HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-26, Page 4*MA KAM
Si, Joseph and Beaver Town
11r. Emanuel -Sararas of the Blue
"Water, south, who has been visiting
lin 'Detroit the past two weeks return -
•sed home on Sunday last.
Mr, Narcisse Cantin of Montreal
.'pent a.few days in St. Joseph re-
s:ently with his family.
Mr. and Mile Wm. Dueharme and
telr. and 1tlrs. Hereto'• I.:poste of Pte.
Aux I3oueaux, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mr . Neel Laporte of
The trustees of S. S. No. .11, Hoy,
have purchased e piano for the
• On Monday evening last a meeting
rrf the young Iteoarle of the French
Settlement was; held in tiu' parish
Stall, with an attendance of eigaty or
more. Under the direction of Rev.
Father Martin, for the purpo.ae. of
!organize,• the young ',x+opicr of the
parish together. .Already they halve
elected their a #4ecl :.
aws1e held from Ontario i'nited
Chuch, Clinton on Wednesday Cond-
ucted by Rev. Q. G. Burton. Inter-
ment in I3aird's Cemetery, Stanley.
The Henrich Ie•niorial Band have
reeu111ed their weekly rehersals.Since
there are a number of vacancies,
anyone interested in playing an in-
stioanea . kindly r" oitlriii111ical.e with
Harry kloi?man or Howard K.lurnpp.
3. C. Reid et Co. have di:ipo aed of
heir .;tore 10 'Messrs. Edgar ti,estezn-
c ycr and Aibeet Miller. Possession
was taken 1::,1 Friday.
A poitioll of the south wall of the
telephone office was blown down by
the storm on Sunday morning.
Mrs. Seth Brown spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader last
Mrs. S. Ireland who has been visit-
s" e'.tli lee. .ore! since Christmas,
hes, returned.
The '''iron County Short Course,o
for Hey and Stephen Township
which wet =a well represented Borer
sae past rev: weeks are holding a
Mr. Chas. Godboit and Mr, Cook banquet in 1ieman's hall on Friday
of Exeter called on friends in this
vicinity on Monday.
The young people of the commun-
ity held a miscellaneous shower for
'z4Tr. and Mrs. Pert McBride, newly
married couple, at their home on
Friday evening.
On account of the severe storm on
Sunday, no services were held in the the members sat clown to a bounte-
Goshen, Blake and Varna United
churches. I sees chicken dinner prepared 'by the
Robert D. Webster died at his home 1 Kehler Bakery, to which all did full
in Clinton after a brief illness of a I Justice. After this a jolly time we:
heart seizure. He was widely known i spnlrt in games and contests.
throughout Bruce and Huron counties; The president, Addison Tieman,
.as a farmer and breeder of fine hor- i then called the meeting to order and
ses. Born in Kinloss Twp. Bruce Co, I transacted the closing business of the
year. The treasurer, Miss Helen Nad-
iger, reported as follows: 'Balance on
hand at the beginning of the year
$305.80; amount raised during the
year $139.09; expenses of the .year,
$2n7.47 and a balance on hand of
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Sidney Baker;
Vice pres., Addison Tiernan; Secy -
treasurer, Miss Helen Nadiger; Lead-
er, Harry Hoffman; Asst. leader,
Howard Klumpp.
Mission Circle Annual •
The Young Peoples' Mission Circle
of Dashwood Evangelical church held
their annual business meeting and el-
ection of officers recently at the
]lone of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestrei-
che r. Alvin Willert acted as chair -
The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran
church held a very successful quilt-
ing last week.
Band Holds Annual
The Hendrick Memorial Band of
Dashwood held their annual meeting
and election of officers on Jan. 16th.
in Tiernan's Hall. At seven o'clock
a mile west of Lucknow, in 1970. In
1898 he married Jessie A. Watson,
who survives. They farmed in Kin-
loss and 18 years ago they moved to
Stanley T''svnship. Seven years ago
they retired from active lir and mo
ved to Clinton. His one outside in-
terest outside his home was the Or-
ange Order. A member of Varna L.O.
