HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-04-27, Page 2LIE REST DAY OR NIGHT Woman 'arid Severe Neuritis Few the benefit of others who may be troubled with the com- p1a'nt she suffered from, a grate- ful woman writes.— "Last May I had a very severe attack of neuritis in the leg, which made it impossible for me to rest during the day, or to get regular sleep at nights—to say nothing of the intense pain. "Various medicines gave me very little relief, and a friend ad- vised me to give Kruschen a trial, as she had derived benefit from it whilst suffering similarly. I am so thankful that I took her ad- vice. From the very first bottle I felt relieved, and now I am quite free from pain, and get a good nigh't's sleep."—(Mrs,) H.C. Neuritis, like rheumatism, lum- bago, and sciatica, is often caused by needle -pointed uric acid crys- tals, which form as the result of sluggish eliminating organs. Krus- Chen helps to convert those crys- tals into a harmless solution, which is removed through the natural channels. Gardening NO HURRY The average amateue starts op- erations days or sometimes weeks too soon and stops long before [satisfactory operations can be continued. With the general run of vegetables and flowers, there is no advantage in getting things in while there is still danger of serious frost. One set -back from a cold day or two completely off- sets the early start and may in- deed mean replanting the whole garden. This caution of course does not apply to the hardiest 'vegetables or flowers or to grass seed. These should be sow,-' just as soon as grass it fit to work. A SHORT CUT For a short cut the gardener is advised to purchase a certain quantities of started plants of both flowers and vegetables. These are 'usually purchased from the green- house, florist or seed house. It is important to get the varieties wanted and on this account it is an excellent idea tt consult a good Canadian seed catalogue be- fore placing the order. The gard- ener can look over the various va- rieties offered in the catalogue and should make sure that the particu- lar varieties wanted are in the boxes of plants bouebt. Amongthe flowers which can be purchased as started plants are cosmos, zinnias, petunias; mari- golds, salpiglossis, nicotine and a host of others. Cabbages, celery, tomatoes, head lettuce, egg and pepper plants in the vegetable line are all cold as started plants. MOST FOR MONEY Those with only a little land to spare should concentrate on those vegetables which give the biggest returns for the smallest space oc- cupied. Among such kinds are beans, carrots, onions, lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, cucumbers and beets. In the lesser-known vegetables are leeks, egg and pep- per plants, broad beans and cos lettuce. These can all be grown in almost any part of Canada. Ex- perts advise the inclusion of some- thing new in the vegetable line each year so that variety can be gradually widened, More low ne,:ks than you've met by daylight in a long time, not only for the bona fide afternoon frocks, but for the more dressed - up type of sports dress. A. New Streamlined Mauretania Nears Completion .eeeee"' A view of the new Cunard White Star Liner S.S. Mauretania, as it nears completion at the shipyard in Birkenhead, Eng. The vessel's streamlined beauty is a far cry from the appearance of its beloved namesake, the former British queen of the seas. The new Mauretania will sail from Liverpool on her maiden voyage on June 17. Farm Forum FERTILIZERS NOW AND THEN Canada is a comparatively new country agriculturally, but her vaunted virgin soils are being fast depleted by cropping, by drifting and by erosion. Fortunately, the need for restoring lost fertility is now becoming recognized general- ly. History repeats itself, and the experience of British farmers of nearly 100 years ago has been that of Canada more recently, says B. Leslie Emslie, chemist -agronomist. Original Superphosphate Farmyard manure, the old stand-by, and still justly esteem- ed for its unique qualities, proved eventually inadequate to produce Has Raised Fish Consumption The Hon. J. E. Michaud, Dominion Minister of Fisheries with V. P. Reid, Toronto industrialist, ap- pear above. Speaking from Tor- onto over a nationwide network to participating service clubs, the Minister reported that consump- tion of Canadian fish had increas- ed from 21 to 30 pounds per capita. Veteran Engineer Will Pilot Royal Train etaeteeieV Pictured in the cab of his locomotive at Quebec City, is Engineer' Eugene Leolero, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who will have the honor of piloting the royal train of King George and Queen Elizabeth when they visit Canada next month. Engineer Leolero was a fireman on the royal train of 1001, maximum crops. This was due to its deficiency in phosphoric acid, a discovery made when the stimu- lating action of ground bones on crop growth was observed. The original superphosphate, produced by Lawes of England in 1842, was made by treating bone with sulphuric acid. Subsequently, the mineral phosphate rock was substituted for bone, with results no less satisfactory, and the pro- cess, identical in principle, con- tinues to this day. Need For Potash It was' not until 1860 that the need for potash in fertilizers was demonstrated by Liebig of. Ger- many. Since then no addition has been made to the list of "essen- tial" fertilizer constituents, and a "complete" fertilizer is one con- taining nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in available forms. Su- perphosphate constitutes usually more than half the weight of the fertilizer mixture. Superior superphosphate of Ca- nadian manufacture is prepared by improved mechanical .process. 4s; .sources of, nitrogen there far now at the disposal of the mann- facturer the following materials containing the percentages of'ni- trogen shown in brackets: nitrate of soda (16), sulphate of ammo- nia (20), ..cyanamid (22), -urea- ammonia liquor (45), urea (46), etc. The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by electro -chemical means yield these materials. Proper selection of materials, their blending, processing and cur- ing demand the application of skill and science by lnanfacturers of modern fertilizers for Canadian farmers. dr) HaveYou Heard e An attendant in a mental home was snaking his evening round when he came upon one of the patients industriously fishing in a wash -basin with rod and line. Wishing to humour the man, the attendant asked him if he had caught anything. "What!" said the patient, "in a wash -basin! Are you crazy?" Mother (on train): "If you're not a good boy I'll slap you." Junior: "You do and I'll tell the conductor bow old I really am." "It's lucky that Adam was the only man on earth, when he mar- • ried Eve." "How so?" "Just think how he would have felt, if he had seen his rib walk- • ing around with another fellow." "Didn't I shave you about a fortnight ago, sir?" "No; I got that scar in France." Rural Resident: "It's simply fine to wake up in the morning and hear the leaves whispering out- side your window." City Man: "It's all right to hear the leaves whisper, but I never could stand hearing the grass moan." "I can think of nothing sad- der than a man without a country." "I can... A country without a man." "Triangle" width is another name for skirts of dresses with a petticoat look. 1 Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1.—Is it permissible to ask over the phone, "Who is calling please"? 2.—What day of the week should a girl choose for her wed- ding? 3.—When serving a breakfast between 11 a.rn. and 12.30, should it be in the form of a breakfast or a luncheon? 4.—Isn't it all right to wait for a week before answering a din- ner invitation, when one is not sure whether it can be accepted? 5.—Isn't it better for a person to talk very little instead of too much? • 6.—What is a good toast for a son to offer to his mother? Answers 1. —Yes. The person calling should inform one who it is with- out the necessity of being asked. 2.—This is altogether a matter of choice; one may choose any day desired. S.—A. luncheon. 4.—No. A dinner invitation should be ans- wered immediately. 5.—Yes, it is far better, and causes much less harm. The old proverb says. "Eating little and speaking little can never do a man hurt." 6.— "To my mother: If I were not her son, I would want to be her hus- band." Laundry Tips.—Before you put new curtains into the washer, soak them in four tablespoons of salt to each four cups of water. DRINKfheso 10 herbs fro your daily cup of HOT TE Md the juice of GARFIELD TEA's 10 herbs to loosen harmful undigested, clinging waste,. Makes your cup of hot water taste better and work more THOROUGHLY to dean out intestinal wastes and help you look, feel and work better. Ar dra8gisIs—l0c & 21c. FREE• Send ! cent porta! for 6 6 FREE SAMPLE—to SAMPLE■ Garfield tS•a Co.. Inc„ • GARFiELOTE:P 1 Close Avenue, 'Toronto 3, (:ar..eila Dept. ea AGENTS WANTED BEST PROPOSITION ON MARKET Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. Write for full particulars. Relia- ble Agencies, 213 Victoria Street, Toronto. LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec- tive System. B. Phillips Company Limited, Osborne Avenue, Toronto. tvIATION OPPORTUNITY e °"! ex. Et5 cset,t"training --r modern equipment including Radio. Liv- ing quarters provided for out-of- town •students. Fliers limited. Barker Airport, Toronto. What Science is Doing yk MENTAL CURE IN FOOD Chemists are to try food as a remedy for a numerous class of human half-wits—to see whether food can make better brains. The imbecility to be treated with diet is a new type discovered in 1934 by Dr. A. Foiling of Oslo, Norway. The report says it at- tacks one person out of every 25,- 000, SUBSTITUTE FOR BLOOD TRANSFUSION Successful use of an abdominal fluid as a substitute for blood in transfusions is reported by Dr. H. A. Davis, of the University of Tennessee. Dr. Davis said the liquid is as- citic fluid and is chemically the same as blood except that it lacks the cellular or corpuscular struc- ture, CHEAP NEW EXPLOSIVES Two new high explosives of cheap and limitless production, are announced by the head of Pur- due University's department of Chemistry. Air, steam, natural gas and a catalytic agent are all that is re- quired for their manufacture it is said. HALTS PROGRESS OF 'T.B. Human tuberculosis has been completely arrested in about 100 guinea pigs by a new form of sul- fanilamide. The pigs were not, cured, but the disease was entirely stopped from spreading and the animals lived in good health until killed to further verify these results. No predictions are made as to whether the new drug will be use- ful to human beings. BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICICS FOR SALE DON'T MISS THESE STARTED Chick Bargains. Standard Quality two week old Barred'Rocks $12.50, Pullets $19.95, Cockerels $9.00. .New Hampshire Red Cockerels $8. Three week old add 03c, Big Egg Quality add .Ole, Extra Select add .02c. Ask about our ready made capons. Baden ,Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. BABY CHICICS FOR SALE YOU WANT THE CHICKS YOU buy to make money for you. Don't let chick losses cut down your profits. Buy Bray Chicks. They arrive alive and keep on living. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. BtIY BRAY CHICKS NOW. CASH in on high Fall egg prices. Bray chicks lay early, lay heavily and keep on laying. They will make real profits for you. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John Street North, Hamil- ton, Ontario. COCKERELS & CAPONS FOIL SALE COCKERELS AND CAPONS. HERE are some genuine bargains in Cockerels and Capons. Cockerels Barred Rocks or New Hampshire Reds Grade A Day Old .06c, two week old ,09e, three week old .12c. Extra Profit add .01c, Special Mat- ing add .02c. Three 'week old Capons heavy breeds Grade A .23e, Leghorns20c, Extra Profit add Olc, Special Mating add .02c. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries, Limit- ed, Fergus, Onterio. BUILDING 31ATERIA.L FOR SALE PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY LOW to clear. We have 150 clay tile pipe 30" diameter, 2" wall, suit. able for springs or wells; 150,000 square feet heavy wire screen 2" afresh; 2,000 street car sash, 8,000 feet 10" heavy galvanized culvert, also lumber, doors, fence posts, pipe columns, rails, pipe, fittings, valves, cable, brick, stone. Every- thing for your building, Frankel Brothers Ltd. Established 1886. Eastern Avenue at Broadview, To- ronto. GLadstone 4631. CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS Three -Piece Used Chesterfield Suite, repp covering, first class $19.50 condition Three-piece Used English Velour Qheaterfield Suite, coni- $24.50 pletely reconditioned .. 6� Money -back Guarantee Freight paid to your station Royal Chesterfield Manufaeturere ad Richmond Street E., Toronto DA:IIIRA TUBERS 12uesIsd0$idifferentTIVE Tblabeled00, 26 $2.00 postpaid. M, Shedel, Mimioo, Ont. FOR SALE CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES -- "Warba", World's earliest potato, large, white, delicious, hardiest, eaViest yielder. Government Certified. 100 strong eyes $1.00 postpaid. 8. V. Cowan, 'Waldeck, Seale, EARLY Dent specie specially adapted •. for Northern countries. Write for prices, James i3risley, Thames. Ville, Ont Kent Co, Fit tiIT BASKETS AND IfOM.l:t4 1p]LANT BOXES, l3ERRRI' BOXES, In`ruit. Baskets and Ilxunpers, Prices on request. The Oakville 'Basket Co., Ltd.. tletkvillc. One Mirrawar issue No. 17—'89 Classified....... /advertising.. 1 1 BATHROOM OUTFITS FOR SALE IF YOU INTEND INSTALLING A Bathroom outfit or water system write for free illustrated cata. logue with prices, Free estimates on installations. The J. F. Crow- ley Company, Dundas, Otitanic., AAIB GOODS WIGS, TOUPES. TRANSFORMA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all _teepee of finest quality Hair Goods. rite for illustrated catalogue. Confiden- tial terns arranged. Toronto Hum- an Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst, Toronto. HUNTERS' SECRETS HUNTERS' AND TRAPPERS SEC - HUNTERS' AND TRAPPERS' SEC - Mink, Fox and Beaver. Legiti- mate plans, 33.00 at once. George Green, Box 106, Richmond, In- diana, U.S.A. ,TOBBERS-AGENT S.CANVAS SERS THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Smallwares, Novelties, Razor Blades, Dry Goods, Cosmetics; as- sembled in a new mammoth illus- trated catalogue, The lowest wholesale prices obtainable -- big Profits. Free catalogue. Dept. 8, hillips Sales Reg'd, 72 Craig W., Montreal, Que. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVER! INVENTOR: List of inventions and full f for - nation sent free. The Ramsay, com- pany. COn 278yaittaeittorney® , RnSt. Otwa,Ca PHOTOGRAPHY TWO FREE PROFESSIONAL SIL,. vertone enlargements and'valu- able premium coupons free with every film developed and printed tor 26e, or with eight super -gloss reprints for 26e. Personal skilled attention to every, order. Cut Rate quality would cost you more elsewhere l Cut Rate Photo Rae vice, Dept. B21. Box 286, Regina„ Sask. MUMS DEVELOPED ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED WITH two prints of each • and FREE ENLARGEMENT coupon 28e. OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHOTO- GRAPHY. 2 RUSSELL ST., TOR- ONTO. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORNS FOR SALE — DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorns fresh cows and spring- ers, baby bulls, Red yearling bulls, heifers. Accredited. Nega- tive, Apply Arwood Hannan, King. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV- ery roll film developed and 8 high gloss prints 26e. 8 enlarged prints 25e. Reprints same price. Bright - ling Studio, 29A Richmond Street East, Toronto. orisaMMae PERSONAL MARRY—HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE from. Many with means. Farm» ere' daughters, Widows, with P pperty, Particulars -100. Con. fldential. Box 128. 'Calgary, Al- berta, QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF. EASILY, inexpensively. Horne remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE romantle sweetheart, with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Ills - sour!. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE—W.ILITE for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly sus- cessful hyhlood treatment. Pedi- greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask. WANTED — ORIGINAL poems, eongs, for immediate consldera- tion. Send poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd.. Dept. M87, •Toronto. Canada. PROSTATE 1".E (mr ANI) SUFFERERS. free information hots myself, also others in ''nnada, obtained lasting relief without medicine or :mitre% ery. Alfred Rondle, 4170 Beacon, Saint Paul, Minn. PERCHERONS FOR SALE BLACK AND GRAY PERCHERONS. 2 Stallions, 2 Mares with foal, 3 Allies, 1 stud colt 15 months old. Joseph H. Anderson, Route 1, Waterdown, Ont. PREASANT EGGS FOR SALE PHEASANT HATCHING EGGS FOR Sale or exchange for other game birds. E. M. 'Williams, Kentville, N.S. SEWING MACHINES '46 SUPPLIES ,- FOR SEWING MACHINES, RE - pairs, supplies—all makes. new or trade-in, reconditioned mach- ines iu stock— Write A. Gilbert & Son, 350 Yonge St., Toronto. SEED FOR SALE ALSIKE 38 bu., TIMOTHY $2.50 bu., Red Clover $8 bu,. Sweet Clover $2.25 bu. Above seed all No. 2 grade. No. 1 Timothy $3.50 bu., No. 1 Red $9.00 bu., No. 1 W. B. - Sweet $3.00 bu, E. W. MoKague, R. No. 3, Woodville, Ontario NO. 1 IMPROVED BANNER OATS, 97% germination, 70 cents per bushel. Bags free. Angus Clarke, Coldwater, Ontario. SLIGHTLY USED CLOTHING FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED CLOTHING—THE finest in used clothing at big re- ductions. Suits originally $36.00 to $60.00 now $6.00, 38.00, $10. New quits regularly $25.00 at 12.60. Odd Boats, pants $2.00, 2.60. Top coats5, $6, 7. ba- les' Spring coats 35, $6. Big sav- ing in new dresses, crepes, sat- ins, at $1.50, $2.00. Send money - cOtter with measurements, age. ou take no risk by buying on our money-backAguarantee. We pay Yongeg postage. Canadian Clothing, STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALXO HIGHEST QUALITY STRAWBERRY Plants: Premier, Fairfax, Dorsett, 100 - $1.25, 1000 38.00. Hardy, sly, -of -the -valley plants: 6 26e, 85 - 31.00. Plants guaranteed sat- isfactory. Clias, A. Krueger, Wal- kerton, Ontario. SPECIAL TREATMENT $25 REWARD FOR ANY CORN OR Callous which cannot be removed ley. Lloyd's Special Treatment, un- der our supervision. Prevents re- turn. Send 55e for complete treatment, regular 75c. Lloyd's -B, 1211 St. Clair West, Toronto. STALLION FOR SALE A GOOD BLACK 3 YEAR OLD Percheron Stallion, registered and enrolled. Henry, Rulee, ,,,Queens - Ville, Ontario. TOBACCO 4 -POUND SAMPLE PACICAGIS 13U1t- ley Zimmer, prior leaf, flavoring and recipes, or 3 -pound sample , package Virginia Burley, Zimmer and prior leaf; 2 samples manu- factured, $1.00 postpaid. Ruthven Tobnnco Exchange. Ruthven. flnt.. 'USED TIRES FOR SALE 2000 USED TIRES -95e . UP P01 ' any truck or ear. Retreads guar- anteed twelve months; dealers . wanted. Ask for free price list„ Merrick Tire Co., 123 King St. W., Hamilton. BACHELOR. %VA.NTS GIRL on young woman, Protestant, for Housekeeper on farm, able to milk. Good home for reliable per- son - To Box 20, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. TRIAL OFFER -_ ROLL DEVELOPED EIGHT PRINTS, A T'/QTY YEARS EXPER/ENCS ADDR/E5 �ryy/ryyPROr^giFEySSIONAL . LQI PMN y NT. "Dept. ie