HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-06-15, Page 3Sunday Schoot Lesson LESSON XII PAUL WRITES PERSONAL. LETTERS 1 Timothy 1.1-4; 6:11-16; 2 Tiu- othy 1:1.14; Titus 1:1-6; Phile- mon Printed Text, 2 Timothy 1:1-16; Philemon 1-7, 21, 22 Golden Text—Give diligence to present thyself' approved unto God, a workman that neede'th. not to be ashamed, handling a- right the word of truth. 2 Timo- thy 2:15. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time The First Epistle to Ti- mothy and the Epistle to Titus were written between Paul's first and second imprisonments in Rome about A.D. 64-66, The Second Ep- istle to Timothy was written just shortly before Paul's martyrdom, A.D. 67. We are not quite sure of what time he wrote the Epistle to Philemon, probably about A.D. 62. Place — All these epistles were written from Rome. The Epistles to Timothy were probably sent to Ephesus; the Epistle to Titus was sent to Crete; the Epistle to Phile- mon was sent to Colossae. Young Soldier of Christ Before considering some of the ver,rof Paul's two letters to Ti- mothy it will be profitable for us to recall the outstanding facts re- garding the life and work of this young soldier of Christ. It seems probable that Timothy was born at Derbe or Lystra, his father be- ing a Greek, his mother Eunice a Christion Jewess, It would appear that Paul on his second mission- ary journey found in Lystra, some- what to his surprise, this highly esteemed "believer, and, discerning in him and apt pupil and a prom- ising helper, he had him set apart by, the presbytery for the labour of an evangelist. The three most powerful incent- ives to holy living which cau exer- cise a Christian are those which Paul continues to emphasize to Ti- mothy as he writes him this urg- ent, tender, lofty letter, namely, the fact that Christ has come and saved us trete our sius,, the fact that we are appointed by him to be men and women of God, and the pact that Christ is coming back, ag- ain; the power of a finished re- demption,'the power of a holy cal lini n and the .power et a ' glorious o11 ?Christ Jesus through the will of ' hope! 2. Timothy a:1. Paul, au apostle God, according to the promise o1• life' which is in Christ Jesus, 2. to =notify, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and, Christ Jesus our Lord. 3. I do thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers in a pure conscience, ' how unceasing is my remembrance of thee in my supplications, n' end day 4. longing to see thee, re- membering thy tears, that I may be filled with joy. "This is a beouti- ful and pathetic' thanskgiring. 5. Having been reminded of the unfeigned faith that is in thee; and which dwelt first in thy graudmoth- er Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and, I am persuaded, in thee also. Guard Thg Truth 6. For which cause 1 put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee all through the laying ou of my hands. Paul directs his pen to the very 'heart of Timothy. What Paul urg- es Timothy to do is to, hold fast and never swerve from the deep, unchangeable, truths concerning Christ and his salvation. We may allow differenc- es in -secondary matters, but we :must never move from the founda- tion truths of our faith. Titus and Timothy were closely associated as companions and help - err of Paul. Timothy was sensitive and affectionate, also sympathetic and dependent. Titus reveals more .:of energy, vigor, of discretion, and of decision. Titus appears first in gal. 2:1, where Paul remarks that when he went up, to Jeresalem with Barnabas from Antioch, together with his adopted son, Timothy, and that Titus remained with him dur- ing his three years of ministry in 'Ephesus. It was he whom Paul sent to Corinth with the First Epistle