HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-26, Page 1.4Se:a •-7,774:-• 4a, ed.44.0 gag ,04v4f9f..rgr,44.• 'Vat. XXXIX NO* ZURICH', T H DA Y M 0 , JANUARY 26, 1939 . • 4450 M.441.1?..K.W.A.103,$2131.tlY oaaanises eater L. Smith, Publialhag '15 a y,t,ltChr, U.S. $1,50 it Advatag Read the HOrile News: r ollow the 'Local Ads. HAIRDRESSINd THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING: SALON SPECIALS FOR SFR/NO Leta us 'quete you on Specials for Spring- and Summer Permanents, `that axes pleasing and satisfactory, -and will give you personality Hair- -dressing Salon on rear of store. For -appointments call us by pone 102 Zurich. RtSIMPIV,Sin.a.l.talvvvv.m111. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT.. A Changeless Christ. bar at Chang- ing Workil.."' /friday; 8h—Luther League. .7'hursda3r—Clioir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: IVa in. --German service. IL/6 a.m.—Sunday Selma 7.30 p.m. --English aervice.. Everybody Welcome te, all Services. E. TUERICHLEIM, Pastor. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PEOCES ZurEkrigg oproiviETRIsT at EXETE"#... •t Lenin's Ulnae EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday "SPAWN OF THE NORTH" Special Feature Starin GEORGE RAFT, JOHN BARRY - EXPORTS INCREASE ..;-.----"7""--------^----------a— Canadian apples oaported to ftlaa a. • ri is Market during the current; ':;e. • )2) ' season, up to October 12, a.mOunt,4:a to 500,080 barrels and 519,082 bassea;;'easase,......_..--„,,, and of 25 per cent, on barrels "‘a an increase of 52 pecent on noxe r Sa. •'1';'''''''4.3 ._ .. ...- 4,444ti.F.F-0,4 __ --, pzred with the corresponding period: of last season, Huron County •Council - MORE, DOROTHY LANIOUR .And all iStar Cast Mon., Tues., Wed. "PENITENTIARY" Seasons' Most Scorching BLAST OF THRILLS with. WALTER CONNOLLY, JOHN HOWARD, JEAN PARKER illifileaot,a011.010 .11MIII/a.3,...t•dislat•INIMIlanoolkmasas••10.1.0•11.1.11i DANCING! __- Lessons on Toe and Tap Dancing •will he „given at .the home of T. I -I! aley.ers, Zurich every Saturday after- noon, binning Saturday Jan. 14th. Anyone aiterested, phone 116, Zurich :Mrs. Russell Broderick, .Hensall. JEWS PAY UP Additional levies- on. German welth 4 -were uanngitle72d likely as finanse zmn- istry officialsindicated the first in ,s,:annaan'; .of a $409,000,000 fine on Jews failed, to xea} expectations.T'lle oiliCiala- were- Sleep :Cita - ---, ----:4, • .bELIIES ,saseat. Eke= *Very man. diplomat, Ernst V031 Ra.th, by a young Jew in Pasis could !be exacted WeeleaDay grFce:pt 'Wednesday. from German Sews on a 20% levY . For the first time since the days .Presided at .a short sitting of the of . Judge T. NI. Costello, of Goderich the highest honor hat can he the late &keit MoLean, back in 1908 4, held in :Tenth Division Court in Zurich Town municipal life within the lbounda of 1411, Menclay morning. Huron County has been ,be.stoweelee -'1..lIr, and Mrs. Alex. /1VIcConneIl of upon a resident of Goderich. The on4 1.-.41,4114 were Monday visitors with nasion was at the opening session OV,M.i', William Lamont and daughter Huron County :Council on Tuesday,';v1iss Jane. of last week when Reeve Robtat Andersen attended the Turner, of Goderich was elected War4' it ,irymen's Association convention at den of Huron for the year 1939. The, sonden last week, where he repres- other contestants for the chair werect the Zurch Creamery. Reeve C. Mawhinney, Stephen; O. a,4;kenTbers of Hay Council and Zur- Reeve .Janes Leiper, of Hullett.The • Council then became organize . and the various committees appointie One of the first items that eamel7 for discussion was the acceptancee,d the new equalization report, aviitO caused considerable heated argumit' "All we want is British Fair said Reeve TrewaxthM a of UW* who gave notice of a motion* that9, would seek to lay over the repo/4:14 a special or June session. "I can*, pass judgment on a intelligently net he aid. The Council passed a ,byIkel to set up police and air ports cominit tees of three members each,. the One az,paanHenryustees motored to Goderwhere they inter- - Owed regarding the proposed fire on Thursday • Edkins, of Hay Town- s t, p; east of the Village, had the foetune the other day while cut - wood in he ,busb to cut a nasty : in' his foot. Ti're Protection Area Meeting ii-elonday afternoon, Jan. 30th in •Zueielt Town Hail, immediatelV 4 tlie'Fire Insurance meeting has 1.)1'''•ed't public meeting will be held er intests of forming a definite al p;nokcition area in Hay Town- to-441Ch. all ratepayers of the 10• II hire urged to attend. Suit- e. ,j.:f111.5e,, pantigovn.,taxl.edetehirws 'Ills btheegitivxlmen "- 4.,tft.