L., for 11 year in succession he won
the pri. e for the best drummer at
July 12th celebrations at various cen-
te . Surviving be sidee Mrs. Webster ,
are three sons, Elmer J., Watson 11.,
and Melvin L., all farming in Stanley
near Varna; om halt -brother, James!
C. Webster, on n farm near Luck -
now; three half-sisters, Mrs. George
Coleman, Seafarth; Mrs. Thomas
T:lake and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie, Ashfield
'The funera under auspices of Varna
The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 H.P. motor
has been reduced in price from $935 to $915 De-
livered... Full front seat; twin air Horns, Chrome
Windshield frame;' two Chrome windshield wipers
and 600x16 tires, are standard equipment
This means our used cars are also greatly reduced
in price.
1929 Plymouth Coupe :at $95.00
1929 Plymouth Coach at 125.00
1929 Chevrolet sedan at 150.00
1930 Ford coach, like new ..., 1-75.00
1928 Ford :coach., mew tires, new radiator and
all overhauled, repainted, only 125.00
1937 Ford V8 Coupe with 'heater and defroster,
a nice one 495.00
1938 Ford ,8 Tudor small Mileage with heater
and defroster, only . -..650.00
Several t'ruc'ks, half -ton to 2 ton, up to 1937.
man for the program whien was ar-
ranged by Miss Gertrude Amy and
Harry Hoffman. Rev. Il. E. Roppel
led prayer after which the Seripture
lesson was read by Roy Bender. The
chapter in the study book "Dinaban-
dhu" was given by Miss Eunice Oyes-
treicher, a vocal duet by Harty leofT-
man and Stuart Wolfe and a reading
by Miss Myrtle Geiser,
Rev. Roppel then took charge • of
the busineee. The secretary, Bliss Ad -
teem Eagleson rep. ,i-te.l Kn1 average
attendance for the year of 20. The
treasurer, Miss Myrtle Gaisor report-
ed the total raised for l i=cions dur-
ing the year $46.05,
The new ofiichrs are: l -'resident,
Miss Phyllis Reid; Vice -Pae:,., Harry
Hoffman; Treasurer, Miss:; :Myrtle Ga
iser; Secretary, ills Alleee Eagleson
Pianist, Miss Gertrude Hoffman; As-
st pianist Stuart Welle; `s,l'riarians,
Gerald Mason and Ralph Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. G ,one hese, Bob
and ltuti:, returned i'ro.tt t, tif+ry pia
asant visit with relai,itii's m Lciroitr
Mr. and :Mrs. G. M. D; ys dale vis-
ited the past week wits'
Toronto and attended he Furniture
show held here t
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor-
ono spent the week -enol with the for
mer's parents here.
Pleased to report that Harry Arn-
old is able to be out again after suff-
ering from a heart attack. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jams; A. Patterson
were recent visitors with relatives in
Mrs. A. L. Case, who has been in
London Hospital for two weeks has
returned home feeling much 'better..
The many friends of W. 0. Good
win are pleased to see hint out again
after 'being confined to his home with
a severe attack of cold
Robt. }McMartin returned home Sun
day last after visiting for several we-.
eks with his son Wm of Detroit.
Mrs Knight of Komoka, who has
been visiting for a week with Miss
Clarissa Mitchell, has retrned to her
Mr. and Mrs. Kating of London
visited with the lattcr's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Colin Hudson.
Mrs. George Walker had the ,mis-
n �r r,,,•l
Thursday, January 26th, 1989,
1:,+119ry' t. ; l : Mill
See nese est eaetati ra$ 9 3 9 O D G E Can. r
See the new 1939 Dodge Six and
DeLuxe TODAY. Look them over
« from .a distance and close up.
You'll agree they are the most beau-
tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in
all the 25 years of Dodge history.
And they are BIG cars ... 114 -inch
wheelbase and look even LONGER.
