Zurich Herald, 1939-02-23, Page 411411% %tilt
St. Joseph and Beaver Town 1 evening '..)il:is Jan Dunn read aik ! ad-
_____ 31V:i Cali HOUSt011 preseaeked the
IOn Wednesday evening, last a large Yclur'S couple with a miseellaneous
gate,' shower. On behalf of himself and
Auneber of friends and relatives
4red at the home of Mr. and Mae ; ha33e, Mr. Scotehmer thenked those
Oaseph Bedard Sr. at Pounte Aga faresent for the many beautiful gifts,
Bouleau on the Blue Water Highweer The evening was elpet in dancing.
„just 'meth of St. Joseph, The wain?! Mr. Frank Keegan has disposed al
trent was a tribute of honor paea to , his. driving mare -Maxine Harvester
, Mr, Bedard on his 78th birthday. Af- to 1\1.1-, Lance Levis, Clinton. Mr,
ter extending greetinge „mid good Keegan has her colt Grattan Harv-
ester by Texas Harvester and has it
wishes to their host, the evenaeg was
entered in the Futurity.
then .sent in ehatting and veal play-
, ing, and after lunch was eeevea a nd Mr. John Toms has returned from
k all partook ;of the ch&eeg, they left Clinton hospital where he underwent
for their homes, biddiug well to 3Ir. an operation for appendicitis.
and Mrs.Bedard manImre years Mr. George Weston who has been
ii Be of
visiting relatives in Detroit, returned
The fishermen have completed one
of the biggest ice harvests on record
and revert a good quality of ice.
The last of the w-kly parties he -
fore Lent was held an Monday even-
ing last in the paha. hall. The party
WAS a box social aad tht reetate were
very 'encouraging. Those that bad
boxes had them 'neatly trimmed and
well decorated ea that it commended
enuth attention 'lei:ea the betear and
needless to sae :het tlee ineale
fined with a veee niee testy luta
satisfy the meeetita of all.
3,1rs, William Dueluteme vaa, eve.
been ill for the past wee's. ie
'The past week has been a busy
one for those who were storing away
ice. The sample was the best in ye-
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Crediton Evangelical parsonage
Nvhon Rev. Pletch united in _marriage
Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. and
I.Mrs. Arthur Amy, to Lloyd Henry,
eldest son of Ile. and Mrs. Henry
'Eagleson, Dashwood. The bride wore
a gown of Suez wine crepe with hat
aand acceseories to match. After the
cermony the young couple returned
to the home of the bride's parents
whe.re the wedding dinner was served
to the immediate families.
'Robert Penhale and John Lind- 97th Anniversary
may returned home laet Friday night Mrs. Hannah Marie 'Sanders on
after having spew; two and a half Friday celebrated her 97th birthday
anonths in Florida. anniversary at the home of her dau-
A community party was 'held in ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker of
thg town hall on Friday evening last near Exeter, where .she has resided
to honor the newly-wtde. 311.. 'and for 80 years. She is the oldest resid-
Mee. A. Scotchnier, Jr. Dnring the ent in Stephen Twp. Although not ac -
The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 .11.P. motor
has been reduced 'in price from $985 to $915 De-
livered... Full front .seat; twin air Horns, Chrome
',Windshield frame; two Chrome windshield wipers
and 600x16 tires, -are standard equipment
.1,1t37 Ford V8 Coacia fall:: Guaranteed and 5 brand mew
Tires, at only V300.00
1.936 Oldsmobile Six Da Lux Fordor Sedan with trunk.
This motor hae bee-tag:one over and we gn,arantee
it ie • not using eateeeeive oil, our price ........e650.00
•1934 Ford Va De Lex Forder sedan, all good tires, and
a.car :ha t looan b ;Tape like new, only ena95.00
.1033 -Ford Vs Cup. -a dandy at 01-100.00
1931 Pontiac Coach, us* auil the best of care, all g:
time, at only $250.00
1931 Chev. Coach, above average condition . $165too
.1929 Plymouth Coach, enaely :painted and mechamitelity
geed, our price $12-5:00
edieveral °thee good used earl; Zaati '17 Trucks from 19a0 19138
tive ,recentleye she remains in fair
health. Was .born in Devonshire, Eng,
1442. At the age of siX weeks she'
came to Canada with her parents.
They netted first in Stratford and
then moved to St. Marys, Yom St.•
Marys the family moved to Downie
Twp, Her maiden name was Hannah
Pomeroy. She married John Sanders
in 1800 and settled on the farm, en
the 3rd con, of Stephen where Mrs.'
Sanders has been a continuous rsid-
ent since.
' I
BLUE MARAIVION GAS and -OIL Delivered td, 3,nouttlie most modern
way, with a WAAINTE Computing Pump that aletanetteielly figuses the
amount of youlapterchase. These Pumps are used iinfell leading gas
aeations in Canak and U. 8, A.
HIGH PRESSURE 1.,VBRICATiON. Your car is greased by attend-
ants that have heed five years of peaceital and technieal ,eapeeienee in
Detroit. We use the ;latest model ale pressure graeae in using
seven dilreoent Urals of grease te lubricate your eta
EXPERT REPAIRING To all melees of cars at atteeetive prices.
Speciel Prices on 1$tede.a Refilled
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
Battery and Tires checked and windshield olealled Free. We aim
to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern reel. Morrie.
Zurich's Uo-to-Date Service Station and Garage
Fritz de Son Used f .1r Lot in Conneetion
Use Blue Mirathon for Better Mileage
, Any person wishing to give don-
ation to the Dashwood Planing Mill
Fund, evil kindly hand in their don-
ations to Mr. Clayton Pfile.
Mr. Wm, Kleinstivea is confined to
his home suffering from infection on
his leg.
Mrs. Fred •Genttner is spending, a,
few weeks with her daughter in Lon-
Mrs. A. Tieman who underwent an
operation in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, was able t obe taken home
on ,Satarday. We are pleased to
report she is improving nicely.
Lenten services commenced in the
Lutheran church on Wednesday.
Miss Tillie Zimmer eturned to De-
troit on Monday after spending a
week with her father, who is on the.
sick list.
A good crowd attended the dance
in Tiemart's hall on Monday night.
All report a very nice time.
Mrs. Fred Turner of Goderich, was
a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
George .Camp.bell.
Mr. Henry ,Steckle re -filled his silo
on Tuesday last with the thirty large
loads of corn left over from last
fall.'s corn harvest.
Messrs. Allan -Steckle and Noah
Gingeeich are busy removing the
buildings from the farm recently.
purchased by them.
Mr. Harold Penhale has purchased
the farm of his brother, Mr. John
Penhale, Bronson line.
Robt. Penhale of Hayfield, who has
recently returned from Florida, spent
a few days with his brother, Harold
On Monday evening, Feb. 13, the
Goshen Y.P.U. entertained tete Bru-
cefield Young People at a Valentine
Social in the Varna hall, with an ex-
cellent attendance from both so.ciet-
ies. The meeting opened by singing
"Onward Christian Soldiers," follow-
ed by the Lord' Prayer in unison.
Norene Robinson, P -resident of tht
Goshen society, gave an address of
welcome and the Brucefield Young
People then had charge of, the peo-
gram, which was moat interesting and
educational. Mr. L. Palmer, the presi-
dent, whowas in the ehair, gave a
very anseeiring topic :on, "Our Respon-
sibilty for the Happness of Otheee."
At the conclusion of this program
everyone joined in community sing-
ing, after which Julene Stephenson
an intereeting"Valentin.e legend.
Folowing this a ane -act comedy dra-
ma, "While the Toast Burnea," was
presented by several of the Goshen
members. 'The ,eharecters inccluded:
Herbert Canby, Harvey Keys; Ruth,
his Wife, Daretley T;.Pecla; Heraert Jr.,
Jack Peek; Mary Lou, their daughter,
Eileen Hayter; 'Grandmother Canby,.
Anna Love.
The -remainder ,of the evening was
spent an -exciting games, relays, con-
tests, .etc., which were arranged by
the Recreation committee. A delicious
lunch was served, with the social con-
vener in charge. The Mizpah benedi-
ction was -pronounced which brought1
the meeting to a ,dloee.
- •
Thursday, February 23rd, 1989
See the new 1939 Dodge Six and
DeLuee TODAY, Look them over
. . from a distance and close up.
You'll agree they are the most beau-
tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in
all the 25 years of Dodge history.
And they are BIG cars ... 114 -inch
wheelbase and look even LONGER.
All 1939 Dodge cars have new Arcola
of "
steel coil springs ... improved air-
plane -type shock absorbers . new
"Safety Signal" speedometer and in
DeLuxe models you alto get new
Handy -Control gear sbffting .
new auto-rnesh transmission. Prices
have been reduced on all models.
