HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-18, Page 4VE O7R
Who WOuld be without a chester-
; 'field guile, when you can buy a lovely
' piece suite for only $e4.00 at
Hopper's Furniture Sale, Exeter.
1„; •
3-5,11-.374-17EMIZEt.r ' •
,,.....,.-..i-,=,'''•11::,-45.1":7.:-•-'t7.- q.' 11-,14,11 !, lie
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If . • ---r
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-- I
ae,-• tee,
1[1 Tiijj
reeler "'le
No more do .people draw water from the Old
Village Well, but many homes still depend on -the
antiquated iron punip.
It is back -breaking work to pump .and carry
water to the house in all kinds of weather. Don't
make your family put up with such out-of-date
methods any longer. An up-to-date, compact
,71 ,g
71, :761 7.5 vt ''ST'4, 017., :4-4-, 4"Pri 77.fa 1JiyV
Li 01- FY
will furnish running water under pressure to kitchen,
bathroom, 'latindryand farm buildings.
Running, water
also permits the
installation of a
Modern Emco
Bathroom, a very
necessary con-
venience for the
health and well-
being of your
family. Also, Mod-
ern Emco Kitchen
equipment to less,
en the drudgery.
,of houSework,
Emco fixtures and equipment are moderately
priced. The Snow -White 20" x 42" enamelled
Sink only, .including faucet ready for installa-
tion, costs .$29.:75
Sink and Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated $57.15
(Tmp, iron pipe and:fittings extra)
The Duro Specialpump has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour.; is -supplied with,a. 25 gal. tank,
25 or 60 cycle•rnotur,:and. costs only
Aso sootier) 4orSaroline
Eosins operetben
Small Monthly Payments
The Government Horne Improvement
Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enalyles
you to purchase Etna) fixtures, fittings
and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay-
ment plan over a period of three yeas.
Enquiries given prompt attention and
estimates supplied --without charge.
t London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Veneouver
139 .
Of Household Effects, at Zurich
On Saturday, May 20th, 1039
At 1.30 o'clock, p.m.
Dining table, sideboard, dining
chairs, kitchen table, kitchen chairs,
cellar table, small tables, 2 beds,
rocking chairs, kitchen eupeoard,
cellar cupboards, day bed, couch,
table lamp, radio, coal oil stove, tubs,
lawn mower, carpet sweeper, hall
rack, vacum washer, sealers, dishes,
dinner sot, tea stt, cooking utensils,
electric hot plate, garden tools, buck-
saw, rug, pictures, bedding, curtains,
linens, carpet strips, pillows, cushions
'toilet sets, baby buggy, and numer-
our other articles. In case of rain
sale will be held in -church shed.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
'Mrs. L. Geiger Estate.
Of Household Effects, t Zueidh,
On SATURDAY -MAY 27th, 1939
At 1,30 :p.m. sharp.
A complete line of Household Ef-
fects—Hall seat with mirror, hal'
rack and mirror; 3 Singer drophead
sewing machines, 1 Standard sewing
machine, upright piano, practically
new, Heater practically new, McCla.ry,
stove, brass bed with springs, 2
Simmons beds and springs, dining.
table, China cabinet, several are' sserse
and wash stands, mahogany setee,
1 wicker setee, case of silverware
brand new, several imported dope,
rugs, several. pieces of furniture too
numerous to mentien. Also a full
line of dishes, cooking utensils, step
ladder, dozen - fall size snit 'oases,.
ladieshand bags. mirroT, etc.
Fred Thiel, Proprietor.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer,.
Our Mattresses and Springs are
going fast. ]3P. sure to on oeee
quirements at these ape -dial prices, at
Hopper's Furniture sale, Exeter.
Bill Miller and son Billie or r:etroit,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jonas
Hartleib and Lavada.
Rev. John Oestreicher of Rosen-
thal who attended the Evangelical
Conference in Kitchener last week,
spent a few days with his father, 1,111
G. Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce, Mr. J. Sui
der -Misses Reta and Grace elayter of
Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Hayter over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Edighoffer and
daughter of the West are visiting
with her sister, Mr. and <Mrs. P.
• Melsaae.
M17. Wm. Schroeder and daughter.
and Mr. and Mrs. Hintz of Detroit,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Hamacher,
who continues very ill.
Mrs.. Schroeder who has been at-
tending her mother for a few weeks
will stay a few weeks longer. -
Mr, J. Mose of Ripley; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Hueston, Beatrice and
Madge of -Hayfield visited with Mr
end Mrs, Robt, Hayter and family on
BLAKE :her 80th year in ;the person of JennieA visit to 1'1 • 't t
Mr, John Douglas is not feeling as
ewell as his many „friends would like
ita hear of his health. He is again con-
futed to bed, but w'- least wita warm
sunny days cornie% be may soon
;gain strength again,.
Mrs. Ciaik ra-ng -44,;itt•ri 14 her
daughter from Goder:leh for a few
Mr. William Finlay, !feeri Herteld
And Mrs. Harald Finlay, a;se his dau-
ghter Miss Alberta, and Mie, M. A
Johnston called at the home Mre
- and Mrs. Careie of the Bronson lino..
e' • Mr., R. N. Dougiu, eontiertee: to
'not enjoy his lima] few' health,
•-,. vitally :friends hope soon to hear of'
tee. • . restored health.
Rev. Peters :gave a splendid ad -
....le, dregs on Sunday 'morning in keeping
with oux mothers' Day, as as
Fathers Day. The regular servicei
stow helm; 1141{1 on Smidav o'
. o'clock and Sunday Sctoei at
, • I. o'clock,
eppei s turn late s oic
1 Exeter, during theeir sale will ter
tainly 'be 'worth your while. We have
a very
Lae Mrs. Sparrow
One _or Af--elev's most rr•snect
'' Passed nwav Mriday last 14 1
McNaughtam, wiaew of the late
,elkehn Sparrow. On J\hiy 4th, 07 years
ago she came as a bride and has seen
menychanges is those years, and
fen of her pioneer friends and neigh -
bore. of her generation eare left to
Thiourea the loss of a. kinti ',friend and
reend zeigebor. But many IA the ris-
ing ppel-at-ion will 115.p 'he r memory
ever greon, as she was -respected by
all. The Tarwa] WEIS twid on -Wednes-
' y lett from the T...7153t(td Church,
.arna, ant; wile largely Attentied,her
ipaetor, Rev, Mr. Peters, ‘seas .in oha-
ee, and spolee most fittingly ,of the
-If.tr-011-;ed, and took for a text igiab
15. The Weed psalm, her favorite
Moline was :Tung.. A duet "1 will sing
you et song of that leeautiful 2and,•'0
was lytyll rendered hy aev. and Pim'
Peters. Thome loft te mourn be:sides
a largo circle of friends are three
,hrothers teen' three sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. a. Burne of Port
Huron spent the week -end wetli ke
mother, Mrs. Witzel.
Mrs. Jas. Smith and daughter Shin
c of Willf,1"1"and Vrt 4rd. !vim
Jr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Gram of Lans-
ing, Mieb.,-visited with the former'
parents, Mr. ,and Mr. Geo. Gram.. ,
Mn A. L. Case, C. N. R, station
agent who has 'been copfined to his.
home for the -past few weeks witl
fnfluenza, is able to be out again
Mr. W. C. Thompson, relieving agent
has returrmd to Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. John Walki,.r, the
former Mrs. Anna IVIeDommt, have
1tUrnc(I norne from their wedding
*rip to Toronto, and will take Ten resi
dence in Hensali.
'Mr. and Mrs. M. .DrystIale intend
leal$ing shortly for a trip to New
York ;qty. f
;11,rjr,c; n•,,,,,, P‘arghar, who bar,
been a faithful bookkeepoi :-.,- th' o
firni f.P 1 1 rcsdale for r I
anneber of years, hns ten e'en e 11e- r r
resiamation as she will be a populaei IT
bride of this rnentg. ,II
Work is proftressi"-eg' 'Pallidly en ft,.e)
lew arage of 9rvitle Ipitelmil end ,
the dwellings of James A. Paterson
and -Wm. el. Poeta.
