HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-05-04, Page 4ItIPAGX FOT5R
with or
Water System
Ph Fixtures
Visualize your own home
with these fixtures and equip-
ment installed. Try to realize
the countless number of steps
and tiring tasks that running
water, under pressure, will
save you.
A Duro Pumping System will
provide water at the turn of a
faucet and make it possible for
you to modernize your home.
Emco Fixtures are moderately
priced. Fixtures complete with trim-
mings, as illustrated, ready for in-
stallation, cost:
Bath Tub
Basin, 17" x 19"
Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet
Sink and Cabinet, with faucet
No. 30 Range Boiler
Septic' Tank 30.00
Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank 87.00
(Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra)
Enquiries will receive prompt atten-
tion and estimates will be furnished
'without charge.
a� n
Under the
Gov't Home
Loan Act the
cost of mod.
ernizing your
home can be
spread over a
three year
Por Sale By
STADE and WEIRD - Zurich
EMPIRE BRASS MFG. C.O. LIMITED—London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Vancouver
Rev. J. R. Peters attended the
Presbytery meeting at Wingham Iast
'Thursday. Also a number of ladies
from Goshen W. M. S. attended the
W.M.S. meeting at Wingham on he
,came day.
.Mr. Elston Dowson and Mr. Neil
McDonald of G.odexich called on fri-
ends on Goshen one day last week.
Miss Isabel Robinson who has been
.attending Toronto Bible College, has
returned to her home here.
The play "Aunt Minnie of Min-
sesota" put on by the young people
•of Varna and Goshen Young People
in the Blake Church on Thursday
evening last, proved to be of a fine
character and humorous. Each actor '
.,played their part in the. cast to their
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and members
of their family, of Stratford, called
eon relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd of Paisley vis
!aced the latter's mother, Mrs. 'Clarke
and brother Will.
Mr. and 11Irs. H. N. Finlay called
to see the latter's uncle Mr. David
"1llichol at Hensall who is ill. i
Seeding has begun in tris district
'with many farmers.
3 Iiss Gladys Douglas spent a dayTavistock recently.
'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner .and
on of London, ,spent Sunday with
the ,latter's parents.
Mx'. Antonio Denomme of Detroit,
A very pleasant evening was spent ailing for some time. Her husband
on Monday eve. at the home of Mr. died about a year ago. She rs surviv-
and Mrs. Regis Denonnne, of the 14th ed by one sister, Mrs. Henry Kraft,
concession Hay, the occas.on being of Dashwood, a son Milford of Utica,
Mrs. Denomnte's 73rd birthday. A Mich; and seven daughters: Mrs. Jos
large number of friends, gathered -Doerr, Laird, .Sask; Mrs. Eimer Thiel
and games and dancing was enjoyed Hay Twp; Mrs. John M. Dale, Wilton
by all present. A very suitable mid Grove; Mrs. Clarence Tuscany, Mt.
night lunch was served, which was Clemens, Mich; Mrs. Russell Pitt,
heartily enjoyed by all. The many Thorndale; Mrs. Arthur Weary, Kul -
friends that had gathered, wished Mrs kmont, Pa; and Mrs, Jack Attanboro
Denomme many Mode happy birthday ugh, Windsor. A private funeral was
events. held at the residence on Monday at
2 o'clock followed by a public service
at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood
with Rev. T. Luft officiating. Inter-'
ment took place in the Bronson line
Lutheran Cemetery.
On Saturday at the United Church
parsonage, Grand Bend, Rev. C. Bea-
com united in marriage Ila, only dau-
Sunday in Detroit. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mas
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and on of :Stephen Twp., and Joseph Ba.
family of Mitchell, were Sunday vis- ker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
hors witm Mr. and Mrs: E. R. Gu- Baker of the Lake Road. The atter -
anther. dents were; Miss Freda Lovie and
Gerald Mason, brother of the ,bride.
