HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-03-30, Page 5Thursday, 'Much 3titlr 10.39. • BUSINESS CARDS ... ......... ...mr LEGAL Nut Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in thi, ColurnrA. y.. aARfUSTER., SOLICITOR, NOT, ARY PPUleLIc ETC. c, TO HYDRO USo dHydro NOTICL OF 10EHamilton Street Just ofi Power will be of' n Sunday, April Square, GODPRICI , Ontario. 2nd, from 1.30 to 4.30 pan. ,"pedal Attention to Couucel and Court Work. Mr, Holmes may be consulted at £ odericii by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. !, BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. . SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK.—ZURICH very Thursday-, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N FOUND In Zurich, a sum of money, owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses from Ted. Mit- tleholtz, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A quantity of good O.A.C. No. '21 seed barley, of good quality .Apply • •-- Delbert Geiger, Zurich 1M'1B.'AY!tGNXJier.1144iA16W.mW.L.ytF)fnAl.ieICA FOR SALE A real good light wagort. Apply to—Chas. Weber, Zurich. Phone 87. For Sale 2 cows for sale to freshen soon. Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson Line. FOR QUICK SALE A gee.1 set of doull, brass mount ed britchen harness. Apply to: Lloyd Rader, Dashwood. TOR. QUICK SAIL. Dr. W. B. CO .ON,.�`•�. Sc. A limited quantity of Seed Itarley. O. A. C. No. 21. Good clean see] Apply to Hilton Truemner, Zurich, Phone 85 r 11. VETERINARY SURGEON mice in the Horne of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. ,Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All I;liseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eaer of Scottish terriers. Inverness Rennets. Office on Main Street, Apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HEN;;ALL. •LJCENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless :as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied, will ;inaice• no :charges for Services ,.Ren- dered. - ARTHUR WEBER Dashwood Phone 18-57. PRODUCE Farm. Produce W Ali T E HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Bi_JTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the. very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ea., always on hand, Kept mesh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins Ytingbitit & Sou smonmerusammov INSURANCE est era Farmers' Mutual Weather Iusurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TENDERS WANTED Township of Hay Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned- up t.; twelve o'elocic noon, Monday, April 3rd, 1.959, for operating the Township crusher a: Welsh's pit fox season of 1939. Ten- ders to be submitted at p.r cubic yard of crushed material placed in the bin. Township will supply drag line e-.luipment. Co.rtraetor to sup- ply drive belt, fuel and oil for power unit. AIso Tenders for trucking crushed material unto Township roads. Con- tractor to submit rate per yard mile. Also flat rate delivered in any part of Township. Tenders may be sub- mitter) for operating .and trucking combined or separately. Satisfactory bond to be furnished. Lowest or any Tender not necessar- ily accepted.. A. F. HESS, • Clerk, Township of Hay. Dated at Zurielt, March 18th, 1939. - Chicks Ontario Breeding Station Chicks. We cansupply you with a limited quantity of any breed, at prevailing prices. Liberal discount on early orders tf29 BRUCE J. KLOPP, Zurich • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 114 acres of good farm land in two parcels, being Lot 7, con. 16 Hay Township. A bank barn, brick house, and other good outbuildings. Farm is well drained and in good cultivation, 7 acres of bush, 10 acres fall wheat. For fur- ther particulars apply to Proprietor, Henry Gackstetter, Dashwood. —FARMS—FOR- 7-SALE-- The SALE The following lots and lands are being offered for sale. 2% acres Part C, Village of Zurich 2-5 acre, Knell Surv. lots 25-28 Vill- age of Zurich. 3-5 acre, Tete 130-132 Dwelnng and stable, Village of Zurich. All these farms are well located, and land is in A.1. condition. 50 acres, Con. 8, E% lot 10, com- prising 50 acres, pasture land. 100 acres with Bank barn and straw shed, dwelling, well drained, on Blue Water Highway, 2 miles south of St. Joseph. 70 acres pasture, neverfailing spring, land, lis. mile south of St. Joseph. 100 acres, con. 9, lot 16. bank barn, dwelling, good 'bush, farm in Al shape, 2's miles from Zurich. 99 acres, eon. 12, lot 9, bank barn and straw shed, brick dwelling, best of land, 4 miles from Zurich. 