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Zurich Herald, 1939-01-26, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT THE STORE \ ITTH THE STOCK anugA We have a large sloth: of Wintee Goods ten hand owing to mild weather conditions, and are air -faring same at unci. l r.er gaine. Also many lines of Spring Gm'..‘e tee; uced Prices. A Sale here is always a Real Money Saving Event. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE! From: JANUARY 21st, To FEBRUARY 4th Here` are only a few of tine Many Special Prices: Plaid Flannelette Blankets, pr. i .79 1 lb. Batts 72x90 at 55c Fine all wool Serges, 54 -in. wide yd. 98c Martha Washington House Dresses, reg. 1.98 for 1.25 Fingering Yarn, blk. only, quarter -lb. 25c Men's Sweaters at each 98c Men's horsehide Coats, Fur collar, at each 12.00 Men's 8 -oz. Redback Overalls at 1.65 Everything in -Men's Womeri's and Children's Underwear at Big Reductions. A lot of Men's all wool Windbreakers that must go regardless of price See large posters for more particulars. GROCERIES A list of extra Special Values in Groceries for this Sale. Come and see! Jr sCIG PRODUCE WANTED T PHONE 59 „1/4. 'rx,}:' s.3 Y'. t:. Tspi4W19k. nz:rz.. ,....1A :i;TE �...�1JR R'38FF'a:3F �?t� I Huron & Erie D©b3ntures OANAIA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 Years 311 70 per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 314% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F Hess, ® Zurich Local Representative Zurich ZURICH HERALD 11 in lI 1ji' 11111111" 11111111 1 111111111 11111111111111111111111"1111 r ()eery er 1 1111 !I 11 111111111111114111 I111 N 111 IT ji 11 f I e Dried Peaches, per lb. ,..15c Vanilla, 8 oz. jugs, each 15c Minute Tapioca (with tumbler) per pkg. 1 5c Dates with pitts, 4 lbs, 25c Corn meal,- per Ib..,.., 5c` Tapioca, 3 Ibs. 25c .Salmon, Hawser brand, large can 10c Rice, per lb. . 5c Jena a esch EGGS WANTED. Lied Zi rich Phone 165 1 11MiliiliMiinti INlflfiil UH1 111111NI!III1Mii I11IIIlIIIIIiIIII1111!II1111111111 ''' IHI `11MH111 +"I(IIIINI111(1{If(fllllillllftllllll,,; ITEMS OF L ;AL iNTE EST Mr. Ward Fritz made a business rlp to Toronto, early in the week. A short session of. the Tenth Div- ision Court was held in the Zurich Town Hall, Monday morning. Mr. Menno Oesch, Mr. John Oesch and Mrs. Norman Gascho were. at, Clinton on Tuesday, visiting the sick. Mr. Jin Parkins of Ailso Craig, has 1 taken a position with Mr. Herb Mou- I, 'c the -•-e. sseau as mechanic r 'i: grar MARKETS (Corr -:r ee every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 24 Butter, creamery 25 Butter, Second grade ......... 23c E gs 19, 17, 16 Live hens, lb. 8-11 Chickens, live 9-13 Weat, bushel 56 Oafs bushel 28 Barley, bush. 40 tee , bush. 40 2.00-2.80 20.00 50 8.00 Miss Dorothy Weido entertained! Misses Beatrice and Marie Bedard on 1 Tuesday afternoon. After a delight- , ful game of Twenty Come vow., rea+ was served. A hockey team of school boys from Hensall were out Saturday morning ' and played the local juniors a hotly contested game, at which the visitors' had the margin of the scoring. Con- siderable enthusiasm was demonstrat- ed. SOCIAL EVENING On Monday, February 6th, the t Women' Institute will give an ev ' ening of free entertainment in the 'Zurich Town Hall. Two plays +will be given, "Tom Trout Wedding; played by small children, and "A Mouse to 1 the Rescue" by adults. This will :followed by e a,ox social. All ladiesi in the community ,are invited to bring a. box :which will be sold by auction, the maximum price of each uox will be 50c. So come along, boys, and I buy the ladies boxes. F,r 47.;r*,+. nF> Yr. F:*•.0.l "TX'4 4.1•.?7,: lk 944 m YOUR IND E'ER ]Needs Flour, cwt. Bran and shorts, ton Potatoes per bag Hogs, cwt. IN MEMORIAM Manson -In loving memory of our dearhusband and father, John A. Manson, who passed away January 24th, 1930. Safely, safely, gathered in, Free from sorrow, free