Don't delay - . drive a 1939 Dodge
Six or DeLuxe NOW
• -
and Fritz Distributor
Mark Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. le H. Modeland, of
Seaforth, celebrated their golden
wedding at their home near here.
They received many messages of con-
gratulations. They have one son and
a daughter: John of gEgmomiville
and Mrs. Henderson, Termite.
taareas at School House
Tramp e are believed to have spent
a comfortable weekend at S. S. No.
7, McKillop, near Walton. On Mon-
day moemng it was discovered the
furnace had been lighted and probab-
ly had been kept building up to Sun -
(ivy night. Co. .Censtable Ferguson of
Goderich was called when the sehool
teacher discovered a table clock and
a.50 had been stolen. Tho money
was taken from a Reel Grose box.
Breaks Leg Skating
Helen Inglis, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. Inglis, Goderich, suffered a
broken leg in a fall while skating
with little i lands on the icy road
surface. The child was taken to the
hospital and was given a big .eecept-
ion un her ninth birthday.
Sentenced for Chicken Thieving
"Taking chickens from the farm in
the dead of night after the woman of
the house has spent months in feed-
ing in prospect of using the funds for
come special purpose- is the meanest
kind of theft we have to deal with',
remarked Mag. Walker in police crt.
at Walkerton, as he sentenced Ivan
Barnes to one year in the Ontario
Reformatory and Geo. Bell to two
months in jail.
Will Call at Goderich
Replying to a etter from a: -C. Lee
president of the Goderich Board of
Trade, R. J. Logan, traffic manager of
the Seaway Lines, states that the S.
S. Georgian will operate on the same
schedule during the summer of 1939
as it did last summer. This means
that the Georgian will call at Goder-
ich on Saturday and Tuesday morn-
ings noethbound, and on Thursday
and Sunday southbound,
Cow Makes Recorrcr.
In the Family Herald and Weekly
Star of Jan. 25th a refence to the
splendid record made by Dualwyn
Lady, dual purpose Shorthorn, owned
by E. Templeman of Saffa.,Thie pro-
ducer is the high two year old record
in the 805 day division in 1938. She
s credited with 9,239 lbs. milk during
the test. 371 lbs, fat. Calculating for
tee 365 day period this cow produced
about 10,000 pounds milk,. with a
test of 4.8.
A Swimming Pool
Through the co-operation of the
Clinton Town Council and the special
L. Faiett af Ceedaton, has :returned efforts of the local Lion Club, an up -
home aftar ti fine weeks ,course an to -date swimming pool is an assured
Diesel Engineering in ;Chicago, for Clinton this summer. Plans are
Coonew Wand, The assistant1111111- being worked out to select a site and
ager and playing tap:tato ;of the Bos-; hustle the work as soon as the frost
ton Bruin, hockey team, holds two is out of the ground. In order to raise
scoring feats naver eqaalled, a goals sufficient funds the Lions Chub have
in seven seconds.; :and 4S goals and decided to make June 21st a reaaholi-
30 assists he eec season. He's an day.
Egmondville "Old Beiy.'"
A meeting will be held in tete town
hall, Crediton, on aleaday the 27t1i Ward has been received in the Dash
inet at 8 p.m. for discussing the ad- wood district of the death of Wm.
viability of the Township ef Stephen Rhode, a native of the community,
buying the Crediton Rural Telephone who died recently at eating, B.C..aged
System and operatiit as a
cipal l'arstern. 79 years. He was born near Dash-
ag 'Muni -
Dug Up IS Memel:Le - three -boys and three girls, was a car-
Upwood seed was the last of a family of
at Wingleara Mat Johneton enter and :farmer by trade and built
went DAV the fur busia,s with -a many of tee, barns in Stephen Twp.
vengence the other day when he dugbefore going west about 28 years ago
la 'skunks out of oete hole. . IA late year he was a fruit farmer
aid lived neat- the famous Buchart
Coafined to
aoS, Creech, -principal a rev Exeter Geaelens on Vancouver Island. 55 yre
ago he was united in marriage with
Katherine Dearing', daughter or the
late Ab. Dearing, 1esides his widow
several weeke ago and has been slow the is setrvived by three daughtere.
in healeag, the doctor has order a real
'rile place at echool le being filled by ,Ruesell Armstrong Passes
Mrs. Rod Pg)is.
Died in B. C.
PubIllie School. i3 eon -fined to his home
with e sore knee which be wrenChed
Peen) House terns
I Fire destroyed the brick house on
the farm of Norman Lamont, Grey,
1 'le 'lead left the time and had e,^otie
' out to tie the chores, iyhen he came ' tlee Hospital after a few days iline'ss
back nothIng could be deem to ;save with pnetimolda, and was -28 years of
'lee fureituao Or clothiaa he was e poe, ale was bone in Serefarthaand live
beaten, v,..d‘ dda. Idene alenee ,. ' -i in Itald,1.01i a tow
4., .
i -
Mrs. Mak Armstrong of Senfo eta
received the sad news of the deal
of tier youngest son, Russell, of Lan
don, 1 -le was widely known as oper-
ator of the bathe,- ahop itt the Huron
& Erie Budding, Lottn'on. Ha died in
Established 1817 ... 121 Years of Successful Operation
...... Experienced, Conservative, Modern .11anagement
4 ;••••••-•-.....„,74......
" -
1.0011,090 deposit accome . Rescurces $874,255.828iit
is determined by its history, its polic3r, its manage-
ment,. and, the extent of its xesources. For over 121.
years the Bank of Montreal Ins been in the fore-
front of Canadian finance.
Zurich Branch: E M. DAGG, Manager
ditAfirtitrokletellhnkorbiontrealginflusliiaeorkestlistorr,mrSercicesofthe Bank ofhiontrefie:
Blood Poisoning Fatal 1day afternoon, June 21st. The annual
ahurch services ,of the above associ-
James Archibald, former Seaforth
resident, died Saturday morning' in
Tuckersmith, from blood poisoning,
after a fall a week previous. He was
in his 85th year, was born at Tucker -
smith, son of the late Andrew Archi-
bald, was married over 50 years ago
to Mary afeGa.w ef Cliatott. They set-
tled on a farm. in McKillop and later
moving ter Tucketsmith, afterward
to Seaforth, where he was a prom-
inent horse buyer, fin the last four
years lived with hie brother Wm. in
Tuckersmith. Two sons survive: Aa -
drew of Petekbaro and Robt. H., prin
cipal of Ode -villa Celiegiate'. Institute;
three brothers, Andrew of Seaforth;
Wm of Tuckersmith; and: ;Jahn W. of
Effective March 1, 193a; increases
averaging between seven and Mae p-
c. are to become effective. on the cost
of automobile ansurance coverage n
the Province of Ontario:. The comp-
anies underwriting this insurance. in
Ontario include with their annourree-
anent of this inerease, operating- fig --
Ines showing that existing rates- are
far below their proper economic lev-
el •and that the upward' adjustment
must be followed by more careful'
driving and reduced :Imes' tar carrect
the situation. Stressing their desire to
keep elates as low as possible. the eon -
ponies advance statistics which Show
that the cost of providing mile inane
ance has been in eXaess of the amount
received in premiums for some years
Huron Old Bovs
The annual pienlo of the 1.-lprolti
Old Bo3 Association of l'oro,,uko,1
will be held' in the (lanai -Ron Idpier
Pirighitittla tteetteda; ale INe4.sa
ation was held in St. Paul"s Church,
Bathurst Street, on Feb. 12th. The
chaplain of the association, Rev. R.F.
MeDermid had charge of the service.
The annual euchre and bridge of the
Association was held in the Melia
Ball Room, West Toronto, o'n Wed-
nesday evening, Feb. 15th, when
hutch was served and good prizes a-
warded to lucky players.
shih 1900
year, strictly in advance; 91.60 fat
arrears or $2.00 may be charged- U.
S. $1.$O itt advance, No paper discoa-
tinned until all arrears are paid tris -4
hems at option ol publisher. The det.
of wInen ever) Subscription.,i0.
le deluded on the Label.
Professional Cards not eiceedinc
13(1 inches, per year $5.00. ,
In :Memoriam, one verse 6'0e. 26r
for each additional verse; , Card et
Thanks, 150e.
1011/111 or Real Estate for Sale
I' or first month, $1.00 for each far
boring month,
Attetion SaIes--$2.00 per aim*
insertion if not over four inehee In.
Display advertising made knows,
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of not more
*bum four lines, For Sere, To Rent,
194..nted, Lost, Pound, etc,, One Inger,
ton 25c. 2 1ia. 40e„ S ins. 60e.
Maritsa all ceprriunications tor
Retold Prittint ()Ulm