HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-04-13, Page 4*MIA YOUR ZURICH HERALD A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE FOR SA L BY :1; : •• "Al; girR eeee: The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 H.P. motor has been reduced in price from $985 to $915 De- livered... Full front seat; twin air Horns, Chrome Windshield frame; two Chrome windshield wipers and 600x16 tires, are standard equipment GOOD CARS FOR LESS THAN $50.00 Chev. Coach Ford Touring Star Sedan Chev.Sedan Whippet 4 Sedan 1929 Essex Coupe And see these Good Cars for less than $100. 27 Pontiac Coach, very low mileage. 27 Chrysler Coach, in surprisingly good condition. 29 Essex Coach 29 Ford Roadster 28 Ford Coach. And for less than $200, -your choice of the following 29 Plymouth Coach 29 Ford Coach 30 Ford Coach 31 Pontiac Coach 29 Whipped 4 Sedan 29 Whippet 6 Sedan 28 Chrysler Sedan.. These Cars are in good Condition and Priced to Sell SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 EXETER STOP .4' AT •itli3OPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYN. E Cernputing Pump that automatically figuses the amount of your purchase. These Pumps are used in all leading gas • stations in Canada and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car i greased by attend- ants that have had Ave years of practicaleand technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease to lubricate yOui. car EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes of ears at attractive prices.. Special :Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. • Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleaned Free. We aim to please. When in Zurich 'take advantage of our modern rest rooms. Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD X.LOP.P, LESSEE C. Fritz Ve San Theti(GRT:Latin Connection Use Blue Marathon as For Better Mileage GOODYEAR TIRES, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES.. Phone 78 DASHWOOD Mrs. Allemang and two daughter Gertrude and Esther and son Carl af St. Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ,Strome and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar! Veismiller and family of Elmira we-, 1.,e Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs! Edgar Restemeyer, Mr, Archie flender of Toronto, sp- :ant Good Friday with his parents,. lir.: and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Mair of: Detroit spent the week -end with hie• father, Mr. Wm. Mair. Mrs,. Clarence Routledge of HAD - .tore is spending this week with her varents,eMr. and Mrs. P: leassoid, Mr. arra Mrs, Milford Melsaac and family of Detroit are spenuen„e0 thi week with!iPis parents, Mr. and Mrs. McIsaap, Mr. E. Nadiger spent a few days Toronto. • • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Wind - nor were Sunday visitors with her 1)arents, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Baker. AUCTION SALE - Administrators' Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Household Effects, at Lot', 17 S. B. of Stanley Twonship. 2 miles west of Hillsgreen, 3 miles north of Zurich, on Tuesday, April 18th, at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES -Imported Clydesdale Stallion (Torrs Advocate) rising 3 yrs; .Standard bred Stallion, Easter George 8 yrs. old; Matched team Clyde mares 8 yrs. old; Clyde mare 7 yrs. old; Standard bred mare .(Edna , Gratton 7 yrs. old; Clyde filly colt rising 1 yr. - • Cattle -Pure bred Durham cow just bred; Durham grade cow just bred; Pure bred Jersey cof freshened 2 weeks with calf at side; 3 Durham grade heifers due to freshen in July; Steer 2 yrs. old, 4 yearling heifers; Pure bred Durham bull 1 -yr. old; Pure bred Durham bull calf. PIGS - 2 young sows due in June. POULTRY -4 turkey hens and. 1 gobbler (bronZ); 2 geese, 25 Rock hens, Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Harris binder 7 -ft. cut; Deering mower; Deering hay loader good as new, hay rake, side delivery rake, cultivator, seed drM, steel roller, set disc harrows new hay rack, Cockshutt riding plow, walking plow, cutter, light wagon, heavy wagon, set of scales 2000-11). capacity, 1 1/2 h.p. gas engine, set . of harrows, wagon box, gravel hex, 2 stock racks, Essex car 1927* model, set of double heavy harness, set of double driving harness, circular saw, --I screw jack, anvil, vice, emery grinder, Winchester rifle high power, cook stove nearly new, water ,trough, meta grinder, quantity of wood, . quantity 14 of household effects, 200 bush. wheat, 100 bus. -oats about 10 or 12 ton of hay, forks, ellains, whiflietrees, neck- • yokes and numerous other articles. Terms -Cash. Everything to •be sold` .in order to wind up the estate.. FARM PROPERTY -At the same •time and place the farm whichconsis ts of 118 acres with good bank barn, 18 acres of bush, 17 acres fall plow - d; 6 acres •of fall wheat, -balance 1 seeded to hay and grass. This farm is I well watered, well drained and well fenced. Terms on real estate: 10% of the purchase money paid down on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Pro- perty sold subject to reserve Old. Clarence Parke and Sam. McBride: Administrators to the estate of the ' late John Baker. George H. Elliott and Harold Jackson Auctioneers. R. F. Stade, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Household Ecects Pete Machinery Equipinent, etc.. At Hi1]sgreen 3 3. miles west of Kippen, on MONAY, APRIL 17th, at 1.30 p. m., consisting of: Team of horses, set team harness, set sleighs with flat rack, team trailer Chrysler engine, Chevrolet enginee I about 15 cords 4 -ft. wood, circular f ) from .Minnesota," will be presented saw outfit, set scales 1200 -Ib. capac-i %Goshen. Young lwithe Town Hall, Zurich, on WedneePeouple. You'll _iitY, laugh in Act 1; Roar in Act II d' worm, between 2 and 3 thousand an pete crates suitable for gates and national truck, pete machine ease and l 3 or 4 ton of hay, 11/2 ton Inter -i I day evening, . April 19th, by the ' Scream in Act III. snow fences, Chrysler coups in good ' running order, cook stove good as 111 at Hospital new, Furnacette stove only used one Mrs. James Stephenson returned, season, cross -cut saw, slecieee, wedges home from London last week, whereland nuthero”q othe'- art'eles. she had been taking treatments for!' TERMS -CASH the •past two wetiks. On her arrival Everything to be sold in order to home, she found Mae ,Stephenson had wind up the partnership which existed been :ailck, Dr. Addison of Zurich was between Robinson and Davidson,- calleti, who took him .to St. Joseph's Chorles A. Robinson, W. J. Davidson Hospital, London on Saturday where Propeieters.' an operation was performed, and at Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. latest :Reports he aa e *progressine favorably, we hope he mayfavorably, soon be -' fully restored to health. • Laze Mrs. Bert MelCzY - Mrs. Katherine Moffat McKay wife of Berg McKay, mar Thrucefield, who died at •her farm hoWe Sanle Township on Saturday, in her 43rd year, was a daughter of the late Jno 1:-iffatt, born in Tuckersmith. !She was married in 1917 and have farm- ed continuously in the Brumfield die-, Mitt. Besides her busband there sur - vivo two. brothers, Lawrence .lviolTatt' Regina; Alfred of Kippen; four sis- ters, Mrs. A. MeCaltney, Tuzford Sask; Mvs. D. Kilpatrick. Leedale .Alta; Mrs. John Armstrong, Zurich and Mrs. J. Mc14eth, Stanity Town- ehin. The ftnierel service Nv;.ich wa '10:.1(1 in the Beeeeflold trnite.e enure' on Monday was lergely attende.' which spoke of the .eeeeern in whicl the docee-e'l wee hell. Vech syr aihv.hi.070 ended to the bereeved but bawl nu A. r '1y jT tr:1 p#tho'' one , 'Mrs,. Louis Retver who has been in 3, etroit with her daughter for some time has returned home. • Miss Zeta Nadigst, R. N. of Haw- Mith„ spent no,..A.,/, with her par - rite, Mr. and Mi -s. W. Nadiger, Mrs. Reschke and .faneVy of Detroit tto visiting with her /neither, Mrs. -Werner. ism Hope Roppel ant Donald Oestreieher, who are atteettiW zion Univerty, spent thrill litr • tholidays with their parents. ,••• STANLEY TOWNSHIP 1 To Hold Concert Illa,1101f1 Cflmeqy, "Aunt Minniii Play Is Appreciated The play Aunt Minnie from Min- ncxsota, which was put on by our Young People in the Varna Hall last " Wednesday, was much appreciated,.. and will be put on at Hayfield on Friday evening of this week. NOTES: Mr. Allan Keys of Western Univ.. ersity, London, spent Easter at his home on Babylori Line. Mr. and Mrs. William McClincheY and family have moved to Mrs. Broil. nerman's house in Blake. Mr, John Penhale spent a few days wently in St. Thomas and Chatham. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Penbale and family have moved to their new home recently purchased in the Bronson Line, Miss Irene ' ,Scotchmer who has. nen in Torontd far Sonia tirne, • eturned to her ketne. • Mr. Thos. Westlake who purchased Iue Aldswerth farm al Brotron . b1'* rerno'hlirg • house. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dann who pur- chased :the farm from Mr. Harold Penhale wili be moving thereon the near future. Mrs, J. Hohner and .son, Walter, who disposed of their farm z.o Mr, Edwin Steckle will be mating to Auburn in the near future. Hensall Spring Show A record entry of cattle featured the annual spring show of the +South Huron Agricultural Society held at Hensall on Satuaelay.' Horse classes were also well filled and competition was keen in every event. The win- ners: • Horses Clydesdale aged stallion, It. Mur- dock, Brucefield; young stallion, C. Godb.olt, Exeter. Percheron or Belgian, aged stallion D. Ross, Hensall; C. Godbolt; stallion of 1936,, W. ,Schrag, Zurieh. Standard bred aged stallion, W. Govenlock, Seaforth; G. Riley, Hen- sall; brood mare, Dr. Campbell, Hen - sail. earoAntiguasammor • Heavy Drat mare in foal, Z. Seat, Cromarty, U, Turner Varna; Filly or gelding under 3 yrs., A. Buchanan Hensall; Filly or gelding under 2yrs. W. Pepper, Hensall, Dr. 'Moir, Hen- sall; under lyr., W, Hamilton & Son Cromarty, C. W. Miller, Exeter; Draft team, Jas. Scott. • Agricultural =re in foal, R. Scott H. Turnor; under 3 yrs. W. Hamilton & Sons, R. Scott; under 2 yrs. H. Turner; under 1 yr. R. Hamilton, W. Buchanan, W. ,Schrag; team, W. Ham ilton & Sons, R. Scott. Gen. Purpose -team, W. Decker, Zurich ; Geo. Thiel, Zurich, M. Hoop- er & Sons, St. Marys. Roadster, farmer's class -Currie & Tervitt, Wingliara; under 2 yrs. Dr. Campbell; roadster open, single, Cur- rie & Tervitt; team, do and also cram pion.. Championship class, draft mare or gelding, J. Scott; agricultural mare or gelding, W. Hamilton& Sons, R. Cc,ott; draft or agriculture, R. Scott. Twp. prize, J. Scott, Bibbed Twp. W. Hamilton & Sons, de best Clyde stallion, R. iWurdook; men's turnout, Currie & Tervitt; best wagon horse • Thmrada,y, April 13tb, 1989 01, ors Roe, Wm. Decker, N. •u. nolVer" & tScons'Geo, Thiel; saddle horse rid- den by boy .or ;girl under -10, Decker. Boy's Judging, Keith Weber, Cred- iton; Percy Wright, Cromarty; flon Jolly, HIPPen. Cattle Angus aged bull, Edwards Bros., Watford; A. W. Etherington, Hen- san; ball 1937, Edward Bros., A. W. Etherington; cow any age, Edwards Bros, Bert Klopp, • Zurich; A. W. Etherington; beofer calved 1937 or Tater, Edwards Bros., do, Bert Klopp. Shorthorns, aged buil), W. Oestrei- eller; bull of 193'7, W. E. Parker, Watford, W. 0 t h ; eow dny age, W. E. Parker, W. Oestreicher; heifer of 1937, Parker, Oestreicher. Herfordr.,-, aged bull, IL Wright, •Cr ; O'N '1 Bros., f bull calved 1937 O'Neil l3ros., Wright: cow any age. O'Neil Bros., H. Wright; heifer O"Neil Bros., H... Wright. Market eathtle: Butcher or heifer, W. E. Parker, Ti. Wright, O'Neil Bm. baby beef, Ewards Bros., W. Parker - Wm. Oestreicher, H. Wright. 39-13 ays Iy endi ce Ai Here is your opportunity this year to buy your requirements of two of the world's finest enamels at a fifth off the regular price. Thousands of people are creating new and lovelier homes over- night with. these famous Sherwin-Williams Enamels. See your Shemin -Williams dealer today for these great bargains in:- ril 22 SAO EFS. PRIL 22 ••if"7: , 1:••••• 1 tip ic,..7:-...:-... • World's finest laigh-gloss enamel for outside or inside use -Flows on easily, dries quickly; covers in. one coat. In 24 brilliant colours and black and- white•. Pint A Plat mg2V 6 Ga. Regular .35 Regular .95 Regular 3:15 Pint m44 Regular .55 Qum -el .32 Regular 1.65 • .• Gal.. Regular 6.00 1 , to if ,v. The Guaranteed Satin Enamel. that's UTASHABLE-- for wail, walls, Nvoodwork, furnitur•e etc. Easytaappiy, quick drying. DEODORIZED,: I21-12 colours and white. Pit S40 Pint. ae4 Regular .50 Regular .30- at'2320 Regular, 23; (gimit 1.20 Regular 1-50 Gal! 4a2COP Regular 5:25 41:sv •t:Csi?r r Let; eee ;P44 •*, • COVER -ThE 0. •,e, el:44 • emu l'"PR-Pootts. Getyour Spring Supply of these two other finsSherwin,Williarasproducts at standard prices *SWPPREPARED - HOUSE PAINT LI Give; your home new beauty and protection, Standard Prices (32 Regular Colours) 3 -Pint Pint Quart 34 -Gal. Gal. .40 .65 1.20 2.20 395 STADE and WEIDO Standard Prices 34 -Pint Pint Quart CLEAR GLOSS .60 .95 1.75 Fon exterin- and'interior ase. Spreads farther, lasts. Longer, than any varnish. Phone No. 92 Zurich -111.••••=•••••da See These Beautiful 1 See the new 1939 Dodge Six: and, DeLuxe TODAY. Look them, over . . . from a distance and close up. You'll agree they are the most beau- tiful Dodge Cars ever produced: int all the 25 years of Dodge history, And they are BIG cars ... 114 -inch wheelbase and look even LORGP:Fr All 1939 Dodge cars have new Amola 939 D OD Curs 11 steel coil springs. . . improved air- plane -type shock absorbers, . . new "Safety Signal" speedometer and in DeLute models you also get new Handy -Control gear shifting . . . new auto -mesh transmission: Prices have been reduced on all Models. Ward Frit rx Distributer uricn•