HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-22, Page 514 Thursday, June `,22rut 1939 • • 1' • BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DunLEvE.EfoLmEs BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC, OF'FICE—Hannilton Street, Just ofIff the Square, GODER1C1l, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. alt. Hohnes may be consulted at ‘Goderich by Phone, " and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Pot Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. HAROLD OVERHOLT'S NEW POOL. ROOM ZURICH—ONT Mt Dogs, Hamburgers and Soft Drinks in the "DEW—DROP—INN" FOR QUICK SALE A M'assey-Harris Mower in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Jos. Rau, fPhotte gsr6,, Zurich. Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturda At HARTLEIBAS BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. y. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Rome of the late Dr, 3. Routledge. Phona-96. Zurich A. k Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sp. Graduate of • Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All stiseases a domestic animals treated by the Inst modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness flannels. Office on Main Street, tripposite Town Hall. • Phone 116. HENSALL. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Alt IN A POSITION TO COW - duct any Auction Sale, -regardless as to size or article to sefl 1 Solicit tour business, and if not satisfied will *sake no charges for Services Ren - dared. - ARTHUR WERDashWo °Itone PRODUCE Farm - Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Win. O'Brien Phone 101, • Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS kurichs• .Popular MEAT MARKET Let Uys suppl you' With .the ,very Choice of Fish and -Cur- ed Meat*, Bglognai;,Sausitgesi Ect., always on, hand. Kept fresh in Electric RCfrigidation Highest Ptah . Price's. for • Wool, Hides and' Skins , . tt SOU • 4 FOR QUICK SALE STRAWBERRIES—Are picking every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- fay,Good solid canning berries. Wm. LeihOld, Phone 15r81, Zurich 1...11•11047.11444114M4•441141•1•41.41inalnotim240.414•1•4•4114441141•144 POP SOLE BOATS FOR SALE. Apply to }Chas:. Redard, R. R. 2, Zurich. 111•11•4.441144.414411 ..,....1•0•44447.1114!1•414441011•114441414,441414441■11444414.44444.104m.4 FARM FOR SALE Consisting- of 13i acres of choice land', all No. 1 land, 8 acres of bush, 2 good well's neverfailing, 2 houses,1 new house 24x38 the old house 28x36;- barn 46c74, strawshed 40x60 driving- shed 20x50, hen house 14x24. Two orchard's; farm is all fenced and drained, Hydro in house. Farm is welt located. Tractor W-30, int. flatienaf mar e nearly new, threshi rnachirre 20x30 Bell machine all good workingorder. Apply to Zirk, R.R. Zurich; Con. -12 H • 25 Heirdock Joice 22 feet Tong and 7x2 inches,. Apply to Allan Steckle, Phone HensaIl 98rz. FOR QUICK SALE About T acres of standing- Alfalfa hay. For quick sate apply to John Galster, ZUCTICIL FOR SALE ZURICH HERALD 1,14/11 41 rti0" Whit Messrs. Ward Fritz and Edw. Dat ars motored to London on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McConnell o Varna were Saturday vision math Mt Wm. Lamont. Mr. and Mrs: James Barry; Mr. and Mrs. David Barry of Dunvill were week -end visitors with relatives in and around Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, Miss Fthel and Calvin Williams attended the anniversary of Thames Road Un- ited church on 'Sunday Mr. Albert H. Schnell of Regina, Sask., accompanied. by his brother, Mr. Ferdinand Schnell of Winnipeg, are spending- a few days visiting rel- atives here. They made the trip by auto, and report that conditions in the Canada West look betterthis year than for some time, and all are 'looking for a good crop. The fish pond and atteactive sfr FM] NI) White is Right! :For Day, For Night! Whether for Dress, or Sport, you musi wear white Shoes. We have a snipe. selection in all sizes at all prices. For Ladies, Gents, and Children. COME AND SEE THEM Is Men's Work •Shoes we carry de- pendable tines iri a good range of sizes. All at lowest cash prices. Your Patronage is Appreciated E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing. roundings recently put up by Dr. J. A. dison is now practically comple- . ed. Flat stones were hauled in from St. Marys which make a very attractive rustic walks both from the residental and also to the sidewalk on Victoria street. It surely is the ,ight P-othod h beautifying a part of the village which has loon. heno the vision of a few citizens, namely to have a nice park in the centre block of town. A BLIND GOLFER Considerable publicity has been giv- en in the London Free Press of Mr. Orville McAdams, 28, of that city whose picture appeared on Tune 10. and who welds the golf sticks equal to the average player. Mr. McAdams -yr ro1'7*Sp IS coached, and is a close ng. relat ve to Mr. Theo. McAdams of the in Bronson line. , C. a VISITED HENSALL In Zurich, a sum of money. Own- er can have same by proving property and paying for this adv. at Herald Office. 444444•141 414414144.4MIMINE4 APPEAL ASSESSMENT The Town of Goderich W17.7 appeal the county :equalization assessment, it was decided by council. Under the new assessment, passed at the June. session over the protests of 12 of 29 municipalities, •Goderich figures are $3,251,890. or S1.000.000 increase over the former assessment. If con- firmed by the courts, •Goderich would Pay $3.000 per year more to the co- unty. It is expected other municipal- ities will also appeal. OBITUARY DIED AT CREDITON Y Zurich Senior Institute members , Funeral services have been held for FOR SALE A building located on the Zurich Public School grounds, size 8x18 ft. Also a tank mounted on a wagon, for immediate sale. Apply to. Zurich Pubtic School Board, ' • George Deichert, Secretary SHOE • REPAIRING I have openec. up an up-to-date Shoe Repairing Shop, located, first door north of Stade & Weido hard. - ware. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated. • • E. IL EDIGHO. FFER, Zurich Imported Percheron Stallion "DUSSOTOY" (12930) [170258] Enrolment No. 2339. Form Ill "Ditssotay" will be conveyed by Trailer this season. For Route and terms see; IRA MOIR Exeter Phone 171r2 Purebred Clydesdale Stallion "PRINCE COMMODORE" f, 26745] Enrolment No. 3015. Form III Bay; face, fore and nigh ping legs white; born jane 27, 1932. You will do well to use this soling(' Clydes- dale horse ,this stason. 'ROBERT ADAMS, Dashwood.' Phone 10025, Zurich Central •Tr-*. !, WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 • _Zurich, pt42 NOTICE A_UTOMQIIILE INSURANCE Tariff and Non -Tariff Rates -with-- Well known Canadian Comonnie, -as INSURANCE well as Lloyds of England. Inform- ,- • °I ' ° ation and rates'gladly quoted without • • trl ati .9 .4 giu• • .,..tf3C1 Western Weather '..*tance Co. OF W0c40r, LARGESr, jRESERVE HAL ANCE OF ANY: CANADIAN MUT-. UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS -KIND' IN ONTARIO Altwont.of Insurance at Risk go Dec. 31st, 1036, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in -Bank and Bends $278,613,47, Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- Iar Rods and all kinds of Fire • insurance - H • • .,ow The. t E. IVt. ELECTRIC FENCER And One Wire Holds all Stock Try the Gem Fencer for 30 aays on your own Stock. Stretch a .single strap of barbed wire across the lane or corner of the yard and connect the Gern and watch results. Why put np expensive heavy fencer when one wire will do the job, Prices greatly reduced this year. For full information and particulars apply to the Agent: REINHOLD MILLER, AGENT DashWeed, Ont. tta4 were the guests of the Reitsall Inst- •Henry Eilber who died at his home • itute at Carmel Presbyterian church. in Crediton in his 74th year after be - Miss Beryl Pfaff presided over the ; ing ill in bed for several months. He program, which included musical i was born in .Crediton and for the Post numbers. A playlet, 'A Mouse to the 30 years had carried on business as a Rescue," was directed by Mrs. Thos. j plumber. Surviving are the n dow. MMeyers. Taking part were: Mrs., one brother, George of Crediton. and ervyn Stelck, Mrs. Andersen, Mrs. three sisters, Mrs. Mary Weir. -11. CrP- Harry Rose, 1Vfrs. Norman Gascho, diton; Mrs Martha Raymond. Buffalo Miss Maude McLean of the Hensall I and Mrs. .Geo. Treller, Detroit. The branch, gave a report of the 'district funeral was held -on Saturnay after- fa noon to Crediton Cemetery. Rev. A. E. Pletch of the Evangelical church officiated. annual convention at Kippen. HYMENEAL • Adams--Stelck ' A pretty June wedding was solern-- nized at the Ontario Street United Manse, Clinton on the -;afternoon of, Saturday June 10th, when- Dorothy', his home in Hensel'. A military fun - Ellen Stelck, daughter of Mrs. Andn!-eral is ,beini_held this Wednesday a!: rew Price 'of Stanley Township and ternoon with interment in Hensel' formerly of Zurich and the late Arn-lUnion Cemetery. Mr. Brock, who was o•':1 ctuick, was united in marriage for some years a resident of Zurich, with. Mr. James Robert Adams, of enlisted in the 101st 'Huron Battalion the 14th Con., Hay Township. Rev. for overseas service and was wounded id sheer with bolero jackee an - -«--. I carried on his trade as biacksmith and G. 0..