HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-03-09, Page 4Phew% FOUR
XT. Edwin Hartman recently had
very ,successful auction sale, and
*4 s with his fatally moved to his new
.41,Onleh Centrall a .
Xessrs. Ananias and Aden 'Martin
ea Waterloo. County were recently on
Alae :Bronson line purchases oerees.
Miss Mary Campbell, who has
Pent the winter tinder the parental
Iva, returned to Port Elgin on Wed-
aday hest,
ean Carnie, who has been
:spending a few days at Exeter and
Ilerisall, has returned to her sister's
tome on the Blue Water Highway.
A delightful evening was spent re -
e. . scantly at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
P. :. Marry Palmer when a miscellaneous
shower was held in honor of Miss
li. 'Lyle Heist, bride of to -morrow. The'
were twenty young ladies present.
I, 'If
IF kr,
A A'
F ,
.2 4,
The rooms of the spacious home were
decorated in an appropriate manner
with streamers of pink and white
draped from the ceiling, to the wind-
ows and doors, When Lyle entered
the home she was ushered to a chah.
under an archway. which was prettily
decorated in pink and white,
An interesting feature of the ev-
ening's amusement was a mock wed-
eling. Miss Marguerite Amy and
Miss Dorothy Ratz brought in a de-
corated basket laden with beautiful
gifts and placed it before the bride -
elect. Miss Llya Heist after opening
her gifts thanked each one for so
kindly remembering her.
On behalf of the "Tree Blue Class"
Miss Heist, a faithful member, Was
presented with a silver cake plate.
An accompanying address was read
by Mrs. Lawrence Wein. Miss Erma
Feltner made the presentation. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in games after which a dainty lunch
was served by the hostess.
The Outcome of 221 Years' Successful Operation . .
"What I like .about this
bank is the friendly, help-
11- V ful way they do things
for you."
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG,. Manager
&SERVICES OF THE BANK 08 MONTREAL—Ask for booklet 765
The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 H.P. motor
has been reduced in price from $985 to $915 De-
livered... Full front seat; twin air Horns, Chrome
Windshield frame; two Chrome windshield wipers
and 600x16 tires, are standard equipment
Five new Ford V8 cars delivered last week and the
following 5 good used cars were traded in:
1938 Ford V8 sedan with heater and special traction tires.
This car to be sold on the Ford R & G plan, entire
satisfaction or all your money back $675.00
1938. Hudson Terreplane Sedan with hot water heater, •a
small mileage car that has been carefully driven and
well cared for. This car sold a few months ago for
over $1100. Our price to -day , $785.00
1938 Plymouth Coach, small mileage. This has the
extra size 6 inch tires, our price
1937 Ford V8 tudor with trunk, in nice condition, .
throughouh, only ..$565.00
1935 Ford V8 De Lux Tudor with trunk, heater, radio and
new license, all good tires, a nice clean car only... $450.00
• BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern
VaIr'veith at;WAYNP.1 CorliPuting'Plimp that automatically figuses the
amount esef acme* purchaee.: Thee Pumps are used in all leading gas
stations in Canada and TJ. S. A. . •
HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend-'
ants that haveehaa five years of practical and technical experience in
Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease .,gtin using
seven different kinds of greeee to lubrieate your car
EXPERT REPAIRING To all snakes of cars at ateraetive prices.
Srseeial Prices on Brakes Relined
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
I3attery and Tires checke,d and windshield cleaned Free. We aim
to please, When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest rooms.
Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Garage
C, Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
Use Blue Marathon Gas For Better Mileage I
Of Live Stock and Farm Irnplemehrts
At .Goshen Line, Stanley Tottshio,
3 miles north of Zurich, on
TUESDAY, MARCH 14th, 1939
At 2 o'clock, p.m.
LIVE STOCK -10 ewes with lamb
at foot; 5 ewes in lamb, all Leicester;
a nuneber of young cattle, colt rising
1 year; a number of young pigs; 2
geese and a gander.
IMPLEMENTS—MesseY-Harris tra
etor, double disc, Fleury riding plow
nearly new, grain grinder, wagon
box and rack, aleighs, and numerous
other articles.
Oscar Klopp Auctioneer.
Russel Manson, Proprietor.
Of Farm Stock and Implements
On Lot 21, N.l3., Hay Twp. 1 mile
east of Blake, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 1939
Commencing at 1.30 p.m. -
HORSES—Bay mare 12 years old;
one aged horse.
CATTLE—Cow in calf it April;
2 -year old Steer.
IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris
binder nearly new, Deering mower,
hay loader, side delivery rake, seed
drill; cultivator and harvester, plow
harrows, wagon, sliding hay rack.
fanning mill, weigh scales, double
harness, buggy, cutter„ bob sleighs,
cream separator, about 25 tons of
hay, 200 bushels of mixed grain, 100
bushels of oats, 100 bushees of bar-
ley cleaned for seed, 100 bushels of
wheat and numerous other articles.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Milford Merner, :Clerk.
William Rennie, Proprietor.
Of Farm Stock and Implements, on
Lot 18, Con. 14, Hay Township; 2'711
miles west and ahlf mile south of
Zurich, on
At 1 o'clock, pal..
HORSES—Bay horse 10 years old;
Bay horse 9 yrs. old, both weighing
over 1600 -lbs; General Purpose mare
rising 5 yrs. old; Driving mare works
single and double rising 7 yrs. old.
CATTLE—Roan cow due in July
Roan cow due in May; Red cow still
milking, red cow due in April; White
cow due in April; 2 roan steers 2
years old; Roan heafer 2 yrs. old;
Roan heifer 1 yr. old; Red heifer .1
yr. old, 3 fall calves, 2 small calves'.
Harris binder;5-ft. cut ,Deering
mower; Frost & Wood spring tooth
cultivator; M. -H. steel roller; 4 -sec-
tion harrows; M. -H. bean scuffier
with ptiller combined and new set of
knives; Manure spreader nearly new;
disc, wagon, gravel box, stock rack,
flat hay rack 16 -ft. new; No. 21 Ver-
ity walking plow new; pr. bob sleighs
cutter, buggy, scalding trough, 1 -
horse scuffle):; Clinton fanning mill;
2,000 -lb. capacity scales; set sling
ropes; cutting box; oat -.roller; chop-
per, roller bearing; 6-'cy. motor eng-
ine; Renfrew cream separator 650 -
cap., new; root pulper, a quantity of
mixed hay, 2 dozen corn stooks with
cobs; set doubletrees new, set heavy
harness, horse collars, logging chain,
forks, shovels, neckyokes, eveners,
and other articles too numerous •to
No reserve. Everything will be sold
to the highest bidder.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
William Johnston, Clerk.
Melvin Schoch, Blake Horner, Exec
utors, late Samuel Schoch.
Mr. Ernest Koehler was taken ser-
iously ill last week and was taken to.
St. Joseph Hospital, London for tre-
atment and we are pleased,to report
he was able to be taken home on,
'Sunday mach improved.
Miss Ella Zimmer, who has spent
a few weeks with. her father, has re
turned to Detroit.
Miss Matilda Draft had the misfor-
tune to fall down cellar steps one.
night last week and was badly bruised
fortunately no bones were broken.,
Miss Phyllis Reid has accepted a.
position at the post office.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Guenther and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther motor-
ed to Windsor on Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Guenther will spend 'a
few weeks with their on.
Mr. ,and Mrs Wm.Sniith of Wind -
or and Mrs. Geo. Thompson of
tr�it sPent' Sunday with their paAntsi
Mr.' and Mrs: R. Baker, •
Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Kellerman of.
ElktoneMich., were week-iino' visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ciesereicher
and other ;relatives.
Miss Ruth Weber of Sarnia is spen-
ding a week with her permits, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Weber,
Murray Wolfe of London spent the
welce-end with his parents.
Miss Florence Baker is visitingevith
relatives in Windsor and Detrost
•Mr. 1, Eaicl of Acton has purcheet-
ed the .Crearnery from Mr. 0 Peder -
sari. Mr. Pedersen has been engaged.:
to work for Mr. Enid. Possession
will be taken April 1st.
Mrs. J. Dieterich of Shipka has!
purchased the proPerty of tha late
7. outs Rleinsilver.
Thursilay„, tarch Oth, 1039
See These Beautiful
See the new 1939 Dodge Six and
DeLuxe TODAY. Look them over
. . from a distance and close up.
You'll agree they are the most beau-
tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in
all the 25 years of Dodge history.
And they are BIG cars 114 -Inch
wheelbase and look even LONGER.
AU 1939 Dodge cars have new Amola
1939 DODGE Curs!
steel coil springs , improved air-
plane -type Shock absorbers . . new
"Safety Signal" speedometer and in
DeLuxe models you alio get neW
Handy-Contrel gear shifting . ,
new auto -mesh transmission. Prices
have been reduced on all models.
Don't delay, drive a 1939 Dodge
Six or DeLuxe NOM
s trs'Is.
Ward Fritz
Distributor • - Zurich
The Walther League of Zion Luth-
eran Church opened the Ieb. meet-
ing with mission study entitley "Our
Missions to the deaf and blind." which
was conducted by the pastor, Rev.
T. Luft. Oe Feb. 14th, being St.
ValentineDay the socieiy Alta the
privilegt; of having a social evening
at the home of Miss Dorothy Rader,
a member of the League. The even-
ing was spent in aeroplane bunco
which was eery exciting. The highest
prize.s going to Leona Fischer and
Garnet Weiberg while the consolation
prizes went to Frieda Rader and
Lloyd Weido. False or True quest-
ions were then asked by Miss Amelia
Rader Atter a delicious lunch was
es,eved by the committee, everyone
joined in singing favorite songs with
Miss Martha Rader at the piano. The
party then came to a close after
thanking Dorothy for the very enjoy-
isl.)le evening. The following week
Bible Study was conducted by Rev.
T. Luft, It was left for the audience
to look up certain passages in the
bible.. This made it very interesting
as everyone tried to get ahead of the
other. On the last Tuesday of the
month the subject was topic study or
"The duty of children toward their
parents. .FollOwed .tby the regular
business. All in all; the Leaguers
feel that their program is producing
intense interest and 'worthwhile stud-
• St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs. N. A. ,Cantin of St. Joseph,
left on Saturday last to spend a few
days in Detroit.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Town
who has spent moat of the winter in
Windsor, returned home on Saturday
last .
Mrs. William Ducharme who has
been confined to her bed for the past
Invo weeks with an attack of flu is
now improving.
Mrs. Racheal Denomme of Si.
Joseph north, spent Sunday in Bea-
ver Town with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeff-
A few of our local fishermen have
already tested the ice on the old lake
and the -results are not very favor-
able as yet.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and sons
Gordon and Stanley, -motored to Lon-
don on Friday.
The proprietors of The Huron Gas,
Co. are busy soliciting orders for
the various products they handle. A.
full line of motor oils have been ad-
ded to their list of the past summer.
They are enjoyng a fine patronage
among the farmers.
Mr. Cyril Ducharine who has spent
the winter near Khiva is now home
with his parents.
.rank Curran of Detroitscalled
on friends in this neighborhood on
Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Masse of the
14th ton„ called on Mr. and Mrs.
F. Ducharme on Saturday last.
The snow and ice of this district
is praictcally all gone and during the
past .few days owing to the recent
thaws the pavement is somewhat
bumpy at places, which is .en indicat-
ion of frost corning out.
Mrs. Martha Murdock, who has
been confined to her room for a week
is able to be out again.
Mr, and, Mrs. Jatnes'A. Patterson,
actompanied y My.
Patterson spent a 'week -end in Toron-
to. While there Mr. anti Mrs. R. Pat-
tereon visited with their sen Rayand
also had a -pleasant vsit with Mrs: R.
J. Patterson's niece, MisS Noel Mac-
Donald, of Edmonton, Canada's gre-
atest basketball player, who was play
ing in Toronto.
• Rita tell, 14 Dead
Rita Bell. 14, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William D. toll, two miles south
of Hensel) died in a Montreal hosp-
ital on Saturday where she was rush-
ed early last week, accompanied by
her parents and Dr. D. G. Steer, to
undergo 'a critical ope.ration. Priv-
ate fonerni eerviees wore held from
her Bente MOsseinv' afternoons, Neer,
15 IT'S ONLY ONE of the almost endless var-
iety of tempting, inexpensive recipes
that are so easily prepared from Canadian
Fish ... foods not only enjoyable, but packed
with rich, nourishing goodness _ .. with a
liberal supply of precious minerals, proteins
andvitamins that give the quickfood-energy
required to keep the menfolks feeling .fit and
strong for their work.
Over 60 kinds of Canadian Fish and Shell-
fish are available to you all year 'round,
whether fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, can-
ned or pickled. They provide a mealtimes
really "scrumptious' in any xnan's
Serve Canadian Fish and Shellfish
several times a week.
Imp ••••• MOW
Department of Fisheries. Ottawa.
Please send me your freeIlooldet„ ."106 Tempt-
ing Fish Recipes".
' •
426 (Please Print ktters
- • , Address
ment taking place in Eacate,r. cemetery buildings are: Gladman's law officie„.
carnival :held on tKi rink here homes of Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Jas.
Thursday eve. last was very well at-
tended in spite of the inclemency of
the weather.
Mrs. Harry Horton has returned
Dick, and a vacant house betweentha,
latter two, the fire burning fiercry:.
Mr. Harold Stalde was on • S way,
home after joining some 16bietori 1iinio from ietorth match,..
ends with a pleasant Tait Ars' t saw the fire, and he RIlinediately•
Lives in Hamilton. * raced up andidowri-in,a,pci Oreet blows.
' -1VIrs. W. Jones who, has. been ink`Iiis auto' horn'alid ifiereby givia
confined 110 her room for the past alarm, Before, ;the fire reached the.
several weeks owing to ilittL.-45, il‘Vellings there was suiliEient time for
continuesc quite 111. volunteers to carry out all the fume.
Mrs. W. W. Chapman in visiting iture. While Airs. Palmer was &one'
relatives in Hamilton. at the time, Mrs. Dick's son Arthu4,
Miss Florence Wel* has returned was with her. Help was immediately
from a pleasant visit • with relatives called from neighboring towns, anti.
and friends in Toronto. it was only a matter of minutes tiff
Miss Mary .Stinson, bookkeeper .at the fire trucks from Zurich andi
, Cook Bros. garage, rettersted to her 'Dashwood ever° racing on their way
duties here after spending. the past towards the tire, and did their bit in
week at her home in London owing controlling the fire to its limits. The
to the illness and death9f Ins, plea,- siesee will sem int.o thaneateie. of dolls
or, the late Mrs. °-1Lx'sork veto' Pass- ars, mid the fire is thought to have .
ed en Feb, 21st.•• Statted in the garage, The, first ale
FIRE ern.) was given. bput 12.80 o'clock.,
rue et eitikno.I06 origin early last With the heroic Werk of tile firemen,
prtstav, vot,1404 completely razed the the destruction of other buildings ine-
stwttota, zartge. and eel jetannt. Vase's eluding the town hall was avortea,