HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-22, Page 4a Se
You'll be glad you have a savings account in
the Bank of Montreal when you need money
for an emergency, for vacation use, for payment
of insurance or for other needs as they arise.
If you have not already an account with us
you are invited to open one—a deposit of one
dollar is sufficient.
rangements. Outstanding was hiS
brass section of three trumpets• and
trombone doubling on French horns
and trombones, playing soft and
sweet style not duplicated elsewhere
in Canada. •His style is resembled
only by .American Orchestras such an
Enoch Light and Horace Heidt. Many
are his ideas. His style is very, modern
but it was surprising how many grand
old tunes were offered. Those in triple
tongueing on •trumpets were very
clever. Tipping's ten musicians are
smarte appearing men,and thorough-
ly accomplished .musically. Six of
•them have played together, steadily
for six years, and each year has 'seen
them progress .until at present. they
are decidedly on their .bigstepping
stone to success. A season's engage-
ment at Lakeview Casino, Grand
Bend, and in the Fall one of Toron-
to's smartest Night Clubs hope to
contract them for a Winter's engag-
Willis Tipping, known 'setter amo-
ngst his admirers at "Tip" has amb-
itions galore, and his thousands of
fans who heard him over •CKCR,
played, are right behind liim in his
success. Unlike most Orchestras
this one played single engagements
during the winter, and at Orangeville
and Kitchener gradually replaced
Toronto banlds brought in, and also
increased the crowds from previous
The ;Casino at •the Bend as beeen
rushing many improvements, and by
.Tune 24th, when Willis Tipping and
his boys open the summer season for
dancing nightly until Labor Day, ev-
erything should be in perfect shape
for what looks like the start of a
grand season at this Grand Resort.
July lst week -end, too, zeerns 'like
lots of fun, with a Midnight Dance
planned on Sunday, July 3,rd, to
agree with wishes of Canadian and
American dance fans.
THESE P ICES subject to change without Notice
E-..----,--'' 2 --
TR Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00
• . • a Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00
8- Recovering. Buggy Top 16.00 and
• z--._...--.=-.-_
Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set ' 12000-_---,-.
Buggy Shaft 3.00
.- Cross Bar 1.00 _---
1$uggy teach 1.25 I
_Buggy •Spokes each 25c 1
.... .._ 4
HESS, " the.. Repair Man
VOTICE TO CREDITORS the Goshen Line cemetery on Sunday
July 2nd. The band and other speak -
1 ers will be present.
Dashrwood Band attended the Bron-
son line Decoration service on Sunday
E. -Tiernan & so.n.ha i..veiytoil*
day on Monday handling over 30(10
boxes of strawberries.
IN THE MATTER of the estate of
-Albert E. McLinchey, late of the
'Township of ,Stanley, County of
laux4:sn Farmer, deceased" z •
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having any 'claims or demands
;against the- ate Albert E. MoLinchey,
swim died on or about the 22nd day
sof April, 1939, at the Township of
Ztanley in the Province of Ontario,
elm :required to send by post prepaid
•or to deliver to the undersigned,
ee-xeoutor under the will of the said
Albert E. McLinchey, their names
end addresses and full ,partrculars in
'writing of their claims and statem-
ents of their accounts :and the nature
aef the securities, if any, held by them.
And take notice that after the 8th
day of ,TuTy 1939, the executor of the
said estate will proceed to arstribute
the assets of the said deceasesr among
the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which
le shall have had notice, and that the
executor will not be Habra ror the
earl assets or any'part•theeeof to any
person of whose claim he shall not
then have received notice. e.
Dated at Zurich, Ont., the 20th day
el June, 1939.
Wilmer G. iVIdLinchey, •
Varna, Oaftario. •
Executor, Albert E. McLinchey
• •.
Of Honsehold Effeats,
SATURDEY JUNE 211/11,"19-36--
• At 1.30 Welles*, sp.m.
• A good line of aranales—sUpright
peano and ench peactically new;
• Chesterfield Suites; ISittling ,room
* -suite; brass bon, several Simmons
ibeds and Springs, dining Utile, 'Victor
cabinet radio late models Se,verahniir-
yors, several dressers wad wash stands
ffloor rugs, floor mats, entitable,s,
entail tables, 'electric floor lamps, 3
Zinger drop head sewing onstainea,
- Mr. James, Cochrane ef tTeronto
spent the week -end with his brother,
Alien and sister Edna.; • ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love =axle a
business trip to London onSattirday.
Quite a number from Imre attend-
ed anniversary services att (Goshen on
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. Peter Masse and sMri. Joseph
Masse and daughter of Detroit, were
week -end visitors with their relatives
in this neighborhood. •
Mr. and IVIri.' W, •Weaseing 'of Lon-
don were Sunday visitors with , the
latter's parents.
Mrs. Chenery .of Detroit was. a
week -end visitor to Mr. and Mrs. Hee
tor Laporte.
, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard of the
•14th 'Con. spent .Sunday with Mr.
•and Mrs. Leon Redard .of Pointe AuN
Bouleaux. ;
Mr. Francts Its eharme o 11/fa C ar-
triel paid a hart visit In this vicinity
On' Sunday lasts
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hartman of
hedford and Mn •and Mrs."David
eromette of yit. Carmel were Sun-
day visitors in this community.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jacob •Oleerer of De-
troit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
0. •Sararas.
At' time of writiiitag 'wedding bells
at St. Peter's chards are ringieig for
Urban Alfred Duchainee t� isia,r,guer-
ite ,McKenzie of Kippen A etirther
aacconnt will appear need week,
Miss Vernnopue Ducharme willj
seave ere Wedneeday to be in company
drophead Standard sewing machine, of Mrs. .Kuno !Hartman when Mras
Itaymond drophead sewing meteriine.ie'istrnan will be operated on, Thurs-
, serest of drawers, hall :rack, lb:share • 'deal, ni.Orie•fg hi Znrich for tonsilitis.
apraetically riewiMeglary'l;ceek stove, Mrjeeeple, iBedard of Pointe Aux:
anielses, several new suitaeases, Card: BotileauX had the misfortune en Fre,
table new, day bed, eteedlie'eSased rap- I day lisageat.falling downfrom' hie'
• emus other artistes ... • e e•-aaverasNiali sps When he fraetured a
No reserve, ell goods must be wilt few ribs. ••••• •
• TtitmS—CASTI • i Mr, ,yordile.-1 of Drysdale spent
rred Thiel, Proprietor. • MondaY-i*vliting with friends on the)
Oscar Mesep;:' Auctioneer. • 031ste Waiter south.
Mee and Mn. Bd. Nadiger and Mr.
mnd Mr. W: Nes;liger attended the
varitresg of a rel. tsarsi Gelt (es Set-
streday returning hone on Sunday.
• Miss ,Onedia Resterneyer R.N. of
1St. Jrnli Icspital, Leon, spent
the week -end with her parealts.
:NsS.Ssatern Seesstne *in be !rim or
• Well Received
It wena wondarful reception ac-
• corded Willie 'ripping •and 111,4 C
carie Rythm Orchestra when they
, played their specie 1 engagement at
'renri Bend on May 24th time and
again the crowd of 800 ithen...'‘ahout,
1 ..:nco,PA Tineleass, meet at -wee ma
tending eMbalming school in Toronto
for some time has completed his co-
urse and returned home.
• 'Milton and Lloyd Ortvhin of Lone
den were visitors with the foriner's
parents, 10, and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein
Geo, Douglas was in Toronto at-
tending the graduation of hiS nephew,
Arthur McAsli, who graduated for a
A large number from here were in
London on Wednesday zor sae visit
of ,our King and Queen.
Mr,• and Mrs. Les. Williams of Zur-
ich,were visitors with their relatives,
Mr: and Mrs. W. R, Dougall and fam
ily, Hay Twp.
Mrs. Peter Risher left for Geaven-
hurst, where she will spend the sum-
mer With her son, Dr. Murray Fisher
and'daughter, Miss Eleanor.
Miss Mary Hemphill of aSoronto,is
Sisending ,the hoLdays at her home.
The Hensall Citizen's Band, under.
the direction of G. M. Grant, have
commenced their series of open air
concerts in the band stand on Satur
day evenings, and are giving fiine
programs of music.
• Married 62 Years
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Petty qui-
etly celebrated with members of their
family their 62nd wedding miniver.
sary on Saturday. They are both in
goad .health, although both are in
their 85th year. They have four .child
rene Mrs. Lorne Scott, Toronto; Mrs.
G. M. Smith, St. Marys; Mrs. Alice.
Abbott, Detroit; Mrs. Maude Kennedy
Mrs. Tapp Passes
Mrs. John Tapp, who formerly wall
Miss Mary Jane Smillie, veal' on Fri-
day at her home after three years'
illness. She was born in 1874 in Tuc-
kersrnith, a rule north of town. 'She
had spent practically all her life there
Was a member • of Hensall United
church and was married to Mr. Tapp
in 1908 who survives with one soe
James of Ottawa. The funeral wa-
held to Hensall Union Cemetery with
Rev. Brooks officiating;
70th Anniversary
• On Sunday, •June 18th, Goshen con-
gregation celebrated the ,70th anniv-
ersary of the building of their church
A lovely June day and aa large
numbering between 300 and 350,
contributed to the success of the an-
niversary. The members of the con-
gregation took an active interest in
decorating and preparing the large
shed for the occasion and are steeply
grateful to all the friends and visit-
ors, who, by their presence arid inter-
est Contributed to the success or the
The preacher for the day was Rev.
J. M. Keys, M. A., Ph. D., of Niagara
Falls, N. Y., and his sermons were a
enitable, clear • and forceful gospel
With him on the platform and ass-
isting in the ,serviees were, our own
pastor, Rev.,J. R. Peters, Rev. C. B.
Heckendorn of Zurch and Rev. J. L.
Poster of Lakeside, a .former pester.
'The' miesical 'p'art ,was taken ,by Mir
legal Choir' arid nader, ethe leadershir
ofbir. Richard Robinson, assister- by
Rev.- 3. It and Mrs. Peters, who sang
very, accepyablyt ea.. duet at each ser-
vice.. ,
Congratulatory. messages were are-
ceived from a number of friends, o
could not be present. Some of veil m
ere: Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Brown -of'
London; Rev. J. J. Durant and fn-
ily .of Forest; Rey: W. 0. Rerbiora
of Pilot Mound, Man.; Mr. Harrold
Walker of Peterborough; Mrs. Sam
Haynes of St. Marys; Rev. A. W.
Brown and family, Handton- Mrs. WS
Turner, Mrs. W. 'Cocherline, Mrs. D.!
Johnston; all of Pilot Mound, Manz'
Rev. Jest! Penrose and faulty, Zahn:
ville. •
aloe see. ,
Among those who were present
from a distance were, Mr. V_ IL Ste-
phenson, Marlette, Mich; Mr. and Mrs
Paul John and family, Flint, Mich;
Messrs, Albert and Ferki Snell, Regina
Sask; Mra W. and Miss ,ftox.td rainier
gamiltoni' Miss sabel Robinson, Bro-
ate; Mrs. G. Shaw and mitsily,•Lond-
en; Mrs. !Jas. Boyce and May,. Lon-
don; Mrs. Mary Hind e and family,.
Tupperyi4e ; Mr.. andsMrg: *Fred Wheel
• Toronto; Mrs. •E.e-STrilineon and son
George E„:also Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Johnstnn from •Soderich; Mrs. Mary
Anderson, •Godetiele; ; Mr. arid Mrs
Dave Kay and Mr-a:John zacKinley of
•Chiton; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna,Mrs
Annie Reid, Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Lilley
Mre and, Mrs. N. W. Keys, Mrs and
Mrs. Arthur Routledge, Mrs. Geo
Sr. and Airs. Wilbur Keys
Ind family ail of Seaforth; Mr. Ste-
erart Keys, Toronto; ,'.Rev. and Mrs.
T.' M. Kiers, Niagara Falls, N.Y; Rev.
end Mrs J. L. Foster and oaugater,
Lakeside; Mrs. Margaret Errata
eefiS.,Mrs, Minnie Vodden, Alberta.
Mrs and Mrs. Will •Catifeleirs;
• .ra
Mrs. stvenie Logan is visiting in
Miss MarSha Hunter, wile under-
went an operation in London Hospit•
el has returned to her home here,
Mr. and ikirs. Roy Stowell and Mis
Marguerite Drysdele of, Ste Wen Alta,
who have been visiting for eevertf
veeks with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Dry.:
dale and Mr. and IVIrs. W. A. Me
Laren, left for their 1101110 in ti
Harold Bonthron, who liak;
• Is Now a Druggist
Mr. Mervyn Ryckman, a son of 1YL
Grant Ryckman, who • lives a short
distance east of Hensall, has taken a
position as- druggist ' for Hemphill
Drug Store. Mr. Ryckman was or
some time in the large drug store of
Cairrichoss & Lawrence of London,
but for the past couple of years bee
been attending- college to obtain hie
degree in pharmacy and is now a full
fledged druggist. He is staymg with
his sister, Mrs. T. Sherritt.
Back from Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, ac-
companied by relatives, Mr. and Mrs
R. W. Stowell and Miss Margaret
Drysdale,all of Stettler, Alta., re-
turned,,feom a anost enjoyable, auto
trip ofeStesse weelts'of sight-seeingand
taking An, Ottawa, Brockville, 'ached-
schedy, N. Y., also the World's Fair
at New York ,city, and home by way
of Niagara Falls; and had o most en
A lifelong -resident of Wingham
Miss Elizabeth Q. Elliott, died ant
Clinton in her.68 'year. She has been
an invalid for 'Over' 40 years.
