Zurich Herald, 1939-06-08, Page 41111414% Irtetnt, A .BAN Mit ACCOUNTS AVE WELCOME' 2 kt A Seven years ago we couldn't lave bought the doorknobs .. today the house is ours; it's small but it's paid for -thanks to that Bank of Montreal savings plan we followed." a rkT 17 fp? I riA "TEAL ESTABLISHED 1817 Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager 'YOUR BAN.R. t'.1,;D HOW YOU MAY USE 1T" -Ask for bookie, Cilgai==t1,33.1. 711 ' 7 Ii[L+11 e-;! nniet17,---rirera....-....:,...„6‘7_, lit.IL..,..,.r.' : r7 -ii---- ''' ','-1 ",--.__ ...'.j., 11 --Tr- ,,,1212111 No more do people draw water from the Old Village Well, but many homes still depend on the antiquated iron pump. It is back -breaking work to pump and carry water :to the house in all kinds of weather. Don't make your family put up with such out-of-date methods any longer. An up-to-date, compact Duro u,kp$y System -will furnish running 'water under pressure to kitghens bathrimm, laundry -a.n&farm Running water .1so permits the Pt lt_lt L. installation of a Modern Emco Bathroom, a very necessany con- venience for the health and well- being of your family.Also,Mod- ern Erricioffiiteh en equipmentttoless- en the drudgery of housework. Emco ifixtures and equipment are moderately. priced. The Snow -White 20". x 42" enamelled Sink only., including faucet ready for installa- tion, costs ...$29.75 Sink and Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated $57.15. (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hortr.; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank, 25 or 60 cycleirnotor, and costs only $87.00• Small Monthly Payments The Government Home Improvement Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables you to purchase Eineo fixtures, fittinees and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay- ment plan over a period of three 'ease. Enquiries given prompt attentien and estimates supplied without charge. STADE and WEIDO -- ZURICH — ONT. Duro-Special Mo supplied for EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Gasoline Engine operation &oaten Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver : amossoommosommoo. 139 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Stephe.nson families held their zannual reunionat Bayfield 011 Sat - Israel. The atttlidance was good, 0,- aiout. 120 present and a very enjoy - :able day spent. by Among thoee presee$t from a dis- tame were: Mr. W Stenheneoe , Var. and Mrs, Orval SterAepson and Itirtily, Mr, and Mrs, Alex.. :',and Mrs. T1.1111nT, Ur, and Mr,', 'atson etll of Marlette, Mich, ..The *hxoe McLaughlin brothers and thait 'Mie s of Detroit. %re. j. 'Collins of London is visit,. N; 140tb.01!! VIM W. Aritstrorgl • HILLSGREEN ‘k Mr. .Harold Reichert spent a day in London. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squire of Tor- onto, accompanied by Mt. and Mrs M. Elliott of Mitchell, visited with Mr. sad Mrs. Chas, Robinson. Master Bob Lye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love is (leing nicely after having his tonsils and adenoids re - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidenn ewe Sunday With the letter pnycn„.I.$ 7Astowc,r, ZURICH HEI1AD) St. Joseph and Beaver Town • xr, and Mrs, Victor Brisson ..and Misses Doris and Eva Cantin of De- troit, have returned to their home on Monday, after spending the week- end in St. Joseph with. their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of Blake were Sunday visitors with M. and Mrs, F. Ducharme of the Blue Water south. Mr, ;Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Town is laid up with an attack of rhermi-' atic pain in his knee. Mr. Clayton Smith and Sons have completed the painting of their sum- mer cottage. and now have it hi con, dition for use by their summer cus- tomers. Rev. Father Martin of St, Peter's parish left on Stmday for New York. where he will spend some time at the World's Fair. • - The trustees of School Section No. 11, have re-engaged Mr. W. H. Bra- kenshire as their teacher for another year. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ducharrrxe of the Blue Water south, and Mr. Eddio: Brisson of Beaver Town called on Mr and Mrs. N. A. Canty' of St. ,Toseph on Sunday evening. Mrs. Josephine Primeau of Chic- ago is spending a few days in the vie. inity with her many friends and re- latives. BLAKE A most wonderful day with excell- ent weather,- spring flowers and fine speakers added greatly to the anniv- ersary services held in c.r.wC islake church on Sunday, June 4. A good at, tendance at both services with a large circle of former Blake church memb- ers present to join in making the occasion a splendd success. Rev. Lane of Wesley Willis church, Clin• ton, conducted the morning service and Rev. Whiteley of Hohnesyille gave an address at the evening serv- ice. The choir under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stelck sang; singing in the morning accompanied at the organ with Mrs. E. Stelck; and quar- tettes .composed of, Mrs. E. Stelck, Misses Pearl Gabel, Beatrice Manson, Grace McBride and Kathleen Hey., singing 'Facing Forward" and "In the Garden" at the evening service Messrs W. Goodwin, H. Horton, Mrs. Horton and Miss Brook of Hensall sang, ac- compariied by .Miss G. Lammie, Dear Lord •and Father of Mankind, and. Safely Through Another Week which were very fitting for the annivers2ry• Mr. and Mrs. Eghert Faber and Carol of Tuckersmith Twp., near Hensall called on friends on the Br- onson and Town Line on Sande,/ MTS. Attridge of G-oderich and Mrs. Pieligan of, ,'Paisley were: recti t 41;rierrettieri'^nr0tner 1erts77,7 ularke. • ••-;Many friends of the, late Mr. John Douglas were sadly mourned to heel/ of his death on Monday, after a ling- ering illness of t few months. He was Highly thought off as a neighbor and friend. Those who knew him • best spoke very fittingly of his highest es- teem, -Rev. C. 13. Heckendorn of Em- manuel Evangelical church , Zurich will be in charge of the funeral on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were to London last week visiting their dau- ghter Miss Eugene at St. 7oseph's Hospital who is engaged at that inst- Ittition -at --present. Many are taking the opportunity of seeine. the King and Queen at Lon- lion-Wddriesday.. 1.1Vss ean Hey of London visited hei 'parents on Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs D. 'Turner of London spent the day with Mrs. Turner's parents. IVir. and 'Mrs. R. N.-Dow:las and l'lisq tredve • The W.M. S. Will he held on Wed June 14, veith Mrs. T. Dinsmore' .group'in-tharge of the program. -eeosfanyd'briffot hoar by AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Honsehoht Effects at DA.SHWOOD, on SATURDAY, JUNE i 0th, 11./S« Commencing. It 1 o'clock Household Effect.3- Cupboard, Ex- tension table, dropleaf table, wash Aand, electric plate, 4 -burner oil 3t0Ve, bed room stut with mattress; unied oak dining room suit, buffet, electric radio, 2 wictor reeking elm- .irs, end table, a nurmer of pictures, dresser, stand, bed, 4 otliox beds, 3 springs, wicker ferm:ry, hammock, bureau, wardrobe, trunk, suit (1RSQS, parolr rocker, rocking cirair, dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, quilt- ing frames, curtain i..tvetchers, pile el- ectric irun, clock, small eitg.P , 2 other rugs, parlor rug, quantity f carpets, 111RA, mirrors, 3 lamps, carpenter tools, busksaw, shov,pa Ll, wheel- barrowtar er, w 0 .cic be n , flour bin, 4 -gal. Mock, 3 -gal. croe&.