HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-19, Page 8ea.GE EIGEIT THET,yy.4l =`lfBt':c`4,'R 5 ,{.+•111- THE STOCK �.w Ma � �,�1�.Y .: t k l: 1{. � T� t u.n..mncagvr411.r.....R...,.....dune-.w+.'^v.oral.,w..w'-n,w.u....+rwv.+an..r..120.rwuww u.u+ °S.• +.11,, '°""*'a"" We have a 1R. ' c s . ;,ks of Winter Goods en hand owl : er 11 , e (,=ncdition';, and are oil i ring sar'ac a. AAnrn-.- Also many lines of Spring Glee.; ' ?Flees. A Sale here is always a Real Money Saving Event. DO NOT MESS THIS ONE! From: .141!=:NU::` RY 21st, To FEBRUARY 4th Here are only a few of the Many Special Prices: t laAa FlFlannelette7�Blankets, pr. I.79 1 lb. Batts 72x90 at 55c Fine all wool Serves, 54 -in. wide yd. 98c Martha Washington House Dressec, reg. 1.98 for L25 ne,e •in,'r Yarn, blk. only, quarter -lb. 25c F Men's Sweaters at each 98c Men's her ehide Coats, Fur collar, at each 12.00 Men's 8 -oz. Redhack Overalls at 1.65 Everything in Men's Women's and Children's Underwear at Big Reductions. A lot of Men's all wool Windbreakers that must go regardless of price See large posters for more particulars. GROCERIES A list of extra Special Values in Groceries for this Sale. Come and see! PRODUCE WANTED r1 SON PHONE 59 ZURICH HERAI II III N I iI 1111101[011r. L1W:6LL11, i 1111 11111011 . Erie Debentures 1, CAIADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.60.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for .1. and 2 Years 31 % per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 3?2 c per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich r Dried Peaches, per lb. Vanilla, 8 oz. jugs, each Minute Tapioca (with tumbler) per pkg. Dates with pints, 4 lbs. Corn meal, per lb, Tapioca, 3 lbs. Salmon, Hawser brant?, large can Rice, per lb. no Oesch EGGS WANTED. N NI III I NNIINIIINIltIti N 3 =a" 15c 15c 15c i:A 25c 5c 25c 10c 5c uricd . P�Ao-ae i't .5 '•i�isi��_lil�..;t.a,�;u;i(',41({lilll!il!��HI ' :1>ILI' ylEll(t1�f1:!=�`'' f E MS OF LOCAL i TERES Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp were re- cau visitors with friends at Elmira. Mr. Earl and sister Miss Inez Eggs, dozen. YungUlut and Mrs. R. F. Stade spent Live hens• ll• LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 24 Butter, creamery 25 16, 14 8-11 9-13 16 14 91 56 28 40 40 2.00-2.80 20.00 50 8.001 the week -end in Detroit. A cold wave is being ushered in this part of Canada. To -day, Wed- nesday, that raw east wind is very chilly and. penetrating. Dr. W. D. Bryce Was at Hensall one evening recently were he address - the Women's Institute on a talk "Care of Your Teeth.' Chickens, live Ducks dressed Geese dressed Turkeys dressed Wheat, bushel 18, Oats bushel Barley, bush. Buckwheat, bush I+lour, cwt. Bran and shorts, ton demic which was quite potatoes per bag The Fever epi i prevalent a few weeks ago, is now Hogs, cwt. I well under control by the authorities, • land it is to be hoped no fresh cases 1 " "" will break out this winter. As the clays get longer and the I jJarnyard hen has more time to be on I t efore Mag. Hawkshaw in pollee art { the job, she increases the ounce of at Exeter, Friday last and was con hen's fruit, and as a consequence the v melted of driving a motor car while price of eggs has dropped consider- , intoxicated. He was sentenced to 14 ably. I days in the county goal at Goderich; Miss Jemima Johnston returned to his driver's license was susupended her home in Zurich on Sunday after and his car impounded. Crown Attor spending several weeks with her sis- ney D. Holmes acted for the prosec- ter, Mrs. Robt. Drysdale, of Sandusky ution and Mr. Bell of Seaforth, act-. Mich. Mr. Drysdale and daughter, ed for the defendant. • ;velen, accomnpan.ied Miss Johnston I a _� on her trip home. In Police Court J. E. Johnston al Clinton, appeared 4. 