HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-03-02, Page 4Farmers' Day Yalu are cordially iAvited to attend Alpe McCormick -Deering Farming ower Show to. be held in tine t.uth- ex an. Church Shed, Daelawoorl, on 1WISDNDSDAY, MARCH r1ih, 1939 ,At 130 p,m. Farm r'VInehinery aed "Tractor Problems will be discua-sed)ay /..A C. Engineers, and also Moving iPictures. At 7.30 p.m. "Alf and Tommy": 'dela famous World War Veteran team ,anti "Professor Askin" .which 'i. very interesting. Besides there will be new Zound Moving Pictures. 'Meaty of "%hem ; Educational and 'Conic.. This is entirely FREE for Everyone! V. 'L. BECKER International Harvester Co. Mashwood Zurich DASHWOOD iVliss Ela '.Martinson of Elmira, .,p - sent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. .!.. E. Oesr:reicher. Donald 'Oestreic1i r and Hope Rop- eel who are attending university at London, spent the week -end at heri borne here. Miss Grace Guenther of Kitchener npent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs RE. R. Guenther. Miss Helen Morgan of Thames Rd went the week -end with Eunice Oes-, %reicher. The Evangelical W.M.S. attended 'the World's Day of Prayer Service at, Grand Bend on Friday. 1 hiss Waldie spent the ween -end at her home in Goderich. Mies ltitt;h TieMain of Lotdoti spent the week -end with' her parents Mae Albert Goetz was on the sick list icor a few days last week. Mr. E. Koehler is tronfined to his bed through illness. His many fri- ends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. P. Fassold who spent the past two months with b.er sister in Inger- soll has returned home. The Badminton Club held a social evening in Tieman's Hall on esuesday evening when a very pleasant time • was :pent, A Farmers D'ay is being put on by Val. Becker, Deering -McCormick ag- ent when fret: moving pictures will be •given in the Lutheran Church sheds on Wednesday, March 8th, afternoon and evening. The public are invited. Late Mrs. Henry Nessler Mrs. Henry Miller, formerly Mary Ann Held died at her home here on Friday Feb. 24th in her 78th year. The deceased has been ailing for some time and is srvived by her husband, one daughter, Laura, Mrs. August Miller and one son William both of Dashwood. two sisters, Misses Barb- ara and Margaret Held also or Dash- wood. The funeral was held on Tu- esday morin;• at 9.30 at tree hone and at 10 o'clock at St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, where Requiem high mass was sung by Rev. Father L. W. Power. Interment taking place in Zurieh R. C. Cemetery. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald and daughter of Goderich visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinchcy and other friends in Stan- ley. Mrs. John A. Armstrong spent a few days last week with her sister, i\Irs. Bert McKay, who is taking tre- atments in Toronto General Hospital. The New Ford /e8 De Lux Tudor 85 H.P. motor has been reduced in price from $985 to $915 De- livered... Full front seat; twin air Horns, Chrome Windshield frame; two Chrome windshield wipers and 600x16 tires, are standard equipment NOW SHOWING THE BEST BALANCED STOCK 01•' USED CARS IN OUR HISTORY AND WE BELIEVE THE BEST VALUES. 1937 Ford V8 Coach, fully Guaranteed and 5 brand new Tires, at only x600.00 1936 Oldsmobile Six De Lux Fordor Sedan with trunk. This motor has been gone over and we guarantee it is not using excessive oil, our price • 8650.00 1934 Ford V8 De Lux Fordor sedan, all good tires, and a car that looks and runs like new, only .... $395.00 1933 Ford V8 Coupe, a dandy at $800.00 1931 Pontiac Coach, has had the best of care, all good tires, at only $250.00 1931 •Chew. Coach, above average condition $165.00 1929 Plymouth Coach, newly painted and mechanically good, our price Several other good used cars and 7 Trucks from 1930 to 1938 SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 EXETER :;125.00 DISTRIBUTOR OF FORD CARS, TRUCKS AND FORDSON TRACTORS STOP AT KLOPP'S ONE-STOP �P SERVICE BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically fguses the amount of your purchase: These Pump, see u:ted in all leading gas stations in Canada and TJ. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION, Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five years of practitcal and technical experience in Detroit. We use the latest model air pressure grease gun using seven different kinds of grease te lubricate your, car EXPERT REPAIRING To all makes 03." Olrsi.at attractive "rise'.' p es. SpeCial Prices on Brakee ittelined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c Battery and Tires checked and windshield cleeentel Free, We aim to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our Modern rest rooms. Zurich's Up -to -Data •Service Station and Oarage } F HOWARD (LOPP, LESSEE `e.. C, Fritz & Son Used eat Lot in Connection Use Blue Marathon Gas For Better Mileage GOODYEAR TIRES, BATTERIES. ACCIi 5;SORIES. betel • e 78 »r.•ertaenan.w,dYseesenrann . mwsYe;SDC•sr,, xxmmaw 1 Z!1„,.rR.XC Mr. Art. Keys, Mr, and Mrs, Ben'' Keys and Mrs, Bruce McClinehey at- tended a missionary convention in- London at St. Andrew's United (shun, eh last Wednesday, as delegates from Goshen United Church, Mr. Josiah Steekle of the Bronson line has returned .from a trip to Wat- erloo county andother eastern points Mr, and Mrs. Win. Boyer of God- erich were recent guests with Mrs. John Hohner. Mr. Robert Greer returned from a business trip to Toronto. COUNTY NEWS Clinton is to have a swimmangp:o through the cooperation of the To Council and the Lions Club. Harry Logan of Teeswater, . -Oh was the Conservative condidate 'In tli last (Provincial electon has been ser iously ill in a London hospital as th result of a ruptured appendix. He i now reported to be much better an it is expected he will make a satis factor recove. New Post Office Opened Monday last, Lucknow's new Post offie was opened to serve the 'public The dale was Feb. 13, almost •eleve months after excavation commence( on March 28th, 1935, as the first steps in ,the erection of the building Fractured Bones Doreen Sims, daughter of.Mr. - an Mrs. Isaac Sims, Exeter, fell on th icy sidewalk Sunday last fracturin two small bones hi the an;ue of hex right leg. .Dr. Dunlop gave medics attention. Arrives in Scotland Word has been received .of the .ar- rival in Glawgow, Scotland, of Rev. J. Beidie, of Cromarty, who has taken the trip in the interests of his health and who will visit with relatives, Rev D. C. Hill of Exeter and Rev. Young of Hensall are relieving. Foot in Plaster Cast Lillian Miller, who had a bone . in her ankle fractured ,recently while skating on the Thames Road rink, re- turned to her duties at the office of the Exeter Creamery with her foot in a plaster cast and able to be aro- and with the use of crutches. Were to Ottawa Goderich—Mayor MacEwan, G. L. Parsons, J. W. Fraser, Capt. C. E. Robinson and Copt. D. Hudson form- ed a deputation to interview members of the Federal Govt. with .reference to further improvements at Goderich. harbor. _ Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Modeland, of Tuckersmith, on Feb. 13th, celebrat- ed their 50th wedding annenersary.. Both are members of pioneer Tucker - smith families. Mr. Modeland is ire his 81st year, and Mrs. Modeland in her 70th year. They have a son John at hone and a da} lila ' nil:i:rzea- an Toronto. . Sun Changes Hands The Stayner Sun, which for the last seven ;gears has been published by Eric M. Wilson, former Goderich boy has been purchased by Wm Pe— r member of the •staff, who will con- duct it in future. Mr. Wilson hae taken a position' in the advertising dept. of the .Montreal Star. Cheap Bread Up in Fordwich there is cheap liv-; ing as far as the price of bread isI concerned, as there is a price war on at present with bread selling a- round the 5c a loaf, an outside baker er coming in has caused all the un- regular price war. aa1 w0 0 e e s d n d e. g l CENERAL NEWS '`J trsday, - ih 2nd, 1939 See the new 1939 Dodge ,Six and DeLaxe TODAY. Look them over . from a distance and close up, You'll agree they are the most. beau- tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in all the 25 years of Dodge. history. And they are BIG cars . , , 114 -inch wheelbase and look even LONGER. All 1939 Dodge cars have new Aznola steel .coil springs ,. improved air- plane -type shock absorbers ... new "Safety Signal" speedometer and in DeLuxe models • you also get new Handy -Control gear shifting new auto -mesio transmission. Prices have been reduced on all models, Don't delay ... . drive a 1939 Dodge Six or DeLtme NOW! �3 Fritz ritz m Distrib t01 - Zurich h ADDRESSES TEACHERS The teachers of Stephen at their monthly meeting, visited the schools of No. 4, Stephen, and Sharon and. then met at Dashwood for the pro- gram. J. C. Shearer, of Clinton, Agr- icultural Representative of Huron, gave an address, stressing tne value of group organizations. He Inoue -AA would be of advantage for farmers as well as teachers to form axganiz ations and in this way bring, about . more co-operation. A short program followed his address. A delicious lunch prepared by Miss Lane, Miss Ginge ich and Dashwood Teachers was served. t was decided to have the next meeting at Fairfield and Centr- alie. In Police Court When Lloyd 'Picot failed to answer his name to a charge of forgery and uttering at Goderich on Thursday, Magistrate Makins ordered a bench warrant issued. Picot is alleged to have forged and cashed a County of Huron check for $21. Jos. Durnin pleaded not guilty to a charge of smashing a window in a hotel front door. His case was remanded for one week and allowed,.to go- on his own bail of 8100. Pat. ,Curtin was charg- ed"zwith stealing coke from IL -Ste-w a,'° ,Seaforth. xie . elected surnxnanY tri 'arid tivas 'keznan'ded to Seaforth on tTuesday, the sante disposal was made of a charge of stealing a $3 °hat, the property of Ken. Adams. At Stratford on Monday Magistrate J. A Jiakins dismissed a charge of reckless driving against Charles Hodgins, of Grand Bend, on the ground the accu- sed could not be held responsible for an accident which occurred at the peak of a storm that blocked high- ways and crippled traffic. Hodgins was accused of sideswiping an auto driven by Amos Fryfogel during a heavy snowstorm on Dec. 27 last. Glen Fryfogel, son of Amos, was knocked from -the running board of tis father's car and suffered a fra- ctured collar bone. FOR STRANGLING CAT Toronto—Robt. Phillips, John Rose David gates and R. Maltby, convic- r ed of thragling a cat, were each fined $100 and costs or three months in 1 jail by Magis. Keith. "I would not n consent to any Ieniency in this case" b said Counsel, "It is one of the most j disgraceful and brutal I have ever S heard." The prosecutor said the cat 1) was killed in a drunken carousal. ORDERED TO GIVE JEWELS o All German Jews and stateless Jews in Germany are required by an O order published to turn over their jewelry, precious stones and objects in precioust 1 t two weeks. The order said the articl- es would be paid for but made no mention of the rate scale to prevail at the Government-owned pawnshops where they are to be deposited. AUCTION SALE +-•I• Held at Zurich Skating Rink, on SATURDAY, MARCH 4th. -w 10 -hoc seed drill, agon with stock ack, Bissel disc, walking plow, land oiler, 4 wagon wheels, 2 wheel trek, ord car, fishing rods, spears, 2-bur- er electric stove, windows, baby uggy, also walker and a sulky, car ack with belt, 1,000-1b. cap, scales, kating rink equipment, building x18 feet suitable for colony -house, arage or work shop, and numerous ther articles. TERMS—CASH nerd Haberer, Proprietor. scar Kiobp, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE m:e a s o the state within FEARED ON ICE FLOE• Alarm was raised at Grand Bend on Sunday evening when five fisher- men were feared carried out into Lake Huron on an ice floe during the height of •a snow storm. Later they were found with their car stuck fast in a snowbank unable to return, to their homes. The fishmeeen: Joseph Brenner,Wilbert Dewey, Hector Gill, E. Gill and Herbert Pfile, had set out by c :r at 1.30 p.m. for Beach O'Pines• beach where they had stets set thro- ugh the ice. When they had not retu- rned :ley dark three earloads of search ers set out for the district where it was known their nets had been set in the ice not far from shore. In the storm it could not be determined if the ice had moved out by the high east wind or the fishermen had lost their way. About 6,30 one of the. fishermen was able to walk through' drifts to a telephono to notify friends! that they e. safe heir and car :te mbeuntl. on 9 littleilso'.l road on he 1 turn trip, Of Farm Stock , Implements and Household Effects, on Lot 28, Con. 14-15 Hay Township. 114 mile west of Blake, on . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, Commencing at 1.00 o'clock, p.m. HOR,SES—Grey mare 6 yrs. old; Grey horse 6 yrs. old; Black mare rising 3yrs, old in foal; ]31ack geld- ing 2 yrs. old. LIVE STOCK—Roan cow due, in April; Roan co* dtie in May; Red heifer' due in May; Roan heifer in calf.White heifer in call; White cozy milking; Roan cow milking; Roan cow with calf at foot; 2 calves rising 1 yr. old; York sow 200-Ibs.. York hog 150 -lbs. (both bacon type) Purebred Jersey Cow, 5 yrs. old due in June. 2 dozen hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. --Meese -Har ris binder 6 -ft, cut; M. -1-I. mower (i -ft cut; M. H. spring tooth cultivator; McCormick spring tooth cultivator; McCormick Fertilizer drill nearly; new; Wagon; Wagon box; Gravel box 16 foot hay°rack; 3 -drum steel roller; Maxwell hay loader, Deering side de- livery rake; 2 walking plows, CoclE-1 Slattt riding7lovs 4 -section . Ct10t td rldwoy M. -H. beam setefiter with puller eutrn- '.ittedl rubber Ore& Orebuggy:, cutter: • THE BANK OF MONTREAL Toronto ---New Building The site for the proposed new buil- ding for the Bank of Montreal is on the north-west corner of King and Bay Streets with a frontage on King st. of 94 feet and on Bay st of 125 feet. The .building will be 16 stories and basement and subbasement, the lowest floor being some 26 feet be- low the .sidewalk. The ground floor to be occupied by the Banking room and also the second floor will cover the whole site while above this there will be a set -back at the north and south of about 20 ft. The remaining, 14 storeys will form a massrve tower'. with the upper storeys enriched to form the crowning motif. The mater- ial of the whole will be stone and granite. There will be two entrances, the one on Bay at. leading to an el- - evator 1o±bby with four large, fast elevators serving the supeesuucture - and through this lobby into the Ban- king xoom. The entrance on King st. will be purely the Bank entrance. It will lead to a vestibule with a stairway on the Raft to the security vauls an other Bank departments and an elevator sservnrg that portion of the building above and below occupied by the 13ank's own offices. From this King St. entrance one will get a view of the main Banking room running the .• whole length of the building. The building has been designed by the weiknown firm of architects,. Chapamet &- Oxley of Toronto. • 1200-3b. capacity weigh scales, fann- ing mill, set of sling ropes, pair bob sleighs, stoneboat, disc harrow, large hay fork, wheelbarrow, 2 sets of heavy harness, eveners, neckyokes, chains, horse collars, 3 lots of good mixed hay; quantity . of bags, two - wheel trailer with rack, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -600 -lb. capacity DeLaval Cream Separator, cook stove, parlor stove with pipes, box stove, fern chain, table, hanging lamp, couch, 3'bedsteads with springs Daisy churn, 5 -gallon jug, quantity of dishes, and ndinerons other artic- les. TERMS—CASH„ Arthur Weber, Auctibirreer- .Milford Nlerner, :Clerk. Regis Denomme, Pegs% mettle. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, On Lot 18, Con. 14, Hay Township. 2% miles west and ahif mile south. 'ef 'Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 1 tsth. At • 1 orel+ock, %ROR,SES<f.---Bay hone 10 year old; Bay horse 9 yrs: Old, both weighing over 1600 -lbs; General Purpose mere 5 yrs. old; D ivr mare works single and double. tisiriig 'r k*rs. o7'& ' CATTLE -r.. ma It dna. IA ,rul;v-a tiaxt ,e6W due in May; Red cow still milking; -•gyred cow due in April; White now due in April; 2 roan steers 2 years old; Roan heifer 2 yrs. old; Roan heifer 1 yr. old; Recl heifer . 1 yr. Rtld, S fall calves, 2 small calves. 1MiP.LEMENTS, ETC: Massey - Harris binder; 5 -ft. cut Deering avower; Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator; M. -4H. steel roller; 4 -sec- tion harrows; M. -H. bean scufHer with puller combined and new set of knives; Manur' spreader nearly new; 1 dric. "wagon,. gravel box, stock rack. $at hay .rade l li-ft. stew; Nii. 21 Ver- ity *diking plow new; pr. bob sleighs. cuter,' buggy, Sca5dittg ' trough; ].- ;horse sculler; Minton fanning mill; 2,000 -Tb. capacity scales; Set sling ropes; cutting box; oaterolIer; chop- per, moiler bearing;'.6-•cy. motor enge free; .Renfrew cream separator 650L trait., new; root pulpes, a quantity of mixed hay, 2 dozen corn stooks with cobs; set doubletrees new, set heavy; harness, horse Boilers, logging chaise), forks, tdhovels, neckyokes, everiers;. and other articles too numerous toe mention, 'No reserve. Everything will be ,Sold. to the highest bidder. TRW/IS—CASH Arthur r Auctioneer. r,. li a9liatra Jaahnston, Clerk. Ate tin 'S,1toch, Flake Horner, .Exec,- xzttr'sy late Samuel ;Zclioch,.