HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-18, Page 1Wol XXXIX 44 Rea ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN; e Home Ne HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR. SPR/ING Let us quote you on. Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that ere pleasing and satisfactury, and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For ;appointments call us by phone 102 Zurich. ra"***.irldlErriroatiONS*05620600,9010011221Triir4LMMITMIEMONISWEVAGarnirSirtfil ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ Ear es Chang - ring World.' Friday, 8h—Luther Leagn5. Thursday—Choir Preedce. SUNDAY SERVICE a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday Schee. '7.30 p.m.—English service Everybody Welcome to all &sesame. E. TUERKHEM, Pester. COMFORTABLE GIASSES At REASONABFF. PRIC:L! O. E. ZrErbeigg 11.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER ,..The Newest. Approved Method of 1,„7ste,E-ereiSee'iesseWesting, irsed. Oiseneevr Week Day Except Nifedatseilsey. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 A.M. Worship.. Subject:— "God's Dyke" 11. AM. Sunday &loco]. 7.30. P.M. Worship. Subject:— "Mail Men" `"It is noble to forgive an irxjury, and sensible to forget it." In Police Court Goderich—I frequently wonder why attempted suicide has been made a crime. No one suffers or would have suffered but aceused" said Frank Donnelly, council for Mrs. Mildred Dickenson, widow, 32, mother of 4, convicted by Mag. Makins on Thurs- day afternoon last of attempting to take her life. "Defence council has no right to say that the attempted suicide harmed no one but herself and sho- uld go unpunished," objected Crown .Attorney D. E. Holmes. "She has al- ready harmed her four small children and had she succeeded the state wo- uld have lost a subject, it would have deprived her four small children to the expense of keeping them." Ac- cused took a :quantity of sleep produ- ducing pills. Directions called for one. "You should be spanked. You have been carrying on like a fool. You are disgracing your children" said Mag- listrate iMakins..—Halfway through the evidence Magis. Makins stopped the drunk driving ease of Robt. Orr, ag- e-) Payfield, dismissed the charge. Tietihe Officer Webb said accused was drunk. Co. Constable Ferguson said accused was not drunk. Bruce Moore c G. MAY 18,1939. L malls Theatra EXETER -- ONT. This Theatre is "Air Conditione' Thursday, Friday, Saturday e "GUNGA DIN" Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's Her- oic Lines, Starring: Cary Grant, Victor McLaglart Douglas Fairbanks r. First showing at 7.30 sharp, owtg to length of Picture. le, Mon., Tues., Wed., May 22, 23, 24. "MEN WITH WINGS" Greatest Epic of the Air in. Tecree- color, with Fred 'McMurray, Ray 1V1illand; fah, COMING — "Kentucky", "Angebs with Dirty Faces". "The Lady Vait- ishes". "If I were King." OW jj taln Chester L. Sraith, Publizhilft a coal A.s, " 11.25 a year, U.S. $1,50 in .AdV*11,4* 4140 IS A.RI,NARS.22 MAY BM OF14110BZe 41114.1ffs.......1•013111•0400.1.1.2210•••••••••••••111.0119=1.10•12•10//102111/li./.. Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Mousseau of Kippen were Sunday visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. A. Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit- chener, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oliver of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. C. Peitz. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil and son of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. A. Melick. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie of Galt, were Sunday visitors wfth their parents here. . Mr. William Klopp and family of . Stratford, and Mr. Leonard Klopp of a mutual fiiend, visiting -•i'''ar°1'..41 and family of .Waterloo visited their Sunday. for rooms after. —Wilbert Loq m ' other and other relatives in town on kwood, Clinton, in addition to 14 clYe for drunk driving, was given tWte months for "having for sale." —E55 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and dau- erett Allen, charged with arson, wt. ghter Verginia of Detroit; Mr. and remanded one week—Owen Lewis; Mrs. W. J. Major and family of Tor - door -to -door soap salesman, had a- onto, were week -end visitors- at the charge of theft against him dismissed, Siebert home in town. He took another and much better hap Rev. E. Turkheim and Mrs. George There was a record of 40 from a hotel in mistake for his ow31 Hess, Mrs. Geo. Deichert, Mr. Henry carres, of thein trafficon Thursday's EstiGackstettey and Milfred Schilbe at- , ( STEPHEN COUNCIL ..: nesday . 11 Brotherhood at Kitchener on Wed - tended .a. meeting of the Lutheran The Council of the Township 0" Merrsr. Gordon and Stanley Smith Stephen met in the Town. Hall, Cre, of St. Joseph, accompanied by Lloyd iton, on May 1st with all member1 and Lorne Klopp and Jack Merrier of Or companion, was remanded for present.. The minutes sf the prefile :we were recently on a motor hike axe laiiteleleil.14We,regtilste ieetXii f t andAhe Owen. Sound to having five bottles o beer in Oer's special meeting of the 15th were district. car. The two had been to the raneral read and adopted. The following correspondence was The asterly part of the house of BET FY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP —YOUR HAIR—The most important thing to complete your spring outfit is your hair. Treat it as such and come to us for your next PERMANENT WAVE. • Introducing to you for the first time the newest in •scientsfic hair treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents." Whether your hair be fine, course, white, etc., we now have 13. special lotion for each type and yon are therefore assured of a wave in the manner you have niways wanted. Why Accept a Substitute for the Best. No advance in prices. Phone 159 Zurich far .Appointments. MRS. ED. GASGHO, Prop. 4t...."."0"4,174.0.4".0,114744.41,0"4".04P*MONDWOOWF41 1 "rrarrr"cror***01241 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sugar Crisp: corn flakes, 4 pkg. — _ .25c Raspberry Jam, 32 -oz jar 27c Pork and Beans 2f -oz. 'tin, '2 tins i 7c Handy Ammonia.. per .pkg. . .... .—...5c 1 Sunlight Soap,, 4 cakes —. ..... 25c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes ...—_ ......... .. .......-......17c Hillcrest Shortening, 2 pkgs 23c Royal York coffee, i -lb. 'tin ....... .. . . ... —.. . .—.....37c Peas, No. 2 tins. 2 tins .....—.......- ..... .....,___-18c 1 -Ila. tin Cocoa, each .- ..... .....--. , .,18c Derby cheese, half lb pkg. each ..........--. ..14o New style Silk crepe Dresses. just in .. Newest styles in Printed Dresses ..-- ..... 1.29 Girl's Silk Dresses, .8 to 14 years . - . .1.39 wohmtemerato00**11=0040=0".• read and filed.: - 1 Dept. of Municipal ffaits re- garding recent legislation .passed by '-he Ontario Legislature whereby the Municipal Subsidy will be 11/2 mills instead of 1 mill as formerly. 2 From the Provincial Treasurer. enclosing 'cheque for $3,787.56 as government subsidy on 1938 Expen- diture on roads in the Township. Motion—That the tender of Ire- land and Jennison for crushing 2000 u. yerds of gravel in Skinner's pit for 23c per cu. yard and hauling same on reeds in the Township of Stephen at 5% c. per yard mile be accepted md that the Clerk prepare usual 2ontract for signatures. Road accounts to the amount of ii•.:19.03 were passed and the follow-. 'ne ordered paid: • Police Villages share of .1938 sub- sidy on road expenditures: Centralia e48.c:8, Crediton 23.33, Dashwood 11,46, Grand Bend 499.98; Exeter Times -Advocate, advert.- ees ond Printine 1.25; Daeid Tienme, wood for Miss Hold 1,75; Treas. Twp Hay rollof re Tardrson 41.78; Lucelle Los - liner. conveyance to London $4; Pot- McIseac( funeral exp. or Miss Held $30; The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, June 5V1 1939 at 1 o'clock. P;m:' Herbert K. Mbar, Twp. K*0003smosemastreasnurermompaccursismonuctoastals=0130t. TA' Coming! The American Style Orchestra SINGING TRIO: TRUMPETERS •FRENCH HORNS 1 ROMBONES SMARTEST, GAYEST ASSEMBLY EVER! TIP TIPPING AND HIS Cascade. Rythni Orchestra MAY 24th. AT REGULAR PRICES: Men SOc. Women 35e, DANCiNG FREE LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend • Mr. aid Mrs. Norman Gascho, the part once used for a milk house, is being renovated and put into con- dition to be used by Miss Anna alt- ars with her millinery busbiess. • King's Birthday, May 20th . Saturday, May 20th has been pro- claimed a public holiday by the Do- minion Government and many places will observe Victoria Day and the Ring's birthday on the same day. Fifty -First Anniversary - On Monday evening, May Sth, the the children of Mr. and Mee. Louis Kalbfleisch, of the 16th concession, Hay Township, gathered at their home to celebrate their 51st wedding anniveesary. A very good time was enjoyed along with delicious eatables by all present. The many relatives and friends of thin happy upro of fiftv-one years wish them many more such cheerful eyeirits, Receives Pubncity Considerable comment is being snack these days, not only in the Lon. don daily Press bus now also in the County weeklies in regards to Hay Township's grand old Cyclist, who is eighty-nine years of age in the povson of Mr. John Fostee, who frequently takes a hike hike to Zurich, from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jacob Battler, Babylon Line, a distance of two miles. Desp'te his age Mr. Fos- ter is hi his usual .eheerful mood and greatly enjoys jumping on his bike and puddle off to Zurich. He is ono of the oldest residents in Hay TowttAlip, Death of Mrs. Moss Mrs. Anna Moss, wife of Joseph Moss, of London, died Sunday last in Victoria Hospital, after a short ill- ness, in her 49th year. les. Moss ,vas formerly Miss Hildebrand, a dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John .Hildebrand„ of Zurich. She received her education in Zurich school and went to London 80 years ago, For the past 25 years she had lived at the • Dundas street addresg where her bus - hand operated a barber shop. She 'vas an adherent to the Anglican Church. Surviving are her husband ono son, John Moss, of Loedon; twc daughters, Miss Ruby Moss and Mrs E. McNish, both of St. Thomas, Thera are also two .brothers, Louis and Bernard Hildebrand, both ei Seaforth and throe sisters: Mrs. L. Wood, Nia • gala Falls; Mre, Foster Hensell pee Mrs. Vincent, 'Preston. Interment wke made in Woodland cernetoey. Lotifien the setvice being conducted byIONi. Trowon AUTHORIZED A G. Outstanding value in this extrusive 'Bridal Wreath design.,• Beautifully styled with three perfect diamonds. DISTRIBUTOR HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN For positive identification of the World's Finest AntInaciteo., ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets, The Roe Farms Milling C-4* Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid lot .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensel!. • ••••••••••••4444.0•••••••••••••••••••••••••ee...000• 48' • • • • • . • 0 • • • • • • 4. • • 4 • • • 0 • • • • • 4. • 4) 4. X tr a T AND s • r Take Advantage of this Free Pant Sale Limited time only --Tailored to Measure by Can- ada's Leading Tailors ---Special Reduction on all Goods. elf cr- , (a4, (4, , .. 11"21:1Eratil ul Ethr.2..42 '',17, I-nbekeal t.elee.-• 1 till)," 4.10 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DliRECTORS tto 4f; ,2. ..'0 ...e......1;47‘ ‘" rtial>645,0b04,"0"4.046a,".:, ,r4."" SPRING GOO YOU NOW BRUME Have You Selected Your Garden Seeds? We have a good Assortment of Flower and Veg- etable Seeds in 5c and 10c Packages,.. Also Root. Seeds and Sorghum. WE HANDLE SCARFE'S PAINTS Men's, Boys' Misses and Children's Running Shoes, Men's Work Shoes, House Dresses, Aprons, Prints and Broadcloths. Men's and Boys' Overalls and Smocks. 1,IARNESS REPAIRS, ETC,, ETC. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand N N DOUG i AS GENERAL MERCHANT HONE 11 - 9'7 BLAKE