The bride was -charming in a suit of
Regina blue with hat and accessories
in, Japonica tan shade. She wore
corsage of pink and white carnation,
The groom's gift to the bride was sil
verware, to the best man a gold watch
chain and to the bridesmaid a neck.
lace. Mr. and Mrs. .Toseph Baker
then left to spend a week's honey-
moon in Detroit and other points.On
their return they will reside on the
Lake Road:
Lutheran League
The Dashwood Lutheran • Leagu-^
opened the Arai' meeting with a
true or false contest c.pnsisting ;ryin
geography. The remaining part of
11 the evening was spent ori a sing -song
On the ,following week the young
people took part in a play "Wake up
Folks" 't?�lt'ieh was muchenjoyed. •
The next week the Leaguers tel(''
en Easter social for the newly. con-
err:5 at the hoarse of Mr. and Ctrs. Peter i ondort were Sunday.visitors 'Vh firmed, The social was held in the
basement of the church which WV
orr�iveau. The latter .Mrs. Corriv-; Mr. and Mrs. P.4Mclsoae. decorated
eau has been very it l t , - with pink and white strea
y 1 of ,bite. • We are sorry to report that Mrs, ;lmcrs, The evening opened h sits eine
Miss Corriveau, eC tendon,' Hamacher who has been confined to la h mn. y g
"was a Thursday vi. ;tor with » Pr par-, her bed nearly all winter is ver ill Y A piano due tt was irlayn�
nta, Mie. and Mrs. If rank .Corrveau. ' :t present, y
There still aro a goodly number' 111 Late Mrs, George Koch
with the Liu, some aro taking it fol' Tvia:,. George Koch, foe
the second time, which takes a lot o`f i Jtnh%e Schroeder • ? den-
+�� <,.rth and } � 1' v, r r l rlleri ,... lies. ltomr
^r.vitlity Out of a pM,r'atarn, i . :.'o 'n bran ,11,''th yf•�1. ', 'it16 1f+'
Miss Onieda Restemeyer R. N., of
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent
the week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer.
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor spent
Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Chicago,
'pent a few days with Rev, and Mrs.
Roppel last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Tiernan of
Halifax spent a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tiernan.
Dr.- Tiernan has 'been transferred to
Kingston and left .for these on Tues=
Rev. H. E. Roppel is attending
Ctrnt•e;nence in Kitel ever this week.
:Dashwood Memorial Band held a
very .successful 'band concert in Tie -
man's hall onSunday evening with
1 d 1
a , lar crowd in attera:( ance.. Numer-
'ous numbers were playe^.d by the band
under the leadership of. M.r. . Harry
Mr, ' and Mrs. Luschexr and son
vas- a week -end visitor with his par- 1 ffi Teddy. were Sunday visitor with Mrs.
,ants, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Miss Mabel Etue, nurse, is ire at-
tendance of a case at Seafore.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corriveau, of
Ven.ian, Mich., were week -end visit -
p Denotnme. Reid,
,I re, Reid viitted friends scar 'Phed-
ford and Chatham last weak.
Mrs. B, Armstrong and fazra ", and
sister, Miss Lottie Armstrong o f
y .1Vlildred Luft .tnd Lona Fisher
The pastor, Rev. T. tuft then gave'
nn lie. ;etreeting talk on ,the Walther
tc:aw•'ze, this was fellowe • wfth
The remaining part of the evening
Was spent in playing aeroplane buin-
ao which caused a great deal of ruer-
:'iment; The highest prizes going to
,,nth Becker and Albert Rader ;while
ale consolation prizes went to Dor-
othy Wein and Lorne Rader, The
audience then joined in singing well
'enown hymns. A dainty lunch wa
then served by the committee Leona
Fisher, Dorothy Kraft, Elmore Gack-
stetter and Elmore Rader. The even-
ing then cclosed with repeateing the
Lord's Prayer,
On April 2btb was topic study ev-
ening, the subject be ng `'Your Citi
zenship" Rev. T. Luft took the
lead. This was followed by the mon-
thly business. meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Council of the Township of Hay was
held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on
Monday, .May lst, with all members
present. The minutes of the April
meeting were alopted as read.
After disposing of the cominuni
nations the following resolutions' we
re passed:
That the Report, plans, etc., per-
taining to the petition of R. Mune
:lead others for improvement of drain
as presented by S. W. Archibald O.L
3., be received and that a meeting of
the assessed persons under the sch-
eme to hear the reading of the report
and to consider same be held at the
Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, May
22nd, at eight o'clock in the evening
That accounts covering payment
on Township Roads, Hay Telephone.
