HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-18, Page 3t k .` [ties a*estis Addresses And Bouquets Will Be Presented 13 Stops Following Western Trip—Mayor, Councils and Local Officials In Each Case Will Welcome King George And Queen Elizabeth. The inter -departmental commit- tee arranging for the Royal visit has announced the official program for the Iiing and Queen's tour of 13 Ontario cities and three days prior to crossing to the United States at Niagara Falls, Ont., for the trip to Washington. Returning from the west coast and the Prairies, the Royal train will arrive at Sioux Lookout, Ont., from Melville, Sask., at 7.55 p,m., C.S.T., on Sunday, June 4, and will stay at the northwest Ontario town for ten minutes with the Prime Minister presenting the Mayor of Sioux Lookout and Mrs. Moran to Their Majesties. On Monday, June 6, at 6.30 p.m„ E.S.T., the Royal party is sched- uled to arrive at Sudbury Junction where the King and Queen will descend to the station platform and the Prime Minister will pre- sent the Mayor of Sudbury and his daughter, Mis Laforest, and the Mayor of Copper Cliff. The train will leave Sudbury Junction at 7.30 p.m., E.S.T. 10 -Minute Stops Planned Three 10 -minute stops will be made on the afternoon of June 6. At 1.35 p.m, E.S.T. the Royal train will arrive at Guelph, at 2.15 p.m. E.S.T. at Kitchener, and at 3.20 p.m. E.S.T. at Stratford. At each city the Prime Minister will introduce the Mayor and his wife. The Mayor will present an address of welcome and then will present the members of the City Council, officials and their wives. The Royal train will visit Wind- sor at 7.30 p.m. E.S.T. that evening and a 21 -gun salute will be fired as Their Majesties leave the train to have the Prime Minister present the Mayor of Windsor and Mrs, Croll. A guard of honor will be in- spected by the King and the Mayor will present His Majesty with an .address from the people of Wind- sor. Her Majesty will accept a bouquet. London, Windsor On Wednesday, June 7, the Royal ''"4?"°'1"rein will arrive at the C.N.R, sta- tion at London at 10 a.m, E.S.T. and the King and Queen will be met by the Mayor of Loudon and his mother, Mrs. Johnston, who will be presented by the Prime Minister. A+ 10.20 a,m, Their Majesties, the Prime Minister, an Ontario member of the Federal Cabinet, the Mayor and his mother, and the la - .dies and gentlemen in waiting will drive through the city. When passing the municipal of- fices, The King and Queen will sign the official visitors' book of the city which will be brought to their mo- tor car. At 10.65 a.m. the Royal .party returns to the C.N.R. station .and at 11 a.m. the train leaves for Ingersoll where a stop will be made from 11,30 a.m. E.S.T. to 11.40 a.m. and the usual procedure regarding presentations at short stops fol- lowed. men in waiting will drive to the City Hall where the mayor will greet the Royal visitors, hand The King an address from the citizens of Hamilton and invite Their Ma- jesties to sign the visitors' regis- ter. The Queen will accept a bou- quet. At Niagara Falls A guard of honor will be inspect- ed by The King and the train leaves at 3.10 p.m. The Royal party arrives at St. Catharines at four p.m. E.S.T. Their Majesties will meet the Mayor and his wife and city offi- cials fficials and their wives. King and At 4.10 pati. Queen, the Prime Minister, an On- tario member of the Federal Cab- inet, the ladies and gentlemen in waiting will drive to Niagara Falls, arriving at the boundary of the city at six p.m., where they will be met by a mounted. escort. The King will receive a Royal salute from the escort and the Royal party will proceed to the administration building at Queen Victoria Park. The procession will drive to the C.N.R. Station at 9.10 p.m. and a guard of honor will be inspected by The King. At 9.30 p.m. the Royal train leaves Niagara Falls for the United States. Sign Visitors' Register Another 10 -minute stop will be made at Woodstock with the train ,arriving there at noon E.S.T. and .the city officials will be presented as they also will be at Brantford where the Royal party arrives at 12.50 p.m., for a 15 -minute stop. Be- sides the usual presentations at Brantford Their Majesties will autograph the Queen Anne Bible .of the Six Nations Indians. The sovereigns arrive at IIamil- ton at 1.45 p.m. E.S.T. and will meet the city officials. A 21 -gun ;salute will be fired and a guard of - honor inspected, Their Majesties, the Prime Minister, an Ontario member of the Federal Cabinet, the Mayor of Hamilton and Mrs. ,Morrison and the ladies and gentle - DOMINION Off' CANADA" • To Meet Royalty At U.S. Border Secretary of State Cordell Bull will greet Ring George and Queen Elizabeth at the Canadi- an border when they enter the United States during their trip to Am.eriea, Hull will accompany the King and Queer. by train to Washing- ton, where President Roosevelt is to meet them at the station. Royal Train Is Blue And Gold Silver Panels Between The Windows; 12 Cars Included In Equipment For The King's Use. The Royal Train which bears the King and Queen on their Canadian tour has 12 cars the same as the pilot train that will precede it, car- rying the press officials. Color scheme of the Royal Train is royal blue with silver panels be- tween the windows and horizontal gold stripes above and below the window liue for the length of cars. The two private cars of the Gover- nor-General, which are being used to carry the King and Queen, carry the Royal coat of arms. Other cars bear the royal cypher and crown. The Canadian National Railways prepared four locomotives and the Canadian Pacific, two. Picked Personnel Cooks, waiters and porters on the Royal train were under close medical surveillance for 72 hours before they began the Canadian tour with Ring George and Queen Elizabeth. All food served to Their Majesties is carefully supervised for purity and all drinking water served is from a bottled supply of tested water. There are 18 Canadian National Railways employees classified as food handlers and three or four Negro porters of the Canadian Pa- cific Ratiway sleeping car service assigned to the care at the Royal retinue. Semi -Sire •, mlined. Engine Pulling It Royal Train Piloted By 25 C. P. R. Engineers In Turn. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth King Unveils New National War Memorial A semi -streamlined engine --No. 2850 of the Canadian Pacific power fleet is hauling the royal train from Quebec to Vancouver, while 25 C, P. R. engineers in turn handle the throttle on the coast-to-coast rttn. From the time Engineer Eugene Leclerc took over the 2850 at Quebec City on May 16, until the train bearing Ring George VI and Queen Elizabeth pulls into Van- couver station May, 29, tate engine will have completed upward ot 3,- 600 miles, It is believed to be a run not hitherto carried out by a single engine on the North Amer- ican continent. Ceremony Highlights Their Majesty's Visit To 'S ttawa-- Cornerstone Of New Su- preme Court Building Laid By Queen Elizabeth. The four-day panorama of state ceremonial and military pageantry in Ottawa May 20 will provide the King and Queen with a broad cross- section view of the capital's varied population. Highlight of the visit of the King and Queen to Ottawa Is the unveil- ing of the National War Memorial in Confederation Square, May 18. His Majesty's address to the thous'' ands gathered about the massive granite pile in the city's main square is being broadcast to all Canada and the United States. Trooping Of The Color Secondary features of the capi- tal program include laying of the cornerstone of the new Supreme Court building by Her Majesty, trooping of the color by the King, a state dinner, a dinner for mem- bers of the Senate and Commons, a birthday garden party for His Majesty and a state ceremony where the King will either give Royal assent to a number of bills or prorogue parliament. Welcome From Governor • General Cannon crashing out a Royal sal- ute will herald the arrival of the Royal train from Montreal on May 17, an hour before noon. Prime Minister Mackenzie Ring will des - celled from the train with their Ma- jesties, who will be welcomed to the capital by their hosts, Gover- non-General and Lady Tweedsmuir, Also on the special platform be- side the railway tracks on the out- skirts of the city will be cabinet members, Senators and House of Commons members from the Ot- tawa area and Speakers of both houses. Planes T. Escort King and Queen R.C.A.F. Fighting Planes Ac- company Their Majesties Dur- ing Various Stages of Their Tour. Escorts of fighting planes have been provided for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth by the Royal Canadian Air Force during various stages of their tour of Canada. The air escort met the battleship Repulse at sea and accompanied it up the St. Lawrence River until the ship docked at Quebec City, May 15. Other planes will accom- pany ccompany the Royal train from Belle- ville Station, Ontario, to the Royal Canadian Air Force base at Tren- ton. A squadron will be also pro- vided on the journey between Van- couver ancouver and Victoria and return. Additional escorts will accomp- any Their Majesties from Cape Tormentine, N.B., to Charlotte- town, P.E.I., and thence to Pictou, N.S. When the Empress starts the return journey to England from Halifax a flight will accompany it until beyond sight of Canadian ter- ritory. Royal Train's Post Office Philatelists will be able to ob- tain the special postmark of the Royal Train Post Office by send- ing to the Philatelic Division (Royal Train Covers,) Finan- cial Branch, Post Office Depart- ment, Ottawa. Such Canadian postage stamps as are required to be cancelled with the special post- mark, or a remittance suffici- ent to cover the value of stamps, should be sent in with the cov- ers. Requirements may be stated in a brief, enclosed let- ter. This special post office will be operated for the convenience of the Royal party and the officials accredited to the Royal Tour. eeE- lines Queen Elizabeth Will Speak Over Radio Once While Their Mlajes- ies Are In Canada --Empire Day Message From Winnipeg Will Be Heard All Over World. Monday, Thursday, Friday, Wednesday, BROADCASTS BY THEIR MAJESTIES May 15, 1.45 p.nr. EDST At Quebec May 18, 2.46 p.m. EDST At Ottawa May 19, 10.46 a.m. EDST At Ottawa (Her Majesty the Queen) At Winnipeg May 24, 3.00 pan. EDST p g (Empire Day Address) At Victoria 6.00 p.m. EDST At Halifax 1.15 p.m. EDST Tuesday, May 30, Thursday, June 15, *• Queen Brings Two Ladies With Her Lady Nunburnholme And Lady Katherine Seymour Accomp- any Her Majesty On Royal Tour—Are Personal Attend- ants. The Queen has chosen two ladies - la -waiting, of about her own age from among her friends to accomp- any her to Canada. They are both women who have known her since the days when they went to chil- dren's parties, and both have ohil- dren who play with the young Prin- ceeses. Lady Nunburnholme, tall, stately, lovely to look at, has fair English coloring and large grey eyes. She is 35, and as the youngest daughter of the Marquis of Bath, was Lady Mary Thynne before her marriage in 1927. Popular with the Royal family—at one time rumor went .she was to marry the then Prince of Wales—she was one of the large retinue of bridesmaids at the Queen's wedding in Westminster Abbey and also an attendant when Princess Mary, now the Princess Royal, married Viscount Laso llea. ow of a few months. She has three Both Are Close Friends Lady Katherine Seymour es tis eama age as the Queen and a wld- small children, one son and two daughters, also playmates ot the Buckingham Palace children. Youngest daughter ot the Duke of Abereorn, she was appointed to the present Royal household as lady -of -the -bedchamber on tire, same day as Lady Nunburnholme, March 1, 1937, when preparations for the Coronation were under way„ and the Queen asked the help of her close friends. Queen Bringing Finest Jew I, Queen Elizabeth is wearing a diamond maple leaf -shaped brooch on occasion during her Canadian visit. The brooch, a present from King George, will be among the many pieces of fine jewelry Her Majesty is taking to Canada and the Uuited States. Among others is her favorite brooch which is a badge of Her Majesty's Own Regiment, the Black Those who have been able to see the script prepared by the CBC for the Empire Day Broadcast at which His Majesty will make his prin. cipal speech during his tour of Canada, declare it to be a very im- pressive piece of writing. Simplic- ity is its keynote. Each participant, typical citizens from all walks of life scattered throughout the Empire, has sub- mitted his little speech in which he talks about himself and his work. There will be no frills and no pompous ceremonial. While the King's Here TO BE HEARD May 19, 10.45 A.M. all nettworks—Her Majesty speaks at the laying of the corner stone ot the new Supreme Court Building 2.45 P.M all networks —the King and Queen visit the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa Saturday, May 20, all networks, 10.45 A.M, Trooping of the Colour at Parliament Hill described from the Main Steps of Parliament Build- ings in Ottawa May 22, all net- works, etworks, 11.30 A.M., Description of the Royal procession from the To- ronto City Hall to Queen's Park 11.50 A.M., Address of Wel- come to Their Majesties by the Premier of Ontario and Presentee tion of Members of Ontario Pro- vincial Parliament ...... 12.45 P.M., Presentation of Colours to Toron- to Scottish by Her Majesty the Queen May 23, 6 P.M., De - satiation of the Royal arrival at Port Arthur 6.20 P.M., all nee. works, Seaga of greeting to Their Majesties by Fort William School children's choir 6.45 P.M., all networks, Arrival of the Royal Party at Fort William boundary May 24, all networks, 1.30 P.M., Address of Welcome to Their Maaj• esties by the Premier, of Manitoba on their arrival in Winnipeg 2.15 to 3.15 P.M., all netw ork5 throughout the British Empire, the United States etc„ EMPIRE DAT BROADCAST to and from the en- tire ntire British Empire and HIS MAJ'- ESTY THE KING addressing his subjects everywhere at 3 15 P. EDST from Winnipeg all networks, the ceremony of the Black Beavers, presented to Hie Majesty the King May 25, alb networks, 4,30 PM., Address of Welcome to Their Majesties by the Premier of Saskatchewan on their arrival in Regina Rebroadcasts At 11.15 P.M., EDST every even- ing throughout the tour of Their Majesties in Canada and the Un- ited States, the Canadian Broad- casting Corporation will present a rebroadcast of the highlights of the activities of the Royal Party on that day. They Are A Happy Family: King George, Queen Elizabeth And The Two Little Prineesoes Watch. She uses this brooch to pin flowers to her coat. The Queen has also brought her pearls which were a present from her father, Lord Strathmore. Dress Not Set For Royal T 1 Those Who Wi11 Meet The King Can Suit Selves About Attire Dr. H. L. Keenieyside, chairman . of the committee in. charge of ar- rangements for the royal visit, sayaa that no instructions on the matter of dross have been issued. "There's no sense in telling peo- ple they'll have to buy a completo new outfit because they'll be pre- sented for 10 seconds to the King and Queen," ha said. "We're issu- ing no instructions whatever on the matter of dress. People own wear what they like on any occa- sion." King's Barber During Tour Paul E. (Red) Tasse, popu- lar proprietor of the Chateau Laurier (Ottawa) barber ship, is barber by appointment to His Majesty Ring George VI, on the Royal train during its trip across Canada, For 85 years Mr. Tasse has been engaged in barbering in Ottawa and this is the crown- ing honor of his life so far.