All 1939 Dodge cars have new Amla
steel coil springs ... improved air-
plane -type shock absorbers ... new
"Safety Signal" speedometer and in
Deluxe models you also get new
Handy -Control gear shifting
new auto -mesh transmission. Prices
have been reduced on all models.
Don't delay . « v drive a 1939 Dodge
Six or DeLuxe NOW!
" add r
1)1 t r 1 b
tteken posseosion teed Iklise Simpson
has returned to London.
Gas Mask Demonstt at'on
On hun•i:'id ;1x:.1 of different mill-!
tia units neat laineardine, Port El. -
gin, Wail: -nee, Listowel, Seaforth,
-Olinion tett Goderich took part in a
gas demonstration at God.riich on
174,1day iast. The dernons-Lation was
in charge of Lieut. '_.lathers and a'
squad of ten R.C. }es of London. I
Re, -tee s P polntsd
Rev. A. 11. O'Neil, rector of the
Anglican perish at Gorrie in the
Hurn Deancry of the Diocese of
Raisin, has
Leen appointed to the
ehir'g' of the parish of St. Paul's;
Clinton, to succeed t ev. K. 3McGoun,
,nye years rector o: that parish and
new retiring en account of illness. 1
Burned To Death
Mrs. Alit Paulsen, 29, and her two
Small i1 us;eters age..' five and three
fortune recently to slip and fall on were fatally burned when a coal oil
returning home from church. For- eee te.-plel., f, spraying flaming oil
over them in their ,arm home, three
Mlles from Strathroy, on the 8th
con.pf Cardoc Twp. hTe explosion
hxppened as Mrs. Paulsen poured
coal oil on the fire.
siesetathinman Dies
:i. Coultis, widow of
tis; died .in Exeter. Mrs
o Was bon in. Owen Sound
it most of her life. in the
tunately no bones were broken but
the leg is badly bruised and very
The sympathy of the community is•
extended to Mrs. Walks and Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Kerslake in the death of
the fornier's father, Roht. Brydgman
in his 85th year. Mrs. 'Walks hats bea
en in St. Marys ever since Chrieernak
owing to the illness of her father., M
and Mrs. Kerslake attended -'tie toms' ,
eral Wednesday last. • . i> etnity. she was in her 78th year.
Mrs. Anna MacDonald is visiting An41 is survive;l by one sister, Mrs.
[relatives in Dearborn, Mich. ; A. 'Francis of Exeter. The funeral
Mr. Brown of Manitoulin Island. ; INV held on. Tuesday afternoon at
has been transferred to the staff. of ,1.
39, Item.itli-Rev. A. Page officiating.
the Bank of Montreal Item. : inerinent was made in Exeter Cern-
A large number e. reiaclves and :1c113':
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- I - have a Greviance
ryrnple, who were married recently, ! Riiy:ley housekeepers are out of
gathered at Watson'; Hall, Kiplien• � 1 unser With their Hydro service. On
Wednesday last and presented thein , t bidet nas.Eve an accident near Walk
with a china cabinet and smoking : erton eut off the power for a couple
stand. Mr. Dalrymple in a few we/3 of hears, and at intervals since, waffle
chosen words thanked all those who• repairs were 'acing made, the power
heped with the presentation. Card Ines been turned off without notice to
playing and dancing was indulged in users. One of these occasions was
Death of Oliver Petty 'lust after the ladies had filled their
There passed away on Tuesday at oovens •with• articles for baking, and
f Home about two miisa north-west another was on a Monday morning,
of Henson _lir. Oliver Petty iii his in tiie midst of the weekly washing:.