Relief and general accounts be pas-
sed as per vouchers:
Township Roads—Times-Advocate,
adv. tenders $4.05; E. Erb road 9
3.25; S. Hoffman, rd. 13 4.si; Z. P.
Village etiaets 15.81; H. Steinbach
Road Supt. 12.55; Twp. Stephen
cement tile 2.50; C. L. Smith, adv.
tenders 3.90; H. Brown road 15 $4
M. G. Detz operating grader, gas
54.94; A. Reichert rd. 4 5.20.
Hay Telephone—Bell Co. toils Feb
to March 110.00; C. N. R. freight
directories 4.72; Nor. Electric Co
material 390.77; Bell Co. 750 direct
-ries 112.00; Nat. Revenue, tax on
tolls 30.57; H. G. Hess, 1 month sal-
a,y 165.00.
„Relief Accounts—W. Bender . allo-
`tis?ance $10; E. Hendrick, rent $5; W.
Hay, allowance $15; Mrs.. C. Geiser
°r'nilk 7.20; J. Wein wood $24; C. Mo-
utton, rent .$3; H. Thiel, transients
±s.75 ; E. Tiernan & Son, groceries $12
'',,:General Accounts—Zurich Hydro,
mall lights 4.54;' Queen Alex. San., re-
fills $12; W. H. Edighoffer, assessor
`postage $5; C. L. Smith, printing act
.3.65; W. H. Edighoffer, equalizing
&S.S. $6;;,Hen"sall Spring Fair, grant
5.00 • Whiller & Co.. collector's roll
That the Council adjourn to meet
again on Monday, June Stha for re-
gular business and as a Court of Ap-
peal to consider appeals against the
1939, Assessment Roll, if any.
A. F. Hess, Clerk.
In County Court
Goderich—Alleging .t_ at there is
nn shoulder on the south side of the
boundary road 'between Middlose_.
end Huron counties, and that long
grass was allowed to remain uncut so
as to prove deceiving, Miss Evelyn
Regan, McGillivray 'iwp., is suing the
two municipalities , for $6,500 fo:
.,t aur es t'rec:eived in an auto accident
on June 4, 1938. The case will be
heard at the non -jury session of the
Suprenxe Court which opens on Tu-
esday of this week before Justice.
Godfrey. •Miss Regan wase. ,.assen
ger in a,, car driven by her brother.
She claihns that in pass ng another
car the Regan auto was forced on to
what was thought to be the shoulder
of the road. Instead it plunged into
a ditch and rammed into a tree head
on..O the total claim $4,00 is esker'
xkqz 5,Lis e DadL
for "permanent disability. This is one
of eight: cases that
will be up fox
Since 1935 Canada has exported a
total of $431,177,704 in gold coin anct
bulilion, most of it ($330,432,241)
to the United States. It is reeogniz•
ed that export of gold. has largely
been responsible for maintainrng the
standing of Canadian currency a
Two' people were injured on Sat
urday evening when a car driven by
Lloyd Carter swung out to miss a
parked •ca"r and .collided' with a car
driven by Vera McKibbon, of Wing
ham, The accident occurrecr nea
Clinton on No. 4 highway. Derwir
Carter, of Londesboro, a passen.gl
in the Carter car, suffered head an'
neck lacerations, wh'le Miss M. Dine
ley, of "Wingham, a passenger in tlt-
McKibbon car, received painful flesh.
womeds f ind broken bones itt the
ltantl:. The parked car, owned by
Bert Johnston of Brussels, was load- f
ed With tins of cream which were un-
set all over the highway and the o"• i
eupants of the car were deluged it
the cream. The three cars were badly
A huge run of smelts, said by ab -
servers to be ,the first in the history
of o f Grand Bend, loom! as a grave
threat .ta'the fishing inrluat:-v on the
111e+1' 17 14 Olua�. lart i�"lO
shore of the lake tk:
q Yeah!
Kraft. Tens tx�sOn�a of the S.l�trtClicd!I
TrnanaAnsi, May 4tir, 1929
New "ILOWEIR Vortices I
Prices an ALL 1939 /ante Six and.
