HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK se urnis s Let Us Show You our Stock of Tuscan Netts, Scrims and Rayon Curtain Goods by the yard or Ready M tde+ Priced from 15c to 75c a .yard. Linoleums 5 Pieces of 4 -yard wide Linoleum to choose trom, Priced 3.40 to 3.60 a yard 3 yard wide Congoleum at yd 1.95 3 yard wide Feltol at yd. i .65 2 yard wide Rexolum at 70c 2 yard wide Rexfelt at yard 59c Made Up Cur tains 49c to $3.50 a pair. GROCERY SPECIALS Rinso, 1 large, 1 small 25c Oranges, per dozen i 5c Salted Sodas, 2 lbs. 20c Cornflakes, 2 for 15c Salmon, 1 s. 10c F eas and Corn, canned, 3 for 25c Chick Oatmeal, 9 lbs. 25c Post Bran Flakes at 10c Large Sack puffed wheat at 20c This is Pineapple Week. Get your Supply Now G SCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 r • Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUBT G.UAIa'�ANTIa' ;ERTIF ICATES Any Arnourit.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 31 rc per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 33k % per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From ndrew F. Hess, o Zurich Local Representative Zurich i3 II il1I 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111M Zu Gr ZURICH I IERALD Llif,lr:I1011r11ii dlitlilllilh: ow mu t MMUS r "Phut day, :Tune 15th, m9 + 044.404.4.44.4 444., + + 4 4. + 4. + 4 4. 4 4 4 4. 4 Tiger Brand catsup 26 -oz. bottle 8c Comfort Soap, 4 bars 1.5' V Tomatoes, small can, 4 for -..25o 4. Coffee, Sun Dryd, 1 -lb. can...Sweet mixed pickles 28 -oz jar 39c: 2 Factory cheese, per lb. i 5 c 4. I. Golden Bantam Corn, small can 5c _ • Clark's vegetable soup, 3 cans 25c = 4. Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful China- Menno .; EGGS WANT I 1111 III II I 11111 ware. r $„Y Zurich Phone 165 iN'T>`!iiiiafCilll(IJM rlfl'l g1111111111fMM ITEMS OF LOCA1 ,Mrs. Ed. Deiterich of Waterloo vis-' ited w.th Mrs. L. Kraft on „t-.tday. Mrs. Catharine Walper was a Sun- day vi:.it„•r with friends at iuiccne:i. . a..irley Koehler has ret;urned 1 NEW SPRING DRESSES to Toronto on Monday, where sine har; sezured a good position in the Par- We are now showing a nice range of aament Building of that city. New Spring Dresses, and: invite you Mr. and Mrs. George Brenner o-° to come in and look them: over. Midland, Mich., are visiting with re Attractive Priced from:$1.49 to: $.7.50 ices here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koehler N to Our Store is in:our Residences Kitchener were Sunday visitors with relatives and friends in town. Phone 47 Zurich Decoration day is being observed I in the local Evangelical church on " Sunday afternoon, when a suitableH pro_graxii Will be rendered.• • ay Twp farfnez.� who. seek $76.44 11.1.n• McBride has `purchased and $106, respectively, from the T'wp the' 100=acre farm, 21/z miles north of of'.Hay for ta�;es. allegedly assessed Zurich, which he has had Teased for collected. It is an, unusual case. In .come years, from his feather, Mr. Rob- 1.931 Alexander, and Stewart, witft 4 c McBride. • others, petitioned the Township of The annual S. W. T. picnic was 1 •y to build, a, drain, The petition Zurich's Le rhes' Wear o - MRS. PEARL MOUSSEA.U, Zurit r +lel at Grand Bend on Satarday «^i. was adopted by Cozened], and an eng- -r,oit 50 present from, Grand Bend, inees engaged to prepare pians and a Dashwood, Dashwood, Zurich, Milver- report. Later it was found that the ton Seaforth and Lionel:^n.: A pro engineer's report did not have the au - hi, of sports was held 'ithe tixority. required by ohs�I�ta >. d F •:o- . xm after - and the schema was abando ...ing a $50% e grneerr" ill to a • " After the'•rains •'on Saturday •a.nd � �- Sunday the weather turned vary This. was placc..i n the coTlec ror'sr. cool on Sunday afternoon and has roll; divided against properties of been cool since, in fact a little too those •w{ho, signed the petition. Stew - + 4. 4. + + 4. 4. 4 4A 4 + + .4 4 +b 4 4+4444444.444. 4 OUR nd FMfr iter RE YOUR SEASON'S NEEDS This Season Calls: for Good New Fences on the Farm. Let Us Supply You with the best of Woven Wire. We also have Barb Wires, race Wires, Staples, Etc. See us about New Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughing! SPECIAL PAINT' SALE, From 65c. a- Quart up. FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED 0' FURNITUREFor the most conservative purchaser, we have a Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will 44 give you big value for the Money, such as: 44 give Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Etc. Be 41 sure and look these over. • Johnston & galbfteisch vv H dre & Furniture. Phone 63 q ▪ +++++++++++�+++++++++0+4444++++++++++4.44++++44++444 ,e +++4+1+;54. +4.4.44•-f .1+ ++'r++++++.1.4.4. f -1.4-t• 444 '+ 4'4.1.++4 4++++++.% 4 4 4 4" 4 + 4 4 4 TRY ECS_'_.' cool for the time of year, as wl not -art paid under protest and now seeks ice that `'some of the more tender to recover. Alexanderrefused to pay 12lants''have been nipped_ a little by Li 1934 the Twp. tax collector seized the frosts. • his chattels and sold them, but did • Rev. •and 'Mrs. Ferdinand Howald not realize enough money to pay all and family of Elmwood Were visitors outstanding taxes. The balance was in town last week, staying at the 'turned over to the County and plac- hoine `of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess, ed on the arrears list for tax sale. In they also took hi the visit of the 1935 the County seized and another Royal couple at London, Wednesday,. sale was held. No bidders turned up, and the graduation exercises at the nowhere, Hay farmers refused to as - University at that city in the after- sist in selling out Alexander, who himself did all the bidding, buying a noon.horse for $7 and a pig for$1. When Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albrecht, their daughter and her husband of Norththe bailiff threatened to remove other Dakota are visiting with relatives in chattels and hold a sale elsewhere, and around Zurich at present. Mr. Alexander paid up, but under protest Albrecht was a former Zurich boy and is now suing for the return of and it is 33 asyears since he was her his money, also damages for oliegala Jut, and no doubt will see many seizure.-Goderich Signal -Star. I changes. they made the trip by mat- ANNUAL MELTING ING DT car. Womens' Institute Mr. Ward Fritz, his mother, Mrs. , The District Annual Meeet%ng of C. Fritz and daughter Vies:: Pearl ��r � Wurtz of town, accompanied byMrs. South Huron Women's institutes was ®��s44b Q4Na���4e � � �@��� �. G�x�•�+• Sam. Oliver of Kitchener, left here f held on Tuesday .;lune Gtn, in Kippen United .church with Kippen Manch', acting as hostess to seventy :,omen of the district. Splendid reports were presented by the ciiii:t..fent branenes, as follows: !eerie econ.nti, s by Airs. M. Beckler, .tiuronelaie; and child welfare by dies. H. ,.vcc•:t, ur- iclt; aglii:tutuze a titi Canad:au Indus - cries by :Mrs. A. Morgan, Huronclale; legislation by Mr.,, .11 Lawson, C:•, ; d- iton; historical research and current • events by Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers, Exeter; community activities and rc lief by Miss Maude 111acLeu:-, :ie 'a.r • education by Mrs. A. Cro; c., forth; peace, education and internal Tonal relationship by Mrs. A. •HH.gg- arth, Kippen East; publicity by Mi.s . B. Manson. • al, The .guest speaker for the morning session was . C. Shearer, Huron agri cultural representative of 'Clinton who spoke on the conservation of Plant life. At the afternoon session, election oif officers was one of the main feat- ures; ;Seaforth Junior' Institute pre• sented a humorous skit, while a muni• cal program also was given. Mrs. A Fraser, federal representative, of I] derton, spoke as did Miss Hawkins,oi the department of agriculture, Tor onto. Officers elected were: Dist. presi- dent, Mrs. M. Wa.11cer, Exe_.x; vice presidents, Mrs. G. MacLean, Kippen Miss Maude MacLean, Hensell; Mrs Ward .Fritz, Zurich; secy-treas., Mrs Em, Talmer, Crediton; asst., Mrs. II • 1. •Giller,Crediton. Dept. sups., •agricultural and Can adien industry, Mrs A. Morgan, Hui ondale; historical research, Misr ,Jeckell, Exeter; legislation, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Kipper"; home economics Mrs Alvin Moir, Hurondale; health, Mrs, H. ',Tech, Zuraieh; international 4rdat:onship, Mr's. ill. Neeb, Zurich HARDWARE -- SEEDS stnd FURNITURE racing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .... for long life, Come in end see our stock of Frost Farm Fence .. the finest we've eves had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive price. 