• ThursdisasS a:aft 22.1,4 2939 '
Surveyors from the' Department �t
ay eave omnpleted the work
of surveying Provincial Highway No -
84, Hensall to 'St. Joseph. It is ex-
pected that this pieceof road will
even receive its anual coal of abut;
. , At the adjourned session of County -
Court last Thursday Judge Killorarr
of Stratford, after bearing counsel
• Passes at Exeter
Wm.. Aitken Turnbull, 74 died at
Exeter, be was born in Usborne Twp.
and was. 'married to Mary Emmett.
who predeceased him seven years. 1
daughter, Miss Isabel, survives. For
a number of years he attended the
Thames Road Church before :moving
to Exeter 18 •years ago. Mr. Turn-
bull servedefor some years on tne Ex-
eter Bard ..of Eduoation and for 22
years was secretary -treasurer of the
Usbaree and Hibbert Insurance Co.
The funeral was held on Monday.
eath Rev. A. Page officiating. Inter-
ment in Exeter,Cernetery. .
;Old Twins Mark Anniversary
-Wfc. and Charles Wendorf, claim-
ants to the title of the oldest twins
n Canada, celebrated their 92nd
'n'ethday Saturday last. Still active •
and ingood health, the Wendorf
•brothers-haVe been 'residents and eit-
izens•ot-HartOVer. for 68' years. They
were born in Mecklenburg, Germany,
coming -to Hanover 'in 1873, when
there were only a feW frame build-
ings. •
A quiet but impressive wedding
ceremony was performed by Rev. R.
M. Gale in St. Andrew's United Ch-
urch, Hayfield, on April 8th, when
•Mr. Carle James Stoddart .' and, Miss
Margaret -Helen Schoenhals, both of
Godericli,:ivere united in marriage. A
numberari the iminediate friends at-
tended. The young couple will reside
in Goderiche , se • .,
eir-k I.* .0.:
Seaforth Merchant Passes
thtirlh Zgte*tiit'l froreirrent Sea
.forth•nrerehant, died from: 'await at
tea. "WAS' rased in :Seaflorth an
'attended Settforth Collegiate Instit
ute, .following his graduation he went
to Chicago and New York until 1904
when he entered partnership with hi
brother; Harry Stewart, under tiv
name of:Stewart Bros. In hie youtl
he was a prominent ,athlete and we
a member of the famous &aver La
erosee team, and retaine4 area ir
tersest in sports. He also occupie
'tally positions in Seaforth and at hi
leatli was a member of the ;aim':
'l'ib. Was married 30 years ago ts
Margaret Friel., who euevivee, toga
trier with two sons, Friel. and Donal'
tad a daughtet .reaN atjtorto.
;moment, adinanted gine die the ae-
Lion ai William Alexander and Dun- -
Cal12. Stewart, Bay township farmers,
against lire Township of Hay, seeking
reerwer tax anone.y under protest
forepaymerit of plans for a (train that
was never built -and for damages. for
iflegaT distress. .Some time, ra 1937,
care; arrising out of the identical. drain
age oplan,, was beard in Division era
at Zrirtch 'and judgment reserved. No •
deeigion has yet been handed down,
Judge ICIberan doubted if he had jur- •
ladiction and said Ire wouldesinsfere
With the Thirson jiitige before proceeds •
ing with the case before him. The
,Conist jitifgenent is expected
within two weeks.—GOderich Signal- •
' " , rr-,,,U3XMalarantaralentrallanaller
It has proven its Superiority by Public Acceptance.
If You have not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH OCT-
ANE, Better Mileage DIXIE GAS do so Today!
Do- not he deceived; DIXIE
is Outstanding in Quality and Price. Make us
Prove it! Priced at
• Per 'Gallon
Tax !mimic d
Herb. Mousseav, Prop.
-••,•.1 •
•USED CilkR.S .
. 1928 Chev. Coach,
1928 Ford Coach at .
,11929 Eames ,Coach, ' •
• 1929 Essex Coat& at ......--.— 50.00
35.00 a,
1927 Chev.. Sedart;.at.
• 1927 For.d Goat& at 25.00
1930 Chew.. stake; truck, -- 90.00
1930 • Cbe.v- Murry: truck. at 90.00
2 Got Medi Fordson Tractriss.
New and. Use& Tractor:Plow.
3 •
. •
New LOWER %dies
Drika.ClIxEDe /r.ireladt cRef%; • ;1.11
sweep of body lines , the sass AWL
enzafrpft ot pze neer Relaxed
imprinted perterthance ci laic Wig?, .
,Dadgekosuriztrtgine. Thiti•
lames Wheelbase Dods"; also has
rear Amoola steel 6itil spring,
ireproved kisplane-typs shock
ribtOrbeni . . patentext..Flosting
Posies . b3rdreitilic brake's.
See and drive one of thee* remark -6
able 13 Dodge cars TODAY,.
WARD FRITZ - Distributor