from sin, PsSded beyond all grief and pain. Death for thee, is truest gain. For our loss we must not weep, Nor our loved . one long to kee r- Erom the home of rest and hence here all sin and agrrow cease. „*er remembered by his wife and Wily. BORN Rem er At Zurich on January 15th, EXETER FALL FAIR I t Mr. and Mrs. George Regier, I The Exeter Agricultural Society I held its annual meeting last Thursday and elected the folowing officers: 1 President, W. H. Coates; Vice-pres., Dan. Dew, Wm. Oestreicher; Secy, C. ;Fisher; Treasurer R. N. Creech; dir- I eetors: P. Passmore, V. Pincombe, 1H. Coates, A. Easton, M. Ellett, C. Rowe, F. Ellerington, Dr. E. Steiner, i T. Pryde, Mrs. W. R. Golding, Mrs. { W. S. Howey, Mrs. R. Kestle. The . annual fair will be held on Wednes j day and Thursday, September 20 and ', 21st 1939. A Real Winter What all the weather profits told twin sons. Fisher -,At Zurich on January 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, a daughter. Jackson -At Hay Township, on Janu- ary 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, a son. Denomrne-At Hay Township, on Jan uary llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Armond •Denomme, a son. NEW SILVER DOLLAR A despatch from Ottawa says a new liver dollar, commemorative of thq visit to Canada next summer of Iii g George and Queen Elizabeth, a+"avo :Ka/ est;':a` e e oose' a s` "�' t� • • us about a winterless winter in 1938- wiltbe struck shortly by the Royal is '39, is fading into oblivion, and we Canadian mint, Prime Minister Mac - 41 hear very lttle of them especially kerizie King announced. The coin s since the steady cold weather is here will .bear the likeness of King George .ox' a while at least. Sunday was a- on one side and a design symbolizing HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT • • a A Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- w ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over Ti for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best I Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS • Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our 3 Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. O 0 • a Timothy si E. I 0 ZU 1C ONT. QUALITY -, PRICE a. SERVICE amaaik a soasitacha e,maa4sgat 1 in the Great War, .predeceased her. iota a; fine a storm as old timers have witnessed in Teeny •• (.e3, e,;:th the Royal visit on the opposste. side. It is.not contemplated ,that the profll- the 40 mile wind and the fine snort es of both the King and Queen will pelting down, one could not at many be on the coin since the issue of met - times even see the neighbor's house al money is the sole, prorogative of .a the reigning Sovereign. ALMOST 1,000 JACKS The Exeter Gun Club have held two jack rabbit drives during the past week. On Tuesday about 35 members augmented by several sho- oters from Zurrich motored to Dun- gannon •and secured 148 jacks. They bagged about 85 jacks on Saturday last.•The rabbits are used for feeding of foxes, the club having an agree ment to dispose of all they can secure at 20c each. The money derived ie used to procure ammunition. Up -to - The funeral of the late Mrs. Will- date close to one thousand rabbits tam Orr, 87, of Milverton, and a have been bagged. --Exeter Times -Ad grandparent of Dr. W. 13. Coxon, of vocate. Zurich, took place on Thursday after- LARGE OFFER noon. from the home there with inter- Announcement that a guarantee of mint in Greenwood Cemetery, Milver- 1Ann u with a possibilityguoof ae re ton. Mrs. Orr was born at Spenser- ville and moved to Morningtoui Twp. turn of $500,000 for appearances o, with her paeen when two yoars of the Dionne quiritruple+ts at the Nen age and hass been a resident of the York Worlds Fair this year had be lietrict since. In 1877 she married en formally rejected n was made b� William Orr, who predeceased her in Keith lMunr°' business manager o% 1929. For many years they were en- the quints. The offer, described b3 ;aged in farming .before retiring to 'Munro as the only proposal made b3- Milverton. +Mrs. Orr was closely as- the World Fair, was dealt with at a iodated with St. Paul's United church meeting of the board of guardian' and .the minister, Rev. Cooke had receltly..Guardians attending were ,charge of the services. Surviving are Oliva Dionne, father of the quints her soils arid daughters: Richard on Dr. Allan R. Dafoe, their physician the h+-mestead of hi.; grandfather Orr .and••Judge J. A. Valin. In .rejcetinl nearilverton; Sheldon, Pc Want,. the offer, the guardians stated: Th Saslc, fames of Milverton; and John guardians considered the offer of the Orr; Mrs, Andrew Coxon, Mrs. W. World's 'Fair at their. la:at ;c.etinri Miller, Mornington, and Miss Winnie and although they -considered that 1. at home. Ont son Tle,n•ry, who nerved v « i+ a flattering offer, they felt tha'. :they had no alternative but to deelinc or anything else but wind and snow. On Tuesday we experienced a heavy fall of snow and then Tuesday night another ;stome came along and whirl- ed the loose snow in piles where it pleased. Wednesday morning for a time the goad was closed to Hensel], ',ut willing hands and trucks soon forged their way through. And don't forget, that we are experiencing a fairly good Canadian Winter while it is with us. DIES AT 87 TliarAdaS, •Jarroar•y 263h,, 1939,. 44.44404,44104, +I• +w Myna a rn YOUR WINTER REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Ideating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line., Some Good Used Heaters at Very easonable Prices FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. .x. 43 SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE a. For the most conservative purchaser, we have a + Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Etc. Be sure and look these over. 4 4 44 4. +3. Johnston Kalbfieisch Hardware & Furniture. e 63 :. .g.4>.k.+1,-,0.0.$4,•E'+++: do+4.i..3"6.+.4* 4.4,4++4.e4. ,44. 4 °6+4+$.0 +>~++€++D'++Y+fi++++g+'I++>:+++II+++II+4.++:++II++4+++:+.: +•k ++++•x'+.s.^aid-++•Y • ••%+$++Y•+hF3••i++:'.u.'oc. •vn 4. +I+ 4r + 6 '4 0N �l rig +g -i' �• also + CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND . SWEET GOODS. $ All Ingredients Used are : of the Highest Quality • ALL 'CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM 4 Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's 'I akery- - -Zurich Telephone 100 TRY "E CK ad m r-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++. IIIIIIIIIIIIII{IIIII6,8@I'fkiElniflfBNIIN1111111111111111111111111iniiI1111iII11111l11111IIfiilliiliilllCll11111(1f;tii mita;(�i;.rsRIIII110fIliIII11nti Dli IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlull5!Rllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"ilia THESE P `;': CES subject .to change without Note Panting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Fainting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top .............. 16.00 aiid 18.00 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar ,....... 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c ESS, the Repair Man UIIIUI llIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIlIII1111Illlll!IlflNllitif(1i• ftimillplllllllfUlfllittilollifU111111111111NIllfliflhllllllllllllllllllliifliilPl11!1f4i1Nlllll1111111111!Illlllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllill1111111111!I!!IImiliIIIIIIiIIII i liaseatememaeaseacearossumernarad ramemeitmaneetascancrtatannttsmexanammarnmr•datlerMIL MASSEY4IARRIS NEWS GENUINE M. -I -L PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1 year battery guarantee . 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate ...7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 tires at 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 OeLMP'? & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS