HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-22, Page 8RAGE EiGirr THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Summertime S.ALE -.Following our usual Custom we are again h ailing • a two weeks Sale, beginning Sat., June 24, ending on :Sat. July St$ I "' We offer quality goods'‘anly,` from our regular stock No cheap pi: ck boo hth r, sale pur�posbs. 'Coyne' and share irn flee many B�argaais. we offer! . We can list 'fej4k. SeeIaige .Posters for more Lpa'rtrculars. ' Voiles, fine dotted Swiss yd. Broadcloths, all colors yd. i4c'': 55c .10c 1.29 39c i7c Broadcloths, white Unbleached sheeting, 72 -in. Extra quality factory cotton, at Best Wabasso Sheets 80290, each Ladies' Satin Slips, each Ladies Silk pantees Men's fine shirts at Men's Ties at 83c 29c, 39c, and 49c 98c ' 25c Men's Sport Trousers, at •-• 1.75 All Curtain Goods Greatly Reduced GROCERY SPECIALS Sandwich cookies, 2 -lbs. 29c. Lemons, doz. 29c Cheese lb. 15c. Peas No. 1, 3 tins 25c Prunes, lb. 10c. Jello 4 for 19c Sodas 2 lbs. 20c. Macroni, lb. 5c Large Catsup I 8c. Grape fruit juice 50 -oz tin 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Huron & Erie Debeutures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount. for:. '$lOO.00.and. over Accepted, 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 3'.4 % per anninn for: -4-)and- Years,, 312% per annum for 5,to 10 Years. , Free 'Information, • From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative - Zurich Zurich ZURICH HERALD "ilgllllllillllllllll�lllllllllllllllll 1111 II IIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIINIIIIII IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIiIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll IIIIIi lllllllllllllllll , ZURICH'S Grocery Store Huskies,(Whole wheat flakes, 4 pkgs. .,,....,,25c Golcmedal tea, with tumbler; 1-1b. 6'5c' ,,i, , ,, F ,ic♦pertb ,.,..t..,.,—.,. .I 5c, ` Hawser Salmon, 1 .lb, cap.: . , :,,10,c• • 1.44iii ';Ammonia, ; per pl�tg I I ,' 5c Ru so:.(1. large ,pkv'; l'ls "'elft) fdr !, ,.., �" 25c Butter sodas' (salted) 2 114 .,.-•, 20e. Tomato juice small 'can) ...;... 5c Save our Cash Coupons .for some'beautiful China- ware. Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. !Mone 165 +nIIN!i"lilIIIIIIIIi�IliHl911L'IUii{���:!'!ian�lJ(Ililifilllil!'9!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!iluilf�r!!I';i-lllllllllulllllllllllllllll�ll�}NII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll!'' , Thursdsyy Juni 2"l tc1p f949. .......“............................+++++. + ¥OUR .>~ • • • • {r flare and e STOR a .,.., , .. . A iii - YOUR. SEASONS! NEEDS' FLIH1IIUre + This Seam Calls for .Good New F res ,,op the Let Us Supply You with the hest .of Woven Whale:. Wim"' also have Barb Wires,' Brace Wires,, Staples, Eic;. See { us about hleew- Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughingt • SPECIAL.PAZN T SALE, From fitircz.ski Qualrs npa 4 FURNITURE • Always keep a Good Stock of New.,and .the veny_,Eatest in Furniture at Very Reasonable . F!irices ,q}r443 (Capra sidered. let: us. show you. our Beth, .Spring,, Mattress,, y : Dining R,iaom., Suites;, Occasional Chairs:: Rbcklerss. Et= U EMS OF UJCAt iNfElitS1 Mrs. Wickens of Ingersoll'is'visiting with relatives here. Mr. and. Mrs. R. F. Stade spent Sunday at IngessOlL .a±. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his father;, Mr. D. Smith and brothers on Wednesday - A goodly number of villagers at- tended the !Goshen line services on Sunday. ;Mr. and Mrs. Chas_ Hagan and Mary of Seaforth were Sunday visit- ors in town- •• Dr. and Mts. P. J. O'Dwyer and iiamily motored to Stratford on .Sun - ay.. ' 141r. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie all of Galt were Sunday. visitors with their parents here, Ms. and Mrs. Theo. McAdams and sons William, Harry and 'Milton, at- tended the. sixth • annual McAdams Reunion on Sunday June 18th, at Port Glasgow., The pupils of the various schooils. are busy R.is week; writing the anrlru- al eaainis , tnd it is always • 'a big tention for• the scholars when exam- ination time comes along. .• Dr. and Mrs. Wahl 'arid fatuity, Mr and Ara, Lloyd arid' Floyd Cook and Mr. Ed. Brenner'' all. of Ki4,vhener, spent Sunday, .at the ' home of their parents;:.: Mi and Mrs. Jilin Brenner. ,A; goodly number' of frii idis ` from. Zurich attended the'' Piano Recital • of advanced Pupils of Nello 'McHardy I Smith, at the Metropolitan • Concert Hall, London, on June 20th;' at which MisS Lenora • 1-l6sberer' played tloto`mo4o111. languages. , brilliant`.piano solos,.'' Has Twin Colts ' Mr. and Mi -s. Wilfred Jervis and Zurich's Ladies' Wear NEWiSPRIMG. DRESSES We are now showing a nice• range of New Spring Dressesi. and •iinua-ite you to come in andi lito%t: them! over. Attractiye•Prieedlfbian's $11.49) to $7.50 Note -401.r.• Stt&nel iss i1 a QW1 Residence. MRS PEARL', liL@:LLSSEART, Zurich Phi 4Z Zurich 1'Irs. !Plat ;afita113gnt off Detroit, were visitors with. neliitivesi blue. e. Mr. and M.rs,, . t1 Aulerich of Detroit were viSitprs wig 1P2r. and iMrs.' L. A. Prang last week. Mr. Hugh '.Macl innorx has accepted a positioni with the, pug Construction. Company, of OiikNixtio,. and has Left to take:, 0,m6they eAgftgement.: Many anxious inOments are being entertained these days as the results of :,those attending Universities . are beinig•,reieased. :Mr. Paul JTtiess,, on of:1Mr.• and Mrs A. F Hess .of town, reed word that he received, second else ;:, tonoura in his second,,year in it1rthp;t#OIr course • in Law :at ,;Toro ita". University,. Miss Mary !Bisset;.: dan ghter• oflb, and Mrs. •Gordon Bisset, of !near. Goderich, received her grana-: ation,, taking second class honors ita family, sMr. and Mrs. Wm. Jervis and • • Twin • colts are comparatively rare family of Jlinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'but' Nelson Schenk!_ of Stephen. Wel1s',of tGoderich were Sunday vis- has a Belgian mare which gave ibirth 1• tors at,the home of Mr, and ' Mrs. to; twin colts and both are doin % fine. Syl. Witmer, Babylon line, Mr. and Mrs. Milton He from Mrs. Ed. Appel, of New hamburg, Royal Oak, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. Aus and'Mrs. J. Wagner and son @t,' Shak- tin Hey from Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, espeare, also Mr. and Mrs. 'Horace Lloyd Hey from Crediton were here 'hlopp and sons, of Stratford, visited over the funeral of their departed at the `home of Mrs. Louitt Klopp on father, Mr. John Hey, and remaining 'Sunday, ]art.. over the week -end... SLKGY USED Flott I ForrIfie• rnost conservative Rrrchaseri, wee havea t *Z arru t Large AmtorIment of Slightly U d1Fnrniture- thatt wail; . give ycxu, !lig, value for the Money; .such as :: l venpo s,1.., , Couches;. Dressers, Rockers, Ef.ther Challis, Eta Ille r 4' sure ani lhok th a over. I Jiohnston & Kalbfleisch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone' 63 f t • Rev. C. B. and Mrs, Heckendorn Following the rather unseasonable arid 'Lois, motored to Hamilton last cool weather the past week it has Wednesday to :cele'byate the fortieth changed to 'considerable warmer this wedding anniverslty of Rev. and Mrs •�•.O•NN•••�N�� ~��•�� week and verything with life seems geese, parents of Mrs. Heckendorn. x. 4, e..1.+ +....++++++ +44.+ r.4 4++++++•4•++4.444► ' to be just growing along very rapidly' Mr Heckendorn led in a special HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE The hay crop promises to !be fairly wedding ceremony and Lois acted as good, and the odd farmer has already fi'ower, girl. •Mrs. Heckendorn ,read some • an original poem entitled, "Forty Engagement Years." Mr. and Mrs. 13cese were Wire; Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing ° this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! FROST FENCE .... for long O. Come in and ser our stork sf ikon Farm Fence .. the flnsst we've one had. Hesvily•samvsrdsed by _special Wears Frost process. for s elborn. We can quote you attractive Wass. •fit ,did► AM; !1 :111V.T iS':1i NI a ►,'nal ir>►,'boa aims mom ri s Sall M-10.4 it __Ai _ammo osier .inir.otinums TIGHT LOa ZINC BONDED' imbielve /ROli -_ iwvits 1,0111111011011Y11 PAINTS! ' Mrs. James •Steep, Clinton announ- presented with a Westminster Chines res the engagement of her daughter, Mantel clock. Vera,'Effehne, to Mr. Lloydon Ivan ; "Waiper, only son of Mr. and Mrs. LOVE -FOREST REUNION 'Henry 'Waiper, Zurich. The marriage . to take place in June. The 31st annual picnic of the Love and Forest clan was held at Jowett',s IS NOW A COACH Mx: Albert ` "Babe" Siebert of Grove, Bayfield on June 