81st year. The deceased suffered a ,Rips is on the Eugenia power sy-
! heart attack from which he failed to shun.. .
rally. He has • spent his entire life in
the community and was a member of Passes at Goderich
"St. Paul's Anglican Church. His wife Native of Goderich, member of an
predeceased him a couple of years a• old •an:d well-known family, Mrs. Hare
' go. Surviving are t'»- a -sons, John old Bleekstone, before her marriage
of Toronto, George o!' Detroit, and Loma . Craig died on Friday after a
William at home, oleo four daughters, sornewwi t • lengthy illness, in middle
-;Mrs. T. D. Wren of Chiselhurst; Mrs life. ,Betides her husband, two sons;
'Chas, Green of Egmondville; Mrs. two sisters, four brothers. survive.
Tibbett, Bayfield and Olive at riots e. The fitmeral was held at St. George's
One brother, George C. Petty, of Hen. church in which Mrs. Blackburn was
still, and one sister, Miss Blanche pet- an active worker for many years.
ty, Toronto, also survive. Rev. M. A. iy^ Chapman Passes
Hunt of59
onducted St.Paul's
funeralgonaThursday, efts Mall ES.eafrnthaandoMount For-li$'' oner A.AW Lavers dfiaii`i rcpa t,
at 2 p.m. from the home. InSxrtztc�nt est,at which places he conducted; subJeer MIS
mitted the other day' to the board
'in `Exeter Cemetery, monument 'Works, died in G conducted;
of control. in December there• were
G6,619 on re]ief, an increase of 4,642
of over December 1937'. Costs to he
City in 1938 was $2,575,230. Govern -
BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL De:eivererl to eget the most morlere
way, with a WAYNB Conlyta ing Pump that autotiattically figuses the
amount of your purelosee Neese Pumas are used he all leading gas
stations in 'shade ands U. S. A.
HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION, Youe car is grew ed by attend-
ants that have had five, years of practical trod tc chnkt ,experience in
Detroit. We use the latest rho -lel air peessure gnaw gun using
seven different kinds of geease to lulvricale your (ar
EXPERT REPAIRING To all intakes of care at attract lith prices.
Special Prices on I3t'alces Helloed
Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c
Battery and '.rbc -sr chocked ancI wlndsrskelcl cleaned 'free. We aim
to please. When in Zurich take advantage of our modern rest afeeens.
Zurich's Up -to -Date Service Station and Giorage
C. Fritz Sur, .....••.i Cyr 1,ot in Connection
Use Bine Nada thrrl It (sees Fer Better Mileage
G001'aYh AH l r Ph0
+ ri' lv',l�r_', T3��'I l.ir'� i11'.+, r1'C%,I+:S`3f}Ti.II�:S. Phtatlti 'I8
x•: t's". 'mow.. _...�, ... , .. ..�,.�.w s r • .
es in Toronto and a daughter, Mrs.
H..Williams. of Goderich. She was
widely known, associated with her
husband in community and social air -
airs of Goderich for many years, her
husband having been itt the hard-
ware business for 45 years avid :s
nov; proprietor of a summer ho:,eL
Mrs, Lee was a daughter oi. Georne
and Agnes 'Middleton pioneer Hurott
County family. Ex -Sheriff Middle-
ton of ,Clinton, is a brother. The fun-
eral was held on Saturday with ser -
ices at St. George's Anglican church
and interment in Maitland Cemetery.'
Ned Service Station
A new service station is to be er-
ected in Exeter. Mr. P.osn Scztt, dis-
i-ibutor for 'Blue Sunoco was and oil
has purchased from Thos. coiiing-
wood the vacant lot en Main st.,sout'i
of Main Street church. A new serv-
ice station tha will be most nttract-
ive and up4i-dao will be ertected on
the !property shortie, Xis Scots also
purcl:ned an ada_tonal tot south 0
the Collirgwood property. With this
additional lot it wilt give ample space
.tor a ser -,ice t.tatioit.
Twics run Over
Because he was mistaken for a
blanket, Herb Doerr, Wall'rerton dis-
trict •farm hand, is fn .hoar:rtae with a
skirl-fraeeture, inter>sa.I freluries. and
bad*: bruisee, at'iffcrt whoa rte:... - S
twice :run over by the same auto -the
first time as he lay on he roa-t after
e fall, the second time whenthe riot
orist backed up to find out 3u:t Asha
it was he had run over. Police said
the motorist was Y. Cchenkel, of nertr'
Chepstow and that no change had be-
en preferred against him. According
to their investigation, Doerr sfipped;
and fell on the road two miles west
of Dunkeld, and was unable to regain,
his footing. ,Schenker, approaching
The use of intoxicants and tobacco:
are barred to school teachers who
teach in S.S. No. TO at Iitnarlsip.
nenar Woodstock. At the annual sch-
ooI meeting- recently action of a pre-
vious meeting which forbids the trus-
tees hiring a teacher who uses tob-
acco in any form, adding a new pro
visa governing the use of intoxicrrats.
I. resolution was also passed recom-
mending sineiJar action by ail school
loards and this will be sent to tap
annual meeting of Oxford Trustee:
and Ratepayers Association.
Toronto --Gross costs of relief in
1938 was $7,524,513, an increase of
Hospital aged 82 years. 54 years ago
he married .Elizabeth Trewartha,
COUNTY NEWS Ilarriston, who predeceased him nine
years. There are five children sure.
mental contributions were '4„t349',28'3
Ottawa -In the horoscope of the
months to conte there ale good omens
for business recovery. It is neither
the policy, practice nor purpose of
the ,bureau of state .tics to present
glowing pictures of future prosperity
:.tit t.eir investigations are through.
r.;td their interpretation of indictee
astonishingly accurate as a Mule.
Their present view is hopeful; Bus-
iness should be better fioni now on
The background is firm. Recentl v3
there were arresting factors.
A wi.;e oilen Sun;:kay could be de -
c: ^ ± v:it`ic. an; more legislation
than at present exists, according to
the opir'on of egal circles. While con-
troveree: y is raging back and forth
across the pvroselec over the suggest-
ion theatres might be allowed to open
and professional baseball permitted
on =Sundays, the legal view expressed:
is that the attorney -general could„
eVitho,..t further prosecutions under.
the Lord's i . -- , Act. A provision ha
:t'sa act is that the consent of .the at-
torney;geotral must •he .obtained be-
tore anya_i r osecutncl -for-
volations o� the an "'-S`ade of• any
kind of goods ons.Sunfry is':foo.".bidden
under the aot, with the exception, of
Where sales are permitted under pro-
vincial laws.
The main aim of the weekly news-
paper as the name implies, is to gives•
news of its own district. It may have.
other aims, such as to give the mer-
chants a chance to tell of their goode'
in its columns or to try to influence -
public opinion through its editikr-
ials; but first of all it must give the -
news. Some of this news is not easily
obtained and no editor can cover .it
all without assistance. Especially is
this true when you have visitors
Many of the ladies think that . per-
sonals are the most interesting read-
ing in the whole paper. Your visitors
are usually glad' to have their names
appear, so send • them. in. Sometimes
people come in and give the impres-
sion that they are asking a favor
when they want us to insert the
naives of their friends who have been
spending a few days with them. No
person need feel that way about "tier-
ing us news items: for we are indeed
glad to get them, a11.
Z ICH HERALD' t'i'ts
'listal,lish�rT 1900 1
lying. One sister in Ohio, also 12 The city paid $371,375 otct of cur- year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in
Dr. 'E. A. itm a alter, of Seafottli,, g S rent revenue,the :balances fund- arrears or 2.00 may be charged. U.
has et feed from a short trip to Here,graridehildren and two treat 'rand- od being y
nada, hildren, A funeral service was held s. ;1.691 in advance. No paper discon-
The. :Ministerial it..stenttien of" at Seeforth United Church with in-
M.rment at Hariston.
i( Wingham and district has pas ed a d `'
. resolution protesting :against any 1Opens Law Office
,weakening of the Lord'"; Day Act, I Vire 3. Kenneth Hunter, B. A:, has
Fell Down_Cellar ;Steps
• f u1 eeetl an office for the practice. tL
WHERE ARE WE .OIG ' tinned until all arrears are paid un -
The report of the Chevr;er Conn lass at option oI publisher. The dates•
mission is as valuable for its revert•- of which every Subscription is pails
tions as for its recommendations. The b
demisted on the Loire's
Province has been marching into debt ADVERTTSINO RATES
Mrs. Janie Orintnell tf Exeter liar} 1 saw .t,,t»' liazni}ton St., Goderich, in •the for highways at the rate of 617,0'00,- fessionsl Cards not exeeedinr
e.:to fall down cel- Am; At one time occupied by trio 0110 a year. and has accumulate'' rich- Ali inches. per year $5.00.
the mtsforturr
lac .step, at her horny the tether day autres exceeding 5200,000,000 with• in Memoriam, one verse 60c, k:>e'
rate ;bees) E. vi,'
Mr. Hunter oat provision for thein i. ui t for each additional badly shaken up. Dr, Dunlop was bees) in Goderich and attettd^ti q datrrarr. iIy verse; t"erd tsf`
gave" medica attention, 1970 at this rate the debt will six, i'lrhaaks, 50.
Their R. N. yho local, ,schools, In iik5 he grade
Secureate<} freitt the University ori' Wefitera $510,000,000. - 'Thus the happy -gr-' 'arrn or Real Estate for sale $`2.0o
1Mssew Reba M. ;Simmons and 3'hy whit the degree of lzachelox lucky tntbusiness methods of govern- for tint month, $1.041 fel. each fol -
Ills Bei.erling of Exeter and Miss )f arts and in 1938 he graduated meats proceed. It cannot be said' the1lo'wbig month.
Mary 't. Broadfaet of .13rucetiie1d, from Osgood Hall and received his situation was unrecognized by'those• Auction Sales ---$2.04) per single•
have been successful ,inm authority. Some year~ ago the " insertion If not over four hi
passingthef7 roll to the'bar ;of Ontario, He is theekes:Iso,,•
'xams. for nurse regha,+;ration in tate ion of the lute lir. A. C. liunter• well 1*eagi;sert govoNnznen�t announced a teal ter
Province of Ontario gas ann:rtlnccd reniembe ed as ci Iat°aetising hysie3ort plan to earmark 'revenue fretti motor Display eirivertis ng ma - romat
by Hon. II. ,T. Kirby, ase.'„ Minister cars Cot^ lnn;hways, but it doesn't itpr- _ application.
in Godertc1i.
of ellaltit. pear to crave stood up long enough to Miscellaneous articiee of not mot"
Busincess Change Mrs. C. C. Lee Suecumbs amount to anything Premier Hen- e than roars Im sa. 'For Elale, To Rent it
Miss (..M. Simpson, or ;;Aiteter. Mrs. C,l, C. Lee, wife of C. C. Lee I bunt said in his last ,btudl c,i. a isressI Wrant d. I•oat.'wound, etc.. One rose ,
'ha 'm' a. nuni'hc» or :PP -4 has cc;"- president 13ff the Bard erf Trade at , that rtinsce 1919^ when highways build i tion 255. 2 iris. 40c., Rina• 5i41e,
t'lueted a Beauty :Parlor in the Snell Clodc•rleh, died suddenly at her home, ing assumed its modern proportions, ddrona all r 40c,,itt, Inco Q
' Isi•�� clispoxe4 er' i ,r l"sitzess to l la: t Thtit'sclay of a heart attaelr, aged' revenue ,h,i•d failed short of 1t16etingj n. to.
.i1. , •very Pooley, ss ) + :t..,1: -,it,. ' I reedit t.ttle b +1R t.48.t)Q i
.. .... ?l ollII'r i:Vi . Pooley ;,"„ A istltr.:. t. ,11ICCllta,t�r i' a.'a4lt t Y ., Q.(ICr"}�
U ~~raid
s Qf fiC ".