In return the Rovers will have the use of a park build- ing as a "Rover Den." "i\Ve could not feel that this great exposition—international in character as it is, and represent- ing all the social and .economic needs of our country—would be complete if we did not have this Scout camp," declared President Grover Whalen of the. New York 'VI'orld's Fair at the opening of the fair's Boy Scout camp site. Representative Boy Scouts :from all parts of the British Isles to the number of 1,000+ gathered at St George's .Chapel, Windsor Castle, on St. George's Day, for the an- nual ceremony of re -affirming their Scout Promise. They were reviewed by the King and Queen in the castle quadrangle. Boy Scout circles are waiting with some concern to Iearn wheth- er General Franco will disband the "Boy Scouts of' Spain, as has been done in other dictator coun- tries. The Boy Scouts of Saskatoon have been given the r-- , sibil- ity this summer of pr at: 4 . „ the trees on the city's " .i? f yards from damage suffered in previous years: It is expected that the car a .' given the trees by the Boy scouts will have a desirable educational effect upon the yeungea° children who have .been largely responsible for the damage done. • Dentists Will Hold Spotlight In Public Health Improvement During the Next Ten Years, It is Predicted Dentists will hold the spotlight in public health improvement dur- ing the next 10 years, Dr. Eudore Dubeau, dean of the faculty of den- tistry of the University of Mon- treal told the Association des Chir- urgiens Dentistes de Langue Fran- oaise de l'Amerique du Nord con vention in Montreal. Dr. Dubeau welcomed 400 den- tists from. Canada and United States to the three, clay convention The importance of good teeth' is beyond y d the publics •belief," Dr. Dubeau stated. "The appalling neg- ligence Which has marked the care of teeth in the past 10 years brill have disastrous results upon the people's health." s • ae`%eV4a Scratchinrlek For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, atb- lete'e foot, scales, scabies, rashes and ether externally eaueed skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, anti- septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless etainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35o trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask goer druggist today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. ACNE, a4:i.l;li IIEADS, PIMPLES POSITIVELY GUARANTEED TO remove these unsightly blemishes in one month costing only a few cents daily. Scientific double -ac- tion .Clear -Skin Treatment, never fails. FREE Booklet. Clear -Skin. 1131W - Grant. Victoria, 33.C. BABY ORIcicS BABY (:nIT<'pi's, P(3LT.ETS LARGE TYPE WHITE LEGHORN'S, 7c; Pullets, 15e; Rock Leghorn cross breeds, Sc; Pullets 15c; Bar- red Rock, 9e. 2 weeks old chicks add 4c. ]Rock Leghorn Cross Breed Chicks just the kind you're looking for this time of year. Excellent for both egg and meat production. 4 Nceeks old pirllet M 30e. Leg - horns and Rock Leghorn cross Breeds, also day old cockerels Barred Rocks and Rock leghorn cross breeds. 1.300 March Ise [latched i'eoliets. Large Type White Leghorns rais- ed under ideal conditions. 4 months old June delivery,, Send your order to—Laieevieao Poultry Farm, `Vein Bros., Exeter, unt. FAST. • MATURING HIGH QUALITY Government Approved Chicks at melt bottom prices. Grade A Bar- red; Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks, Hybrids 98.95, 90 per - cent, Pullets 012 75. Cocker- els 98.00, Leghorns 98.45, Pullets 910.75, Cockerels $3.00. Extra, Pro- fit Grade the Lind that weigh two pounds per hundred more. Heavy Breeds $10.95, Pullets 915.90, Cockerels MOO. Leghorns 910.45, Pullets 910.90. Ask about our three week old capons. and older pullets. Tweddle Chick hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ont. HIGH QUALITY GOVERNMENT Approved Chicks from. bloodtest- ed breeders at rock bottom prices etfeetive July 6th. Standard qual- ity .Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Hybrids $8.46, 00 per cent. Pullets 911.45, Cockerels $8.00. Leghorns $7.95,. Pullets 914.95, Cockerels 93.00. Big Egg Quality batched from 25 to 30 ounce eggs. Heavy Breeds 98.25, Pullets 913,15, Cockerels 99.00, Leghorns 98.75, Pullets 918.45. Old- er pullets. Capons. Prompt deliv- ery.;Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery,'Limited, Baden. Ontario. BUY DRAY XTRA-P%tOF1T CHICKS Fast growth, early maturity, con- sistent layers. The kind of chicks that will make money for you. T3ray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ontario. MRS. P. DARRET r,. CHOTS , "`1UE- hee, "bqur-.lit 107 Bray Chicks this Sprier, She stiii has 100. Bray clacks are the kind that arrive alive and keep on living. Tiray:, ' T4atehery, 100 John Street. North, TTam3lton, Ontario. trans No: 26 •.