• elcetrie wa4i.ng machine, coal oil stovo, washb'oirci, ironhllg ;.ward boiler, water pail, 'wash basin, ungc: kett.e, kettle boiler, frying. pad, ,ard can, clothes basket, number of keftles, crocks, scales, quantity of lflettt grinder, sad irons, ca•r- pet sweeper, tea pot, tea kettle, sugar kettle, armchair, 4 barrels, brooms, rolling pin, tea set, wire gat'e, sewing machine, baby carriage .cane nearly nr.N.-; full set of dishes, dozen silver knives and forks, spoons, fruit dishes and nany other dishes, glass tumblers and numerous other article. TERMS of Household Effects, Cash. REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES: Property in Dashwood, on Hay Tp. 'lid-, on Main street, has brick house with kitchen; garage, both and Soft wattr; good cellar, full lot, nottee for :hydro, has furnace instai-. led, telephone, also same pear trce.1 A very desi,able property. Farm—Consisting of fifty acree, Moro or lebS, quarter mile south of. Dashwood, 'being south -half of LoL 23 Concession 13, Stephen Tw There is on the premises a large ,barn 400 ft.; frame house, plenty oC water; is well fenced and well drain- ed. Land is in good state of cultivat- ion. . At the same time there will be off- .cred the Property of the lace John Willert Estate in Dashwood, consist - of a frame house, kitchen attach- ed, nice small bank barn, plenty of hard and soft water, fruit trees, ,housc is wired for Hydro. Mr. Ed. Willert is Executor of the late John Willett Estate. TERMS of Properties -10 per cent to be paid on day of sale and balance in 30 days. All parcels Will be off- ered subject to a reserved bid, Will ...be hiela 7dn' elnirch 7 "7-77-7" Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. M.:IWerner, Clerk. Louis H. Rader and Val Becker, Exe- cutors late George Keen. Estate w`-r1P- DASH W 0 0 D i:(Delnyed in the Mails) (Cnnimerreing',..the first week in Jame Dashwood will observe the weekly Wednesday half holiday from June uettiletheeendociffSeptember. The stor- es will be open Tuesday evenings. Children's Day will be observed in the vangelical ;ehurch on Sunday, Tune -the lith. A •special program is being rieveparell. Mr. {Gordon Goete and sister Laura of Men.° are spending a few dayv with Ilr..:and 'Mrs. 'R. Goetz.. Mre. 'Wiggine 'of Ingersoll spent the week -end with 'her sister, Mrs. Fas- sold. Mrs. C. IHoffman and daughter Lily end Mrs. It. :EdIstoin fpf London, call- ed on relatives 'here eon the 24th. Mrs. Heriekine of St..Thomas ,spent e 'few days . -With her mother, Mrs. 5, ,Gottechalk. Mr. and Men.. Sirfith of Wind - 'r and Mrs. iG'. 'Thompson of Detroit. ,,pent• the holiday -with 'Mr, and mra. E. ,Baker. Mr: and Mrs. Ira 'Tieman 4,re Guelph Anent the week -end with his parents; Mr, eted Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor, Mrs. ill'ENT17y1" Tiernan, .Mrs. A. E. OeStreicher ere Miss Aldeen Eagleson attended the W. M. S. Convention in Strattere recontlY, Mrs, R. Raker i spending e few weeks with her daughters in Windsor and Detroit, Mrs, Nicholson and Mrs, P ,Sxrdr)- and daughter Mildred' of London, cal- led on Mr, Jonas Hanticib :Ind Lay tdr on Wednesday. 14-e v,e40,r Koloremn • of ,Toronft and Mrs- G, Mrs, James MaeMartin returned to her home in Barrie after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. R. Bose- thron. Miss Kilpatrick, of Strathroy re- turned to her position as teacher at the High School Monday last after convalescing from scarlet fever. Miss I'lumsteol of Clinton was supplying !luring iMss Kilpatrick's ailsence. Thos. S'haddick has purchased the property of Wm, Foster on the eor- ner of Richmond and King sts, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettygreey and family, of Detroit, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess and family, Mr. Pettygrewbeing a bro- ther of Mrs. .Hess. Tlienesaem Oune Stil, 1039. George Brock is recovering from a heart attack