HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-04-13, Page 7RAD DUZY SPELLS FOR 3 YEARS Result of Acid Indigestion "Before taking Kruschen," a woman writes, 9 had very bad dizzy spells and hot flushes, bad spells of acid indigestion, and t was so nervous at times that the least thing would upset me. I was about three years in that condi- tion, "I could not tell you in words how happy and glad I am to -day that I gave Kruschen Salts a trial. 1 have now taken them for 18 months. I would not miss them one day. They are a great help to anyone who suffers as I did. I feel in better health to -day than I have for years. After taking Kruschen for three weeks the diz- zy faints and hot flushes left me. I now feel so bright and cheerful. Kruschen Salts assist to keep you flit and fine." -(Mrs.) J. M. Kruschen Salts is an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness. The nu- merous salts in Kruschen stimulate your interal organs to smooth, regular action. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when allowed to accumu- late, lower the whole tone of the system. O-�m�tl•�M-tl�O..-kll-.b�..m-R�.m.•-mom. I 'Farm Forum. Q. Do colonies need attention be- fore the bees commence flying in late winter or early spring? J. C., Halton Co. A. Yes. Prevent robbing by the closing of the entrances of all the dead colonies or remove the entire box to a bee -tight cellar. Clear all dead bees, ice, etc., from the en- trances of all live colonies. - Dr. E. J. Dyce, Dept. of Agriculture, of O. A. 0, Q. What should one do with the weak or queenless colonies? R. C., Ealdimand Co. A. Unite them with strong colon- ies. Place a piece of newspaper be- tween the strong and the weak col- ony at the time they are being un- ited. This will reduce loss result- ing from fighting. - Dr. E. J. Dyce, Dept. of Agriculture, O.A.C. Q. We sometimes read in the farm press of the use of concen- trated fertilizers that may be ap- plied by simply- mixing with the seed grain in the grain drill. As none of the fertilizer companies advertising . matter.:: mentions this type of material, I am wondering if you could tell me where it might be obtained, as we have no fertil- izer drill, and would like to give this a trial. "W. .1. G„ Simcoe County." A. As to sowing the fertilizer 'with the grain, i would say that there is some danger of the fertiliz- er materials reacting on the metal parts of the grain drill, which are not built for fertilizer sowing, and seriously injuring the drill. Then again, fertilizer materials and the grain are of different specific gra- vity. This means that the fertilizer being the heavier of the two, will tend to flow through the drill much snore quickly than will the grain. If a dry, uniformly graded granu- lar fertilizer is used, there Is some chance for success by applying it as you have indicated. However, we do not recomend this practice. 1 have known some farmers who claim success from sowing fertili- zer mixed with seed grain in the grain drill. - Harry G. Bell, Dept. of Chemistry, O, A. C. I. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE QUESTIONS 1. Is it all right to give a reason for not accepting a formal invita- tion? 2. Should one use a fork to place butter on a piece of bread or bis- cuit? is-cuit? 3. Isn't it improper to 'send en- graved announcements of an en- gagement? 4. Should a woman, after the death of her husband, be address- ed as "Mrs. Mary Blank" or as "Mrs. James Blank?" 6. Is it necessary for a man do rise when dining. and another man *tops at his table? 6. 18 it proper to introduce oue's self, if one has not Diet the first member of a receiving line? ANSWERS 1. i'es, if one wishes to do so, though it is not obligatory. 2. No; the knife should be used. 3. Yes. This is not done. 4. The death of the husband of woman ird no way affects the name by Which she is known. She continues to be "Mrs. Jamas Midi%." 