HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-03-23, Page 4•
C11440ORS and others having.:
7airna against the Estate of the late
Y3enalrkix Bender who died August 3,
1926 and hif wife, •Rosina Bender,
• who. died Septembcnr 1, U)30, both of
'the, Township of Bay, ,dc.ceasek are
required to send full particulars of
such: claims to the undersigned Exec-
utor, on or before the 1st ,bf April,
t939, A.D., after which date the
Executor of the said Estates will
have Which regard
notice Q hall thennly to ln� havems of
Dated at Zurich, March 21st, 1939.
SOLOMON S'uHRArEll, Executor.
Harry Hoffman ani sister Gertrude
Visited friends in Ts.vistock last Wed-
nesday night.
Mr. and ivIrs. Hrrpkins of St. Thom-
as spent the week -end with her mo-
ther, Mr. and 3.1rs. S. Gottschalk.
Mr. and Mrs; Norman Evans and
family of Kitchener. spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hy. Hoffman
Mr. and lr. Harry Cook of Tor-
onto were week -end vistors wth Mr.
and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
Mrs. Gree:` of l'ort Arthur is visit-
- ung with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morenz.
.Miss 'Florence Baker who has been
visiting n Detroit and Windsor ret-
urned home on Sunday.
Barn -Koehler: To Mr. and Mrs.
Koehler, a daughter, on Saturday
March '19th.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell and
family of Varna spent Sunday with
:Mr. and .Mrs. Elmore Stephenson.
Mrs. Jas. Stephenson is in London
at present taking medical treatments
we hope that she may return home
much Improved.
A highly respected resident .or St-
anley passed away suddenly at her
liame on Bayfield Rd. on Sunday,
March 12th in the person or Miss
Susan Brawnette. She had reached
the age of 32 years, and was held
in high esteem in the community.
She was •a faithful member of Bay-
field United church, in which church
the funeral service was held on Tu-
esday, conducted by her pastor, Rev.
R. M. Gale, with interment in Bay-
field cemetery.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. Anthony Masse of the Blue
"Vater north has engaged for the sum
trier months with Mr. J. Masse.
Master Oliver Cantin of St. Jos
eph, who has been laid up w.tn an
attack of 'pleurisy is slowly improving
As we are at the beginning of
spring and with all -the afore comm-
ent of an early spring; well, it must
be decided that our weather proph-
is Tis -be. •refering to -South Amer
Mr. Denis Charrette Qf the . Blue.
water south, was guest to Mr. A.
Ducharme on Monday last.
Fishing of late has been poor of
late, and the only .reward, the fisher-
xnen get is stepping in air holes, and
getting wet to the waist band.
Of late farmers are getting their
summer wood circled and a few wood
bees are much the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendrick have
moved in their new home recently
purchased from .his brother Edmund.
Our wishes to the young couple are
ni.any years of happiness and pros-
Mrs. Henry Smith of Detroit, and
who recently underwent a serious
•operation, is recovering' nicely to the
home of her brother and sister, at
the _Rousseau home.
Mr. Edward Etue attenuecr the
funeral of Mr. John Papineau at De-
troit. Mrs. 'Papineau was one of the
few remaing left of the Brisson fain -
Cy. As only two are now remaining
living of this once a quite numerous
Mrs. William Denomme is recover-
ing from an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Denomme we-
re week -end visitors with their child-
ren in Chatham. They also attended
tae funeral of the former's brother,
the late Cyril -Denomme at Belle
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield -nenomrne
and family of Windsor, wer visitors
for a few days with the• former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Philip Denom-
ane. '
Sorry to report that Rev. Father
:Martin is confined to his bed with a
bad cold. His work in St. Peter's
church here was taken by Rev. Fr.
L. W. Power of Zurich on Sunday.
Miss B. Mousseau is recovering
from a few weeks illness with theft,,
and previous to that she .spent four
seeks with her sister Mi . H. Smith
ztt'::Detroi.t, the fatter-uiideiigorng an
pdratiori `
Sorry to report:.that krs , Simon
Iiedard is quite ill at present• , '
Mr, Alex. Challetto, is enjoying a
fine nett/ Plymouth .auto..
Mr. and Mrs: Omar Denomme,
?1VIr. and Mrs. Isadore Denomme' of
Detroit were Sunday visitors with
-their father, Mr. William Denomme,
Mrs, Arthur Harvey and son Geo
',me, of Detroit are taking care of the.
former's mother, Mrs. George Den.
domme who is ill with pneumonia.
Sorry to report that :12x, Armand
Denomme is still on the sick list.
Mr. John 14iousseau of Grand Ben's'
°tvas a recent •vistor at the Mou:seau
l}tomc here.
Sure signs of spring—Two targe
flocks of wid geese are noticed prow•
il%rig arouird h(l"e. 'mid lookirl); fir
;011,c food,
Cash Disposal Sale.
In, the Township of Hay
'Cash offers will be received untii sold for the Lands listed-tbelow
Some of them are 'work• lands, others are pasture lands, while still
others have varying amounts of fuel timber.
If your offer be accepted, you will be notified at once to send
to the Canada Company the price so offered, within a week after
acceptance. The deed of the land will be forwarded to. the purchaser
by registered mail as soon as the cash is received.
These lands will:be sold at reasonable prices for cash. Interested
persons must look them over for themselves. All offers must be
made on the Canada Company's regular form of offer, which gives
sale conditions. Write for this form.
Con. Lot -
(i E.% 6
6 S.% 8
(i N.4 8)
fi 9 )
7 11
7 13
'7 N.% 17)
7 Rem. S% S':i 18) 74
Lot Acres
. 13 100
E, % 16
E.% 21)
E.%ia 22)
E.% 23) 150
W's 22) •
WW 23) 100 -
11th March, 1939.
Tfuradayy March 23rd, 1939
See the new 1939 Dodge Six. and
DeLuxe TODAY. Look them aver
, « from a distance and close up.
You'll agree they are the most beau-
tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in
all the 25 years of Dodge .history.
And they are BIG cars ... 114 -inch
wheelbase and look even LONGER.
All 1939 Dodge cars have new Amola
steel coal springs .. improved air-
plane -type shock absorbers .. ; new
"Safety Signal" speedometer and in
DeLuxe models you also get new
Handy -Control gear shifting
new auto -mesh transmission. Prices
have been reduced on, all models.
Dont delay ..., '*drive a 1939 Dodge
Six or DeLnxe NOW1
Ward Fritz
istributor Zurich
The nosed Increase
of 33]/% 111
T IS proposed by the Govermnent of the Province of Ontario to increase the tax on gasoline from cents to eight cents per gallon. This increase, if made effective, means that the average motorist,
driving 10,000 miles . in a year and getting 18 miles to the gallon out of his car willpay over $10 ad-
ditional to the gasoline tax of $33.33 which he is now paying. Figure it out foryourself From six
,cents to eight ' cents a gallon :means this :
Taxes Now Proposed Proposed
(excluding Taxes Increase
Remise) 'After Apr. 1, 1939 .B'-6%
10,000 xxtiles* per �e'ar«•� s` 3 3 $4:44 ti] I.31
15,000 miles*.per' year... ... 49:98 66.66 16:66,
20,000 miles* per,year.. ....... 66.66 88.88 22.22
* (18 miles per gallon)
'The average car owner is nota rich man. He does not drive a new car Out of 582,212 passenger tar
:registrations in Ontario in 1938 but 48,561 were new cars. Yet the automobile owner is the most heavily
taxed manin the community. ,In 1936 he was already contributing 30% of the provincial revenue. Here
are the figures for 1936 and 1937, the latest .official figures from the Government.
Provincial Revenue was. $90,321,896 $99,8138,595
The Provincial Taxation on gasoline...% '116,019,857 17,644,16.4 *$18,318,171
* This figure is based upon the percentage increase in gasoline
bonsumption; which percentage figure was obtained from.
government sources.
t Coupled with license fees in 1936, this TAX repre ents 30%
of the Provincial Revenge.
Since. the motorist already bears 30% of the taxation burden of the Province, it is manifestly unfair i
increase the burden.
Gas Tax,
-per Week
per Car •
$ .85
Provincial Revenue from the taxation of Motor
Vehicles, Ontario, 1936:
Paid by the public in Gasoline Taxation
Paid by the public in Licenses, etc •
Spent by the Government in Highway Construction
and Maintenance:
(All Provincial Expenditures) .. $ 9,419,509
Interest and Sinking Fund........... .,...... 13,630,543
$23,050052 "ti:'
Diverted $ 4144,761
cm3 !]'9a6 money collected for highway maintenance was being diverted from this, purpose to The heist .
'There is not available from official Government sources Expenditure on Roads, Interest and Sinking
Fund charges, etc. subsequent. to 1936.
Lt is now proposed to secure an additional $6,000,000' from the motorists of the Province -through an
'increase in the gasoline tax fr„oar six to eight cents tier gallon. While the motorist, as- a citizen, has
been. willing to assist the Government in problems of administration, a limit must he sero to the burden'
imposed upon him.
ll:f ,'outs ,as a car o viier, anti'tontOilit••t&'tlssiihi:e the added burden represented by a'2 -Cent
aricrcc a
g•' • . s nothing you need do. Your silence Will be interpreted as consent.
gasoline max, there it <•, .... ,; ..., .
�. yia`u a,t not• Gonteip;t and ria,.l . to p1 i to yot rsel> on r(.cord to that P•ffeet 111 he ortlyr yu'arter where'
objection will carry weight, call at your regular service .station, whether it be''a R -A statiau or ax.Qs5di '
-an(d-ask :for c card wbit•'basISeen °distribiited fc,r your corrveiiience« A'
ubc sign it, fill in. your .1 l:tlre;is andleave it with the station attendant
Issued , as a service to the Motorists of Ontario
by the
►ritish' American Oil Company Limited