Scheele reopened on Monday last,
having been closed for a week owing
tola case of searlot fever, the patient
raking rapid recovery.
Barn Durns
Fir,- originating in a straw stack,
eample.ey deetroyed the ilne bank
Lere e:" e,"tei and William McCurdy
in Hilei ort Twp., 7 miles southeast oi
Hens:111 on Saturday last with dama-
ges 01.:i1Zii.f:d at::C,,000, partly cover -
eerie, ..nrance, The Hensall fire bri-
gade e ee called te the nelle and am-
ceeded in saving the home and other
buil,:in4-• near by. This was consider-
ed pe one of the finest barns in the
town -117e. The fire was fist noticed
by Mre. McCurdy, an aged lady who
was itre';1! to extinguish same. No
liveo •i: was last.
'r Coineil has purchased a new
e'p'ace the one recently beo-
robbeos who raleled the
town hell and stole a small sum o
Miss Nellie Fee, who has spent th
past number of months in Milverton
returned to her home here recently.
Ma Wm. Otterbein has been ap-
pointed caretaker of St. Paul's An -
Miceli Church to replace MT. Wti
Jones, who recently resigned. He
commenced his duties on pril lst.
F. W, Gladman has oponeer nrnee in
the rear of the vacant store formerly
occue,,,,1 b..? Mrs. Wm. Sang0ter and
will 1.4, le his law office on Fridays.
Mr. Thee. Welsh has puichased th
dwelliee eoperty of the OStatt; of th
late C Volland on Queen 5
which h:ts teen occupied for the pe
numb neeeths by Mr. and Mrs
Levi Rendre it ie thought that Mr. anc
Me-s.,0eott Welsh will move into thi
property in the near future and Mr
and :!Ire. Pands will move into the
hoese recently oecupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey MecLarnan.
• MI:eoe Minnie Reid and Margaret
Habkirk, who spent the 'past two
months in the sunny south at Florida
returned home and report a very de-
lightful vacation.
Pastes at Chiselhurst
Mrs. Feeeh Noris 59, of Chiselhurst
died suddenly at he' home from a
-heart coadition. Surviving are four
datighteise Mrs. Wm. Parker, Mrs. A
Weetleke, Mrs. F. Bender of -Chisel- •
latest. rnd Mrs. E. Williarne of Mit-
chcell and a son John of •Chiselhurst.
The •funeral. was held„Friday with ine
terIFFerrt in Staffa.,:cernetery..
t ,..nramonntarrrpomencouranzzazaamr=atramourrP,
Mitchell that that town .1S to have a
motion pieture theatre as an :addit-
• ion to the •Sutherland- chain that now
serves Goderich, Clinton, .Seaforth
and St. Marys. A property has al-
ready been purchased and construct-
ion work on the new theatre build-
ing Will commence at once.
New Harbor Winds
Work flee -commenced at Kincardine
Thursday, May 18th, 1539
on the construetian of an extension
to the (south pier. ll, G. Ross of Kin-
cardine has the contract and the
coat 'will le about $16,000. The ex-
tension will ,angle more than 100 ft.
in a southwesterly direction eeeon the
end 'Of the south pier and &nen a
wan which will keep the har,or chant
iae1 from filling with sand and also
afford protection.
tsassmosonstesmartmuirranummtrazwria=craciarrsmarramar=nrramFarL •- '!,"Fr=1411PE.
It has proven its Superiority by Piic Acleptarme.