5. It is not necessary when there Ie no great difference in age. if the alien who stops is elderly, it is very courteous for to young man to rise. 6. Yee, ft this should ha pen, on.e eihould tap, "IA Mrs. WW1." TWO MILES PER SECOND Research with rockets is going ahead rapidly and quietly. There are already 300 experimenters in the U.S„ their first objective being to reach the stratosphere with weather instruments. Fuels of liquid oxygen and gaso- line already give a speed of two miles per second. The nex step will b3 to send mail by rockets, whic1i seems to be perfectly feas- ible. CARE OF ENLARGED HEARTS Experiments in artificially pro- ducing large hearts in animals, which have shed new light on Bare and treatment of humans with en- larged hearts, have been develop- ed. They show that return of the blood volume to normal and relief of strain on the heart was not fol- lowed by a return of the heart size to normal. The lesson is that a constant or severe strain on an already damaged or enlarged heart only adds insult to injury. CURE FOR BERI-BERI A case of oriental beri-beri, the first ever treated in Toronto with synthetic vitamin "Bi" has just been discharged cured from the General Hospital there. eri-beri, a disease caused by diet deficiencies, was first record- ed by Admiral Takaki, surgeon -in - chief of the Japanese navy, to- wards the close of the last century. COBRA VENOM PAIN -KILLER Cobra venom, the deadly poi- son from the fangs of the storied .Asiatic snake, may be the most potent of all pain killers, the Uni- versity of California Hospital re- ports following successful experi- ments with patients suffering ex- cruciating torment. Bird Dogs Enter In Field Trials Setters And Pointers From On- tario And Neighboring States Are Competing At Niagara - on -the -Lake, April 1Cth.. The Spring field trials of The Ontario Bird Dog Association to be held on Sunday, April 16th, at Nia- gara -on -the -Lake, will feature 'a new class which is expected to bring out many new dogs and dog owners. This is a class for un- trained Setters and Pointers. Trials For Untrained There are numerous owners of Setters and Pointers throughout Ontario whose dogs show natural hunting instinct and style. Some are dogs which have accompanied their owners in the hunting field, perhaps, some may be show dogs or pets, They have never had training beyond that which their owners, in a limited way, have been able to give them. Their owners would like to know how their dogs rate in the field. This class will enable such dogs to "do their stuff" before an experienced bird dog judge.' The class will be restricted to Canadian -owned dogs, but no age limit will be enforced. The classes for trained dogs will provide interesting sport for both dog men and spectators and, as usual, it is expected that a large "gallery" of spectators will follow the trials. Plenty Of Pheasants Headquarters for the trials will be the Prince of Wales Hotel, Nia- gara -on -the -Lake, and roads lead- ing to the "grounds" will be mark- ed so that motorists can easily lo- cate the various events. The frontier country is ideally suited to the sport, Pheasants are there in good numbers and the ter- rain adjoining the roads surround- ing the village has every type of land required to enable a good trial of a dog's willingness and ability to work in both open pasture and heavy cover. Firestone Exhibits Farm At World's Fair A 31,a acre exhibit at the World's Fair in New York is being completed by the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company. In addition to a full-scale tire factory producing a tire every four minutes, probably the most unique part of the exhibit will be an actual life-size .reproduction of a thriving farm with live stock, buildings, farmhands, and all. This part of the exhibit will demonstrate how the farm is being modernized by the use of rubber tires on every wheeled farm implement, and will call attention to the •fact that it was Harvey S. Firestone on his own 640 acre faxen who pioneered in the development of rubber tires for farm use. Gardening 1 SPECIAL FLOWERS For full sun, especially if plant- ed close to a south wall where there is little protection from the summer heat, there are things such as coreopsis, California and other poppies, portulaca or climb- ing morning glories and nastur- tiums which are recommended. These give remarkable results even in a siege of dry weather. Of an opposite nature are certain annuals like clarkia, alyssum, lark- spur, pansy and phlox. These will actually give better results, more delicate coloring, if planted in par- tial shade. NURSERY STOCK Like seed,. it is important to se- cure nursery stook( roses, shrubs, vines, etc.) from a reputable and reliable source, and one that is fa- miliar and caters to Canadian con- ditions. This sort of planting mat- erial is offered in a wide range of prices but as a rule cheap stock proves disappointing. Good stock is pliable, green and shows plenty of live buds. Roots are moist and well wrapped to ex- clude the air. Such will grow read- ily when planted. Brittle wood, and wrinkled buds or none at all and exposed dry roots aro an indication of inferior stock. If it grows at all, a year or perhaps two are lost be - tore it is likely to make' any real growth. NEW PLANTS New grains and fruits are not the only thing that have been oc- cllpying the attention of plant breeders in recent years. In vege- tables, there havo been even more improvements. Scientists have car - tissue No. 16 - tS'g ried out this work In two direc- tions; first by the introduction of vegetables unfamiliar to most Can- adians, and secondly and probably more important, by vast improve- ments of those varieties that have been grown in this country for a great many years. Claims Goldfish Eating Record A Harvard University student, Irving Clark, 20, of Seattle, claim- ed the goldfish eating champion- ship this week. Clark reported he ate 24 live goldfish in a'little mere than five minutes, using or- ange juice as a chaser. Clark was spurred on by Frank Pope, of Franklin and Marshall College, who bet him $60he couldn't eat more than Pope. Pope downed a mere three. / o u HARD This charming story from a Po- lish newspaper reaches us -from the United States: An English missionary, in a chat with an old Negro cannibal of the tribe Niam-Niam, told him of the enormous number of victims of the world war. "How could you," wondered the cannibal, "eat so much human meat?" "We whites," answered the mis- sionary proudly, "do not eat hu- man beings." "Well, then, what did you kill them for?" asked the cannibal in great astonishment. "I've been sleeping like a log." "You wood!" The teacher was trying to make Elsie understand subtraction and she said: "You have ten fingers, now supposing there were three missing what would you have then?" "No music lessons," said Elsie promptly. "Do mistakes of your past over keep you awake nights?" "Not any more. I had my telephone disconnected." Humorous Man (in street car) : "Has anyone dropped a wad of notes with an elastic band round them?" Chorus of voices: "Yes, I havel" "Well, I've just picked up the elastic band." Doctor (to patient) -It's no- thing to worry about -just a little boil on the back of the neck. But you must keep your eye on it." How Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can 1 make the drippings Trona highly flavoured foods sweet and tasteless? A. Fry a few slices of raw pota- to in the drippings. This will also take away the flavour of rancid- ness. Q. How can I get rid of a scale of dandruff appearing on baby's head? A. Wash the head every day with pure castile soap and then rub white vaseline over the dandruff. The scales should loosen and come off within a short time. Q. How can I prevent piano keys from turning yellow? A. It is claimed that if piano keys are washed occasionally with alcohol, then polished with a soft clean cloth, they will not turn yel- low. Q. What causes boiled potatoes to be soft and broken on the out- side, while the centers are hard and uncooked? A. Boiling too rapidly will cause this condition. Q. How can I make a plant fertil- izer? A. A little ammonia added to the water affords a rich fertilizer for the plants, also aids in preventing bugs. Q. How can I prevent silk thread from unwinding too rapidly on a sewing machine? A. Place a small piece of felt on the spindle under the Spool, and the silk will not unwind so rapid- ly, tighten, nor break. Steam Brazils. -Brazil nuts are easier, to remove from the shells if they are steamed before crack- ing. EXCUSE ME - BUT BIG BEN GIVES YOU YOUR MONEY'S , WORTH . Fishermen's Paradise Reputed to be one of the greatest small -mouth black bass sanctuar- ies in Canada, Bayfield inlet will be accessible by road now under construction by the Ontario de- partment of highways. Previously fishermen were forced to.. reach the inlet either by air or water. Conversation :Made ]easy, -Keep the centre of the room free fi'filn furniture. This makes for easy, conversation across the room. HOT ATE - at loosen the OLINOINO wastes To your daily cup of hot water. add the "Juice" of the 10 herbs in Garfield Tea and you not only "wash out" tnternal1y-but loosen the hard•to•get- ot wastes which ciineJ to the lining undi- vested. Garfield Tea makes hol water tae. tier to drink Mit& THOROUGH, prompt. 