- '39 THAT "REMINDS M OGDEN'S (1S EASIER; v TO ROLL it's such a smooth silky cigarette. tobacco, this Ogden's. Fine Cut. The kind that's cut to roil right and to smoke right. Wise roll - your -owners choose Ogden'i and they pick the best papers t.e "Vogue" or "Chanteoler". Inge- disk kern Por' Ogden's Cut Ping Hitler's.' nge1 e ,64Dr. Robert Ley, I. Iitles's•teetatal Labour Front leader;" :lhr told 3,000 Civil Servants at F};{u'iisfort- on-Main that "derma:d `is' `a `para- dise "and the German people the Choir of Angels." MS USELESS ON A WET DAY Rheumatic Pains Relieved by K>ruschen Here is a noteworthy instance - of the planner in which damp -wea- ther can affect the joints or one who is subject to rheumatic pains. "I had been suffering from rheu- matism very badly," arae -'rites, "and had such pains in my joints that I could hardly bear it, on a wet day especially. It pained me terrible to use• - my arms, and I -was hardly able to work. I tried " Y two different remedies, but i was still as bad after the treatment. "Then T was told to try. I:C1..us- Chen Salts, which quickly brought relief. So of co ii%e-:I°-havn.,Icept" on with it, and 1 tun now Much better and have never felt so fit for years. I used to feel sa mis- erable and sluggish, but now it is a pleasure to' be able to work."---- .13- The ait,"—,BThe pains and stiffness of rheu- matism are often caused by uric acid crystals in the muscles and joints. The numerous salts in Kruschen assist in stimulating, the internal organs to healthy, regu- lar activity, and help them to el- iminate excess uric acid. CIa s s i F ied. masa . Advertising .� DEVELOPING BEST RESULTS—ROLLS DEVEL- oped with higioss deckled edged prints -25c. Reprints 3c. Beautiful enlargement free. Prompt service. Excel Photos, 1266 Lansdowne Ave„ Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ery roll film developed and eight high gloss prints 25e. 8 enlarged prints 25c. Reprints sarne prices. Brightling Studio, 29A Richmond St. East, Toronto. FURS EASTERN. MINI( PRODUCERS OF finest, dark pelts. WVrfte for prices and pelt values. Herbert Sears, Forbes Point, Shelb. Co., N,S. P'IL <tS DEVELOPED ON) MONTH ...ONLY. INTRODUC- tory offer, 8x10 enlargement, with every order. Roll developed and • eight prints. Repritabs..10 prints. Send order, advertisement and thirty cents. Mail order depart- ment, Graphic Film Servilee, 24736 Dundas St., London, Ont. Estab- lished 1920. s'oIt SA.nn CREPE-TEX I3ATI•IING .SUITS $g2, Caps 35c, postpaid. Red, 'FVhite, and Canary. Send for catalogue, capes, rubber sundries. Ray Baid- Merlin, Ontario. (FREE SU11') "AMAZING OFFER --,FREE SUIT Would you Like' a genuine 905 Re- tail Value Made to Measure suit absolutely free ,for only a little ot for full spare time? Edson Corite m pany, Labelle Bldg., Montreal." LEARN BARBERING START ANYTIME WITH AN 0P - to -date Systam. Government lic- ensed. Free information. Modern Barber School, 142 Queen Street Bast, Toronto., A>?ACICITNEIex ,at SHOP .SUPI'LIES 10W ANI) 1REBUILT MACHINERY of every description ---boilers and engines—electric motors-mech. ante's tools—hciti,ng. Canada's largest machineryhouse. Write or call '.CheA.. 1t. W'Viliiams Machinery a'ornpauy, I.inai,ted, 04 Front .St., west, Toeanto. MEDICAL HAY FEVER, ROSE FEVER SUF- ferers. Money Back denied,. 811.00. Canada Herb Co,, Windsor, On- tario. HAY FEVER — Perthshire Medicat- ed Snuff. Pleasant, Convenient. Relieves all cases, 50e and 31,00 sizes. Sole Agents G. B. Products, Importers, Box 015, Toronto. MUSHROOMS 950 MONTHLY UPWARDS, GROW- ing mushrooms for no from edi- gres spawn. Fret apawn ant ni- trogen. Information free. Service and instructions guaranteed to produce. Georgian Bay Produce Co., Box 515, Toronto. t'ERSONAE, • MARRY—HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. than, with means. Farm- rorygtWidows with daughters. ae on. tldential. • Box, 128, Calgara, Al- berta, Q1JIT TORACCU, ShtLIF1r, L 4.SIL,Y, inexpensively. Rome remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free, gartlett's, Pox 1, Winnipeg. enaie WHY SUFFER FROM AC17D INDI- gestion, Heartburn, Gas. Take "A.rins Antacid Tablets" for quick relief. 30e. box, 8 boxes 4'1,00. -- Arms Products, 2159,Oxfon:I Ave., Montreal, Que. Ila' YOU. WANT ,"AN AFFECTION - ate romantic. "nvicetlaear t, with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Missouri. PIANOS c10i1C.tu' IF XOU ARE INTIOBESTED 119 A good, renewed piano ata. bargain price write for descriptive lists with prices, forwarded free in re- quest. I-Ieintzrean and Cc., 195 Yong'o Street. Toa'onto. PUPS POR SALE PURE BRED GREAT .DANT' PUP- pies—Beauties—Males 95, Females 95. L Cort, i.ydal l3ank, A-sema, Ontario STAMPS NEWFOUNDLAND STAMPS, 4, i:tITr"� Parent OOe, catalogue value a2,60t. Price lists furniehed.-10d.Seam-. moll, 13otwood Newfoutdis..,i, VSETD TIRES et ntete4.p,ADS vole SALE ir`SIOD ''IBES AND Rl"uTf 10,1 3 P'CTa any car or trunk, OSc tree rrp.. Every tire guaranteed, ")i 385, gallon and up. 'Batteries, eta LAO - ere wanted. Write for frze oar,. gait' . price lists, Orders ..rehed, 13tr'y with confidence, from r rip- ada's largest reti'taders. Itis rick Tiro Company, Ent WL, 711.123, /ring VV'est, realtriltee, Ontario. a•