to the Corinthians. All that we know at Philemon we know from'the short letter. We may' fairly assume that he was a native and inhabitant of Colossae, where his son lived and labored; that he was brought to Christ by St. Paul (v. 19). The object or the fetter to Phiiemon is explained by. its contents. Onesimus, a slaire of Philemon, had run away from hie :master and tound his way to the pity of Rome. 1. Paul, a prisoner of. Christ Je- eus, and Timothy, our brother, to Philemon; our beloved and fellow - worker, 2. and to Apphia ou: sis- ter, and to Archippus our fellow- aeldier, and to the church in thy ease: 3. Grace to you and peace from God, our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 4, I thank my Codi,]- ,Keays, anaking mention of thee in so; prayers, Their Majesties Worshipped at Hyde Park, N.Y., On Sunday ay During their visit with President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt at Hyde Park, the King and Queen attended divine service at St. James Episcopal church, RIGHT. Rev. Frank R. Wilson, pastor of the church, is shown, LEFT, pointing to the pew that was occupied by Their Majesties. G CUL Cultivation not only kills weeds, which disfigure beds of bowers and vegetables and rob these respect- able things of moisture and food, but it also keeps soil open so that it will remain sweet and absorb necessary chemicals from the air. Bacterial action beneath is also as- sisted. While a small hoe is almost an essential implement there are to- day other things which will relieve much of the drudgery which the lide still represents in the eye of the growing country boy. A little. three fingered wire cultivator will work wonders around and under growing flowers and vegetables. A Dutch hoe which is shoved along about an inch under the soil will cultivate a hundred feet or so of perennial bed in thirty minutes. For vegetable rows, there are small cultivators pushed by hand hick will cultivate a plot 100 by ENIKG TIVAT1ON w 50 in well under an hour and these can be procured in larger size for horse .or tractor. CAN START YET Even in the warmer sections of C'auada it-is•still possible to have a splendid garden. .> There 'are plen- ty of things to plant which will wine on quickly. Experienced gardeners in recent years have .been purposely holding back'a por- tion of lettuce, spinach, carrot and other vegetable seeds so that the harvesting season may be extend- ed just that much longer. Early June is the ideal time in most of Canada to plant seed of those hot weather things like mel- on, cucumber, medium or late corn and beans. It is not safe in many districts to set out celery, toma- to, cabbage and pepper plants 5. Hearing ot thy love, and of the faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all the eaints. The love was displayed to- wards the Christian congregation, the faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ; but they are so knit togeth- er where they truly exist that St. Paul speaks of them both as exhib- ited alike towards Christ and to- wards his church. 6. That the fellowship of thy own faith may become effectual, in the knowledge of every good thing that is in you, unto Christ. 7. For I had much joy and com- fort in thy Iove, because the very hearts of the saints have been re- freshed through thee, brother. The apostle now proceeds to ask his friend to take back into his' household the slave Onesimus. He asks Philemon to do this for a num- ber of reasons, 21. Having confidence in thine obedience I write unto thee, know- ing that thou 'wilt do even beyond what I say. 22. But withal prepare me also a lodging; for I hope that through your prayers I shall be granted unto you. These words in- dicate Paul's hope that he would soots be set free again. much sooner. There