- Burton officiated. The bride at the battle of Vimy Ridge., Return- look6c1 charming in a gown of orch- ing to Hensall after the war where he ching accessories. She wore a shout- carriage ' maker until last summer derette of Rapture roses and white when he Was taken seriously ill as a forget-me-nots with orchid ties. The result of bis war injuries. Since then bride was nnattended. Miss jean he had gradually grown weaker. He Johnston and Mr. James Mair were was married in 1911 to Miss Flossie witnesses. Immediately after, the cer Merner w1 survives him with two emony Mr. and Mrs. Adams nart on sons and ,fliree daughters. Mr. Brock a trip to Toronto, Hamilton, and Nia- was a mettiher of the United church. gara Falls. They will reside on truron of the I.0:P.F. and of the Hensel! Road, •Goderich Twp. 'Council. ' LATE GEORGE BROC.K George Edward Brock, ea., war rete:ean and business man, died at 11, KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS " A Gas known to every Motorist. Why take Chances in inferior Gas when you can buy GOOD GAS a Klopp's One Stop Service at 25c Per Gallon on • Tax Included ENGINEERED LUBRICATION At Klapp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7' kinds of Grease. We invite you to wateh,us LubAcate your Cu :and see 'how Trained Attendants Grease Cars • EXPERT REPAIRING .....• We use the KING AN ALYSER to Properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Gallon - Car Wash 39c. • Tire ,Repair 25c BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES, GOODYEAR. TIRES • Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich!s Finest and Most UP -to -date Garage and Service Station. 1 • HOWARD KLOPP,:tESSEE Xer. 'le C. Fritz & Son Used Car Latin Conn'ectiop; ,7:1,747,t7 a ' 0110111110 111011 0111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111110111111111101111 II 0 " Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies Stationery LATEST SHEET MUSIC SPECIAL—Sale of Scribblers LIMITED TIME ONLY Regular Five Cent Value, Rough Paper for Pencil or Plain. SEVEN for only • INSECTICIDES • 25c Hellebore, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf, 40; Arsonate of Lead; Paris Green, Etc. Oxford Health Salts Sportswear Sun Glasses Children's size at Adults size at 39c 15 c 25c New Quick Drying- Curling Lotion at l 5c Excellent Assortment: Diamond Dyes, Putman Dyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, and Tintex for Tinting and ying. Dr.J A Addison,Proprietor 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111MIMMINIMMIMIER11111111 )111111111111111111111111111111 ZURICH CREME Deliver your .Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per Ib. butterfat for all Creain d livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for YOU The Zurich Creamery A isemoomegimmrammorrwrammilmom.........m........., 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming —more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing assuring vans of dependable service of the mechan ism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold conthmes to give satisfaction. Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montreal il#009941000,0100000•600111011101140040.,040111400004/0011090411M000)90.000499 - , , e t i •i '. ' ' ,-. • ° , 411914+4,4.14++++++.14+4.44+++ ++++++++++++1,4+++4-1-144+44. 1 BUILDING 'MATERIALS ‘i If you intend doing any Building 61 -Repairing thicYear .4 .,, we will be pleased to supply yOu With the . . finest of 7 t . Building Materials. Let us quote you, , 2 SLIMMER SCREENS i ,Cr—r.--- 4. Combination Doors --screens for the summer and glass + : interchangeable for winter. Will 'make screens to prop- 3: erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order $ Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials • tu? • PHONE 60 H • ,,,-,,exersetitmetsees ZURIC KALBPLEISCR 4„,0+4..i. 4 4...i...4•444.$ 1444+444,44+ = 4 1 The Purina people are running.a big Chick Grow- ing Contest this year, giving liberal Cash Prizes, limited to chicks from Purina -fed flocks. See our circular with full particulars. McKINLEY'S CHICKS We are again Distributors for the well-known and Popular McKinley's Chicks for this Season, and will be pleased to fill your Baby 0 aby Chick ders. Early Orders receive First Attention 14.4Schilbe & Son A -at eitE*44016IIPE11,41004116.06.11193