recently. • Miss Maitha Hunter, who under- went !an operation in Victoria Hos- pital, /London, recenty, is recovering and is soon expected home again, Mr, and Mrs. Verne Redden have moved into the dwelling east of the highway reeently vacated by A, Prior Miss Irene Douglae-supplied at the High School In the absence of R. J. Moore, who Is .in London marking papers. Mrs. John Elder was in Toronto last week, visiting her sister, Dr. Jen- nie Snalie, and other relatives. Mrs. Fines of Clinton, and sister of Detroit were visiting ther relative, Mrs, T. W. Parlmer who accompani- ed them to 'Clinton. essmossenuannwamenreseasowaseasensurnmEnainosionemenurearmairamenramalmsmseziaser:mexosams called on friends here last week. Ms. Gill and daughter Phyllis of Grand Bend and Mrs. Patterson of Windsor visited with Mrs. Gill on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomspon and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver of Dor- chester were Sunday visitors with Kr. -and Mrs. A. E. Oestreieher. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender of Toronto spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Mrs. J. H. Lane is spending a few days with friends in Bryanston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcflierson and 'daughter Ruth of Bryanston sp ent the 24th holiday with Mr. and Nes. A. E. Oestreicher. r. Roe Neel) and sister, Mrs. H. Moser of Pontiac, Mich., spent a few with their mother, Mrs. Mary Noeb.. Lutheran League Tho young people of Zion Lutheran Church liellt1 'the -first May meeting with bible study. On May 9th the pastor, Bev. Theo Luft gare et track :liscussion on "Giving the First Fru• its unto Gear: The following week the suli:ject wa, topic study on "Your Bible' which. Was very interesting. The next week the pastor gave a lee- ' tura On the Christian's attitude to- ward wan 0-n May 30th the regular business was taken up folowed by the ,annual election of officers: Presi- dent, Harold Kraft; Vive-Pres. Hilde- gard Mueller; Treasurer, Herbert Mueller, Secretary, Leona Fischer: Librarian, Dorothy Kraft; Asst. Gar net Weinberg. ENSALL Miss Maude Glenn of Toronto ie visiting with her 'brothers, Geo. and Jelin Glenn. Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has been visiting for several weeks with hei son Wm. and daughter Mrs. G. Vo in Detroit, has returned home. Wire Voth and little • daughterwill visit here for a while, Harold 'I3onthrott, who is attending esehaboing schoel in Toronto, was a Visitor at his home he.re, ROC Passmore, who has been at- tending Vivinity College, in Toronto I! is staring at his home herl. Mrs. arbara Ferguson, ..rbin 13, who has been managing A. W. ,F,. EEc htphill's drug store for the pat few years, has resigned and returned to 1 bier home in Tillsonburg, Mer.' 1 ggeknien, Phm.B. of Toronto is tak ng hex' position. Mr, and Mrs, A. Smillie of Toronto ,144,41.11 fqw dtoivith thtit S0.11, 11r • It has proven its Superiority by Pic Acceptance. If You have not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH OCT- ANE, Better Mileage DIXIE GAS do so Today! Be UP-TO-IDATE Do mt. bet deceived; DIXIE is Outstanding in and nice. Make us Prove it! Priced at Per Gallon Tax /riciuclul ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE AND SERVICE STATI iN. Herb. Mousseau, Prop, 4 Jr.2=721)==.11281.31121118=7EINIMAMISIVIIMOMM7S=CHIBMISE=18111116=10iniP L USED -CARS • 1928 Chew. Coach, at $35.00 1928 Ford. Coach at 85. 00 1929 Exxes• Coach, at 65.00 1929 Essex_ Coach at ....... 50.00 1927 Chew Sedan, at............__ 40.00 1927 Ford.Coach at • 25.00.- 90.,00 1930 Chev: Dump truck at .. . 90.00 2 Good USed:FOrdSon. Traaors. New and Used. Tractor Plows. 1930 Chev. stake. truck at SANDY ELLIOT. Phone 64 EXETER FORD, MERCURY, AND LINCOLN ZEPHER CARS FORD TRUCKS AND FORDSON TRACTORS. 