HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-15, Page 4Cihiton Lio ws Club Fourth Annual Frolic WEDNESDAY JUNE 21st, ,1939 Recreation Park, Clinton Afternoon Programme: 2 p.m. -Semi -Pro. Baseball Game, London vs Port Huron. (Regular League Gane) 4 p.in.---GREYHOUND DOG DERBY. 7 races to determine winner of ,new Plymouth Car Midway and Other Attractions Evening Program: .Fr3t-1ntation of Car and 35 other consolation prizes. Mod • it D.nciwr--Town Hall --Old Time Dancing in Legion Hall. Booths--Games--Attractions H. C. I_.F1wson, Pres. M. J. Schoenhals, Secy. All Proceeds for Children's Welfare Work ZURICH HERALD BLAKE A Bible Society neetiagwas held on Tuesday evening for those inter- ested toward that worthy cause. The service at the Blake ,chureh is being 'withdrawn on Sunday, June 18 at 10 a.m., owing to the Special An- niversary service at the sister church an the Goshen Line, .Mrs. J, Douglas was visited by re- latives and friends from Michigan, Seaforth and Hyde Parke, who also attended the funeral of the late Mr. Douglas on Thursday last. St. Joseph and Beaver Town The French Settlement parish tur- ned out in a body on Sunday last to join with the four neighboring par- ishes to attend the Holy Name Rally at Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. (Maurice Masse and Miss Joan Masse spent the week -end in Detroit, Mr. Frank Jeffrey of 13eavertown is still confined to his bed wiczi an attack of rheumatic pains. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith and :MIS motored to Callander on Sun - j clay last. On Sunday last a few of the young ladies of the community held a caln- ESTA1LA �1`u,R' a s,5r'�, ;. .c i.'?,t& �' r.. ex�±_u�,`'faxryr+.t�z��t,•.3�•,��,-��s�,.,.[�<;.. - NISH FOR. EVERY SURFACE JOHNSTON and KALBFLiEISCH - Zurich Water System and Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equip- ment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save You. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and rnalce it possible for you to modernize your home. .Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trim- mings. as illustrated, ready for in- stallation, cost: Bath Tub 'Toilet .Basin, 17" x 19" ' Sink, 20"x4'2" only, with faucet Sink and Cabinet, with faucet No. 30 Range Boiler Septic Tank Duro Pump with 30 Gal, Tank saiwomm W11.111111ffillglinESEI $36.30 23,90 16.60 29.75 57.15 10.00 30.00 87.00 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt atten- tion and estimates will be furnished •aivithout charge. 'Under the Zov't Home Improvement Loan Act the cost 01 mod. ernizing your home c.t be spread over a three year period. W EI:i'O. Zurich *AIMEE MASS .MFC- Cp. TIMM. --..ton dopa.. Hasa > ora. Toronto, suctbury, ii ttintripeg. Vancou* w 11%i 'rvess a ,,. ice'." Sc.4,„„ l�.r,,,Gw.. .oa"o':?!ifr .rLi5 1v.. a:.,szestI .r.r ,i ":ssoscs #�p'ii`c`:1r JEAN'S BEAUTY SHO' Get a guaranteed Natureile permanent now, at the new Special Prices. Reg'. 43. permanent ,for *2.50 Reg. 5.00 for $3.50 Reg. 8.00 for......... ..... $5.00 Fingerwaving and Marcelling done also. Phone 131, HensalL ping dinner in the .iefrrey cottage in St. Joseph. The day wan spent in c'iatting and recalling sweet memor- ies of the past. Mr. Leonard Denomme of Wind- s ar spent Sunday' with ill, 7.110 :ter a Pointe .Aux Poule tux. Mr. and Mr: F. Du harm, 'family spent Sunday with Mr. an!' i +. Kuno Hartman of th,' i,i •la,':i line. .:Ars. I,oydou Dtmonian,' and •'1n er. $p,mding a Tow tla:;:.; with lir par- ents, Mr. and 1hc:. 3. Masse of th., Blue Water Highway south, Mrs. 3. P3'innenu of Chicago wh: have spent 10 days with her friends and reiati^e: in this neisl'borhaa i has iI.e>w r.'t'lr770r1 to her hole. On Wedneilday of this week the S. S. No. 11 Hay <<'e holding their an- nual picnic at Grand Pend. Mr. Dominio Jeffrey of Beaver Town motored to London on Sundae:. last, fir>; Thelma Seiman of Si..Io.:t•ph "•: tnrric•i to London on :Sunday last after ;pending a few week -1 v.,ith her parents. STANLEY TOWNSHIP 1 , STRAWBERRY SOCIAL A Strawberry Social will he held at the Goshen United Cburin (f vc• miles north of Zurich) on Wednesday Evening, June 21st under the auspices of th;' Young People's Union. Following the sun pc r there wtil be a humorous play presented by the Yount People of Ontario St. Church, Clinton, entitled 'Mamma's Baby lloy," whicn tix'ill bt al highly entertaining. Come and bring your friends. Supper served. at 0.30 Admission 85 cents, Children 20 cents :Supper and entertainment will be held in the shed if weather unfavor- able . On Sunday June 18th the Goshen congregation will observe the 70th anniversary of the building of their church. Rev. 3: M. Keys, of Niagara Fells, N. Y., one of.`'our own boys, will r"•each at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.in A: booklet has been prepared. contain- ing a historical sketch. of the • early days of the church, and an invitation is extended to all our friends to join with us on this occasion. The large is 'einem n r,nred and seated for the services, so- there will be ample room to acconiodate the crowd. On Wr i1 nG.iyiP evening`. June 21st, a strawberry social will be held on the c<mrch lawn, follcrtxa-1 by a play put on hy Clint'"n Ont. St. Young People. Mr. V. H. Stephenson of Marlette 'and Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Stephenson of Varna spent Sunday with Mr, Jahn A . ,.A rmstron^' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson of Goderich visited at Mr. Art Keys on Sunday. DASH WOOD Mrs. Reid spent the weekend with her daughter at Thedford. 1Ir. and Mrs, P. Mcisaac and Mrs. Tl. Edighoffer are spending a. week with friends in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bills of De- troit spent a few days with relatives here, owing to the serious illness of her another, Mrs. H. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Rci'at. Reid and Miss Margaret Reid of Bayfield, spent Phyllis eve with Mrs. Reid and Miss s. Mr. George Stire has returned af- ter spending a week with his daughte in 'London. Quite a numher from here attended the Christian Education Rally in Zir- ieh this week. A strawberry Social will be held on the Evangelical church lawn on Wed- nesday eve. Tune 21st after which a. good program will be given. Mr. Lloyd Rader has purchased the property of the late George ,'loch on Main st. The auction sale of the effects of the late George Koch on Saturday :afternoon was largely attended. .. • . (Delayed in the Mails) A strawberry social on the Ern* elic3tt chup•eh lawn . will be held oil ?I-Wellbefidhv eveninm ?un', 21st. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob H. Ehlers nt Harrishurn,', , Pa.. spent a few day. - with relatives and friends in this vir..inity, Mr ,Sibiu Crofts"hallr spent a fr=y" day with f,•iends int Seal �- Mrs.Al. Mercer of'T 21,t4mh,11,, Mi", Va7��,,'it,n7rtilencltte: nn1' ..n11.t ''Ur I4foiton 1171 r1 "Inn 011(1 rlalnr1:17t.,1, • nl,rl \P,.1..,,. ;.r J;nii.1 t I .ii',i,.,. v- th it? 1, ,TOl is I1 t'ii' o(la. r.„ ".d •1 •",.1 sr a .11 M, C nio, rlf 17,. /C...4 "" ti , 1. :1i,T - i'" +.> .,,1; .r *t'i t.;�a rain. mother. 1Cj",". 11ff . "n" {,"l;;(% attentlino Ole Koller -Um nupti&a, During the +severe thunder storm on Saturday, lightning strum the burn of Mr. Henry England, •running .along the clothes lino and into the house, maiking a hole through the wall. Merrier --.Luft Nuptials A pretty June wedding was solein- niued at the parsonage of Zion Luth -,ran church, Dashwood, on Saturday Jane 3rd when Helen Louise, eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Theo' 1, Luft of Dashwood became the bride of Mr. Elgin Mernor, son of Mrs. and the late George •Merner also of T)ash. wood. The ceremony was perfor ne:d by the b.rid'e's father in the present» of the immediate relatives of the asesramemaametesamesaat h f� !ftptbr/ T,lutui.s;, JunejIFJiA 1089 ixride and groom Leaning on this is +uf lkir,tt' 4.'4&tessa' And to :the .5tt'ai)us of Louengliaa,s leveuuni piay- :u uy avca,,ri,tiaA )taciex°, true bride easter- ed the diving room which was ,prettily decorated with splultg dowers and • ,'urns. She wore a dusty pink French crepe dress with a quilted jacket and a ,pretty .l%icture hat of the same .,'Made. Ch'erise access,:ries and a - col°sage of briarcl.ffo roses completed tile: ensemble, Miss Mildred Luft was her sister's sbridesnnai.il, while Mit, ford 1We:riler, brother e. the groom4 acted as best man. Following the ter- einony a dainty .buffet luncheon was served. Later the happy couple left on a motor trip to eastern points - ixa . Ontario. On their return they .will reside in Tla liwood. bEASZD ury afant r o -s atr y It has proven. its Superiority by Public Acceptance. If You hr(ve not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH OCT- ANE, Better Mileage .DIXIE GAS do so Today? e U►E Do not be deceived; DIXIE is Outstanding in Quality and Price. Prove its Priced at Per Galion Tex l.ucud&d ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Make Her ous ea , Prop. us USED CARS 1928.'Chev- Coach, at l'''...._ _.._I. $05•.00' 1928 Ford Coach .at '.............r...-.85.00 1929 Exxes Coach, at _ .- ..65.00 1929 Essex Coach at .._..... �.__. 50.00 1927 Chev. Sedan, at 40.00', 1927 Ford Coach at ...._--_.».. . . 2.5.00 1930 Chev. stake truck at •# 90100; 193.0 Chev. Dump truck at _90.00 2 Good Used Fordson Tractors: New and Used Tractor PIows. SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 EXETER FORD, MERCURY, AND LINCOLN ZEPHER CARS FORD ',RUCKS AND ,FORDSON TRACTORS. • • New. LOWER Prices I Prices on ALL 1939 hedge Six and. .Datum models have been RE-. DICED! You'll praisr the gracefuli sweep of body lines . , , the ease and cortzfort of ,*be new Relaxed Ride... improved per,ormanee rf the famous: Dodge economy engine. This 'big,. longer,- Wheelbase Dedc,e also.lhaal new'.'.rrloT4 steel coil springs - improve eirp,atie-type shocks absorbers . . patented Floating ' Power hydraulic brakes. See and drive one 01 these remark- able i939 Dodge Cars TODAY! SEE US FOR' NEW LOW PRICES WARD b Distributor Zurich