DeLuxe models bawl) been RE-
DUCED! You'll praise. the grace#u2:,
sweep of body lines ,- , the ease and
comfort of the new Relaxed Ride...
improved performance of the famous .
Dodge economy engine: This big,
longer- wheelbase Dodge also has
new Amnia steel coil springs.
. improved .airplane -type shock .
absorbers . . patented Floating
Power _ liydrpudic brakes:
See and driveone of these ,rexnatit- -
able 1939 Dodge, cars TODAY! •
WARD FRILL LL - Distrihnbr _ Zurich
Spiiii; CIi Ena Time
If you are replacing that worn out Mattress or
Spring this season. When in Exeter, call in and
visit our bedding department.
We have a very large stock of Felt and Spring
filled Mattresses at prices to suit any purse. We
can fit any bed and give you rest and comfort for
. years to come.
Our Bed Spring Stock range in price and quaaity,
from the cheapest ito the best.
We have never had a l ter or larger stock of Liv-
ing Room, Dining Room and Bedroom 1'tlrmture.
Our Chesterfield stock Is 'larger " than usual. iVe.`
have all the Iates€ styles wed ors shown this year.
The prices range from $57.00 to $135.00 for three
piece suites: A liberal allowance will be made for
your old suite on a new one.
We deliver anywhere!
E. R. HOPPER Furniture Dealer Exeter.
R. & G. Means Renewal and Guaranteed, which means Positi-
vely Entire. Satisfaction. or your Money Bark. Each and
every R. & G. Car is Thoroughly Ccecked.- The Motor, the
Brakes, The Clutch, the hear .Axle are all Thoroughly Over-
. hauled. The Cars are equipped wlid. New Batteries and new
Tires cohere necessary_
We believe the Purchaser of a good used Car is entitled to as
much Satisfaction_ as, the Purchaser of a Brand New Car.
We sell 3 used Cara for ever" New Car sold, and we are
determined that each and every Purchaser of one of our used
Cars will be just as. Proud of it as the man who buys a Brand
News' Car.
Remember: 100% Satia&actiou. or .i0G% of your Money Back
1938—Ford V8 De Lux Coach_ at $775.001
1938—Ford V8 Coupes a real niece. car R I G $675.00
1937—Ford V8 Coach R & G, only ................$575.O&
193,6—Dodge 4 -door Set'en with trunk, R. & G.
1935—Ford VS De Lux Forddr, sedan with trunk R & G.
]935—Ford V8 De Lux Coach with trunk and Beater R & G.
1934—Ford V8 De Lwc Coach, R & G.
1934 --,Ford VS De Lax Coupe'R &
1934—Dodge Coach, like new R &
1931—Pontiac Coach, good tares
1930—Ford Coach, R & G., a very ,Special Car:.
1929—Fiord Roaenter, nice condition
1928-1%'ord Coach, motor overhauled and new tires... . $65.00
1.,.—tVn�,ppet 4 Dew ac..an i.t $40,00
1929—Essex Cbach at .............. $75:00 ='
1927 --Pontiac Coach only 24000 miles at , .$75.00
Several Trucks from 'I5,(t0 uta and 3 nearly new lege- stalce
2 Tit Tracks. ' .. '
fish have beton reported in tae lake teed on the spawn of other tisk. They
waters near the Bend, Schools Ulm .are from (i to 10 inches and ro one ;
invaded several streams • e,, •r , ,, •^,: l s ss
as str+rng teeth and wehen running in
enmpting into lake in the district. It large schools have boon known to it-
is thought'. ,thoY ere seeping stl.a,wning Laeb larger, fish. 'Phey sire silver-:be.11a-
grounds. 1'isherrnen fear the trnua- ed, with backs of dark green. The,
nal emigration .of the smelt, which re- smelt, a rriernher of the salmon i�
s(mhies a f',resh water lxorring. 111 r d
�,, 'ti�arrri��r� ailtly prolific. It is rr;gzro'f •
lave, a. Serious effect on e0'(lrirnerhialt ted amens connoisseurs as one of the
fteltittX titi•:t yea s nit AA. to T tO) ., V7.e sly r7eTh abk Cr1
fresh wetter Iish.,