9th.with Montreal, and son of Mr, and Mrs. over 100 in attendance. The• after» :Yi�i L, Siebcrt''of' Zurich; and who foxo,00n was spent in races for the little • tots and sports for the young folk, • a dozen or more years starred in pro- :. fessional hockey, in the National Le- terminating in a. keenly played ,ball r a ue is vett ' f activeand game. A business meeting followed NHL team for the coming season of 1939-1940. Albert "' known as "the Ross Love of Hillsgreen and Hugh , brilliant career, began playing with Hugh Love of 'Hillsgreen was elected g supper wth John Love of Grand will coach' the Canadien's Montreal )3end being re-elected, president, and ar,ng Tom p.ay �� Flying Dutchman," and who has a Love of Grand Bend as vice -pies. Montreal's now -sienna nna Maroons;'W 1 s.,.Peeretary, Various conuriittees we - We carry a full, line ,of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints,' Oils,`Varmishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels -and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes 1 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware ardware always in stock. f wish Albert every success as a coach re again elected to arrange for the and part m f h' t sports, which is to be held at Grand anager o rs ram. , Bend next year on ;Tune 9th. After ZURICH •IS .MENTIONED he evening, meal a short programme We are Very grateful to our Friend was enjoyed by all. Readings were and Subscriber, Mr. John N. Canting given .by -Mr. MacMillan of Seaforth of Mdntreal for an nteresting clip- and Mr. J. Forest of Egmondville ping of the Montreal Gazette in an accompanied by a bit of Irish wit ex - editorial it discusses Canada's Postal •messed by 112r. J. Hodgins of Green - Guide, the article in part is as fol way.Following the program, all jo- lows: "Canada Official Postai IGuide 'fined in singing two verses of "Auld 1938-1939, has been issued by the tang Syne." We, as the younger Post Office Department and contains members feel rather proud of some the chief regulations of the Post Offf- of our staunch members and support ce, rates of postage to and from Can- ers, ho have now passed the .age of ada and other countries, and other .30 and have never missed a picnic y4 N -- n��sZUrvRiCHvrt�rv. ONT. information connected w:th the ever -,'he two founders of the picnic 31 TA D E & \IIE 1 IDO growing business of handling mails .yrs. ago were also present, in the ZURICH u post Grand Bend and Mrs. Bob Lope of IJALIT'k' — PRICE r SERVICE : thathen hundred pe aps, Thst e first i all s the fact glad sorrow caultl- (� all Was the fact that no sorrow cans- �RAiIM� _ .. m Ontario." 'Tro s g A study of the guide reveals that ;'trreenpersons of Mrs. John Love of (A:basand, Alberta, aril the Iast Zurich ed by death darkened any of the .. . • me duritt the past year. ASSEY-UARRIS NEWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work blot oxt WK. / ' plements... Mower: and Biinde' NjaliNeit wound while you wait with carbarunanft equipillenit. Guaranteed Batterii at :,,;: $4.x#9 1 % year battery' g; ►ranter �' 6.85 2 year, battery guarantee 17 -plate .S!!!a\1.4.!(..... 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at' ' 5.85 '` Visit the East End : Service 'Station for !City Sere- lee,, at Zurichjrices. ,v Cars and 'trucks pfroperly j greased, withlatest hydralic equipment. AND � CREASE • Tel. Shop' 1.49 :O. KLOPP & SONS Res:: '67, East and West End SERVICE STATIONS lJ MAKES. FISH .Y DELICIOUS Dry surfacesoffood first, by di,ping juice to each egg). then again ,o. -it iti line, sifted dry breadcru,nbr; dip 'coinpticely•with siftedbreadc,on,b.. in diluted slightly -beaten egg ,(use SWhen coating savoury food • 1'6 2 tablespoops ,,both..bregdcrurnbs and egg. AS AN AID in deep frying or other frying, our bread works wonders *in flavor. And that's only one of 103 ways that bread pleases men. In many other ways, bread saves you money and helps brighten your table. Remember, bread itself is not fattening. It's a combination of proteins and carbohydrates that sup- plies energy and builds body tissues. Give children lots of our delicious bread. Eat at least six slices every day. "103 WAYS TO SERVE IREA,R —itis illustrated recipe book Worth 25i Win be sent to you FREE. Just leave your alaxut with us. ECKEL'S BAKERY - Zurich