71,7512311EXTIVIENEMW • . 1442`iff LOWER Prices Prices on ALL 1939 Dodge Six and DeLnae models has been RE. DII:C:ED1 You'll praise the gracekul &-Weep of body lines , the ease and' xpinfcat ex the new Relaxed Ride ..'- •itaproveci performance cf the famous 'Diedge 'economy engine. This big, longer -wheelbase Dodge also has new Alnola steel call springs improved airplane -type shock absorbers „ - patented Floating Power — hydraulic brakes'. See and adrive one of these reinarlil: airte, 1939 Dodge cars TODAY! WARD FRITZ - Distiihutor - Zurich 4 r 1E:77 - Emco ,,._.'" Emco ifixtures and equipment are moderately. priced. The Snow -White 20". x 42" enamelled Sink only., including faucet ready for installa- tion, costs ...$29.75 Sink and Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated $57.15. (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) The Duro Special pump has a capacity of 250 gals. per hortr.; is supplied with a 25 gal. tank, 25 or 60 cycleirnotor, and costs only $87.00• Small Monthly Payments The Government Home Improvement Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables you to purchase Eineo fixtures, fittinees and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay- ment plan over a period of three 'ease. Enquiries given prompt attentien and estimates supplied without charge. STADE and WEIDO -- ZURICH — ONT. Duro-Special Mo supplied for EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Gasoline Engine operation &oaten Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver : amossoommosommoo. 139 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Stephe.nson families held their zannual reunionat Bayfield 011 Sat - Israel. The atttlidance was good, 0,- aiout. 120 present and a very enjoy - :able day spent. by Among thoee presee$t from a dis- tame were: Mr. W Stenheneoe , Var. and Mrs, Orval SterAepson and Itirtily, Mr, and Mrs, Alex.. :',and Mrs. T1.1111nT, Ur, and Mr,', 'atson etll of Marlette, Mich, ..The *hxoe McLaughlin brothers and thait 'Mie s of Detroit. %re. j. 'Collins of London is visit,. N; 140tb.01!! VIM W. Aritstrorgl • HILLSGREEN ‘k Mr. .Harold Reichert spent a day in London. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squire of Tor- onto, accompanied by Mt. and Mrs M. Elliott of Mitchell, visited with Mr. sad Mrs. Chas, Robinson. Master Bob Lye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love is (leing nicely after having his tonsils and adenoids re - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidenn ewe Sunday With the letter pnycn„.I.$ 7Astowc,r, ZURICH HEI1AD) St. Joseph and Beaver Town • xr, and Mrs, Victor Brisson ..and Misses Doris and Eva Cantin of De- troit, have returned to their home on Monday, after spending the week- end in St. Joseph with. their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of Blake were Sunday visitors with M. and Mrs, F. Ducharme of the Blue Water south. Mr, ;Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Town is laid up with an attack of rhermi-' atic pain in his knee. Mr. Clayton Smith and Sons have completed the painting of their sum- mer cottage. and now have it hi con, dition for use by their summer cus- tomers. Rev. Father Martin of St, Peter's parish left on Stmday for New York. where he will spend some time at the World's Fair. • - The trustees of School Section No. 11, have re-engaged Mr. W. H. Bra- kenshire as their teacher for another year. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ducharrrxe of the Blue Water south, and Mr. Eddio: Brisson of Beaver Town called on Mr and Mrs. N. A. Canty' of St. ,Toseph on Sunday evening. Mrs. Josephine Primeau of Chic- ago is spending a few days in the vie. inity with her many friends and re- latives. BLAKE A most wonderful day with excell- ent weather,- spring flowers and fine speakers added greatly to the anniv- ersary services held in c.r.wC islake church on Sunday, June 4. A good at, tendance at both services with a large circle of former Blake church memb- ers present to join in making the occasion a splendd success. Rev. Lane of Wesley Willis church, Clin• ton, conducted the morning service and Rev. Whiteley of Hohnesyille gave an address at the evening serv- ice. The choir under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stelck sang; singing in the morning accompanied at the organ with Mrs. E. Stelck; and quar- tettes .composed of, Mrs. E. Stelck, Misses Pearl Gabel, Beatrice Manson, Grace McBride and Kathleen Hey., singing 'Facing Forward" and "In the Garden" at the evening service Messrs W. Goodwin, H. Horton, Mrs. Horton and Miss Brook of Hensall sang, ac- compariied by .Miss G. Lammie, Dear Lord •and Father of Mankind, and. Safely Through Another Week which were very fitting for the annivers2ry• Mr. and Mrs. Eghert Faber and Carol of Tuckersmith Twp., near Hensall called on friends on the Br- onson and Town Line on Sande,/ MTS. Attridge of G-oderich and Mrs. Pieligan of, ,'Paisley were: recti t 41;rierrettieri'^nr0tner 1erts77,7 ularke. • ••-;Many friends of the, late Mr. John Douglas were sadly mourned to heel/ of his death on Monday, after a ling- ering illness of t few months. He was Highly thought off as a neighbor and friend. Those who knew him • best spoke very fittingly of his highest es- teem, -Rev. C. 13. Heckendorn of Em- manuel Evangelical church , Zurich will be in charge of the funeral on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were to London last week visiting their dau- ghter Miss Eugene at St. 7oseph's Hospital who is engaged at that inst- Ittition -at --present. Many are taking the opportunity of seeine. the King and Queen at Lon- lion-Wddriesday.. 1.1Vss ean Hey of London visited hei 'parents on Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs D. 'Turner of London spent the day with Mrs. Turner's parents. IVir. and 'Mrs. R. N.-Dow:las and l'lisq tredve • The W.M. S. Will he held on Wed June 14, veith Mrs. T. Dinsmore' .group'in-tharge of the program. -eeosfanyd'briffot hoar by AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Honsehoht Effects at DA.SHWOOD, on SATURDAY, JUNE i 0th, 11./S« Commencing. It 1 o'clock Household Effect.3- Cupboard, Ex- tension table, dropleaf table, wash Aand, electric plate, 4 -burner oil 3t0Ve, bed room stut with mattress; unied oak dining room suit, buffet, electric radio, 2 wictor reeking elm- .irs, end table, a nurmer of pictures, dresser, stand, bed, 4 otliox beds, 3 springs, wicker ferm:ry, hammock, bureau, wardrobe, trunk, suit (1RSQS, parolr rocker, rocking cirair, dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, quilt- ing frames, curtain i..tvetchers, pile el- ectric irun, clock, small eitg.P , 2 other rugs, parlor rug, quantity f carpets, 111RA, mirrors, 3 lamps, carpenter tools, busksaw, shov,pa Ll, wheel- barrowtar er, w 0 .cic be n , flour bin, 4 -gal. Mock, 3 -gal. croe&.• elcetrie wa4i.ng machine, coal oil stovo, washb'oirci, ironhllg ;.ward boiler, water pail, 'wash basin, ungc: kett.e, kettle boiler, frying. pad, ,ard can, clothes basket, number of keftles, crocks, scales, quantity of lflettt grinder, sad irons, ca•r- pet sweeper, tea pot, tea kettle, sugar kettle, armchair, 4 barrels, brooms, rolling pin, tea set, wire gat'e, sewing machine, baby carriage .cane nearly nr.N.-; full set of dishes, dozen silver knives and forks, spoons, fruit dishes and nany other dishes, glass tumblers and numerous other article. TERMS of Household Effects, Cash. REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES: Property in Dashwood, on Hay Tp. 'lid-, on Main street, has brick house with kitchen; garage, both and Soft wattr; good cellar, full lot, nottee for :hydro, has furnace instai-. led, telephone, also same pear trce.1 A very desi,able property. Farm—Consisting of fifty acree, Moro or lebS, quarter mile south of. Dashwood, 'being south -half of LoL 23 Concession 13, Stephen Tw There is on the premises a large ,barn 400 ft.; frame house, plenty oC water; is well fenced and well drain- ed. Land is in good state of cultivat- ion. . At the same time there will be off- .cred the Property of the lace John Willert Estate in Dashwood, consist - of a frame house, kitchen attach- ed, nice small bank barn, plenty of hard and soft water, fruit trees, ,housc is wired for Hydro. Mr. Ed. Willert is Executor of the late John Willett Estate. TERMS of Properties -10 per cent to be paid on day of sale and balance in 30 days. All parcels Will be off- ered subject to a reserved bid, Will ...be hiela 7dn' elnirch 7 "7-77-7" Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. M.:IWerner, Clerk. Louis H. Rader and Val Becker, Exe- cutors late George Keen. Estate w`-r1P- DASH W 0 0 D i:(Delnyed in the Mails) (Cnnimerreing',..the first week in Jame Dashwood will observe the weekly Wednesday half holiday from June uettiletheeendociffSeptember. The stor- es will be open Tuesday evenings. Children's Day will be observed in the vangelical ;ehurch on Sunday, Tune -the lith. A •special program is being rieveparell. Mr. {Gordon Goete and sister Laura of Men.° are spending a few dayv with Ilr..:and 'Mrs. 'R. Goetz.. Mre. 'Wiggine 'of Ingersoll spent the week -end with 'her sister, Mrs. Fas- sold. Mrs. C. IHoffman and daughter Lily end Mrs. It. :EdIstoin fpf London, call- ed on relatives 'here eon the 24th. Mrs. Heriekine of St..Thomas ,spent e 'few days . -With her mother, Mrs. 5, ,Gottechalk. Mr. and Men.. Sirfith of Wind - 'r and Mrs. iG'. 'Thompson of Detroit. ,,pent• the holiday -with 'Mr, and mra. E. ,Baker. Mr: and Mrs. Ira 'Tieman 4,re Guelph Anent the week -end with his parents; Mr, eted Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor, Mrs. ill'ENT17y1" Tiernan, .Mrs. A. E. OeStreicher ere Miss Aldeen Eagleson attended the W. M. S. Convention in Strattere recontlY, Mrs, R. Raker i spending e few weeks with her daughters in Windsor and Detroit, Mrs, Nicholson and Mrs, P ,Sxrdr)- and daughter Mildred' of London, cal- led on Mr, Jonas Hanticib :Ind Lay tdr on Wednesday. 14-e v,e40,r Koloremn • of ,Toronft and Mrs- G, Mrs, James MaeMartin returned to her home in Barrie after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. R. Bose- thron. Miss Kilpatrick, of Strathroy re- turned to her position as teacher at the High School Monday last after convalescing from scarlet fever. Miss I'lumsteol of Clinton was supplying !luring iMss Kilpatrick's ailsence. Thos. S'haddick has purchased the property of Wm, Foster on the eor- ner of Richmond and King sts, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettygreey and family, of Detroit, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess and family, Mr. Pettygrewbeing a bro- ther of Mrs. .Hess. Tlienesaem Oune Stil, 1039. George Brock is recovering from a heart attack recently. • Miss Maitha Hunter, who under- went !an operation in Victoria Hos- pital, /London, recenty, is recovering and is soon expected home again, Mr, and Mrs. Verne Redden have moved into the dwelling east of the highway reeently vacated by A, Prior Miss Irene Douglae-supplied at the High School In the absence of R. J. Moore, who Is .in London marking papers. Mrs. John Elder was in Toronto last week, visiting her sister, Dr. Jen- nie Snalie, and other relatives. Mrs. Fines of Clinton, and sister of Detroit were visiting ther relative, Mrs, T. W. Parlmer who accompani- ed them to 'Clinton. essmossenuannwamenreseasowaseasensurnmEnainosionemenurearmairamenramalmsmseziaser:mexosams called on friends here last week. Ms. Gill and daughter Phyllis of Grand Bend and Mrs. Patterson of Windsor visited with Mrs. Gill on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomspon and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver of Dor- chester were Sunday visitors with Kr. -and Mrs. A. E. Oestreieher. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender of Toronto spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Mrs. J. H. Lane is spending a few days with friends in Bryanston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mcflierson and 'daughter Ruth of Bryanston sp ent the 24th holiday with Mr. and Nes. A. E. Oestreicher. r. Roe Neel) and sister, Mrs. H. Moser of Pontiac, Mich., spent a few with their mother, Mrs. Mary Noeb.. Lutheran League Tho young people of Zion Lutheran Church liellt1 'the -first May meeting with bible study. On May 9th the pastor, Bev. Theo Luft gare et track :liscussion on "Giving the First Fru• its unto Gear: The following week the suli:ject wa, topic study on "Your Bible' which. Was very interesting. The next week the pastor gave a lee- ' tura On the Christian's attitude to- ward wan 0-n May 30th the regular business was taken up folowed by the ,annual election of officers: Presi- dent, Harold Kraft; Vive-Pres. Hilde- gard Mueller; Treasurer, Herbert Mueller, Secretary, Leona Fischer: Librarian, Dorothy Kraft; Asst. Gar net Weinberg. ENSALL Miss Maude Glenn of Toronto ie visiting with her 'brothers, Geo. and Jelin Glenn. Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has been visiting for several weeks with hei son Wm. and daughter Mrs. G. Vo in Detroit, has returned home. Wire Voth and little • daughterwill visit here for a while, Harold 'I3onthrott, who is attending esehaboing schoel in Toronto, was a Visitor at his home he.re, ROC Passmore, who has been at- tending Vivinity College, in Toronto I! is staring at his home herl. Mrs. arbara Ferguson, ..rbin 13, who has been managing A. W. ,F,. EEc htphill's drug store for the pat few years, has resigned and returned to 1 bier home in Tillsonburg, Mer.' 1 ggeknien, Phm.B. of Toronto is tak ng hex' position. Mr, and Mrs, A. Smillie of Toronto ,144,41.11 fqw dtoivith thtit S0.11, 11r • It has proven its Superiority by Pic Acceptance. If You have not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH OCT- ANE, Better Mileage DIXIE GAS do so Today! Be UP-TO-IDATE Do mt. bet deceived; DIXIE is Outstanding in and nice. Make us Prove it! Priced at Per Gallon Tax /riciuclul ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE AND SERVICE STATI iN. Herb. Mousseau, Prop, 4 Jr.2=721)==.11281.31121118=7EINIMAMISIVIIMOMM7S=CHIBMISE=18111116=10iniP L USED -CARS • 1928 Chew. Coach, at $35.00 1928 Ford. Coach at 85. 00 1929 Exxes• Coach, at 65.00 1929 Essex_ Coach at ....... 50.00 1927 Chew Sedan, at............__ 40.00 1927 Ford.Coach at • 25.00.- 90.,00 1930 Chev: Dump truck at .. . 90.00 2 Good USed:FOrdSon. Traaors. New and Used. Tractor Plows. 1930 Chev. stake. truck at SANDY ELLIOT. Phone 64 EXETER FORD, MERCURY, AND LINCOLN ZEPHER CARS FORD TRUCKS AND FORDSON TRACTORS. 71,7512311EXTIVIENEMW • . 1442`iff LOWER Prices Prices on ALL 1939 Dodge Six and DeLnae models has been RE. DII:C:ED1 You'll praise the gracekul &-Weep of body lines , the ease and' xpinfcat ex the new Relaxed Ride ..'- •itaproveci performance cf the famous 'Diedge 'economy engine. This big, longer -wheelbase Dodge also has new Alnola steel call springs improved airplane -type shock absorbers „ - patented Floating Power — hydraulic brakes'. See and adrive one of these reinarlil: airte, 1939 Dodge cars TODAY! WARD FRITZ - Distiihutor - Zurich 4 r