11,41001w HARDWARE 4 - SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR WUTBR Hardware YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Pleating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS as 2 6 • w 0 e • • Plumbing, , Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our 9 Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al - el ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- W resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. 8 RF,D,PERTER KEEPS WARMMr. and Mrs. Pearce and family of I lllyth, Mr. Clarence Brenner of Hen- Toronto - Cold weather had no sail, Mrs. Wahl and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Loranee Cook, Mrs. Floyd Cook, and Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kit- chener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Airs. John ti-renner. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Steckle, •of the Bronson, Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swartzentruber; Mfr. D. Sinith and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of town were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Ivirs. Rudy Swartz- entruber, and M. and Mrs. Sol tech- ler, Bronson line. During the recent miler weather, Mr. C. 0. Smith, just south of St. Joseph saw a good sized garter snake crawl- ing out of the ground besides a fence post, however, when he saw Mr. Smith he quickly backed up down the hole, where it was not alone just wr, rmer, but also safer. MAKE FIVE BROADCASTS SEEDS! SEEDS! • We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. COAL AND COKE • terrors for a North Toronto tarn:ace man who rambles about his duties on the coldest days without even over- coat or mitts. And he says he doesn't need them. His secret of keeping Warm is to put red pepper in his shoes. That looks atter warmth of his '.feet. For internal comfort, he swallows home-made pellets of red pepper rubbed into bread crumbs. Thursday, .lariuitk'y 19th, 193'+$. re 4k rY7+' YOUR WINTER REQUIREMENT We Always Corry a Fill Line of they Blest. of both Shelf and H^leavv Stable Hardware; Stove's. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Lets Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Patsies 4. FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest , in Furniture at Very Reasonabi e Prices, quality Cow.- ,. sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress;, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc.. 1 Annual Meeting On Wednesday evening Jan. 13th, the Bethany Sisters S.S. class of. _the 1_-'vnngelical church, with their husb- :.1ri,i.i met at the beautiful hone of their president, 1VIrs. J. Hey, for a social evening and re-oegaiiizatioil Mr. Hey in a few chosen words wel- comed all to their home. i'.lrs. Hey then took the chair end opened the evening's program with sinsing sever- al hymns, followed with prayer by Ring George will give five radio the teacher, Mr. A. Vocal broadcasts while in Canada, which and instrumental duets were given by will be heard over the Canadian Bro- I Miss Margaret Hey and Mr. George adcasting Corporation network and Coz. which was much enjoyed by all. over some U. S. chins. The speeches will be delivered in Quebec City, Ot- tawa, Victoria, Winnipeg. While in Winnipeg, a feature of the visit of Their Majesties will be the King" sp- ecd empire -wide broadcast, this bro- adcast will likely be made from the royal train. ONTARIO RELIEF SLIGHTLY USED• FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser, we have a 40 Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Etc. Be sure and look these over. Jo.nstoii Hardware & Furniture.z hone 6 •4, -; • s.++1.' '+iz+` .2.+ k+k i 4.4.4.ik+4•+t•4+> * 4,+3^+,4-1+4 +;•4.+y4+ 4.