HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-11, Page 44t.oktit. I ZVRICH HERALD Ulm 'lay 1'1M, 1939 FO iALE B A F NQSH FOR, AVE Y SURFACE �NFcr -_.. ,•,v'^=.^L:�'" MIZIE,.m :=1. ,: y 1 es:,i3A4160£41. :"•3L�S*,9136112 ulArR7 4101r51TIMm,rn_ ,��M n aNS'1 ii N and KALBFLEISCH - Zurich i Mane AT IOW COM WITH AN X8`2 CALL or write for a copy of our folder "Al'toderliza- tlon Loans for Home Owners". VEMENTS Established 1817 (`a bank where small accounts are welcome" 83S-2 PE MIT CITY110 If your home is in the country or in •a town or village not served by a Community Water Supply System, a Duro Pump will supply running water under pressure to all parts of your home, barns, dairy -build- ings, etc. Without running water your family cannot have bathroom facilities and other conveniences so nec- essary to their comfort, health and daily work. JENCE Duro Water Systems and Emco bathrootn and kitchen equipment are made in designs and quality to meet the needs of every type of home. Emco Products Are Reasonably Priced The four pieces in the bathroom illustrated --Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory— with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost only r ....$132.00 (Soil pipe, iron pipe and fittings extra) Other complete Bathroom Equipment as low as $76.84 ADuro Special Pumping System complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor with capacity of 250 gals. per hour, costs only. Duro-Special Can also be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation $87.00 Modernize your borne NOW. Tinder the Government Horne Improvement Loan Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the cost of doing so can be spread over a period not exceeding three years. Full in- formation and free booklets on request. STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toron+o Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 2S9 D S �i Y-ICiOD Was. Jones of Russel Point, 'Ohio, ;spent the week -end with relatives. I4liss Kathleen ',Werner is spending alp. few weeks in Detroit. 1);ast,woeci Planing :11611 1, hieli destroyed by fire some time ago, has ' i up-to-date been rebuilt ']t is now at . ebur and factory ready for business, 11rs. F. Willett who snort the win ter with her daughters in Miohigan has returned home, Mss.; Helen Luft who has ben in London for some time retalt'aled.' TIQrtie 1 last week. Quite a number from here attend-. ed Conference in Kitchener on Sun- day. Elgin Merrier is spending a week' with friends in Detroit. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs, Margaret. Erratt of flue cey is spending a few days with her sister ;i1.1 a- `;1Teury 'Ei'ratt' and other .relt47:t ? yes. Mrs. Ram McKinley of Clinton, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Jean McKinley. Miss Willa Jervis of Clinton, vis- ited with her friend, Miss Isabel Rob-_ 'inson on Sunday. BLAKE Seeding is fairly well advanced in this vicinity. The warns weather' and' showery rain has helped considerable to the ground. The Blake United Church Anniver- sary will be held on Sunday, June 4, next, at 11 a,m, and 7.30 p.m. Fur ther announcements will be given later concerning the speaker. The W.M.S. held their may meeting in the church on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Manson's group in charge of the program. The aux- iliary are invited to meet with the Goshen Auxiliary on Wednesday, i1Iay 17th. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. Eddie Brisson of Beaver Town motored to London one `day last week. Mr. Frank Jeffrey who has spent a few weeks in Windsor, returned to his home here on Saturday last, Comment—At present- in this vic- inity we hear the tractors hammering in the fields and while they are hook- ed up to the most modern farm im- plements, makes farm work an easy task. In this art.cle we wish to re- fer to this immediate community and to the early pioneers who imigrated from the lower Province to carve a' home for themselves and their fam- ilies in this particular part on the borders of Lake Huron. For most part of the lives of those early far- mers, seeding was -tedious and slow, as their hook-up . was to a wooden' plow and brushes 'of trees -,f oi',1lyl ows to cover their seeding.. Btitlfrem those wilds, those ee ly': ettlers 'eife, eblished fol ..themselves homes, an, i, founded a parish known''‘'S. S't' Peter's parish, Pointe Aux , Boulesaux, altho- ugh this latter addition was not on Peeord to the name; it wile the hea7't's aesire of the old timers of five goner - ,tions ago that it should be. Today it is in reality a .French Settlement' Parish from French stock, and those in its midst Helot: have the pteasure of b'eing direct deo "ndants of the early pioneer, should be. proud of the fact, and should endeavor to maintaain the good ideas started by their forefath- ers in this good old French Settle- ment at Pointe Aux Bou aux. NOTES— Mr. and Mrs. Kurlo Hut ian and family of the Goshen lint+ south of Urieb, were Sunday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1)ucharrne of the lllue Water south, Mies Sherie Jeffrey of Beti'vertokvri. left on 'Tuesday last where r,r.e hat; secured employment at Grand Bend. Miss Veranique Dueharme from Mount Carmel visited her parents on Sucnlity last. HENSALL i11x, Jatnzes -A, Paterson has pur- chased frons G. C. Petty the eastern part of village lot number 15, next to lie,ilpeill's dwelling on Mein st, and intends as soon as possible erect- ing a neat and up-to-date bungalo with ali motiurn conveniences, ('lie:. Wolfe, a:t mason and James Salll;'^ti'y, carpenter, are cancer, line. preen,: in the erection o. i7,rville Teeiteiwils new public service garage Hied Corbett who has been quite eriau:ly ill for a few weeks is im- piov iflg nicely, G4,;, 1:tcksoti, who -has been recei- ving treatment for some time past in Weetminister 'Hospital, Londo, Las ar- rived home and looks much better. ;Mark fasysdale attended a eonven- tiuu o funeral directors at -Rotel London Friday last, Tee lieeet 11 to a: ens' Band pros- en.te:i a sacred concert in the Town Hall last Sunday eve, .following the local church services which was much enjoyed by all Present. Mr. Wm. Dougall has sold one of his vacant lots adjoining their home. on Main st. to Wm. E. Foster, who in -- tends erecting a neat dwelling on the same. Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Dayman of Kip - pen have moved into the dwelling which they recently purchased from the eluate of the late -Wm. McKay and are getting nicely settled. The police court case of recent in Which Dr. Moir was reported fore careless driving, came iii due course before Magis. Hawkshaw of London. The case was summarily dismissed, no ,'vidence of careless driving being found, and Dr. Moir was commended ' `for preventing .a serious accident. During the early hours of Mondoy 'tinning last, th_eves broke the lock: on gas pumps at the Supertest gas station on No. 4 Highway operated by Allan Soldan, stealing a Large quantity of gas. Jack Taylor, on his Way to night work at .Coon's Mills, upon noticing- a car hanging around the station, phoned the town consta- ble, but upon arrival on the scene, the thieves had vanished. Hensall Couiicil Minutes The regular meeting of the Village Council was held on the eve. of May 1st at 8 p. -m. in the Council Chamb- ers with all members present. The :aiiinutes of the previous meeting we- -eacl.and adopted. . Doer `and E. Jonas a- :eared aslcing ;Council for a pool room lic- ense. Motion, that we grant same. License fee $20. for the first and $5 for each suceeding table. n W, Foster appeared asking Coun' eil to dig across on Richmond St. South, also to supply the tile. Motion that this be granted. Lee Hedden reported re the Park also the request of S. Tudor, also re catchbasin as needing cleaning; and the garbegecollection. Motion, that arrange to have the garbage collect- e'd 'on May 18-19. 'Motion, that we order 6 barrels of patching material from the lmperraal Oil, also secure sufficient gravel for the streets, and also 5 gallons of '1oo1-rite. Motion that we hold Court of Re- vision on the 1939 assessment on May 29 at 8 p.m. Bills and accounts were: • 3.. Henclers-on, relief, groceries 16.75 0. Roweliffe, do milk $5; W. R. Dav- irl'on, Goal $7; Can. Legion, rebate hall rent $6; G. M. Case, 'teaming streets 1.60; ,i•. A. Paterson, teleph. calls 1.83; Bank of Montreal interest loans 49.15; Hensall Hydro, hall rnt. 11.20; V. Hedden painting roof $20; 11k'unic, World, supplies 2.42.; Lee Hedden salary $55. James A. Paterson, Clerk. GENERAL NEWS ELECTION OFF TILL SPRING The Canadian Government has ab- andoned any thought of a federal el - lotion this year and instead is plan- ning a general vote in the spring of 1940, p oneinent Liberals are inform- ed from Ottawa, While Dr. R. 3. Mean ion, leader of the Conservative oppos- ition, was leading an at`ack on the )tidgedt the other day w;th the chal- lenge to "my friends opposite to go to the country at the earliest possibly moment", decision