100 acres in Stanley Township, bank barn, strawshed, dwelling land in good condition, 3 miles from Zurich R. R. JOHNSTON ESTATE. For further particulars apply to: Wm, S. Johnston, Executor Zurich. iurich Dara Come and purchase your Aut. omotive Requirements from THE LARGEST IiESE13VE BAT, -1 Zurich's, opsit established AI+]'CE 17I+ ANii Cara e g' and Service Station UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in I3ank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates -•—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ingRods and all kinds of Fire ew ar insurance We can supply.. your needs Expert Automobile repairing, Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. -- LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at your! Service 1I. MOUSSFATT mow. :t.? y um Night, 47 ZURICH HERAT n LOCAL NEWS'. Sorry to report that Mrs. John 1V11: oescrr of town is not en/gyrng her us- aal health. 1 SHOE STORE THE FAMILY MVlessrs, Harry Howard and eieoig,e Liouglas of klenseu cailed in town on .,.-,, batnrday' and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.liar Protect our Family's Flealt.. c- x daugnzer ]lose Mare, or. ueii ata, b spent !Sunday with Mr. and ivies. y keepingthem well shod. Philip 1•laitnian, neat' .4ririeri We can su l Mr. Gustave Bohn has purchased PP Y Y®u with all the house and lot in ];tans:ow le(d by your needs. the -J. ti 1,Lau4.o.•r ristate. Lte intends renovatrent the1ouse propertany when finish.- Boots, .. Galoshes,.. I .3;Z�.�hez er Mr. A. Melick and Mrs. M, Oessc„h, Shoes and Sdippern. of town, Mr. W. H.E.dighotter of tiro 14th con., •'and Mrs. Dan Mcisaac- of In every size, at every price Crediton -spent the week -end with fti- ends in the Bad Axe .ani i-r'igeon,rvtien , All of best quality Wednesday evening was the - iri;t robins we noticed in town, and they dee olikiti Trunks, fir,, S;::lt'a es air sale were welcome as they strutted around and greeted us with their ,fll .: a �?``�, a.•.413 c-v.:r welcome warble • in the early. s yin Greybirds are also here as bete'"- Gial,"r 4,9c,p g well as plenty of cro.ws. The Board of Zurich Public School have recently purchased a strip • of I(c :sires, ; t r, . , ee. cl ttepairin and to the east or the present sclrodi ground~, part from .e R. Johnston 1`L1:•;iia, CLUB tie BAa:lc>, SI IT{,ASZ• . .::estate and part iiom Mr. Fsrd. Hab- -=:m rs •mac. ca ._,e•,�2y y�,�... seer. The object of the new punch- _ . ase is to make room fol the garcten- 1 1.," plots which are now in the piro- G E M 5rarn of lnil_•1'c schools; Mr. Harold Overholt of town has leased the part -of 11 Motsseau;��kC:� Wire. a i7yr all Stock. Brown as the .r..!cir" xaotYl ry the. Cein di7ence.v fol 30 aays o :nd a so the: upstairs from whie.; per- your own Stock. Stretch a sing ..'ilei Ii:.e . ,.'� �° ton out. lir. Vit- : tem of :ta'''re ' wire .eros.; the lee.... has; ta'>,en out pool tal;'e• lie- :}r• colder of the:,rd anne: l ton 11IC:1 '':e intends to operate:up ti': % Cm. c'i:1 \.'O.t•h reru ts. Yr • .flair„ and the lunch counterwril re- i-eit 'up ( pensive hr:vy fencer \771. Bain oe formerly. He intends to . one re will' do the job. Prier. open up in the near fut;1re, " " { =1y . i;x e.i this year. Foe f.: M and Mrs. A. F. Hess and son iT c s nati::n and partic filar; apply'.. Fred; a '.... , .:.ed by the two other ons, Oa Ir ,y and Paul of Toronto,i;.idIl\1EOLl) MILLET.',, AGENT all met at London on Fridayevening Dashwood, Oil . zt i and motored to Pontiac, Mich.,'Where they spent the week -end with the fore 17 Wv� rr�tcb Now The FL'CTRIlf, mer's ;brothel', l!/1i•, and WP is .; tee,,NOF T 1 ' They also visited with the former's AUTOMOBILE INSURAN i sister Mrs. Q. N. Taggart who is ill Tariff and Non -Tariff Pace w:'t 't Fort Hospital, Detroit. The many well known Canadian Corip.m s Zurich friends of Mrs. Taggart will well as Lloyds of Fnglan 1.' to , be pleased to earn that she is fin- ation and rates gladly quoted witho e t'•on. 1 AHEM 111 1111111111111111111111111111111 i'AGE FIVE 1111111111111 111111111111111 IIIII 1111 111111IIIli11► II@IIIlllhI►III I►IlhI1111111111►11111IIIIIIILRI 111111 f I Zurich D • u.,t) QUALITY DRUGS Scholl Supplies exon+pry LATEST SHEET M SIC jpular' .. gazli Ken, Life, Popular Mechanics, Colliers, ..Good Housekeeping, Comics, Esquire, Western Stories, Detective Stories, True Story, True R7 mance, And a Host of Others. Ex2r, bo a NOXEMA, Regular 25c. for Hind's Lipstick for Modess, 2 boxes for FRESH HUNT'S CHOCOLATES CEQcarets Laxative Tablets 15c and ......25c Anti^.✓ .? Tablets, 36 for 25c (for sour stomach and heartburn) Castoria, small size for 33c Family size for 69c Cetrloids, for relief of pain, 24 tablets for 25c 1 5c 25c 41c Ilii;l!;ii1111;11111111111111111111111i111110i11111iLi,fain;] Ili,t!!I :11U,dilitlii;i i !Zf•t 7 ,, ! If#IfliUllh Hlil!HNlfffffloff ftf(IIl1 proving nicely. THIEVES STEAL GAS Goderich—It has just leaked ou that while the night policeman wa patrolling his beat Sunday night, thi eves vacumed 10 gallons of gasoline from the tank of the fire truck; in the same bulding as the police station W" When Fire Chief: Beaoonr was; • alocet+ to give the engine of the big truck its daily tune-up, it was gave a few sputters and quit. Examination dis- dosed a dry gas tank, The story a- round the town hal Is that a loo':out was used whie the. theft was made through an unlocked side d v:, la- sled "no admittance, for firemen only,." t s J. W. HABERER - ZURICH NOTICE TO CREDITOR: CREDITORS and others havint• claims against the Estate of the l rf Herman Bender who died August 8, --1925 -and hif Rosina who died September 1, 1930, :both o the Township of Hay, deceased art required to send full particulars o '! such claims to the undersigned Exec utor, on or before the lst of April 1930, ,D., after which date t''• Executor of the said Estates have regard only to the claims o which notice shall then have beer given. Dated at Zurich, March 21st, 1939. SOLOMON SCHRADER, Executor Attend Banquet Mr. and 1VIrs. William Decker of Zurich. attended the banquet held by the Goderich Agricultural Society on Friday night, March 24th, in the Hot- el Bedford, Goderich. The chief spe- akers for the evening were Mr. J. A. Carroll, Superintendent, Agricultural Societies in Ontario, and Mr. Wm. Newman, Assistant Chairman, Farm Products Control Board Toronto. 1VIr. Decker who is president of the Zur- ich Society learned very much at this meeting. The speakers s'eessed- very strongly on what the fall fair. fair really stands for; net just to see how much prize money one can win, but rather as an educational program at which farmers bring their best products, and where they can learn from •others how to improve their, own. The home connnv•'ity interest was also emphatically stressed, We lack social living! HYMENEAL Dunn—Elliott A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday March 15th at 2 p.m. at the home of t'. -n bride's parents, Mit- chell when Rev. L. Hussey united in marriage Eileen Ruth, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott to Albert William, son of Mr. Albert Dunn and the late Mrs. Dunn, Bay- field. The lovely bride escorted by her father, who gave her in marriage entered the living room to the stra- ins of the wedding merch from Loh- engrin. She chose a dust pink georg- ette gown floor length with gold slip pers. On her hair she wore a come: of orange blossoms and carried . bouquet of pink and white carnation and sweet peas. The bride's attend ants were: Miss Jeanne Dunn a maid of honor and Miss Doris Elliot. sister of the bride, as bridesmaid.Tb, maid of honor wore a Romantic blu georgette gown floor length with sil- ver slippers and carried pink ant' white 'carnations and fern. The brid esmaid maid taffetr wore a raspberry wine gown floor length with wine slipper: and carried carnations and fern. The groom was supported by Mr. Johr Watson of Bayfield. The bridal part; stood before a bank of ferns ani' spring flowers. After the ceremonl some forty guests entered the dinir• room which was decorated with pin] and white streamers and whits bell and sat down to a dainty luncheon The table was also decorated in pink and white and centred by the bride', three tier wedding cake. a ;a•: esses for the wedding luncheon wer• ]theses Audrey and Evelyn Elliott Norma Jackson and Lillian Jaynes. Later, the happy couple left mil: howers of best wishes and confetti for Toronto and other points. The ride travelling in navy blue dres, and coat with matching accessories. Guests were present from Toronto ondon, Bayfield, Staffa and Mitchel' x s L 74.++++q''l.'t„¢.qi..il':l'.{,^l..il.'g'.p„q':l- ,.o y 1.Y i• c l : : b -+l ; ; Cut Your Fuel Bill In ALF! - Buy Storm Windows and. Doors 4,.,t, LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 1. L LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4 Johns-Ma7nville Building Materials LBFIJUSCII Z(JR! t/ w Headquarters for Airy z� . PHONE 60 +4+ ++++ a: . , • 4. �. y. �' � .Ar. .i.� .a'14 y � '1. �••iF r 1 Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Creamery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. \iVe I pay 2 cents premium per lb. i butterfat for all Cream de- livered to the plant. 1 We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for I the Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zurich Creamery 1 High quality bowl—dozer skim. ming — more profit. 2 Perfect neckbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold contauies to give satisfaction. • Seven Models—One Quality SWEDISH SSPARATOP, CO., LIMITED Montreal 41.12. • ,9 a L:Sehilbe & Son ..4, qa cD,1F.004968fF±dfot4+0an64106l41111®Illis IPPYI100111 011100010019,YSO111NIS111R0s1 PUNA FED FLOCKS The Purina people are running a big Chick Grow- ing ow- inpContest this year, giving liberal Cash Prizes, limited to chicks from Purina -fed flocks, See our circular with full particulars, McKINLEY'S CHICKS We are again Distributors for the well-known and Poo iIar McKinley's Chicks for this Season, and will be pleased h fill your Baby Chick Orders. Early Orders receiveFirst Attena on • 1 * 41:14144%;11.' 0.06404110,64.0600004 4di06Ittg 0