+b• s 4"f"e"h' +444 +++++:::+4-4i-+++++++++++++++ >o +++++++++++++++++++++44+44 4 9 Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the I most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let 1 us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • • 0 0 & until March 31 " 1VIr. I3 cic +ti said I person all rehired to hear respective QUA,I.ITY PRICE �- SERVICE rhe tc.rrn now coincides vvatlr. Mrs. Win. O'Brien entertained all present with a reading on gossip. Short addresses were given by the pasor, Rev. Heckendorn and the ea - cher, A. 111elick. Rev. Ileckendorr then took the chair and conducted the business. Mrs. J. Ehlers, conven- or of the Sympathy and Service Com. reported 168 sick visits during the yr. 61 treats to shutins, 20 sympathy Hon. Eric Cross, minister of pub elle ch4with0 uflonversquets o osick;8 Sunclayr lic welfare and municpal affairs, at during the yr; and also sent sprays Toronto, declared in a statement that of flowers to bereaved fern -rites. 40 of Ontario's Municipalites are re -'rhe Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Hoffman sponssble for 80 per cent. of the pro- reported loss of four members by vine's relief costs. Reviewing the death: Mrs. A. Meli.ck, Mrs. A. Geg 1038 relief situation, the statement ger, Mrs. 14. Lirpphardt, Mrs. S. Jac - ;aid $21,500,000 was spent for direct obe; one member, Mrs. E. Burn mov- aicl, of which nearly $10,000,000 Ing away; members on roll 24. came directly from the provincial tr- Mrs. O'Brien, Treasurer, reported easury. Cost of relief last year was offering from class for S.S. reported $31.56; lower than in any year since 1932. I Special Class offering $7.97. Reor- ganization then took place which re - I suited as follows: Pres., Mrs. J. Hey J.. P. Bickell, issuer of motor liven- tVice-pres, Mrs. J. Geiger; Secy, Mrs. :es for Ontario, said that present lic- Wm. Hoffman; Asst. Sec., Mrs. ,S. Lim 2nse plates are good until March 31,1 merman; Treas., Mrs. Wm. O'Brien 1039, end of the government's fiscal After the election the ladies entered year. Under legislation passed at the into a very interesting contest, and :ast session of the legislature, the mo- , while lunch was being prepared by :or license, year was changed, effect- the social committee the husbands ive in 1939, to correspond with the entertained the ladies with a male qu- government fiscal year. In previous artette and several male choruses, year's, licenses were good from Jan, after !which all sat down to a very el - 1 to Dec. 31. "All motor ve.'dcie lie-` aborate bunch served by the social �.n ne r i r • in the <tisfv a (inns and driving permits are valid commithce Afters g +i. 4• TRY CE I!�' w T `q ;.x t also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, SWEET GOODS. PIES, ad All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE' CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eel's Bakery Zurich Telephone 100 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1IIU11111111111111111111111,iiI1Nii1III11111011111U111111111ICIIII41111111i11191111111111111151116i1III'i;ilii1111111111111111llliIIIIIIN1111ill ,IIII19111111111U 11111111111111111111111111n11111 illifiiifi111111111111111111111111111111111110 "' 11the homes i+„ '^ung for mora social gath- 011010411106404066. fiscal year." + erings of this nature, THF.SE PRICES scebj to change without Notice Pai-xiing Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 Rerirmning Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c ESS the Repair Man 1111111IIIti1111itllllillillJ111(lir!itllniuminillitmiliilllllifi!!11111111Illlllll�lll!1111111!ilillititiilllil@iClflli!91111111l1Lh;llii: ti{!�IIHIIIL,,illliflllilllllelliililllll611lllllllllllllllllllll illllll{Illlllllft. Ed MASSEY4IARRIB NBWS GENUINE M. -H. PARTS work best on M. -H. Im- plements... Mower and Binder Knives ground while you wait with carbarundum equipment. Guaranteed Batteries at $4.49 1% year battery guarantee 6.85 2 year battery guarantee 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed .440-21 tires at .....+.. 5.85 Visit the East End Service Station for City Serv- ice eryice at Zurich prices. Cars and trucks properly, greased with latest hydralic equipment. GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS g