HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-18, Page 2Route the King anal Queen Will Take Through Toronto CNR/57-/S HOSP/ra/. LNA r HvrrbcJ p44,/ L,: ax.OGS jam" SST R.T.A. rNaed i'- ..._.-WV-T sr.ar/canr •lA�_,P�A+RK PRwgr X///Q/T/ON PA.@K 1 / WOOD.3/NE- W TRACK /TY FiISIIS%a ®41 r.111 /5 M. /a,c/ K/NG AND QUEEN WALK FQOAT PARLr 8 o&$ TO NA /27" a ouS.e Following release of various plans and counterplans for the royal visit to Toronto en May 22, the fina route for their majesties' trip through the city is announced as shown on the map. Complete details of every mo- ment of the royal visit to Toronto have also been released, even to the speed of the entourage through city streets, which will vary between seven and 15 miles an hour. e ?.:, ea Tigers had been ravaging a lags and the terror-stricken natives sent for the nearest white man to assist them. This man was a crack shot and had never been known to miss. His method was to tie a goat to the foot of a tree at dusk, climb the tree, and when the tigers came for the goat, fire at the flash of their eyes. In the morning they would be found dead, shot straight between the eyes. He followed his usual procedure the first night, but although he fir- ed several shots, when day dawn- ed the goat had gone and there were no dead tigers. This happened on two succeed- ing nights. Perturbed, he took a huge torch with him on the fourth .night and instead of firing at the flashing eyes, switched on his big torch, and saw, to his amazement, six tigers advancing in pairs each with one eyes shut! "Good card players have in- acrutable features," says a wri- ter. There is always trouble If It Is noticed that they are wearing their hearts .up their sleeves. "I suppose you carry a memen- to of some sort in that locket?" said one weiT2 .n to another. "Yes, a lock of my husband's hair,,, "But your husband is alive." "Sure; but his hair is gone." "Would you like anything else with your dinner, sir?" "Yes, that little blonde sit- trig itting in the corner over there." Three slightly deaf men were motoring from the north to Lon- don in an old noisy car, and hear- ing was difficult. As they were nearing London, one asked; "Is this Wembly?" "No," replied the second, "this Is Thursday." "So am I," put in the third. "So let's stop and have one." What Science Doing TREE RINGS IDEA UPSET It is now found that telling the age of a tree by the number of its rings is like trying to tell a wo- man's age ny her looks. The discovery upsets one of man's oldest beliefs that trees put on one ring each year. They are visible when the trunk of a tree is sawed in two. Trees were discovered in Texas that put on five a year. Hardly any were found that failed to add at least two anually, TO SOBER UP DRUNKS To sober up quickly when dead drunk, take an intravenous injec- tion of insulin and of glucose. Dis- covery that these two "shots" will quickly reduce the alcohol in the blood was reported by Walter Goldfarb, Karl M. Bowman and Samuel Parker, of Bellevue and Kings County Hospitals, New York City. They tried it on drunks brought to the hospital. The shots convert the alcohol into water and carbon dioxide. WOULD BANISH ALL PAIN Medical research workers have discovered a new anaesthetic which they believe will abolish pain all over the body. The theory is that when body cells are injured they release a powerful substance known as his- tamine. This substance, it is thought, activates the endings of the nerves which carry pain sen- sations to and from the brain. The new anaesthetic called thymoxye- thyldietlylamine, neutralizes the histamine and so no pain messages are sent to the brain. 1 'dem Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. When a young man has been introduced to a girl, and likes her very much, is it all right for him to ask permission to call on her? 2. Isn't it a friendly gesture to hold a person's hand, or place a hand on his arm, while talking with him? 3. What would be a good toast for a host to offer to a guest? 4. Should a business letter al- ways be signed personally by some member of the firm, or is a type- written signature sufficient? 6. Is it correct to refer to dra- perieis as "drapes"?' " 6. When a man takes a woman in to dinner, should be offer her his right arm or his left? Answers 1. Yes, after he has been in her company for a reasonable time, but not within the first twenty or thirty minutes. 2. It may be a friendly gesture, but it is very an- noying to some people and should be avoided. 3. "To our guest, and our only request is that he be our guest often." 4. Every letter should be signed with pen and ink. 5. No; say "draperies." One might as well refer to curtains as "carts." 6. He should offer his right arm. 4. ho - Can 1? BY ANNE ASH! EY Q.—How can I make a good soap substitute for washing rib- bons, and also delicate woollen goods? A.—Some people claim that two or three potatoes grated into a pan of water will give even better re- sults than soap for this purpose. Q.—How can I prevent eggs from breaking or sticking to the pan when poaching? A.—Put a few drops of vinegar into the water. Another method is to grease the pan before putting the water into it. Q -What is a good tonic for plants? A.—The water in which beef has been washed is an excellent tonic treatment for plants, especi- ally for roses and geraniums. Q.—How can I restore the nap of velvet? A.—Hold the wrong side of the velvet over a boiling kettle, or rub it across the bottom of a hot flat iron which has been turned up- side down. Q.—How can I soften hard wa- ter? A.—There are several agents that may be used for softening hard water. Among them are lemon juice, borax, or an oatmeal bag. Q.—How can weight? A.—It is said of cream taken willincreasethe I increase my that a wineglass after each meal weight. • • SCOUTING The Boy Scouts of Canada are all ready to play their important part during the visit of Their Ma- jesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. At the various stop- ping places of the royal tour they will assist in lining the streets, and in traffic control. In the lar- ger centres they will maintain mobile first aid units, and will op- erate lost children bureaus and rest rooms. On incoming high- ways they will co-operate in the staffing of information booths for the benefit of motorists. Firestone triumphs again! This time with the new Firestone Champion—more than just a new tire ---a new kind of tire that provides a combination of safety feah:res never before offered. )3y a new method of tire building, each and every part of the tire is locked and interlocked for greater safety. Then by a new and advanced method of Gum -Dipping and Safety -Lock cords and the plies themselves are welded together into a super -safe, inseparable unit of amazing strength. This new tire has the sensational new Gear -Grip tread with thousands of scientifically spaced sharp -edge angles that makes it a marvel for safe, quick stopping, quiet operation and long mileage. And here's more good news --you can buy the new Champion Tires at no extra cost! See the nearest Firestone Dealer today. On May 20, the King's official birthday, the Scouts will give the leadership across Canada in the celebration of the day by burning a chain of beacons, accompanied by fireworks, in the evening, as was done so successfully to mark the King's Coronation in 1037. .As a unique international de- monstration of Scout neighborli- ness, during the day, May 20, Ca- nadian and American Scouts will meet at various points along the boundary line, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, fel' a goodwill cere- mony, and the planting of "King's Birthday Trees." Notable gath- erings are expected on the historic Niagara border, and at Windsor and Detroit. As a result of the outstanding success of the recent Toronto • Scout Cyclorama—a fair of booths representing over 100 educational features of the Scout training— held in the Canadian National Ex- hibition Coliseum and adjoining ' arena, C.N.E. officials discussed the posibility of the Scout show being made a feature of the great fall fair. The Cyclorama was attend- ed by crowds reminding of big days of the "EX." • One of the features of the Scout Cyclorama was a long street of hobby work by Wolf Cubs and Scouts, displaying literally thous- ands of items, from -art work to airplanes of every known model, and appetizing examples of the culinary efforts of young camp cooks. Bil h . CULTIVATION Aside from the planning and planting, no early job compares with cultivation. Authorities do not ask one to keep the hoe going all Sumner, far from it. But they do request that the garden be dug once thoroughly first thing in the Spring, then cultivated once or twice afterwards. With proper tools the work need be no more than healthy exercise. For the purpose, there is nothing better than a little three or five fingered cultivator or a Dutch hoe. Either of these implements will make short work of a vegetable or flow- er garden. Cultivation serves a double purpose, it keeps down weeds and it conserves moisture. STONE WALKS Particularly in the smaller gar- den where visitors and children "WORTH COMING VER FOR!" Dixie is a grand smoke any way you take it. The tobacco stays Fresh and flavourful until you cut it off the plug -and every pipeful lasts longer. soon wear grass thin along the edges of flower beds or between the house and the swing or arbor, regular paths are of very practi- cal value. With a little care they will add beauty to the rest of the garden, too. Most pleasing mate- rial of all for this purpose is flag- stones. These are broad, flat, thin slabs of any soft stone, usual- ly found in abundance around cer- tain river beds. They are sunk flush with the ground so that the lawnmower will run over them, and at least an inch and a half of grass left be- tween edges. Sometimes a little sand is placed under the stone for drainage. Other walk materials are sand, cinder or brick. WHEN TRANSPLANTING Experts point out that the se- cret of successful transplanting is plenty of water, when the job is done and for a week or so after- wards: Of next importance will be shade and stimulant. Moving a plant is something like an opera- tion for a human being, and the larger the specimen the more ne- cessary the attention. With shrub- bery and trees often main roots are cut and the shock is severe. Istributors Exceptional OPPORTUNITY of- fered .serious and responsible men to represent a company selling new line of religious, novelty lamps; also commercial ]amps making Neon -like signs. 1)o nut apply unless able to finance small, convenient stook. liberal arrange- ment with exclusive territory. If you qualify. lvrite room 2, 2118 Bleury St., Montreal. 1.1111111111100.11.110. Eskimos Thrive Without Worry Because they don't worry about rent, war scares and "age phycho- logy, Eskimos rarely suffer heart disease, blood presure or cancer," Dr. Victor E. Levine, professor of biological chemistry and nutrition of Creighton University Medical School, Omaha, Neb., said in an interview last week. Dr. Lavish). ('_lerf.ared Eskimos don't keep track of -their ages and never celebrate birthdays—"That's why they are young till they die." se ruc See our Large assortment of various makes and models at our Showroom. $950. G.M.C. '35 T23 13. Stake Body Duals. $400. Dodge '36 1/, Ton Pick- up. $525. G.M.C. '36 3/4 Ton Panel Truck. $475. Ford '36 1/2 Ton Panel $275. Chevrolet '33 1/3 Ton Panel Truck. General Mot -ors Products Of Canada Ltd. G. M. C. Truck Retail Branch 208 Spadina Ave., Toronto WA. 1831 1 AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec- tive System. B. Philips Company Limited, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. AGENTS! STOREKEEPERS! Make big profits selling our over 250 lines of Drygoods and Sniall- • wares. Write today for free Price List, General Outfitters Reg'd. Box 065, Place D'Armes, Montreal. ARTICLES FOlt SALE FLAGS, I3UNTING, PLAIN AND Waterproof Truck Covers and Tents. Prices and samples on re- quest. John Leckie Ltd., Toronto. JEWELRY SPECIAL:—WALTHAM Pocket Watches, $4 up. Wrist- watches, Icings, etc., Violins, Saxo- phones. Unredeemed Pawnbrokers pledges. Catalogue. McTamney's, Toronto. _ CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS Three-piece used Chester- field Suite, repp cover -$1.50 ing, first class condition Three-piece Used English Velour Chesterfield Suite, coin -24.50 pletely reconditioned .. money -back Guarantee Freight paid to your station Royal Chesterfield Manufacturers 66 Richmond Street E., Toronto AVIATiON OPPORTUNITY LEARN TO FLY NOW AT LOW cost, Efficient training — modern ' equipment including Radio. Liv- ing quarters provided for out-of- town students. Fliers limited. Barker Airport, 'reroute. BATH' CRICKS nADE:ti CRICIES FOR SALE: COMMENCING MAY 82nd, YOU CAN buy ]3nden High Grade Govern- ment Approved Chicks at these prices. Standard Quality Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Hy- brids, White Stocks $9.23; Pullets $14.95; Leghorns 98.75; Pullets $18;45; Cockerels $3,00. 13ig Egg Quality the kind that weigh 11i, to• 2 lbs. more when hotched, Heavy. Breeds $10.75, Pullets $16. 95, Cockerels $9.00, Leghorns $10. 25, Pullets $20.90, Started chicks two weeks old add to day old pricesFreCircular. i'rolnptlddeli d ery. Lower prices for June. Baden El- ectric Chick Hatchery, Limited, Baden, Ontario. TWEDDLE ('U0CIcs T'OIt SALE STiLL LOWER PRICES FOR Tweddle chicks. Effective May 18th. Grade A Heavy Breeds $10, 45, 00% Pullets $16.75; Cockerels $7.00: Leghorns $9.95; Pullets $20.75; Extra Profit grade the ovor size chicks Grade A $11.95; Pullets, 918.90; Cockerels $8,00; Leghorns 911.45; Pullets $29.45. Free calendar and Poultry Guide, —Tweddle Chirk Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario' BRAY PULLETS LAY EARLY, LAY heavily. keep on laying ...Just what you will went in your lny- tng house next Pall and Winter. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. Forty-eight hundred people have volunteered to go with Sir Hu- ' beet Wilkins, the Australian ex - plover, on bis proposed voyage to the Arctic in a submarine. Issue No. 20— '30 Ckssedmse Advertkg.. DRAY CRICKS FOR SALE EXPORT DEMAND FOR CANADIAN eggs is increasing, steadying the market. Look forward to next Fall. Put in a brooder -load of Bray pullet chicks. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John Street North, Ham- ilton, Ontario. BUSINESS CHANCES OUR PRINCIPALS OFFER FROS- perity, Independence, Security, within reach of all. Write "Home With Income" Agency, North Hat - ley, clue. CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES "WARL'A", WORLD'S EARLIEST Potato, large, white, delicious, hardiest, heaviest yielder. Gov- ernment Certified. 100 strong eyes $1.00 postpaid. S. V. Cowan, Wal• deck, Sack. DEVELOPING ROLLS DEVELOPED, ETCHCRAFT enlargement — 8 prints 25e. Re- prints le. Photoart Service. Tren- ton, Ontario, Drawer 809. DOCS FOR SALE SCOTTISH TERRIERS ALL AGES. !Vire Fax Terrier male, from pedi- greed stock, low prices. Campbell - croft, Plantagenet, Ont. FOILSALE PURE MAPLE SYRUP, first quality. Write for prices. Order early. John 51. Gillespie, Abbotsford. Quo. RASPBERRIES, LATHAM, CHIEF, Viking. P1 fteen for dollar, hund- red Four Dollars. Strawberries, Dollar per hundred, prepaid. Tye, Brigden, Ontario. IIATI1lio0M OUTFITS holt SALE IF YOU INTEND INSTALLING A Bathroom outfit or water system write for free illustrated cata. logue with prices, Free estimates on installations. The .1. F. Crow- ley Company Dundee, Ontario. FEMALE REI.!' WANTED SPARE TIME INCOME IS OFFERED TO RESPONSIBLE woman with good local contacts. Lending magazine publisher seeks neighborhood subscription work- er. Experience unnecessary, coin - missions liberal, generous bonus. es. State age. Give references, Box 80, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto, NTAI,i1O'0 r(11i SALE A GOOD Bi.AC'I0 8 YEAR OI.I) Percheron Stallion. registered and enrolled. Henry Hulse, Queens - vole, On to rlo, IIIil 000 Hs WIGS. 'Pi 1111'ES, l'ltANSFOR 1\lA- tions, ,wItrhes Curls and ail types of finest enmity Heir Hoods Wille for illustrated eat.elogne. tksnfiden- Oal et ms wronged Toronto Hum. en Reit ',nnrliv f'n 525 lialberst Toronto MACI-ll I ltY ISAND'C '1IUS ISE CONTAINER AND Gen Loader, Gm' Clean one minute Job. Write G. E. A. 12alehow, 5tavely, Albertn. 1 0111I ►alt S-A 0 EN'I'S-CAN V ASS ERS THE MOST COMPLETE LINE Or Smallwares, Novelties, Razor Blades, Dry Goods, Cosmetics, as- sembled in a new mammoth illus- trated catalogue, The lowest wholesale prices obtainable — big profits. Free catalogue. Dept. 3, Phillips Sales Reg'd, 72 Craig W.,. Montreal, Que. PRO'I'OGHA1'HY FILMS REV ROLL FILMS I)EVELOPEi) WITH two prints of each and FRED ENL.ARtIEMENT coupon 26c. OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHOTO- GRAPHY 2 RUSSELT. ST., TOR-• ONTO. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV-• ery roll film developed and 8 high, gloss prints 25c. 8 enlarged prints, 25c, Reprints same price. T3right- ling Studio, 29A Richmond Street: East, Toronto. PERSONAL 1SIARRY—IIUNDREi)S TO CHOOSE. from. Many with means, Farm- ers' daughters. Widows with. Property. Particulars 10c. Con.. fldential. tiox 128 Calgary Al-. Berta. QUi'1, TOi3Mlco, SNUFF, EASILY,. inexpensively, Hume retnedy.'Tes- timonials. tluaranteed. Ad vice. free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. IF YOU \VANT AN AFFECTION ate roniantie sweetheart, with. money, write: Mary Lee, 4.15.0,. Rolla, Missouri. SEWING .UACIIINIOS ail SUU1'l'I,lIiS. FOR SEWINu MACHINES, 1613 - pal rs, 613-pairs, supplies—all makes, new or trade -1 It, recunditlutted ms,ch-. Ines 111 stuck — CV rite A. Gilbert. & Son, 330 Youhe St... Toronto. TRACTOR 11 AUNL'1'O ANI) GENERATOR ILLi'AIItS SEND US POUF. TRACTOR A1AGNE-, to and Generator Repairs. \Ve save, You money. Allansan Armature. 1llanfr.. 555 Bay tit., Toronto. US10I) '1116165 e'01L SALTY 2000 USED '111tES-95e UP FOR, any truck or car. Retreads guar-. anteed twelve months; dealers, wanted. Ask rot free price list., Merrick The Co., 191 tttiig St. \V.,, Hamilton. %'o'IIV GO GitL1%t THOSE GREY STREAKS 1N YOUR. hair rile dead against you. Un-. doubtedly the finest retnedy for grey hair Is Morgan's Pomade, , This is not a dye, but scicntil'ical-. ly prepared trentment which re-• vitalizes the hair, 2 ounce $1,00; large four ounce $1.50, postage, prepaid. t nnr from—lt. Tuthill. Age)011 llo Nest, Toronto, Blade and sold in, England for 50 years, USED CARS & TRUCKS :~ 88 Dodge—New 19 ton Panel. 37 Maple Loaf 21,5 ton stake heavy. ditty. 37 Ford -2 ton cab and1rassis. 80 Dodge --18 too panel, 2-34 i fhevrolets—'18 ton pn.nels. 34 ---Ford Sedan delivery, All tritely, thoroughly leeonr1Itioll.. ed and paints; to suit buyer. 'i VM, 11. SMITH MOTORS LTL)., ,Yet VA8'(.16A V 004., TORONTO ti