is still plenty of time to plant Dahlia, Gladiolus and Canna bulbs or corms among the iiowers. Refugees Help Adopted Lands Start New Industries, Cutting Unemployment In Friendly Nations Economic advantages that would accrue to Canada through the. ad- mission of carefully selected groups of refugees from Greater Germany were outlined last week by Miss Constance Hayward, executive sec- retary of the Canadian National Committee on Refugees and Vic- tims of Political Persecution. Would Bring Capital Along Many of the refugees from Ger- many,. .Czecho-Slovakia and Aus- tria, were skilled artisans, she stat- ed, and many were able to bring a considerable amount of capital with. them. She told ot how some 17,- 000 British unemployed had ob- tained work at jobs created through the settlement of about 12,000 refugees. There had been a similar creation of new work for uuemployed people in the Nether- lands by refugees who had settled in that country. Use Canadian Raw Materials "I can't see why that is not pos- sible in Canada," she said. Refer- ring to the large amount of manu- factured goods that had been im- ported into Canada from Germany last year, she suggested that many of these articles could be made here from Canadian raw materials if refugees who could start these industries were brought into the country and at the same time create a demand for labor. Because they cannot afford a proper air raid warning siren, vil- lagers of Wighton, England, have 'provided their chief Air Raid Pre- . cautions warden with a hunting horn whose call can be heard more than a anile. 1, 11 NOTES ,RADIO. By MADG1r ARCHER SUMMER HOURS More than one radio program has gone completely popular for the summer mouths. The Ford Sunday Evening Hour has been changed to the Ford Summer Hour. Same day and same time, but will feature ,lanes Melton, Francis White, Don Voorhees Orchestra and "Rouge Reporter." Rumor has it now that Magic Key is likely to switch from Sunday to Monday from 8.00 to 9 p,m. beginning June 26, and in- stead of Dr. Frank Black and his symphony, a Metropolitan singer and a Broadway player, we are to hear, Rudy Vallee, Sonia Henle and Tyrone Power. The Canadian Broadcasting Cor- poration is doing itself well in the matter of summer symphouy. Two series have been added to the net- work, the Chalet concerts from Montreal on Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9.30 pan. and the Summer Sym- phony from 'Winnipeg on Wednes- days from 11.30 to midnight. Also plans have already been made to broadcast the popular Toronto Pro- menade Concerts again this year. definite plans seem to have been made for any dramatic series, ex- cept that series which will include the production of the prize win- ning plays ot the past season's CB C dramatic Contest, AROUND THE DIAL ....Effective June 16, the WOR Symphony shifts to Fridays at 8.30 p.m. Jack Benny broadcasts from his famous home town, Waukegan, Ill., on Sun- day, June 25 Elliott Roosevelt, son of President Roosevelt, is com- mentating over Mutual on Satur- REQ'LAR FELLERS—Public Enemy WHAT'S BEING IN JAIL LiKE, DAISYBE LLE ? WHAT A QUESTION, PINHEAD! ITS LiKE 'YOU SEE. IT IN THE MOVIES! YOU WEAR A STRIPED SUiT AND YOU LIVE BEH1NO BARS, AND 'YOU EAT NOTHING', 13UT 6READ ANb WATER! VSts 00* Heal. I -hinters Roamed West Evidence that a tribe of head Minting Indians once roamed Utah has been compiled by Frank Beak- with, Delta, Utah, newspaperman and historian, after 25 years' study of Indian rock pictures.' Included in his manuscript is a days 'at '7.15 p.m. Arch Oboler's Plays have been switched from 10 p;m. to 9.30 p.m. on Saturday evenings, beginning June 24. TO BE HEARD June 16, at 8 p.m., NBC, CBL, Cities Services 8,30 p.m., CBC, CBL -- Miss Trent's Children 9 p.m., CBS, CFRB: — Tune Up Time 10.15 p.m., CBC, CBL — My Home Town June 17, 7 pan., CBC, CBL — The Little Review ...... 8 p.m., CBS, MBS'..— Johnny Presents 9 pan., CBS Honolulu Bund ,...., 10 p.m., NBC, :CBL — Arch Oboler's Plays June 18, 2 p.m., NBC — Magic Key ' 3 p.m., CBS, CFRB — Col- umbia Symphony 4,30 p.m., CBS International Polo Matches 8 p.m., NEC, CBL -- Chase and Sanborn Hour 9 p.m., CBS, OFRB — Ford Summer Hour 9 p,m., CBC, CBL — Prize ,Winning Play Produced June 19, 8 p.m., CBS, CFRB — Tuue Up Time ...... 8 pan., NBC, CBL — Al Pearce 9 p.m., CBS, CFRB — Radio Theatre ....,. 10.50 p.m., CBS, CFRB Columbia Workshop June 20, 8 p.m., CBS, CFRB — Ed. G. Rob- inson 8.30 p,m., NBC, CBL — Informatiou Please 9 p.m., 'OBS, CFRB — We, the People 9.30 p.ni., NBC, CBL — Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly June 21, NBC, CBL — One Man's Family 8.30 p,m. — Alfred Wallenstein, guest conductor MVIontreal Symphony 9.30 p.m., CBC, CBL — Percy Faith's Music June 22, 8 p.m., NBC — Rudy Vallee 9 pat., NBC, CBL — Good News ,.,.. 9 p.an. CBS, CFRB — Major Bowes Am- ateur Hour 10 pane NEC, CBI. —Bing Crosby WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT JAIL 1$ LiKE. FOR, PINHEAD?'YOU DONT EXPECT TO r4 THERE, DO You ? photograph and description of a exude petroglyph which show two warriors returning from a raiding party carrying a human head. Utah's petroglyphs, or rock pie - tures, are remarkably well preseli' ed Beckwith found. Cut in the rock wals and cliffs with a sharp Mediu- meat, their age baa been variously eetimated as 600 to 1,200 yearn. They served the ancient tribes as guides and records. M fIS CURIOUS WORLD Ferguson SAWDUST WHICH CLIMES FROM THE SAWING - OF A DIAMOND 15 THE WALLS OF THEc GliagNTC ,Cron ARE PLE.PTED Liter Atv ACC-OP.DION, WHICH ALLOWS THEM TO: EXPAND AND ACCOMMODATE ANY AMOUNT OF WATE1 THAT IS AVAILABLE, SOME SPECIES *OF DEEPS —' ' ARF1 E5 COPR. 1937 EV NEA SERVICE. INC., .- .�LTHOUC+H-the diamond is among the clearest of all known substances, when ground fine it resembles the powdex from a lead pencil. The beauty of the diamond is due to the reflection and re- fraction of light entering the stone. NEXT: What was the only means of defense of the stegasaurat 3inesaur? 1. Versatile Actress 1 'HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle ©Woo®o© 001EIBo©l OMOOM 000 -o©cPR; ©C7®©©© ©©© ®®® 0M®UEIBD MUD BO 0012i DO ' MMIA MEM 0®® ROBR o©w o OH MO lin WI ©©R DO©00©® ©OQOMR IMO liN112M; ©©UM EO GADO© UICIEMINEIN 1,9 -Motion picture actress 6 Knock. 14 Competitor, 15 Self. '16 Impetuous. 17 -Leopard: 18 To peruse. 19 Soon. 21 Party in lawsuit. 24 Buried. 27 Pitcher. 30 Heavy string. 31 You and I. 49 Indian race. area: 32 Incarnation of 52 English coin. 2 Part of mouth. Vishnu. 53 Heathen god. 3 Bugle plant. 33 Golf device. 54 To rub out. 4 Combed with 34 37 Equipage. 55 Rodents. a card. 35 Rubber trees. 5'7 She was born 5'Senior- Before Christ. in --- ---- 6 Recession. 38 Festival.58 She is the7 Prize contest. 39 Genuine. daughter of a 8 Tiny lake. 41 Smoldering famous 9 Leguminous coals. theatrical plant. 45 Full of 10 One who puddles. VERTICAL rants. 48 Folin of "be." 1 Measure of 11 Since. I 111 !iir Liii illu 12 Lion's home. 13 Year. 20 She acts in comedies i!n _---3. 22 Not many. .23 She acted in --.on than , stage. 25 Christmas carol. 26 Elm. 28 Merchandise. 29 To eject. 36 Made of steel. 37 Fierce wind. 38 Low soft hat. 40 Railroad. 42 Manufactured, 43 Forehead. 44 Wine vessel. 45 Pretense. 46 To p1311 along. 47 Tardy. 50 Noah's boat. 51 Distinctive theory. 53 Within. 56 Senior. By GENE BYRNES II 'iI h ll 1. WOULD BE. A BIT SURPRISED I I'M TAKIN' BACK A LIBRARY BOOK ANS ITS TWO WEEKS OVERDUE/ -"en 000 4,1 ll 411.0 aL+;lroee retry» r.. Q, S. 7'.C. O! Je eeneenoe..,._