•If You have not Tried HIGH TEST, HIGH DC:C-
ANE, Better Mileage DIME do so Today!
e LP) P70- ATE
Jo not he deceived; DIXIE
ia Outmanding in Quality and Price. Make us
Prove it! Priced at
Per Gallon
Tax PAL, de
Mousseau, Prop,
Village Is Growing
Henson's, population increased by
eleVenduring the past year, the vil-
lage Council learned Monday Ihet.
when Assessor R. J. Paterson pres-
ented his report. Total assessment
is $440,357, an increase of $3,532 ov-
er the nrevious year. Total populat-
ion is.696.
and Mrs. Scott Welsh have mo-
ved into the dwelling eecently vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Filstne, and
have become settled.
Mater Bobbie Hess, who recently
underwent an operation on the they
roid gland at St. Joseph's Hospital
London, was able to return to hi
home, and` his friends hope to see
him soon out again.
Mitchell's population, according to
the 1939 assessment roll, is 1666, an
Increase of 66 from last year.
Nearly 100 public school pupils of
Seaforth took part in a music festi-
val recently. The leading contestant 1
•ricia Beachely, wilt). scored
85 points.
A well:known clergyman,
Rev. Fr
Dantzer of Dublin and St. Columban
died suddely at the St. Columbap
presbytery op Friday last from hears
attack. He was in his 74th year.
Addresses Lions
A recent meeting of the Exeter
Lions Club was held at the Commer.
'ial Hotel. neshwood, and was ari.
dressed by 'E. C. Beacom, publi
school inspector for Strata Huron
his subject being the new courseo
Swimming fool for Clinton
The Town Council on Clinton ha'
eccepted the offer of the heirs of the
late Dr. W. Gmen.to doeete lands fo-
memorial park and swirree-ig -no&
4ite. The plan is that the Lions Club
vill erect the swirrirriate pool. to which
•iroiect the 'NWT( will give $2,000 the
mantenance of the park will be im
leetaken hv the Lion e 0107., an r
'ant eameeittee o' the Towa Couney
and the T.'ons Club will have contra
of the park.
The Wine:hart Fish and Game Cltri0
has been formed with Geo. Orvis as
)rnsiclent. It is the intention of th-'Club to get permission to siteet wio
"out and use the streams in the
Wingharn district.
Deaths at County Horne
'Two eleathe were record ---1 Iirtr
n Courtty Honie for he Agl (I. r'
llintnn lost week. The deceased 1,w,
Geo, nriver 80 of Wingharn ar
nicriof 5'it1i p
vs ofri ton;ve,Pchniti
•Theatro �r IVIitaeg
AlAttnitaenlaitt,hit beanz made
1938 Ford V8 De Lux Tudor sedan R and G.
- new car satisfaction at used car p. ice $775.00
1936 Dodge De Lux Fordor Seda with trunk,
a good car at the right ptice, only 590.00
1935 Ford De Lux Fordor selaa with trunk, a
nice hk. sedan guazanteed to please you or
money back, only — .. 490.00
1935 Ford De Lux Coupe -with ramble seat, this
car has- been well uned for, it looks and rums-,
like new, for 350.00
1934 Ford De Lux Coach, all good tires R and
G., a car that you can depend on, only 375.00
1931 Ford Coupe with rumble seat, you must
see this car to appreciate the value 225.00
1928 Ford Coach, a nice one .. . 150.00
1928 Ford Coach, motor overhauled ..............85.00
1929 Buick sedan, new car 'condition 175.00
1928 Chrysler Sedan, real good .........100.00
1927' Chev. Coach ...... ...._.... 50.00
Used Trucks from $50.00 up and 2 good FOrdson
Tiactors with. Fenders. Also new and' used Trac-
tor Plows.,
New LO Elk Prices
Prices on ALL 1939 Diarige Six ancls
DeLuxe models hay. been RE-
DUCED) You'll praise the graceful
sweep of body lines the ease and!
comfort of the new Relaxed
improved perormancr..0 rf the famous.
Dodge economy engine. This big,
longer - wheelbase Dodze also hasr
new Arnolr steel coil springs,
. improved airpiene-type shade,
absorbers •. parented Floating ;
Power . . hydraulic brakes.
See and drive one of these -remark- •
able 1939 Dodge cars TODAY!
, gmv. 11-1"gliz;