HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-03-09, Page 1Yui. XXXIX TAG. 34 HAIRDRESSING. - THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you an Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing and. satisfactory, and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of tore F 2 appointments call us lay phone .Zurich. ST. PETER'S ,Evangelical Lutheran Church. ZURICH -- OBEY. sA Changeless Christ for a Chontid- ing. World:* Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 a. m.—German Sere 1.1.15 ann.—Sunday School. 7.80 p.m. English. service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIMI Pastor. U ftiCHs THURSDAY IVIORNIIS1'0, MARCH 9, 1939. Read the Home News. lEIVIMise.NUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. •Heckendorn, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. R. Hess, Organist And Dir- ector of Music 111 :a.m. "Siibjec 'The Example of Jesus" 11 a.m.—Sunday School 230p.m. Subject:: "Why be Religious F, . Anyway?' • "No man or woman can really be strong, gentle, pure and good with- out the world being. better for it." --Philips Brooks. 7 ='COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRtCES C. E. zurbr{ g r w o IN MEMORIAM Willert--an loving memory of our dear wife and Mother, Melinda, whom.' • God called home ten years ago today, March 13, 1929. Yes, she sleeps but not forever, In a lone and silent grave; Blessed promise she shall waken, Jesus died the lost to save. In the dawning of the morning, When the troubled night is o'er, All the buds in beauty blooming, Will rejoice to see her more. Sadly missed by her loving husband and family. TO COST $2,000,0Q0 Teronto—'*It was learned that a start would be made soon on erection of the new . .:,f 00,00^0 -annex so the TT -•Y 'tation post office here. Arch- itectural drawings along with specifi- OPTOMETRIST at EXETER cations have been submitted to De- Tke Newest. Approved Method of and tenders called for. O, every POPE PIUS XII ELECTED Eyesight Testing Matt, > On Friday the election of $otxte �e lIa �5�'��vas'h ',ern x a Isr , la new Pope "of . thfity'.y Week Day Exeept Leavlit's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, ,Saturday - "TEST PILOT" Starring Clark Gable, Myrna Loy Lionel narrymore, Spencer Tracy A Metro Goldwyn Mayer Picture Mon., Tues., Wed. "THE JOY OF LIVING" Featuring: Irene Dunn, Douglas Faiabanks, Guy Kibbie. putt' Postmaster Generals J. Sullivan Coming—My Lucky Star, Sona Henie Little Miss Broadway, Shirley Tem- ple, Fisherman's Warf, Bobby Breen, Five of a kind Dionne Quintuplets. Follow the Local Ads. OM* 1,10106.0.141.16(1111•111.11.1. transacted by the various cardinals to whom the let fell to make this choice. The new Pope Pius XII was born in Rome March 2, 1876, Eug- enio Pacelli, of an Italian noble fam- ily whose relations with the Vatican had alwoys been ntimate. Thus his father was dean of the secular con- sistorial advocature and his brother, Francesco, represented the Vatican in :the dealings with Mussolini for settling the age -long quarrel between the Italian Government and the Holy See. Pacelli studied theology at BETTY. ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to amnounce to our Clientele that we have added a new, wireless Permanent. Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and. scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat on your head- You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in. from thirty seconds to three minutes time. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See. this machine before getting a new permanent. • Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Pork anci Beans, 2 tins 15c Garden patch corn, 2 tins 17c Libby's spaghetti, with meat 16 -oz, 2 tins ........ Chan Floor Wax 1-s. per tin .59c White Naptha Soap, 6 cakes 25c Salmon, fancy pink, 1-1b. tin . 14c jelly Powders, 6 Pkgs. 25c Tomatoes, large 21k tins, 2 for 9c WALLPAPER Buy your -wallpaper now while we have best choice in the newest pattern& The prices are lower this year. Yoa can afford to decorate 'the rooms that need decorating. We have gone through our wall- paper racks and find (Jne and two 'Mom lots in some papers.. These we will sell in some cases at Half Prim Wellave papers as low as 15c a double roll. But these room lots won't last long. Get 413. M RNER 1 • „Ilea C. B. Heckendorn attended Are funeral of the late Rev. W. A. .0auer at Kitchener on Thursday. goodly number of villagers at- tended the funeral of the late F. W. ..1)/ir. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his father and brothers heae 011. Thursday last. iton -wre -visitors in town on Thurs- Eldon Ortwein who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital,. has returned home and is improving a0vell as could be expected. ,,a1V1r. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberry of Grand Bend were Tuesday guests 4the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn P. :•,Mrs. Henry Thiel who Was recent - 1.Y' taken to London Hospital, was ;re- tUrned to her home here on Thursday "",,T -Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and Mrs. F),ossie Brown of London were Sun- •.1:lay guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webea. 