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"Pel. XXXIX 39
ZU QCH. THURSDAY MOH '4" G:,, APRIL 13, 1939..
Chester E. Smith, Pabilsbeeli
"1$1.25 a year, TJ,S• $1,50 in Advaa dit
'y eat, .f+Aa -8,s'4 M$Y b
Let us quote you on Specials for
Spring and Summer Permanents,
that are. pleasing and satisfactory,
and will give you persoatakty Hair-
•slressing Salon on rear of store.. For
appointments call us by. ethane 102
dead the Home News,
C. B. Heckendorn, Minister.
Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist..
9:45—The Sacrament of the Lord';
11. A,Nf. .Sunday School.
7.80. p.m. Subject—The Power o:
"This do in .Remembrance of Me."
Evangelical Lutheran Eh' ie work by the Goderich del
gation which recently waited on Pu
fruit in e. further vote of $65,0+
for improvements is Goderich harlae
This sum includes a revote of $11
000 from last year's item. Kincar'
ine gets a revote item of $18,000 fo
improvements there. There is $5,30
included for Lion's Head harbor len
provements. Sarnia .get $1,500 fo
similar purposes.
Margaret Guettinger, daughter of
Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest Guettinger, of
Crediton, was bitten in the leg by a
muskrat which was being chased by.
a dog. While returning home at,
night, she stepped out of her com-
panion's car and noticed the animals
approach., Before she could avoid it
thee:animal bit her .leg at the, ankle.
She was given immediate medical
treatment, . ., -
Mrs. Martha .Nlartene, widow of
ens of Steph_:i Mayne -lip, died atthe
lama of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Dix-
on, _London. She was in her 94th, yr.
and had them ill,for ,two months. She
was formerly Martha Harbor and
fyxom�Germa7ii•Y,..� her
4'A Changeless •Christ for a Chang-
- ing Wade."
Friday, 8h—Luther League.
Thursday—Choir Practicer=
10 a. in.—German Service.
11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchooL
7.30 p m.—Eaiglisla st -rice. -
Everybody Welcome. to ell Services.:
C. E. Zur brig
Week Day Except Wedaesniay.
-ng eight weeks in a saileng vsesel,
landing at New York then came to
—YOUR HAIR line: most important thing to complete your spring •
outfit is your hair Treat it as such and come to us for your next
Introducing to yore for the first time the newest in scienntiic hair
treatment, it is our pleasure to present "Prescription Permanents."
Whether your hair be fine„ course, 'white, etc., we now have a special
lotion for each, type and you are therefore assured of a wave in the
manner you have always wanted.
Why Accept. a Sirbbsti:tute for the Best. No advance in prices.
Phone 159 Zurich far Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop.
Specials foe Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Aylmer choice peaces in *heavy syrup, 2 tins 25 c
P and G white Naptha soap, :3 takes 1 Oc
Sweet wed, Pickles 27 -oz. per jar • ......--25c
each . ........ 7 c
Brooms 5 -string, each
Wax Beans:„ 2 tins. , a _
.. 19c
Heinz's catsup, large l ti •e ....>...__»
Ivory soap long; cake . - ......... 1 Oc
Toilet rolls, 4, rolls ... 25c
Hillcrest shortening, 2 lbs. 25c
Orange Marmalade 32 -oz, per jar 25c'
Brick Cheese;, lierfir.,, 20c
Life B.tiay Soap,; ' 2 cakes ......... ,.
Wallpaper in bundle lots, also 'our Regular: Samples
at 20c. doui le t',c . up_ Silk Curtain Nets sold by
the yard. or paiim Floo=r Covering and Window
Phone 140
Preston where . two brothers lived,;
Later moving to ,Stephen Township'
S'he had been a' faithful member
pion Lutheran church, Dashw%ad!
Surviving . are two daughters and
eon, Henry in Stephen;. 17 grandchi
3ren. Her husband died 20 years a
The body was taken to hex son Hear:
in .Stephen from where the funer�a
was held•on Monday to Zion.Luthe.i
an church, .;with Rev. T. Luft o
Mr. and Mrs. John: Ravelle, b
Grand. Bend, -celebrated their golde
wedding anniversary on. Monday .a
;heir farm home on the Blue Watei
iighway. For 16 years Mr. Rlavell`
.trove His Majesty's mail, together
with bus service, from Grand Bend.to•.
Parkhill, via Greenway, and Corbett,.
and during that time missed our fe*
trips. Mrs. Ravelle, formerly Janes
Howard, is the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, of Drys-
dale. They were `married in the New:
Presbyterian Church at Corbett. This
marriage Was the first, held in the`
church. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ravelle
are in good health. They had two
children, Mrs. Wm. Eisen!bach, who
lives in Detroit, and a son George,
who has passed on.'
Fiftieth Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh oa
the Village of Zurich celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding
on ,Sunday, April 9th. A family din-
ner for the couple, children and thea
families was held in the home of the
eldest daughter, Mrs. William Thiel.
The long table was very prettily . de-
corated in yellow with .a centrepiece,
of spring flowers. On either end: of
the table was a large wedding Cake
on which stood e miniature' bride
Follow the Local Ads.
;..and Mrs. Julius Thiel were at
aeardine for over Easter.
r. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of
ener spent Easter Sunday at
Tome of Mrs. Thomas Johnston.
;Timbers of the Zurich Brass Band
";their annual meeting one even-
jecently and have become re -or -
'ed for the corning year.
x. Ward Fritz has purchased the
ice station property in Crediton
the executors of the D. Mcisaac
e. Mr. Zimmer of Dashwood,
manage the 'station for Mr. Fritz
he annual meeting of the Zurich
ball Club will ibe held in the
hall. on Thursday, April 13th
o'clock. Please plan to attend.
r. and Mrs. Martin Wurin of town
and Mrs, Carl McClinchey and
filly of • Cromarty, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. D. Oswald
t3r`o'nson line.
j,'Ire Joseph•Meidinger'and Edward'
Lille of Hensall attended the golden
w iding celebration of the termer's
si t'.er, .Mrs. Henry Weseloh on Sun-
dr -are: ` Riiy` C:" ewer 2t o
London, Mrs. William J. H. Senroed-
er of Dashwood, Mrs. Thomas ..- Get-
tus of Detroit, Frederick of Tecum-
seh, Mich, and Mrs. Arthur 1Gfeining:-
er of Detroit. There are also sixteen
grandchildren and .three great-grand-
children. Mr. and Mrs. Weseloh were
married in •the Lutheran parsonage,
Zurich and have resided in Zurich all
their married lives. Numerous• con-
gratulatory messages, as well as gifts
were received: by this esteemed
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weber were -
honored by their childian and friends
at their home, Zurich, on Sunday,
when they celebrated their Fiftieth.
Golden Wedding Anniversary. Tliis•
happy couple of fifty years ago, were
married on April 9th, 1889 by Rev.
Stremfea• of St. Peter's Lutheran
church, Zurich. They have spent
their entire married life in the Vill-
age of Zurich. Their children, are:
Mrs. Flossie Brown of Londbn,. Mrs
Hugh Thiel, Miss Gertrude and Mx
Maurice, at home. One son, Milton.
passed on some twenty years ago. OBITUARY
Both Mr. and Mrs. Weber are enjoy-
ing good health. On Sunday at noon Late Edmund Zeller•
a very, delicious dinner was served, Woad received here last Thurs-
the table being attractively decorated r, the death of a former
for the occasion and wdad as centred with
a beautiful large cake. Tlie- afternoons knrveni resident of this village in the
was enjoyed in .a very satiable way I person of Edmund Zeller, who died
This happy couple of 50 yea=rs receiveat his; home in Windsor,, Wednesday
ed many useful gifts and .congratu- moaning .of last week, April 6th int
lations by relatives and friends. Dur- lies,; 7rd year. He hail suffered a
ing the evening they were, visited by woke; in April, 1939, and never
Mir. and Mrs. II. F. Weseloh of Zurich tag recovered therefrom. He was ixi
with whom they celebrated a doublre, son of ,the late Mr. gild' Mrs. Michael'
wedding fifty years ago, each couple, Zeller of this village; send was hornier,
acting as witness for t'a, other. At and spent his early • life here. While
that time their honeymoon trip con Irving in Zurich daceased was very
silted of a carriage drive in Zurichactive in public a Thr s, having faun -
and the immediate community which ! ded:-the Zurich El.ald in 1900, and
was greatly enioved in +1'4"days• I was twice eanclid'ab e for the Pravin
Their many relatr`ve.e and friend+eb*rith tial L• egislattu ih 1911 and in 1914.
He also built meet of the telephone'
system in Hay Township which he•
later sold toe the Hay Township' Cee.
Iuincil,' iwa . ase very active in beam,
ing about- the .first electriest li htie t ;
system of Zurich. In the'fa1l' of 1931'4
he disp=osed of hie printrftg• business
here and moved to Whalsor with his
fainilly whore he has resided` :since.
" funeral services, were held Sat-
i?tiay •afternoon at Windsor. Surv-
ivs'iig are his widow, four dtettg� � ?�,
ns. Arthur White (Alice), g -
acid Park, Mich; Mrs. Cornehius Lun-
enan (Irene) ; Mrs. Francis P. 'Wood-
man (Vera), both of Windsor; Mrs.
Geo. Moors ('Frances) Rockport, Mas
and live sons. Marshall. Kansas City,
dencet tiers of in sora Two 74. William mop% Zurich, and Mr*, 'Ed- I PHONE 11 -
fiber salso sur• ,
Lost a Mother
uch sympathy is extended to Mrs.
p Hartinan of the Bronson line,
Township, in the loss or her.
er, Mrs Patrick Ryan, who died
home ,in Dublin on Tuesday
Another Accident
Last Tuesday evening Allan Dol -
mage of ,Seaforth, while driving to
Heixsall from Zurich, where he is em-
ployed; collided with the bridge at
the swamp, tearing off the railing
fi Die the left hand side of the bridge,
carrying it down the road 200 feet,
then careened into the ditch on the
right hared side. Fortunately Mr.
Damage was not injured, but the car
was a total wreck. Traffic Officer
Robinson of Exeter investigated.
Police Trustees Meet
A± a. special westing of the Polite
T'ruees' :field Saturday it was decided'
to call for tenders for pipe and fit-
tings to extend the local water sy-
stem to the public school house on
Edward' street. The water rates to
consumers for 1939 were also adjust-
ed: Consumers with bath room- iii
house using town water will pay
$14.0'0' per year and ,others $10:00.
The,,, larger users of water will be
metered and' charged at 25 cents per
rhoti-and gallons.
these happy couples many more years
of enjoyable married life
Ladies' Wear
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. sand Mrs. Filbert Denomme of
St. Joseph, Mrs. Rachel Denomme,
and Mx'. Frank Jeffrey left on Thurs-
day last for Wnidsor and other points
where they will spend a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse and fam-
ily •and Miss Marion Mason all of
Detroit, :spent the week -end in this
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bedard, of
Detroit and Messrs. Simon and Aug-
ust Bedard of Windsor, spent Easter
with Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Bedard.
The maple syrup industry in ' this
vicinity, are working full capacity and
by all indications. will surpass many
other years on a quantity ,record.
Miss Gertie Jeffrey of Tillbury; is
spending Easter Holidays with her
parents, Mr: and Mrs. Gilbert Jeff-
Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury was,
a Sunday visitor -with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard.
Mrs. James Masse of the Blue Wat-
er south, is spending a few days in
Windsor this week, visiting with her
daughter Mrs. Denomme.
Mr. William Mullen and son of
Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. John
Charrette on Tuesday last.
On.:itonday word was received and
her children called to the bed side of
Mrs. Nelson Masse of Windsor who
is seriously ill at time .of writing.
1VLr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilhelm,
Mx. and: Mrs. John Wilhelm of Baden
were visitors at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs:. Melton: Smith last week.
For positive identification of
the World's Finest Anthracite
ak for
Also Rosedale Alberta.
Semet-Solvay Coke
Miller Creek.
Glen Rodger's Briquets.
The Roe Farms Milling E ai;;
Highest Cash Prices paid for
.Eggs on a graded basis.
Pone 10 - Uensall
• `o••eee4••4-*••s•.•soo**•o�e••••*••••••sss•eesoas•eee* 01
• �` a1
• 95' 5
Take Advantage • of this; Free Pant Sale
a. lL inited time only --Tailored to Measure by Can- 1'
• ad.'s Leading,Tailorsn--Special. Reduction on all4.1
can Sri Son I
4- �.r••+!•ao4at>•••Qr•ee••�' ••••'v.44.44••tAv�+4004•••�e2* 5,n 4e•4`
Extra Trousers
Beginning MARCH 24th, we _'ate
having a BIG SALE, of LADIES'
COAT'S and SUITS for Spring.. ..
$8,95 to •$14.50
NEW ;DRESSES at _Prices
to Suit every u's W' d sisters,
Note—Our Store is in ,Our i
‘11.1111.61....1 '1111111.111.1.111111111"1"w"mmlempummmemmaininnemeseeereee
We have a the Staple Lines
Store: Comfort Chintz and,Bats, Prints, Broad-
cloths, Silk and wool Hose, Silk Hose, Men's
Socks, Gloves and Caps, Overalls, Smocks, sweat-
ers abed sweater,Coats, Aprons, (Housedresses at
iced prices)... Rubbers, Rubber Boots.
Hardware, Ready Mixed Paints and Harness
Fresh Groceries Always on Hand
Found in a Country
to S SPRING lylo -.reit Russell Gordon and A5 + GENERAL IVIEROH,ANT
�' i P '1` tel r+
}des BLAKE
IFZ r u dA 1 ST Ha g
RS, TEA1 L MO,C7 tV .. Li0 a ppe,. ew
Pilo" 47 •• ZurA � vv+Ttttkl$ ;lvn . 11tlrildV n