HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-04-27, Page 4*tic ram ZURICH HE . L ESTABLISHED A...,FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE JOHNSTON and KALBFLEISCH - Zurich .....':ti_ _.F. e er A. C. HESS Jeweler - Optician MilERMISSEDESEMBRO No,more do people draw water from the Old Village Well, but many homes still depend on the antiquated iron pump. It is back -breaking work to pump and carry water to the house in all kinds of weather. Don't make your family put up with such out-of-date methods any longer. An up-to-date, compact Duro Water Supply System will furnish running water under pressure to kitchen, bathroom, laundry and farm buildings. Running water also permits the installation of a Modern Emco Bathroom, a very necessary .con- venience for the health and well- being of your, family.A,lso,Mod- ern Emco Kitchen equipment to less- en the drudgery of housework. .. . — -- T I.. - 1 , f , ) 1 t 'Emco fixtures and -equipment are moderately priced. The Snow -White 20 x.42" enamelled Sink only, including faucet ready for installa- tion, costs ....• Sink"'ii.nd Cabinet with faucet, as illustrated $57 15 (Trap, iron pipe and fittings'eatrS)• The Duro Special ptin p. has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal.. tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor, and costs only " ..,.$87.00 Dure.Speciral Sllnal MonthlyFryaltlr+el a The Gglefertnilefit fne Improvement J.oahcAci kaitto4FAience Plan enables you to purOuse Etato fixtures, fittings and. Duro Perak :gn the niont'hly .pay •' rt merit plant elver tt' pdi'ibd of ihreeryears. Entluirrrs E'41ven ;rem)p eattent1n1ttttali� cstlina'tes supplied Without: charge, BAYFIELD sister:, Mrs. Will Hart of Stanley, and Eliza at home and a number of nephews and nieces. The funeral, Was held on Tuesday, with Rev. Mr. Graham of Bayfield officiating, and interment in the family plot, Bayfield Cemetery. The pall bearers were: Thos. Stephenson, Milton ,Pollock, Henry Hayter, Ed. Monier, Wm. Armstrong and Lloyd Dowson. We are pleased to report that Mr, Jas, Stephenson has returned' home from :St. uch betterH at eritalhis i'e ent feeling operation. Mrs. John McKinley or Clinton, spent the week -end ,with her • son, Mr. Elgin McKinley and family. The other evening Mrs. Will Car- nie had the misfortune to fall and fracture her arm near the snoutd'er. Dr. Addison of Zurich w:as immedi- ately summoned, who, after a cereful examination took the patient to Clin- ton Hospital for an x-ray, after which the arm was b ec to retd in urn cast. Mr. Carnie being o her home in a few days. Miss Mary Campbell is home help- ing to. nurse her aunt, Mrs. badge, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot were who is confined to the bed. called to Woodham Sunday last ow- Sunday last, Mr. Russel Grainger was 'rushed to Clinton Hospital to undergo an operation for appendic- ibis. ' , ing to the death of Mrs. Talbot's aunt. Mr. Lloyd Makins has returned af- ter• spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jowett have returned from Florida where they spent. the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, Norah Ferguson and Jean Balkwell of Lon- don were recent visitors with Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. Sr. The fishermen have launched their boats and are all ready to set their nets when the ice clears away, and the weather is favorable. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Twp. of Steph- en net in the Town Hall, Urediton, on Monday April 3rd with all •rnemb- ers:present. The minutes of the pre- vious;meeting were read and adopt- ed. The following correspondence was read and filed. 1 From the Clerk of Municipal Roads enclosing summarized statem- ents of expenditure on the roads in this Township which has been app- roved for subsidy 50%. 2 From the Dept. of Agricultur- al stating that the Seed Grain Sub- sidy Act will again ±be in force dur- ing 1939. 3 From L Gamble, Clerk of How - ick Twp. enclosing a copy of a mot- ion . passed by their Twp. Council suggesting that certain County Ro- ads 'should be designated as Primary and Secondary and that Secondary Roads be not opened to motor traffic during. winter months. 4 Froni Dept. of Highways stat- ing that the Minister has approved of a ;total expenditure of $9,000 dur- ing the present year and • wilI grant a subsidy up to that amount expend- ed...R. 5 ` From the County Clerk asking Municipal Clerks to ascertain the nu, mber„of children that will be in Str- atford to view their Majesties on the occasion of the Royal ,visit on .June 6tli next.. School classes must attend in body accompanied by a teacher for each class. • Letter was read from The well Tel- ephone CO. asking for permission to replace and reset poles and trim trees on the road between Cons. 16 and 17.,,!lots 1 to 10. Motion that this request be•granted,on :condition that .the Coxnpany notify our Road Supt. before starting work in order that he can. supervise the same on behalf 'of the .T•wp.. The Assessor, Wm. Kleinstiver, asked ten. days extension to complete the 1939 Assessment Roll by reason() of illness. •Request granted. That Bylaw No. 534 to authorize the guarantee of loans to rarmers under -The Seed Grain Subsidy Act 1934, having been :read three times be passed and' signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corp- oration attached thereto. Road accounts to the amount of S906.34_!were passed, also general ac- counts passed. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday,. May 1st' at 1 o'clock. - Herbert Either, Township Clerk. DASHW OOD Don't miss the Band Concert in Tieman's hall at 8.45 on Sunday ev- ening, April 30th. Everybody is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Mclsaac a nd family of Windsor spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. . Mr. and :Mrs. Hopkins of St. Thom- as spent the week -end with her mo- ther Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Gottschalk, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Miss Emma Tiernan of London was a week -end visitor with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harness and daughter Greta and Mr. ana Mrs. Robt. Crawford of Exeter were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kell- errnan on Saturday evening. Mrs. W. Cook of Chicago is spend- ing a few weeks with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stire who has been on the sick list for some time. Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz and Miss Catharine Finkbeiner were. Sunday visitors in Sarnia. Mrs. Stadelbauer and family of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: P. Kraft. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and daughter Peggy of Thedford spent Sunday with Mrs. Reid. . Barbara Held died at her hone here on Monday April 24th, after a brief illness in her 70th year. The deceased 'was born near St. Agatha and has been living here nearly all her life. She is survived 'by ' one sister Maggie. The funeral will 'be held on Thursday morning at 9.30. at the home and to St. Boniface R.C. church, with Rev. Father L. W. Power, officiating. Interment will ,• take place in Zurich R. C. Cemetery. STANLEY TOWNSHIP - Death of Albert McClinchey On Saturday, ' ' April 22nd death came very suddenly to Mr. Albert McClinchey, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClinchey. He was born, on the McClinchey homestead 66 years ago, where all his life was spent, save for a few years he spent with his brothers in Stephen Town- ship. He was a genial and sociable disposition and a great lover of home • Surviving are two brothers, George of Varna, and Arthur at home; two STADE and WEIDO EMPIRE BRASS MFG CO., LTD. Aho supplied for Gasoline Ldndon H1miifon Toronto Sudbury Entine op9wdtidh Winnipeg Vancouver 139 Illelswereneamount Tliu r3ay,Jp ",27th, 1939 Dere is your ehance to obtain 'There is no need for you to suffer any longer with painful feet .. your foot troubles can Ire xellieved-inexpen- ' sdvely. DR SCHOLL'S representative from Toronto. will ben our store On TUESDAY, MAY 2nd from '7.30:p.rn. to 10.30 p.m.... This man is thoroughly trained in the scientific rnethods of Dr. Wrn. M. Scholl, internationally famous Foot Authority, who, for almost a third -century has been alleviating human foot :sufferoag throughout the entire world. Come in for Pedo-graph imprints of your stockinged feet. Learn 3iow the groper Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliance or Remedy can relieve your particular foot trouble. E. J. DATARS - Shoe Merchant - Zurich. Again • :. If' you are replacing that worn 'out Mattress or Spring this season. When in Exeter, call in and visit our bedding department.' We have a very large stock of Felt. and Spring -filled Mattresses at prices to suit any purse. We r;can fit any bed and gvewyou rests and comfort for . years to come. ?Our Bed'; Spring, Stock radii' inprice and r,gt arxi *,' from' the cheapest Ito 'the best. ++tock of fly- inghave x>eve.,_�tad a better+cox Urger ing Roorni, Dining Room .4.l}a .I3edrogl t :i urrnture- Our Chesterfield stock is larger , than .usual. We have ail the latest styles end colors shown this year. The prices range from $57.00 to,$135.00 for three piece suites. A liberal allowance will be made for your old suite on a new one. We deliver anywhere! E. R. HOPPER Furniture Dealer Exeter. yorammossulooftwag unnwiningsnomonnoommononm ew LOWER Prices 1 Prices on ALL 1939 l)wlge Six and DeLuxe 'models bavt3 been RE- DUCED? You'll praise the graceful sweep of body lines ... 1he ease and comfort of the new Rel,xed Ride ... improved performance of the famous Dodge economy engine. This big, longer - wheelbase Dodge also has new Amnia steel coil springs improved airplane -type shock absorbers patented Floating ager .. hydraulic brakes. deeami,' ,drive one of these remark- able = - Dodge cars TODAY! YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS I-HERF WARD FRITZ - Distributor - .Zurich • it:• � . Q , 1►'1�'tl RR. veiy.EG:ntiMreeaSas tlistReewJ '-'44n ' ction � yr icli awsiw!'7E"osi�i- y w Money Bllar1c. 'Filch•. •` every R. '& G. Car , is Thoroughly tCe lc±e'd:: i �sc'$ l�/ioter , fete Brakes,, The Cluicb, the Rear Attila 'are n11,Tharough'y over- , hauled. The Cars are •erodppeerl wade Kew '11atteries and;new •Tires•where necessary. d.• .. •,i;• . We believe the Purchaser of a glued used Car is entitled to as much 'Satisfaction as the Puzwtiaser'a a Biannd New' Car.,. We sell 3 used Cars' for erg New Car sold, and we are' ' 'determined that each, and every Purchaser of one of our used ;Kars Will lie just as. Piceii of it as the anan 'srlio buys a Brand New fir: ,Reutember: 100% Satisfaction ur 100% of your Money Racki "' 938--zVo d V8 De LUX C08011 :R Cx at e SxMoo; <'1938=-Fart1 V8, Coupp a al;. nice car ii & IG $877 QO. :1937—Ford V8' COacto 1 &;Gy vs • $57 5.O0 19J6-- Diodge.;4-dooY'Sadin `with,trunk,.} R. 4Ge' ?' fit„ f to .1:1935—Ford V8'' . T:ii Fordor an *it* (run R & C. :10354 -+Foul VS Dc' Der,ltri.t kaesta *we linitnlr nal bei taiictoog.z •x 1934—'Ford VS Dc LU t' `:T934•--•+Ford`8 3Pe' Ga •` •'t 1934—Dodge Cbae' . :1r`11it newP & ' - , 1931= --Pontiac 'Coach;gond ..i ' res .. ... _ ••.$225.Op • :1930 .Ford Coach, R & ., 'a'very mal bar.. 1929—Pord Roadster, trice •clitudition ' . .. $100.00 1928—For'4. Coach, mater ov+ i'h uicd autd Brew tires.... $65.00 1928 ---Whippet 4 Door .S&ater nt - $40.01 1929—Essex Coach al, .$75.00 1927 ---'Pontiac Coati unlyr 24006 miles at .. .$75.0(1 Several .'rucks from $75.00 up and 3nearly new long stake 2 Ton Trucks. SANDY ELLIO " ' Phone 64 EXETER FORD, MLRCURY, AND tJNCOLN 'ZgPHER C,MtS FORD TRUCKS NATO lF'OR 11 TRACTORS, tR .i 1 -74 .3: