HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-18, Page 8t'4 `xE EIGHT ZURICH HERALD THE STORE WITH THE STOCK aUu use 'I rims m.s Let Us Show You our Stock of Tuscan Netts, Scrims and Rayon Curtain Goods by the yard or Ready Made, 'Priced from 15c to 75c a yard. Lino elf . ms 5 Pieces of 4 -yard wide Linoleum to choose from, Priced 3.40 to 3.60 a yard 3 yard wide Congoleum at yd 1.95 3 yard wide Feltol at yd. i .65 2 yard wide Rexolum at 70c 2 yard wide Rexfelt at yard 59c Made Up Cul( tains 49c to $3.50 a pair. GROCERY SPECIALS Rinso, 1 large, 1 small Oranges, per dozen Salted Sodas, 2 lbs Cornflakes, 2 for Salmon, l s. l-eas and Corn, canned, Chick Oatmeal, 9 lbs. Post Bran Flakes at Large Sack puffed wheat at 25c i 5c 20c 15c 1Oc 25c 75c 10c 20c 3 for This is Pineapple Week. Get your Supply Now 1 " E ai a, fi':,. t. PRC:.JUCE WANTED r 'P7 *a PHONE 59 Heron & Erie ebantures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Amounts for.. $20O:O0 .. ,and over Accepted Anyp 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Fears 311 per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 31k% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative 1615 ZUViCh Zurich 1 111 1111 11 1111111 111111 111H111111111111111II MI II IIII Toll 11 i ll. IRi Rinso, 1 large and 1 small pkg. Butter Sodas, salted, 2 lbs pkg. Huskies, new breakfast food, 2 pkgs , •• Tomato juice, small can Peas and Corn, 3 cans Campbell's Chicken and Noodle soup, 2 for ....25c Handy .Ammonia, 2 pks and chore girl 15c Popped Wheat, .3 pkgs. 25c Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful China.. lac ,Z0c 25c 5c 25c ware. Menne '} reach EGGS WANTED. !11 1111 IIRII 111111 IRIIlRIIIIRIIl11111111111111R1111111111111111111IIIIIIIII!111111 !Pr"'•_" III LA rig. Phone 165, .Ii��(f11i111!lli>Iffl�llilIDi�lliTnif'�; ..,, 1I(II[Iii 1I1 EU ITEMS OF LOCALE .SEREST Mrs. Julius Thiel spent last week: with her people at Kincardine. :sir. and ars. C. L. Smith visited with friends at London on Sunday.. n.. n bay is being observed by the churches this Thursday. and ,rs. A. of Guelph, were Sunday visitors in this. vicinity. Mrs. Menno Oesch is spending a few weeks with her rektives near Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe ana fam- ily of Thorndale were Saturday vis - i itors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler were recent visitors with friends at Kit- chener and Baden. Mr. Earl Smith and his mother, Mrs. Jacob Sni t i of Detroit, were week -end visitors at he hone or Mr A. Melick. St. Peter's Lutheran church of I I Zurich are holding an English service on Thursday evening, t Ascension Day) to which all are invited. The household effects of the late Mrs. Lydia Geiger will be sad at her former home, opposite the Evan: gelical church on Saturday afternoon of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Trueinener and family, and Mr. - Conrad Truemner of. the 14th con, were recent visitors with Kitchener friends. The auction sale of the effects of Mr. Fred Thiel on Saturday brought out quite a nice trowel of buyers, A large number of article s were dis- posed off. Miss Mae Smith who spent the past week at her home here left on Sunday where she will write her ex-' ams. this and next week at the Um-: versity. MARRIED -'Miss Gertrude Ortwein daughter of Mr. and Mrs, acob Ort- wein Hay Township, was ,united in marriage to Mr. C. Fleggman, of Pittsburg, Penn., on Saturday, May 6th. 10L=3=1 '"V100%±a==-IMMB5022:201MME HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE nlH FROST ttUIC ... . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Frost Farm Fence . , the finest we've eve, had. Heavily galvanized by special Frost process. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult '17;t!'" Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes 7 Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. TIGHT LOCK ZINC BONDED NI .adurnc FROST reek., tisa1 SAVES YOU MONEYI PAINTS! EIOO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE **************************************00000.0909.0.41 4 4 5. a 8 4 6 6 iB. 4 0 r r ate 0 8 0 Mr. E. H. Edighoffer, the new cob- bler for Zurich is about ready for business and will be open on Thurs der of th's week, Mr, fl ig;roffer is a shoemaker of former days and has ::pent all his life at cobbling. Mr. and 114'irs, A. W. Haines and ,ons Dickie and Billy of Dearborn t.ch; lir, and Mrs. Harry Anderson end deeeliters Dornthr and Doreen of Freelton; Mr. and 7.'r:i. Milton Metz and fancily of rim^.h, sp nt Mother's Day at the home of their parents, Mr. and MVlrs. Jacob Ortweiu Messrs. Charles Fritz and son Ward ere recent visitors with Mr. R. T. Dunlop at Chatsworth and while there e:.uyud sor le .it`:..g. ea trout fishing near that town, and Mr. Dunlop who is well known in Zurich, would loose no time in making this outing a big success. The weatherman is gradually get- ting a little warmer, end with the cool nights it is surprising how things do grow, the recent showers have also contribat^d their shr."'. Only a few mere days and trees will be out! in leaf. The early fruit trees are in full blossom. The grand opening of the baseball -eason in Zurich will be opened on Wednesday forenoon May 24th, at the local diamond, when • the usual ,errmonies will be; in order. The isiting team will be the Goderirb oys, and a keen game of ball will be 'ooked for as these teams are old ivals. REACHES 3,020 FEET Interest in Huron's first oil well is ''nereasing as drillers on Wed, last reached 3,020 feet. The d. ill is now in the oil bearing or Trenton forma- tion, and there are already very evi- dent signs of natural gas, according, to J. F. Daly, Seaforth, vice-president of t c company. Drilling hr g> continu- ing1$ day and night and it is expected that definite results will bo known in the course of a few days. MurphyrPaiiat hiARVc '. •wi11 make your home• FEY FO A KING"+.'. •. Canada's Smartest Finish COVERS IN ONE COAT BRUSHES PERFECTLY r DRIES IN NO TIMET Louis Schilbe and Son Zurich - Ont. Zurich's Ladies' Wear COAT SALE As Spring is here ItiVr, we are ;laving a BIG SALE', • sof .LADIES' COATS and SUITS for Spring. $8.95 To, $14.50 NEW SPRING DRESSES at Prices to Suit every Purse. Note -Our Store is in our Residence! MRS. PEARL MQUSStiA1', Zurich Phone 47 Zurich OR On Holidays Premier Hepburn has been holiday- ing on the Caribbean Sea, but expects to be back in Toronto this week He left quietly for a vacation inunediat- ely after prorogation two weeks ago with his immediate destination. New York. Kippen Woman Passes Mrs. James Chesney, of Kippen, died on Monday in Seaforth Hospital in her 89th year. The former Chris- tena Forsythe she had been a resident of Kippen for the past 60 years. Her husband died in 1918. Surviving are three daughter's, Mrs. Harry tTesney Kippen; Mrs Tames Thompson, Bru- mfield, and Miss Jennie, at home,The funeral is being held this Wednesday afternoon with interment in Fiensali Union cemetery, with Rev. Chandler, of Kippen officiating. CATTLE QUOTA FILLED The United States quota open to 51,'720 Canadian cattle during the second quarter of 1039 was filled on Elriday last, six weeks after the quota became operative, • Calgary :;vestock authorities advise. Notices •sent out by the U. S. Government to Ogawa and to shipping associations stated the three per cent. duty now is eff- ective unti the opening of the third -quarter which starts July 1st. The •preference rate under the quota rate :was one and onehalf cent +u pound. SEE KING TWO MINUTES Hundreds, perhaps thousands of ;citizens in London and other West- ern Ontario points are preparing themselves for an all night wait on city streets to guarantee themselves of locations to get not more than a ;wo-minute glimpse of the King and `Queen when they visit that city for one hour on the morning of June 7. 'The royal car which will be the first in the group of five cars in the royal "party will be travelling at a speed of eight miles an hr. over the lour and a half mile route. Officials are of the+ ;opinion that a person at a given point :could not view Their Majesties for! fanore than a two -minute period. For {that reason civic committees are much 1,worried and ways and means of se- curing the •r co-operation and patience are being studied from every angle. `1"hurada y, Ma 1F tri if)30 41$+.4444fa4. 44.4. 4 44404,0'. 4Yr, +a .,y.+$,.A E 3+'3 I+3+4.02 �•k Y++3•+F++$+FJi+. 4" 4' 4' fi 4 4 4' 44. 41. 4` 4' 4' Q5 4' YOUR SEAS N'S NEEDS This Seascon Calls for Good New Fences on the Farm. Let Us Supply You with the best of Woven Wire. We also have Barb Wires, Brace Wires, Staples, .Etc. See. • us about New Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughing! SPECIAL, PAI Tl!' SALE, From 65c. a Quart up. 4' 4 kH r .i, FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites,Occasional Chairs Rockers$ Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we have a Large Assortment of Slightly. Used Furniture that will give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Couches, Dressers, Rockers;. Other Chairs, Etc. Be sure and lookthese over. Johnston & at. fe soh Hardware a. mi i . Phone 63 4;.+w*.i .E•41.41. E:1•0 f3r4.44te4r 4 .. ► 4' .4,'F F'i"E 4..'t •I 4.4,.I,4,4,4.44. +4 41,4,4 4' 8 4 4, +r 4' 4 4 4n f..p • d+dr+I+++** II+ -11+441 4'+I 44 -444.4.4+ +4 i 4.4.-3,444,44I-4-41.4 .g.4: -.t.4.4.-÷44 4E44 4 4 4, 10�. Taik" 4 r TRY E Ir 4 4s a 4, 4 - also 4- 4. 4. CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND i SWEET GOODS. 4 ÷: All Ingredients Used are : of the Hihent Quality* ' a ALL. CO1IFECTQ S ° -, , >-..ICE CREAM * Our, Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening it 4. . ells mer � � 4. Telephone 100 - • . + .Y..,+++++++++++++++++++++, 4 44-444g"y+++++++++++++++++++ 111111111111111111111111111111111}=11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!111111111111iiillll11111111111131111111111111111131111111911RI11111111111I11111111111111!1!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111g111111111Ati t TI F.SE PRICES iatahjec$ to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 110.00 Fainting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00- and 18.00 12o00 Rerimrning Buggy Wheels Set uggy Shaft ...................................................3.00 Cross Bar OOOOOO.......a...................... 1.00 Buggy Reach • .................... 1.25 uggy Spokes each ...: .............................,........ 25c UN, the Repair Man IIP!111111III!11!giiii!PI;IIiiilim!PIIi11 i!ilii!alar.Ulllp'ttllQlllilJi111.QIUlll119!lPIIiUUP1UPiPlPi1111!II!PIll11!rv!111I1i1'IIIPIIIIP.i1111Ui1111131!tl>!!INIIPIIIIMPIIII!!III!1!III!1113!131111!P!P!!!PI1!!II!!II11!mit 1 MASSEY ARBIS N: GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im-. plernents... Mower and Binder Knives ground while yoii wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1' year battery guarantee .......................... .6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed .440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 Os KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West Egad SERVICE STATIONS