$* '.04W.€4.7tr, rabers have not been named. ReOga anization of county police went pace. About 16 officers are seed. 4fr jobs.. An Elgin County repo zo.ta 644,44; to compel, the municipality in ;,Ottiehr4 4 crime was conirnittadapay'ifie tan •sogasacrriedn, ;.f.seflet - .tzt,u.7 q)4D, =ran Co. Ratepaaega and •-• E CARNIVAL Txustees Assn $25, Salvation • Amay • " Reset° Home, London $250, Institut-, yowiy eVening, Januar 27th, is ion for Blind $150, Goderich, Clinton .tile:1),ig night at the Zurich Rink when Winghain and Seaforth hospitals ech.., the annual Carnival will be held. The 8700; Ont. Cons. Assn. $25; Womenslw*barman looks like ,cold and fay - Institutes each $25; Agric ren, office ctra ble which will bring one a large $500; Sr, extension. fund' $200'; each nanaber. of skaters as well as spect- school fair $15; Seafarth, Clinton eta*. •The Ring Management is off- Hensall spring shows $80; Henrange very attractive prizes all in seed show $35; each pl'ownian'S asso- aaslr,:fOr the winners of the various dation $80; Cen agr. office Toronto,' cla$tumes called for. See the Posters $50. . for al these costumes and get alidol- At the present a check up is being' led up for Friday evenings. Remember made of old age pensions by a special. Judging will start at 8.30 sharp. investigator, W. H. Archibald told Cb• Annual • Meeting :roeudhov.74,,,,,,,„...........twoueepussowitweermkgro~~~4404•04.44~,•!dumpa BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP 4'We wish to announce to aur Clientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight or escess- ive heat On your head. You are not connected to the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thi,rty seconds to three minutes tint. We are equipped to give you any permanent Your hair requires_ See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open.Evenings- Phone 159 for Appointments. = 41,t 1:0146024seike. 4e. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Cdar.. den Patch peas 1.7 -oz tin, 2 for :Pearl White Naptha Soap, 10 bars .- .. . --.....35c Connor's Chicken Haddie, 2 tins , . .27c :Bell City peas„, tender.and graded 17 -oz, 3 tins 25c Life Buoy Soap„ 2 cakes .,.. . I Sc Cocked Spaghetti, 2 tins . . - 19c Sabnon,fancy pink, halfs 2 tins 19c Royal rork coffee, 1 -"lb. tin . . . -3.7c It/shus jello powders, 3 pkgs. • Balites Cocoa. 1-31a. . . . .. . . . . . Blue Ril31)on tea, Mkor mixed, half -lb. pkg.....28c 13rootas, good wei,glat„ each .. ... McConnicks chocolate marshrnello cookies lb. 19c Get our prices or all winter wear, Swee.ter Coats, Underwear, 'Hosiery, etc., .Greatly • Reduced Prices - ' • jo 114= -=4* Phoile 140 iiteleivialovvvisatiVv**.***core uncil. There also was a lengthy arse cussion on remunerations to municip- al cerks for making out applications' The annus meeting of this Zurich the pay now varying. Standardization Agricullbural Society was liceld in the of Huron County Home for .1.. ige —J, M. Govenlock, inspect- Town Hall, Zunich on Friday after- 'lar the! noon, with a good attendance in fact better attended than in some And, was retired from office, owing peeviotta years. The Secretary Trees- -o advanced age. •Georae H. Elliott, seaveeden and mayor of Clinton', was, mar 11L E. F. Klopp gave a very good report -of past e7e.ar's activitiee. eppointed to the office which carries. a salary of $250 a year.—County, treasurY is in a very healthy con - d tion with over $600.00 on hand, read appropriation this year is $1.10',- 000, the same as last year, . I,. vhielOs indeed commendable. The fair dates for 1939 were set as Mon- day and Tuesday, September 25th and 26th. The reorganization result- ed as follows: Peesident,. Win. Decker To Reorganize Police A real housecleaning was made in the police department when it petit- ioned the atorney-general by motion 1st vice pres., Fred Haberea; 2nd vice enspend all county conetables but! Pros. Socy-Treae, "F, three, The three renined es, salary ; Klapp; Directeers,, e„ Geiger, Alf Pfaff :are: John Ferguson, Goderich, salary M. Rader, M. Sinith, H. Truemner, J. $1,200 per yr. and $300 car allow- Battler, T. limayors-, A. Weber. The enthusiasm XO,V. Et• 4Ettutver 1539 fair is in. full swinge 1-11.1110..N.S NEW WARDEN Robert'. Teatime Reeve of Gode- rich, who; was elected Warden of Huron County,- at the opening session went on record as disapproving of any of the County Council on Tuesday changes in the Lord's Day Act. afternosnt Past week is the only reeve:of ,q,oxttuich to enjoy that hon- or in thirty years. He has had a long experience in municipal life having been faa tour:teen years a member of the town council o. Godorich, ten of which he has been a wember of Huron .County council. Warden Tur- ner. was born in Stanley Township on the Blue Water Highway six miles: south Qt Hayfield, 54 r ars ago, a son of Robert W. Teener, now oil Port Elgin and the ate Mrs. Tinner, whose death OCCUrretk last .Septerabere lle has lived in GoderIch for 31 years toed lea. valued megoaoyee of the, Veete ern 'Canada Flew Mills. He is a member of St. George's Anglican cl,or,hand of Lodges A.P. and A,M. also Goderich. rie.is marri- eil, his *et) being formerly Miss Mabel Newcornbe. of Gotlerich. They hare three • children. Harold( 23; Madge 21'; 'and Roy, r$. Mrs. George Cataahell of Stanley, and Mrs. Gil - ;Asa Frackleton of Port are tpAers; Wii1ny turner, WindsqN , ,Tohn Turnet,• Stanley, and Fred Tty,. Gedert0.11 twe brothers. ance; Constable A. Jennings,. God- eaich $1,000 per yr. and $300 car al. John Pease Bayfield $400 per yr. no car allowance, only part-time. Pos- sibly a few other constables will be appointed to be stationed at other points in the eattntv.—The 'Conneil ,ounmenapkixtertoretwommounnamtemsattainifittiteattim, • ANNUAL Insurance Meeting The 64th Annual Meeting of the • Palicyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will • be held in the TOWN HALL - ZURICH On MONDAY, JANUARY Seth, 1939 At Two o'clock. pan. I3USINESS 1—Recetving Reports of the Ismi- • dent, Seceetary-Treasurer and .Atid- item. 2--Mection of Directors and Audit- ors. 8 --The Diecuseion of other matters in the interest of the Company. John Arrnstrtmg, Presidna. 01 Herbert, Ka Eilber flen'atarY. OPTICAL REPAIR SERVICE Have filled the requirements with the Board of Examiners in Optometry in Ontaro. Am in a position to give you' quick Service on repairing Spectacles, duplicating- Broken Lenses, filling of Specialist( prescriions. A G. HESS JEWEIL.E.R AND OPTICIAN For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Se/net-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. GTert Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farins Milling Cog Feeds, W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fot, .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hens 'Itirft,t,, If+ 1.******ele*•-••••••**.en...n . n • attrurfe0,,,t6.1"71r "N"' " • 44 At. • • • • • • • • • 0' * 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Limit time • • • ada:s.: Leading • • • • • • °Tea teal a • co 0:1 .95 1 AND: Extra T !e4, 2t95 sers Take Advantage of thiS• Free Pant Sale only --Tailored ti Measure by Can - Tailors ---Special R.ec1,-zst;on on all GOods. 0111 4. tits • 444,-4144,40e0000040'e*.cw,444t,„:4,r.44.144,040,4.41:44,4,-;',.:4,a)t144.14-4,;:t•t'.4G•44•‹.-4•4,,:.44.34,4):4.)-4,-..,^.. EI‘IDALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ..".10,00,11,••••••••* ettgataaaataillatest, IVO uitt.thA •=ralt=r4Mr' 'airkuM3F. EARLY SPRING GIPO We have all the Staple Lines Found in a Country Store: Comfort Chintz and Bats, Prints, Broad- cloths, Silk and woo Hose, Silk Hose, Men's Socks, Gloves and. Caps, Overalls, Smocks, sweat- ers and sweater Coats, Aprons, (Housedresses at reduced prices)... Rubbers, Rubber Boots. Hudwale, Ready Mixed Paints and Harness Repairs. • Fresh Groceries Always on Hand Ro 1V DC)LiVLA"?* ) GENERAL PHONE 11 97 4., au araaretWa.olaallt lar 13 1. A KE =,00.4144. • a" 444.- Saes .4 a .4