3 DIAMONDS Distinguished by a "heart" design, this 14k natural gold creation re. presents a value of unrival- led merit. • allay Council met On Monday for 0 eae regular monthly meeting. A full Rome and spent the latex part Port of the minutes will appear next his career as churchman in the papal 'tr., well fitted for this high calling f diplomatic service. He is indeed his church, being a very considerate p red a fractured hip at Kitchener, diplomat, and has already done much who was .at the hospital there, for the good of the church. LATE REV. SAUER former pastor of 'Calvary Evangelic- al Chuach at Dashwood, died on Moil - lay, last, February 27th in his 73rd yeax. Rev. MT. Sauer retired last year after 45 years in ;the ministry. He had not been in good health for the past few months but was able to be around. Monday just after dinner he was reading a lettei ram, his son in Chicago, seated at the table . March lath, at 2 o'clock p.m. Inter - when he suddenly collapsed and pas_ ment will be made in Lutheran cern- sed out immediately. He is survived as returned to Zurich on Friday, to Died in Detroir" Word was received here ar the death in Detroit, Mich., on Tuesday March 7th, of Mrs. Milton Ayres, formerly Miss Ernestine Truemner of Zurich. The remains will be bro- ught to Zurich, and the funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang on Saturday etery. by his wdow and two aons Herbert and Milton of Chicago. The funeral OBITUARY was held on Thursday afternoon with` interment at Kitchener. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved :on and brother, Jerome Eugene Be- dard who passed away one year ago, March 4th, 1938. Time speeds on, one year has passed. Since death its gloom it shadows cast. Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will. His vacant place there is none to fal. Down here we mourn, but not in vain For up in heaven we will meet again. Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters. Zurich's Ladies' Wear Buried on Thnrsday The funeral of the late John Baker of the North Boundrd, Hay township and who died on Tuesday last, was held last Thursday afternoon. A. Church service was held in St. Pet- er's Lutheran church, Zurich. which was very largely attended. The Pas- tor, Rev. E. Turkheim was in charge and gave a very appropriate sermon for ttie occasion. Interment followed in the Lutheran cemetery. The pall- bearers were.; Robert McBride, Clar- ence Parke, Samuel MeTIrlde., Thom- as Dinsmore and Roy Lamont. 5 DIAMONDS Unmistakably smart and perfect In quality. 4 side diamonds and bril- liantly beautiful solitaire, White or natural gold. fleeter L. Smith, Pairl L25 a year, U.S, $1.50 irt Ad • M S,sz,t44Y BI OEE*Egr$. See them at A. G. HESS, Jeweler, Etc For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite: ak for BLUE COAL Also ROsedale Alberta. Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling CO: t Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid foe. .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 Hensall • A MONTH OF SAVINGS A 'Clearing for Us! and a saving Cleanup for You! COATS, DRESSES, BLOUSES and SICERTS Sweeping Reductions of Dresses 'Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 48 Sizes 14 to 46 213 1;u -to -the- minute Dresses, On FRIDAY, OPENING DAY CHANGE OF LOCATION The location of our place of business has been moved from the Lunch Room to our Residence where we will be able to serve your even better. Fred Hess, one of Hensall's best known citizens passed away on Thurs- day, March 2nd, aged 70 years, after short illness of about a week's dur- ation. He was born in Zurich, being a son of the late George Hess, and for many years was the jeweler and watch repairer of Zurich, and with his genial and social d.isposition, he had made a, large circle of friends in this vicinity. "Freddie" as we all knew him, was always in good humor and of a kind disposition., truly, he was a man pleasant to meet and to aasociate with. 47 years ago he was united in marriage with Miss Isabella Allan, and who with their only child, George, sold out here in Zurich and went to Biggar, Sack., in 1917, where they were till about 15 years ago when they returned to •Hensall and went into the jewelry business and 'later on added a printing plant. Dur - Mr. Hess' early life he learned tele- graphing w•ith the first station master at Hensall, which he .gractised until the advent of the .telephone. ft is with much regret that the community as • •well as his family are Raked to give up so .fine a person. Surviving. are his wife, son George, and two grand- children, Bobby and Ruth. The fun- eral was held on Saturday afternoon froni the home, Hensall, with inter- -meat in Bayfield eematery. Rev. 1Z. A. Brook, Of Hansa. Uni.ted. Church, assisted by Rev. A. Young, of • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.......•••••• 24.95 • • • • • • • • • SUIT •• •• • • • • Extra Trousers • • • • • Take Advantage of this Free Pant Sale • • .95 • • • • • • • • • Phone 47 Zurich Limited tirne only -Tailored to Measure by Can- ada's Leading Tailors—Special Reduction on all Goods. • faV oft an ar, t EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS EARLY SPRING- GOODS We have all the Staple Lines Found in a Country Store: Comfort Chintz and Bats, Prints, Broad- cloths, Silk and wool Hose, Silk Hose, Men's Socks, Gloves and Caps, Overalls, Smocks, sweat- ers and sweater Coats, Aprons, (Housedresses at reduced prices)... Rubbers, Rubber Boots. Hardware, Ready Mixed Paints and Harness Repairs. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MEROHANT