had already been taiceu;treial' 'days previous against a'- Vote •withife 12 months. Less cev *tzn.;as; thneseasbn, Undoubtedly thee- was, eoneideraiblo, difiaeulty in arrane ifrg" a"vcfe' in tt'year in which the Kirin and Queen are to.visit Canada. Prem ier Ding's time will be fully occupier' itntil'bh'e , Middle of June with ' the Ding's visit. CAN'T DRIVE FOR MONTH Rich'd Ringrose of Parkhill at Lo,,. elon pleaded guilty in, the county ort. td; a .charge of reckless driving and Wes given suspended sentence upon p,yrneitt of court costs. His driving licence was orderedsuspenden roe a riiantb, The charge followed a crash on No. 7 highway, near Parkhill, on jail. 28, tingrose wire in ;Hospital for a ouple of days after the crash, and I . $ . tuors) tt� ;ir�e� e .xtt;� % lii� or �rFret e w l 10 C Du des t Prices on ,8L'.L 19339 leeelge Six and Dela= models hauls been RE- DUCEDI l'ou't] praise the graceul sweep of body lines .. , The ease and comfort of the new Relaxed Ride improved performance cf the famous Dodge economy engine. This big, loos„er - wheelbase Dodge also has new Amour steel coil springs. - improved airplane -type shock absorbers . patented bloating Power . , . hydraulic brakes. See and drive one of these remark- able 19i9 Deere ,cars TODAY! SEE US FOR 1:a3i�;W LOW PRICES WARD FRTTZ -_ Distributor - Zurich .z, as Again If you are replacing that worn out Mattress or Spring this season. 'When in Exeter, call in and visit our bedding department. We have a very large stock of Felt and Spring filled Mattresses at prices to suit any purse. 9'11 e can fit any bed and give you rest and comfort for , years. to. Mme_ Our Bed Spring Stock range in price and qua.dty, from the cheapest 5; o the best. We have never had a better or larger stock of Liv- ing Room, Dining R00132 and Bedroom r urmture- Our Chesterfield stock is larger than usual, -We have all tie latest gtyIealand:calorsShown this .3'eaT, The prices range from $57.00 to $135.00 for three piece suites. A liberal allowance 'yvill be made for your old suite on a riew one. We deliver anywhere? E. R. HOPPER Fm-rii utre Dealer Exeter. R. & G. USED CARS Re & Means Renewal and Guaranteed, which means Positi- vely Entire Satisfaction or your Money Back. Each and every R. & G. Car is Thoroughly Ccecked., The: Motor, the $rakes•, The Clutch, the Rear Axle ore all Thoroughly Over- hauled;. The: Cars are equipped with New Batteries and new Tires. where necessary_. We believe. the Purchaser of a good. used Car isentitled to as much, Satisfaction as the. Purchaser of a Brand New Car. We sell 3, used, Cars for every New Car sold, and we are determinedthat. each and every Purchaser of one of our used Cars will bejust as Proud of it as the man who buys a Brand New Out Remember:. 1100;% Satisf .ctiorn mar, l:llO% of your Money Back 1933—Ford: V8. De Lux Coach )R&G at $775.00 1938—Ford' V8 Coupe a real nice'car R Cr $675.00 , 1937—Ford V8 Coach R & G, only . , . ai ..$575.00 193,6—Dodge 4 -door Sedan with trunk, R. & G. 1935 --Ford VI Dee Lux Forder .sedan with trunk R Si. G, 1935—Ford V8 De Lux Coach with trunk and heater R & G. 1934—Ford V8; De Teux Coach, R & G. 1934 --Ford V8 De. Lux Coupe R & G. 1934 --Dodgy Coach, like new R & � 1931—Pontiac Coach, good tires . _ . _ ... _ $225.00 1930—Ford Coach, R & G,, a very Special Car. 1929—Ford Roadster, nice condition $100.00 . 1928—Fartt Colace,. motor,' overhauled and new tires ...... $65.00 1928—Whippet 4 Door Sedan at _ .• _ ... $40.00. 1929—Essex Coach at • $75.00 1927 ---Pontiac Coach only 24000 miles at - . - - $75:00 Several Tricks from. $•7510.0 uptardt,S nearly new Iopg:'sta •ef 2: Ten Trucks. SANDY ELLI.OT Phh ' 64 ` ' 't't1k FORA, MERCURY; AIM LINODLlgi:. ZERHE $:1 f :. FORD TRUCKS AND:FORD$ON TRACTORS.,; in, 1 : „•.. seriously hurt. They were Js-'- Peee enberry, of Parkhill, who suffered :a fractured jaw and kuland Fred Asiling, kala suffered spinal indories. All have recovered satisfactorily.. RETIRING AT 60 Ottawa—Compulsory retirretnon, at the age of 65 and voluntary retirem- ent at Gil were rcceuttmtaaded for civ- il. c to to *llD g): i asp• t."•:tvi. ;r-ri~rg Superamuation Act by the finer report- of the louse of Commons' select coni tn'ittee n superanuabion. There is no zompullsory retirement age now, 'There should be provision for no eir- lLcitsi»n of service beyond 65, thee committee xecomrnended, but the re - 11 3t aftfieti that the proviso should Mot ibe optative until two years af- ter tile euneraitnent goes into effect.