10c 8 25c at druggists. FREE! SAMPLE Writs Garl cid Tut Cgo Rept. e2, 1 CIOse Avenue, Toronto 3 - Canada Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OuSISIsINIXa EST PROPOSITION ON MARKET -Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings. Write for full particulars. Relia- ble Agencies, 213 Victoria Street, Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE FLAGS, BUNTING, PLAIN AJ4D Waterproof Truck Covers and Tents. Prices and samples on re- quest. John Leckie Ltd., Toronto. HAWAIIAN GUITAR WITH ALL fittings and Ten Free Lessons, regular $10.00 value -only $6.96 delivered. Limited number only. Order now. R. S. Williams Com- pany, 431 King St. West, Toronto. tlatsllio ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS Ih' SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA or chronic bronchitis send 10c to- day for trial of ASTONE TAB- LETS, the remarkable Britlall Remedy which is giving instant relief to many thousands. Litera- ture free. Astone Products, 78 A Adelaide West, Toronto. Sold by Druggists at 600 and $1.00. HAIIY CHICKS 2300 CHICKS -FREE -2600 CHICKS From a choice of a flock of 2,000 Large Type S. C. White Leghorn Breeders, 1.000 Leghorn Rock (hybrids) or 1,000 Large Egg Size Strain Barred Rocks. All you have to do to win a prize - Guess the number of eggs laid from a flock of 230 Large Type S. C. White Leghorns for the months of No- vember and December and send us the names of 5 people who are interested in Poultry and buy chicks each year. You may win a prize as high as 300 chicks free. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. tl.•MmommWsono. DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS! Two-week old Barred Rock Cock-- ereis .09c, Mixed $12.60, Pullets $19.95.New Hampshire Red Cock- erels, .08c, Pullets $19.95. Three weeks old add .03c, Big Egg Qual- ity add .ole. Extra. Select add .02e. Rush your order if you want these bargains. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. Y. C. PORTER, COCHRANE, ONT., bought 62 Bray pullet chicks. Put 51 in laying house. "At five months," says he, 'they are lay- ing lots of extra large eggs.. mighty good in this cold country." Buy Bray Chicks. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. FOR THOSE WHO WANT A MORE colorful flock, buy Bray Brown Leghorns. Wonderful producers of large white eggs. Cockerels make good broilers. Economical to raise. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. NOW YOU CAN BUY CHICKS THAT' weigh two pounds per hundred more when hatched at a saving of up to $6.00 per hundred. Selling direct, no agent's commission to pay and mass production in Fer- gus enables us to pass the saving on to you. Grade A Heavy Breeds 311.00, Pullets $13.00, Cockerels 6.00; Leghorns $10.50 Pullets 22.00, Cockerels $3.001; Extra Profit Grade Heavy $12.45, Pullets $19,90, Cockerels $7.00; Leghorns $11.95, Pullets $24,90, Cockerels $4.00. Free calendar and poultry guide. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,aOntaxio._ BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDERS, CARPENTERS AND home -owners, new eighty -page Catalogue now ready. Write for copy. Pannill Door Co., Limited, 132 Front St. East, Toronto. FI1.10S !DEVELOPED ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED WITH two prints of each and FREE ENLARGEMENT coupon 25c. OFFSET COMMERCIAL PHOTO- GRAPHY 2 RUSSELL ST„ TOR- ONTO. FOR SA.LIO CLEAN O.A,C, 21 BARLEY, GRADE No. 1, germination 99%, 75c a bushel, sacks free. G. Broderick, Exeter, Ontario, Route 1. PURE BRED WHITE INDIAN RUN- ner Ducks, the living egg ma- chines. Eggs $1.00 a dozen, fer- tility guaranteed. Clarence Clarke, Ethel, Ontario. CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES ' "Warba", World's earliest potato, large, white, delicious, hardiest heaviest yielder. Government Certified. 100 strong eyes $1.00 postpaid. S. V. Cowan, Waldeck, Sask. SLIGIITLY USED CLOTHING -THE finest in used clothing at big re- ductions. Suits originally $35.00 to $60.00 now $6.00, $8,00, $10. New suits regularly $25.00 at $12.50. Odd coats, pants $2,00, $2,50. Top coats $5, $6, $7. La- dles' Spring coats $5, $6. Big sav- ing in new dresses, crepes, sat- ins, at $1.50, $2,00. Send money - order with measurements, age. You take no risk by buying en our money -bark guarantee. Wo pay postage. Ask for catalogue. damadian Clothing, 409 Tongs St., Toronto. EARLY VARIETIES OF ]`LINT and Tent Corn specialty adapted for Northern countries. Write for prices, fatties Brisley, Thames- vilIe, Ont., Tient Co. RARE OLD NEW BRUNSWICK train stamp, 150 with approvals. Letterhead, reference appreciated. :dewberry's, 046 Fort, Victoria, B.C. I•`It1i2T UASIZETS AND BOXES PLANT BOXES, HERBY PDXES, Fruit Baskets and Hampers. a'riees on request. TheOakville ;Basket Co., Ltd., Oakville, Ont. HAM GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFOL1MA.a tions, Switches Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goode. Write for Illustrated catalogue. Conridene tial terms arranged. Toronto Hurtle an Hair Supply Co. 628 Bathurst. Toronto. HELP WANTED MALE /3411COME A DETECTIVE. MEN over 18 wanted everywhere. Dea tectives earn good wages. Re.. Wards. Work home or travel. Correspondence training course. Write for free information t'o Box 26, Station T, Montreal. HOT IRON TRANSFERS BIG PACKAGE OF HOT IRON Transfers, eight sheets, over two hundred designs; also valuabre instruction stitch chart; mail 26 cents in cash. Needlecraft Guild, 693 College Street, Toronto. HOGS FOR SALE seaPO ALE - FOUR YEAR OLD Yorkshire Sire. Best Market Pen toyai Winter Fair and other Boar Winners; Yearling boar sire, Grandsire, and two nearest Gran- dams in Advanced Registry. Four, months boars and sows. Shade. land Farms, Eden. Ont. MEDICAL SUPPLIES 13ON'T SUFFER FROM SORE OR tired feet. Try the new Andy's Salve & Liniment. Large Ointment only 71.00-50c bottle. Liniment FREE - First order only. Your money back if not satisfied. Pleaes write to Andy's Salve & Liniment Manufacturing, 101 Alexander St. Toronto. NO FILM REQUIRED SEND US YOUR SNAPSHOTS 017 old photos. We specialize in mak- ing enlargements direct from arty, print. 5" x 7" enlargements col- oured 60c; 8" x 10" enlargement coloured 76c. Stamps accepted. Tru Foto Studios Limited, New. Birks Building, Montreal, I'A'rsNTs AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENT() Ltst of inventions and full ia9rtl mation sent free. The Ramsay Cori, pany, Registered, Patent Attorney 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. -.. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EV' eery roll film developed and 8 hlgli gloss prints 26c. Reprints sante price. 8 enlarged , prints 25b. Brightling Studio, 29A Richmond St. East, Toronto. TWO FREE PROFESSIONAL SII;< vertone enlargements and value able premium coupons free with every film developed and printed for 25c, or with eight super-giosO reprints for 25c. Personal skilled attention to every order. Cut Rate quality would cost you more elsewhere! Cut Rate Photo Sere vice, Dept. B21, Box 236, Regina„ Sask. PERSONAL MARRY -HUNDREDS TO CH003111 from. Many witb means. Farm - ars' daughters. Widows with Property. Particulars 10c. Con- fidential. Box 123. Calgary, Al. berta. QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF. EASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Tes- timonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. Bartlett's. Box 1, Winnipeg. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE romantic sweetheart, with money. write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, MIs. souri. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE -WRITS for free booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly sus- cessfui hyblood treatment. Pedi.. greed Products, Saskatoon, Sask, WANTED - ORIGINAL POEMS, songs, for immediate considera- tion. Send poems to Columbian Music Publishers, Ltd., Dept. M87, Toronto, Canada. SEEDS 'FOR SALE HOME GROWN SEEDS, ALL GOV- ernment grades. Alfalfa, red clo- ver, alsike, timothy, sweet clover. Ask for samples and prices deliv- ered to you. The Caledonia Mille ing Co. Ltd., Caledonia, Ont. WRS'rl: FOR OUR Ple10E LIST ON all kinds of grass and clover seeds. Highest quality and lowest prices. We supply bags and pre- pay. Brown Bros., Arkona, On- tario. SEWING Il AC11INES & SUPPLIES) FOR SEWING MACHINES, RE - pairs, supplies -all makes, new or trade-in, reconditioned mach- ines in stock - Write A. 1Silbel't & Son, 350 Yonge St., Toronto. SI'ECIAII, TI$EATat mlhT $26 REWARD FOR ANY CORN 019 Callous which cannot be removed by Lloyd's Special Treatment, un• der our supervision. Provents re- turn. Send 65e for complete treatment, regular 759. Lloyd's -lie 1211 St. Clair Nest, Toronto. TOiUACCO 4 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE BUR . - ley Zimmer, prior leaf, flavoring. and recipes, or ll -pound sample, package Virginia Burley, Timmer and prior leaf; 2 saropies manu- factured, $1,00 postpaid. .Iiuthveu Tobacco Rxeh:Inge, Ruthmen, Ont. rrti TF IA - OFFE OLL DEVELOPED ifGHT PRINTS/RiY MOS EXP RIENCE DDRESS PROFE»SSIONAL LONDON ANTI ' .. "Dept. A"