0.. -. '1 M 4i atm" ti1hh ii i*p zap �1i1101410 OPw+yii INNriir�:w=ns err Immo woo TIGHT '$' LOUt ZINC BONDED an exclusive FROST haus am SAVES YOU MONLYI PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes : in all sizes q Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. • 1 1 early Wednesday morning by motor cr .• for Chicago, where the ladies will be joined by Miss Tillie Kibbler, R. N., and will take the train on to Seattle, Wash., where they will visit with Mrs. Frites brother. They will be away for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peine of De- . troit were visitors at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. i=ungblut incl pth r relatives. HOLY NAME SOCIETIES MEET Five Orders of the Holy Name So- ciety of the R. C. Church met in Zurich and were guests of Sa. Boni- face church Society, Zurich on San day after noon. About 900 memoers gathered in all, besides nearly ar many spectators and f fends. 1'h:• parade headed by the ,.!all Citia ens Band started a. thr ', o'clock o• 1 march around the village after which they all repaired to the chnr^ • for service. The large icathering gas ably addresse 1 by Rev. Fatter A. P. Mahoney of London, who spoke on "The Duties of Man to know God" Man sees the works of God in rll life and nature and man should in turn live a life pleasing to God, was message in a few words. The following societies were present lLucan, headed by Rev. Father A. Mackesy; Parkhill, by Rev. Father iMcCardle; Mt. Carmel, by Rev, Fr. A. Durand; French. Settlement, by Rev. Father Murphey of London; Zurich, headed by Rev. Father L. W. Power. Truly it was a fine got -to- gether for the various societies. 3 e STADE & WEID ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE w In County Court County Court opened at Goderich on Tuesday of last week at 2 o'clock but sat for only 15 minutes when it -vas adjourned. Over 20 witnesses have •bec:ri strmmonserT in they rasr, �of �'Ui�m, Alexa+xdr..r and 17uncam Stewart, 4. 4. k .4.+++++' @QTY OF SWEET All Ingredients Used are ALL CONFECTIONS Our Store will be closed each Eckei's Bakery Telephone CAKE. GOODS. of the Highest Quality ICE CREAM fir 4.I a__ -4 AND t . Wednesday Evening Zurich 4 4 100 x. +4+4444+4+44X4444+4+++++++++4.4. -4• +++++44 44+44-b+ i.++ • OII111111111111illllllllll mil11111iIIIIlIiIIIIlllllll111ii11111111111111111111IIIIIiIIIih1111111111U11i'I111111111iiilulJiIIIIIII111111iIIlUl.q;:iilllllllllllllllllll(otihlllllllllllllltln;lttil lnll(iIIIlBQI1111111111111111 ion! • Panting Wagon $7.00 and 10..00. - Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 • Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft Cross Bar - Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each IIESS, the Repair Man fa:3 1111111111111111.111111111111111111111111.1111111((((((111111111!11111111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111'llliUU1HI1111111E11111C{111111111111111!1!II111U.UliUl l!U}1Ui1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Cr THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice 3.00 1.00 1.25. 25c • M MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS GENUINE M. -I-1. PARTS work best on M.H. hn- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundunx equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. 1% year battery guarantee GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOP? & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS