HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-04-20, Page 8tAGE Warr THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Floor overall• -1gs ur Stock is now about Complete in all the New Floor CoveAngs. We have 3 Pieces of 4 -Yard wide Liaolearns to &loose from, also 2 and 3 yard wide Feltol, Oilcloths, Rexfelt, Passage and Stair Oilcloths. We also take orders for Inlaids and are prepared to install same at Short Notice. Also new litho- ; graps of Lino, and long Rugs, and can give very prompt service on these... Come and see and get our prices. GROCERY SPECIALS Grapefruit, 7 for Karo Syrup, 5 -Ib. tin Po Beans, large, 3 for Ginger Snaps, per lb. .. Salmon, 1-1b. tin . Oranges, per dozen 25c 40c 25c 10c 10c 15c 19c 25c 17c 19c 25c jello, 4 for Canned peas and corn, Pancake Flour, pkg. Macroni, 4 lbs. for McCormick Sodas, 2 lbs. for 3 for SCHO PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 ' • `1" '" • - 11 OB. & Erie Debentares CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES ...;,Ay Mout, for.. $100.00... and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 3% per annum for 3 and 4 Years. .. 3 % per annurn for 5 to 10 Years. • Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich 40414.84***4641144000000414111 aeseassectosaaceelso3 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE ire Fencin If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! We and FROST FENCE . . . for long We. Come in and see our stock a Fecal Farm Fence . the finest we's* rem had. Heavily galvanized by speck Frost process.. Wears for a lifetime. We c4111 quote you attractive prices. 4 ?"1"1174:rall , mean z. town isitossionftivapltios, Ina 001$11141.4 11010000. 4M11014,1.14444 TIGHT $4.0C* ZINC BONDED excles1re FROST hew" id SAVES YOU MOUSY!) PAINTS! PAINTS carry a full line of the Well Known Proved Sherwin-Willianis Paints, Oils, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Goodyear Balloon and - Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes .1 Furniture, Springs and Beds.: Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty, Full line 3f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. and Tried Varnishes, Floor wax ZURICH fiERALO 1111,1W1111011111M11111111111111I1111111111111111,rs 11 1,1111111100 NUM 11 10106111) Grocery re Salted Sodas, 2 lbs. . ..... . . ......... . . .. .. ........20c Blueberries, per can 10c Cookies, (cherry blossom) per ib. 19c, Puffed Rice, 2. pkgs. „„ Mel -o -Cup Coffee, per lb. Sweet mixed Pickles, large jar', 25p, Sugar Crisp corn flakes, 2 pkgs. Super Suds, (large pkg) Save our Cash Coupons for some beautiful China - 25c 33c 15C 19c ware. Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 041 11111 1111111111111111111 MR aft nm Nun Higinumnomon immumommo lomommill1M1111111111111141a HAS 01, IAA kiltilISTI Mr. and Mrs. E. E. eWido motor- ed to Gederich on Sunday. ALI:. and 1Virs. Percy Rowe and family of Th.orndale were in town on Saturday. Mr. and Airs. Charles rzagan and •- idary were S'atuirday visitors with re latives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and Miss Pearl !Gellman were .Sunday visitors with relatives in Goderich. An auction sale of Farm Stock and implements will be held on Friday, April 21st, by Mr. Ferdinanu* Haber-; er, just south of town. - I Miss Doreen O'Dwyer a student of , Loretta .0ollege, Stratford, and who spent the holidays at her home here, has returned to the city. Mrs. C. Eilher who has been visit- ing relatives in and near Hensel' for the past few months has returned to her home in the village. Mr. and. Mrs. E. F. Klapp were re- cently in. Windsor where they attend- ed the funeral of the former's uncle, the late E. Zeller. Mrs. E. A. Hamilton and. Miss Doris of London, who spent the Eas- • ter week at the home af Mr. and. Mrs John Galster have returned to their Murphy -Paints 14 A RVO wilt make your home FIT FO. A KING: Thursday, April 20th, 3.049 .4" n•.••••••• 1.1444.4.4044+4.4.444. +**44.44440 YOUR SEASON'S NEEDS This Season Calls for Good New Fences on the Farm. Let Us Supply You with the best of Woven Wire. We also have Barb Wires, Brace Wires, Staples, Etc See 4' us about New Roofings, Plumbing, and Evetroughingi SPECIAL PAINT SALE, From 65c. a Quart up. FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest +in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- / sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. • • t Mire SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we have a 3 Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture ttlat will give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, sl 4 Couches, Dressers, Rockers Other Chirs, Etc. Be sure and look these over. STADE & WEIDO: ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE NARVO Canada's Smartest Finish COVERS IN ONE COAT BRUSHES PERFECTLY i,v DRIES IN NO TIME I / Louis Schilbe and Son Zurich - Ont. laireadaelasmaarareaseseseresuesssar home in the city. Mr. Dennis Bedard,: Jr., who has 1 :recently moved Unto the late Lydia Geiger residence, has purchased the same, getting immediate possession An auction cale will likely be held of the effects of the Geiger estate. The backward weather seems to stay right with .us. Last week it was snow now this week rain: every day, the ground is fairly saturated with water,. and it still remains quite cool for this time .of year. Farmers' are getting somewhat anxious, but surely it will soon fair up and seeding time will be here. On Tuesday afternoon a heavy holt of lightning was felt here in town as it made buildings 'tremble. The result of the shock was it strik- ing into a large tree near the house of Mr. Robert McBride, Goshen. line north, and the force was so great that a number of windows were shat- tered in the house as well as minor other small damages. SPECIAL SHOWING To the public that loves good en- tertainment, there will be two nights of such in the Town Hall, Zurich,. April nth and .29th. The World 13aus. will present talking pictures; there will also be Vaudeville featur- ing "Green the Magician" who will amaze the audiences with his magic work. A different program will be on for each evening, and the prices are very low for the class of show put on by these people. DIES IN THE SOUTH That large Scottish ,descent man, from the Lucknow district, Roderick Bain McKenzie, known as the Ash- field giant, who stood ever seven feet high and at one time weighed 427 pounds, died at his nome at Houston, Texas in his 75th year. As a young man he was a stone mason, ut then went into the show business and travelled in. many parts of the woed in this capacity. He leaves his wife nibrother and a sister. 1t Police Court The session in Magis. Court at Code -deb Was one of four remands in all. 'W'ell-dressed and well groomed Arnold C. Bennett, London. bond sal-: esman, hearing only one of a dozen! fraud, forgery and theft charges which he laces. The accused was not I asked to plead or elect and was re-' mended for a week with a bail of $5,000 attached. A. Bewail cattle cabbie buyer charged with issuing a worthless cheque for $108 to Ernest Townsend Goderich Twp, was rattan - led, as was Wm. Welsh, 60, of Exet- 1 sr, charged with assaulting his erapt- lover IVIrs, M. Walker, rixoter seconds Zurich's Ladies' Wear COAT SALE Beginning MARCH 24th, we are hairing .a BIG SALE of LADIES' COATS and SUITS for Spring. $8.95 To $14.50 NEW SPRING DRESSES at l'rices to Suit every Purse. Note—Our-Store is in our Residence! MRS. I'EARL MOUSSEAT.% Zurich Phone 47 . Zurich TROUT SEASON EARLIER It is announced that the trout -fish- ing season will open this year on Sat- urday, April 29th, instead of on 1114ay 1st as usual. This will give ales an extra week -end for their faiorite sport. • CANADA MUST ACT Ottawa — Rt. Hon. Ernest La- pointe, senior parliamentary spokes- man for French -Canada, served notice on the world that the British Empire would not be disrupted and that Can- ada would intervene in any was in which Great Britain was attacked by an aggressor nation. DEBTS INCREASE It is estimated that the increase in the gross debt for the past fiscial •y•ear for the Province of Ontario a- mounted to $87,500,000. The debt of the province at present stands some- thing like $596,884,631, and how will wp. ever get out when the public are centinuously asking and making de - mans for this and that on our gov- ernments. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS Departmental examinations for mid- dle and upper school students will be - :gin on Flriday, June 16th. The mid- dle school, examsv will end on Friday Jthe 23rd,and the upper school. on Thursday, :une 2.9th. Entrance ex- aminations will be wetted in two days this year, Wednesday and Thu- rsday, une 28th and 29.th. 'Students veishing to try the middle and upper dr...tool exams. must have made their applications before the Ara of May. FEWER ACCIDENTS From the, statistical bulletin of large insurance eomparty one :earns that in the United States there was a decline of mare than 10% in the aggregation of accidents of all kinds in the year just gone. The 1988 loss is the lowest since the depression ye its of 1982 and 1933. The figures for Canada are not at the moment available but they will probably com- pere favourably with this from a cross the line. Motor vehicle fatalities eereased about 8,000 or from about 0,000 in 1937 to around 81,000 in 988. The gait was assuredly not. le to less travel by motor for there yeti an increase, • littititt*********6000.4404.010“.1.00404$00,0000•011. hat& dealer. . • ' 4 Johnston 8a Kalbfleigah Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 -1•44444.4-4•44-1-a-t-+++++++++++++++++++++++.14++++++++++41414 • "To 'u Tal ++. • CHOICE 4 TRY ECK F. US ASA also VARIETY OP CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. All ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS , ICE CREAM Our Store will be dosed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery --- Zurich . Telephone 100 +++44+44444 -44444-1-144144-1.14!41-14444-4044+44+144.444.+4.444•+ 111111211111111111fillilitlatiMINIIIIIIIIIINIE11111111111111111111M111111111111O1111M1111111111111=111111alli111111111111111111111inlb I11111111511111111111111101114110111111111111111111111111111111MEN THFSE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.-00 Rerimming-Buggy Wheels Set •••••• 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar 1.00 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c Buggy Reach HESS, the Repair Man a 1111111111111111:11101111101111111111M11111MIMINIONI11111M1111111111111111116111M1111i111111111111111111111N111111111114111MENIIIMINIE1111111111111111111111111111118011411111111N MASSEY-TIARRIS NEWS GENUINE PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundtun equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at 4t1 11/4 year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.93 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at . .. . 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS rte$. 67 East and West -End SERVICE STATIONS